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ICSE Prelims 2018 : Biology (Kimmins High School, Panchgani)

9 pages, 109 questions, 104 questions with responses, 176 total responses,    1    0
Kimmins High School, Panchgani
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rL N DT- Bt0LOFY_ STD-X MARI(S -80 EI 1l The t:ell body of a rrerve cell. 2) The irormone needed during parturition. rl)l Tlre oh'ysical expression of genes in an incrivicJuar. 4] l(not like nrass of bloocl capillaries inside the bowrnan ,s c.rpsulr-. sl The :;tructure wher dark reaction of photosynthesis takes prace, 'I B ATE THE NOFTH 5l 1l Chloroplast 2l lncu:; 3l Corpus callosum .l 4l Guard cells ,.1 "i sl Pulmona ry semilunar valve. BE AN WHICH THE NAME THE TERM S ANN EE BE GORY TO BE NG.I THE 1l Chloroplast,plasticl ,Cell wall ,Cerrtriole PED AC THE SAME CATEG FY THE ODD MAIN SET ONE IN EAC q THREE BELONG. 2) Cretinism, Myxoedema,Simple goiter,Acromegaiy 3l Sneezlng , Coughing ,Blinl<ing ,Typing .1 i.i rl ii 4) Semi circular canals Cochlea,Tympanurn,Utriculus sl Eryth rocytes, Lym p hocyte,Th rom bocytes, Leucocytes .l CORRECT AN D CH ROM THE OPTIONS BELOW hi.i EI lfiitq' I 1l The cell component visible only during cell division: I Al Mitochondria Bl chloroplast cl chromosomes Dl Chromatin 2l Pulse wave is mainly caused by the Al Systole of atria Bl Diastole of : A atria / sdil,- 3] The recessive gene is one that expresses itself in d4 [^Jl- /+ ffi:vA D] : Al Heterozygous condition Bl Homozygous condition Cl F2 generation Dl ylinked ,iiL i HlMlir'. iffi{tr'r 4t i 4l A giand wlrich secretes both enzymes and hormorre is the : Al Pituitary gland Bl Pancreas Cl Thyroid Dl Aclrena! 5l A prokaryotic cell is Al Nerve cell : BlNephron Cl Erythrocyte Dl Leucocytes El MATCH THE IrEMS tN coLUMN a wtrH THAT wHlcH ts Mosr APPROPRIATE IN COLUMN B, REWRITE THE MATCHING PAIR : tsl COLUMN A Ll Testes Poliomyelitis 3l Transpiration of bl_o_od 5l Uriniferous tubule 2) !|Ilglllg coluMN B Al Kidney 6 Bl Water vapour C] II9L- Dl Gonad \ El Calcium Il rns _ Gl Salk \ \ ) FI GIVE TH[- FUNCTION OF THE FOLLOWING : lsl Ll Neul rophils 2l Uret:r 3] I\eu r otransrn itter-s 4l lris of the cye 5j Place:nta r{i*. G] THE FIGURE GIVEN BELOW REPRESENTS AN EXPERIMENT TO DEMONSTRATE A PARTICULAR ASPECT OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS .THE ALPHBET ,A, REPRESENTS A CERTAIN CONDITION INSIDE THE FLASI(" isl I - li/il ,trEftltti, r,!til.ri ]i I 1l What is tlre airr of the expcrirnent ? 2l ldentify the special condition insicle the flask. 3] Name an alternative chernicalthat can be used insteacJ of l(cH. 4] ln what manner do the'leaves 1 and 2 differ at the end of t[te starch test ? H] GIVEN BELOW ARE THE GROUPS OF TERMS.IN EACH GROUP ARRANGE AND REWRITE THE TERMS IN CORRECT ORDER SO AS TO BE IN A LOGICAL sEquENcE. lsl 1l lmplantation,Fertilization,Parturition,Gestation,ffii fl 21 Spinal cord ,Motor neuron , Recepton ,Effector ,Sensory neuron ffin 3l Spongy cells,U pper epidermis,Stonra,Falisade tissue,Su b:,tonratal space ri lj ii i 4] Metaphase,Telophase,Prophase,Anaphase,Cytokinesis ,i i#lfulm, rHlirt' ri 5] Aorta ,Vena CaVa ,Pulmonary artery ,Puimonary veins ,Arteries ,Organ I SECTION II i, I 1l QUESTION 2 a) -, Given below is a diagram of t Studv the same and answer the question that follow: ''li l,Li rl:rlifiu, i)Label the parts numbered 1 to 4 of the diagram. ii)State the fLrnctions of the parts labelled L and 3" iii)What is the significance of the testes being located in the scrotal sac outside the abdomen? iv)What is the role played by the inguinal canal? v)What is senren? iffiiir b) Given the bioloeicql/ technical terms for the.followine: i) Chemicals found in the blood which act against antigents. ii) A constituent that causes pollution. iii)The onset of menstruation in a young girl iv) StrLrcture which connects the placenta with the foetus. v) The fluid present between layers of meninges. Xi i,.r{llit, vi) Permanently open structures seen on the bark of an old woody:;tem. vii) The biological process which is the starting point of the foocl ch.rin. viii) The change in an organism resulting due to stimulus. ix) An Antiseptic substance present in tears. x) A solution in which the relative concentration of water molecule:; and the solute on either side of the cell membrane is the same. .i!l'l' A OF THE HU CTI AND LABE E PARTS DE ITNANE REIATING TO T 1l Photosensitive layer of the eye. NEY H AS SEEN IN THE FOLI. VER ING 2l structrrre which is responsible for holding the eye lenss in its positior. 3l structure which nr.rirrtains the shape of the eye bari arrd trrc area of no vision 4] Anterior chamber seen in front of the eye lens, 5l outer most transparent layer seen in the front of the eye ball. . ,j ,i,l lii'i' DIFF EE 1l Photolysis and pfrotophosprroryration IDefinitio.l 2l BicLrspid valve arrd Tricuspid IFunction] 3]Va,rectorny ancl Tubecl orly IExplain] 4l Cerebrunr and Spinal cord [Arrangement of nerve cells] 5l Bowman's capsule ancl Malpighian capsule Iparts includeci] W ERIMENT ON SWE EN HOWING M AP TSH L,S FLOWERS W ROUND SEED IAARR] AND TERMINAL FLOWERS WITH WRINKLED SEEP [UU,.'I .STUDY THE SAME AND ANSWER THE QUESTISTIS THAT FOLLOWJ tsl ,rihi' Parent ,/\ /'/ Gametes->AR t ,.1 t,E:&J! Tenninal Wrinkk:d Axial Round AARR aa \. AR rI 1r 1l Give the phenotype of F1 progeny' by the self 2l Give the phenotype of F2 progeny produced upon pollination of Fl- ProgenY 3l Give the phenotypic ratio of F2 progeny' of the 4l Name and explain the law induced by Mendel on the basis i |lfi' i above observation. GLAND l"f rli SECRETION FUNC.TION \EFFECT Vasopressin i Promotes glucose utilization by the bodY ce ll Lacrimal glancl Adrenal Medulla {t*t* QUESTION 5 AITHE DIAGRAM GIVEN BELOW REPRESENTS THE HUMAN HEART IN ONE THE PHASE OF ITS FUNCTIONAL ACTIVITIES. STUDY THE SAME AND ANSWER QUESTIONS THAT FOLLOWS: ,:{i il ,uilliulLi4l!+tl- li , tsl .l"l Name the phase. 2l Label the parts 1,2 ancj 3 \nitrir-h 1:ari. of the heart rs contracting in this phasc ?Givc a reason to support yoLlr answer. --:l 4'1 Dravt well labelle rl diagranr s of ltart differences betwcerr thern. BI ctvE rllE 1l lhe r,vall of the ventricle ji, ,ll fhroat -i] l ancj 2 to slrouy tlrc:;trucLural TH is tlricl<er than the OLL au tsl ricles. rrifrr_tions can leacl 1o r:ar irrfections" I-he irand autr:nraticaily srrows the crirection to turn a cyclc withor-rt tlrinking. zil Wooden frarnes of clor:rs get jarnmed rJuring the rlonsoo n --ic.rson. 5lwe f,:el the heart is on thr: left side. QUESTION 6 orv SOLUTION:l5l - Draw a well labellecl diagrarl of the epidermal cell as it woulcl appear after irnmersion in a strong sugar solLrtion. 1-l 2l What scientific terrr is usecl for the changes as shown in Iilabove? 3l What shor,rlcl be cJone to restore the cell back to its originalconclition ? a result of thel step 4] Give the scientific term for the recoverY of the cell as tal<en in Iiiii above. 5] Define the term osr-trosis' 2l Cytokinesis in Plant cell t I 3l Guttation 4l Diabetes insiPidt-ts 5l Disinfectants QUESTION 7 ANSWER THE A1 STUDY THE FOLLOWING..DIAGRAM CAREFULLY.AND THEN [51 QUESTIONS.THAT FoLLoWi l, ,, _,1 I - lt tl ii tl {t {\ l', li I I fllni' 1l Name the cell labelled 1 . 2l lclentify the phenomenon occurring in A 3] Mention two structural differences between 1 and 2' llli 4] Name the process occuring in B and C and state the importance of this process in the human bodY. .i llltitulir Huitlt,t' 'l!ll l El[XPl\ND_"THE FOLLOWING BIOLOGICAL ABBREVTATTONS: [3] 1l ATP 2l NADP .i,l ]r , 3l DNA * + +* * * * ** * * * * ** *ALL ++ *TH E ++ * BEST + * * r< * * + ** ++ *++* * * + ** *,

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