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ICSE Class X Prelims 2021 : Biology (Sudarshan Vidya Mandir ICSE Academy, Bangalore)

8 pages, 104 questions, 50 questions with responses, 53 total responses,    2    0
Chiranth S
Baldwin Boys' High School (BBHS), Bangalore
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GRADE: 10 DATE: 11/12/20 SUDARSHAN VIDYA MANDIR (ICSE ACADEMY) 1ST PREPARATORY EXAMINATION- 2020-21 SCIENCE PAPER-3 BIOLOGY MAX MARKS: 80 TIME: 2 HOURS INSTRUCTIONS Answer to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answer. Section I is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Section II. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ] ____________________________________________________________ Only answers to be written with correct question number. Do not copy the questions SECTION-I (40 MARKS) (ATTEMPT ALL QUESTIONS FROM THIS SECTION) QUESTION 1 (a) Name the following: (5) (i) The initiators of blood clotting. (ii) The organ where urea is formed. (iii) The number of spinal nerves in man. (iv) The disease caused due to under secretion of thyroxine in children. (v) The colour in which the rate of photosynthesis is minimum. (b) Choose the ODD term in each of the following sets. Also state the category the other three terms belong to: (5) (i) Iris, Cones, Ciliary body, Melanin pigments. (ii) Presbyopia, Astigmatism. Night blindness, Myopia. (iii) Thymine, Guanine, Pepsin, Adenine. (iv) Blinking, Coughing, Swallowing, Applying hand breaks. (v) Transportation, Defence, Drainage, Absorption. (c) State the main function of the following: (i) Centrosome. 1 (5) (ii) Eustachian tube. (iii) Medulla oblongata. (iv) Chordae tendinae. (v) Oxytocin. (d) State if the following statements are True or False. If False, rewrite the statements by changing only the last word: (5) (i) Nitrogenous wastes are produced due to the breakdown of Fats. (ii) The wall of the guard cells towards the stoma is thin. (iii) Leaves wilt in the afternoon due to Exosmosis. (iv) White matter in a Nerve cell consists of Cytons. (v) Deafness is caused due to the rupture of the Pinna. (e) Given below are sets of five terms each. Rewrite the terms in the correct order to be in a logical sequence. (5) (i) Cochlea, Malleus, Pinna, Stapes, Tympanum. (ii) Fibrin, Platelets, Thromboplastin, Fibrinogen, Thrombin. (iii) Spongy cells, Upper epidermis, Stoma, Palisade tissue, Substomatal space. (iv) Root hair cell, Endodermis, Soil water, Cortex, Xylem. (v) Karyokinesis, G2, S, Cytokinesis, G1. (f) Choose the correct answer from each of the four options given below: (5) (i) Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of the Red Blood Cell? (1) Spongy (3) Biconcave (2) Biconvex (4) Enucleate (ii) There will be more sugar in the blood of a human being _____. (1) First thing in the morning (3) Just before a meal (2) Midway between two meals (4) Soon after a meal (iii) During cell division, in an apical meristem, the nuclear membrane reappears in _______ (1) Metaphase (3) Telophase (2) Cytokinesis (4) Anaphase 2 (iv) Hormonal diseases may also be called as ______ diseases. (1) Functional (3) Deficiency (2) Infectious (d) All of these (v) ACTH stimulates the production of __________. (1) Glucocorticoids (3) Thyroxine (2) Gonadotropins (4) Adrenaline (g) State the exact location of the following: (i) Lenticels. (ii) Kidneys. (iii) Centromere. (iv) Pituitary gland. (v) Pulmonary semilunar valve. (5) (h) Fill in the blanks: (i) The smallest bone in the human body is the _________. (ii) The command for the heart beat starts from the________. (iii) An antiseptic present in the tears is _______. (iv) The waxy layer on the epidermis of a leaf which helps to reduce transpiration is the ___________. (v) The oozing out of watery sap from the injured part of a plant is called_____________. (5) SECTION-II (40 MARKS) (ATTEMPT ANY FOUR QUESTIONS FROM THIS SECTION) QUESTION 2 (A)Look at the diagram of a kidney given below. Study the same and answer the questions that follow. (5) (i) Why does 1 have a dotted appearance? (ii) Name the fluid that passes down 2 . 3 (iii) Name the two steps involved in the formation of the fluid mentioned in i . (iv) What is the structural and functional unit of the organ shown in the figure? (v) Draw a neat and labelled diagram of a Malpighian capsule . (B) Differentiate between: (i) Light and Dark reaction (Place of occurrence) (ii) Turgor pressure and Wall Pressure (Definition) (iii) Afferent nerve and Efferent nerve (Direction of impulse carried) (iv) Tonoplast and Plasma membrane (Location) (v) Myopia and Hyperopia (Condition of eyeball) QUESTION 3 (A)Study the diagram given below and answer the questions that follow: (5) (i) Name the cells of the pancreas that produce (a) glucagon and (b) insulin. (ii) State the main function of (1) glucagon and (2) insulin. (iii) Why is pancreas referred to as an exo-endocrine gland? (iv) Why is insulin not given orally but injected into the body? (v) Give the technical term for the cells of the pancreas that produce endocrine hormones. (vi) Where in the body is the pancreas located? (B) (i) Draw a neat diagram of a plant cell with the organelles which are not present in an animal cell and label them. (ii) Expand the following(a) ATP (b) FSH 4 (iii) Name the two events that occur during light-independent reaction. (iv) Why should plants be de-starched before starting an experiment on photosynthesis? (5) QUESTION 4 (A) The diagram represents a layer of the epidermal cell showing a fully grown root hair. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow: (5) (i) Name the part labelled C and D . (ii) The root hair cell is in a turgid state. Name and explain the process that caused this state. (iii) Mention one distant difference between parts labelled A and B . (iv) Describe any two characteristics of the root hair for absorbing water. (v) Draw a diagram of the above root hair cell as it would appear when a concentrated solution of fertilizer is added near it. (B) Give reasons for the following: (i)Pituitary gland is also called as the master gland . (ii) In some xerophytes, leaves are modified into spines. (iii) Injury to medulla oblongata leads to death. (iv) Urine is slightly thicker in summer than in winter. (v) People living in hilly regions suffer from simple goitre. (5) QUESTION 5 (A)(i) Draw a neat and labelled diagram of a chloroplast. (ii) Name the physiological process the above organ helps in. (iii) Represent the process named in (ii) in the form of a chemical equation. 5 (iv) What is the source of oxygen released in the above equation? (v) Describe any two adaptations of a leaf to perform the process named in (ii). (5) (B) Define the following terms: (i) Pulse. (ii) Hormones. (iii) Guttation. (iv) Haematuria. (v) Reflex action. (5) QUESTION 6 (A)The figure given below represents an experimental set up with a weighing machine to demonstrate a particular set up. The set up was placed in bright sunlight. Study the diagram and answer the following questions: (5) (i)Name the process intended for study. (ii) Define the process mentioned above. (iii) When the weight of the test tube (A and B) is taken before and after the experiment, what will be the observation? Give reasons to justify your answer. (iv) What is the purpose of keeping the test tube B in the experimental set up? (v) Describe any two external factors which affect the process named in (i). (B) (1) Give the Biological/Technical terms of the following: (i)The number of chromosomes present in a nerve cell of a human being. (ii) The tendency of water molecules to remain joined to one another. 6 (iii) The chest pain caused due to the insufficient supply of blood to the heart muscles. (iv) The pigment which gives yellow colour to the urine. (v) The disorder caused due to deficiency of ADH . (2) Copy and complete the following by filling in the blanks (i) to (v) with appropriate words/terms/phrases. To test the leaf for starch, the leaf is boiled in water to -------(i). It is next boiled in methylated spirit to -------(ii). The leaf is placed in warm water to soften it. It is then placed in a dish and ------- (iii) solution is added. The region, which contains, starch, turns -------(iv) and the region, which does not contain starch, turns -------(v). (5) QUESTION 7 (A)The diagram given below represents a section of the human heart. Answer the questions that follow: (5) (i)Which part of the heart is in the diastolic phase? Give a reason to support your answer. (ii) Label the parts 1 and 2 in the diagram. (iii) What type of blood flows through 1 and 2 ? (iv) Name the blood vessel that supplies oxygenated blood to the heart muscles. (v) Draw a neat and labelled diagram of an artery and a vein . (B) With reference to the functioning of the eye, answer the questions that follow: (5) (i) What is the shape of the lens during (1) near vision, (2) distant vision? (ii) Name the two structures in the eye responsible for bringing about the change in the shape of the lens. 7 (iii) Name the sensory cells of the retina. (iv) Why does one feel blinded for a short time while coming out of a dark room? (v) Give one function each of the two chambers of the eye. (vi) Which part of the eye is grafted in a needy patient from a donated eye? ******************** The scanned copy of the answer scripts have to be mailed in PDF format to the following mail IDs. 10A 10B 10C And also to Please mention in the SUBJECT LINE of the e-mail the following: Grade, section, subject, name Eg. 10A English language, Shreya 8

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