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ICSE Prelims 2018 : Chemistry (Kimmins High School, Panchgani)

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Kimmins High School, Panchgani
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cHEMlsulygrflag.l$_:8.0 Dr"" .-__ SECIGN LlArrEMPr ALL QU QUEST|OJy_ 1 (a)Choose the most appropriate answer. i) Whiir: nroving down in a groitp in the long fornr of periodic table, atonric size of the e:lernorts progressively. ';il rl A. decreases qr,/n.r"ur", C. renrains -, these same D. none of ii) while r-noving from left to right in long of form of the periorlic ta ble, tlie electronegativity: ;k. increases B. decreases C. first decreases then increarses D. does not change iii) Whir:h is not the property of a covalent compound? -E1ruon solr-rbility in watetn conductor of electricity B.Low melting point D. Soft solid, liquid or gas @ cooa iv)which of tlre foliowi,g forn'rs acidic solution in water: ill.'l ,/ _\ t(. crsCr+ $fuuf o+ C. Na.Co, V) Which is a base amongdt the following A. Sodium hydroxide rxide ffil lryclroxicle d D N.l cl ? B.Potassium hydroxide P,^moniurn hydroxide @coppu, vi)Wlrich is incorrect staterncnt regarding electro-refining of coppcr rnetal? 'r(Electrolyte is saturated -copper sulphate solution u.Anode is irnpure copper block ff. f.rcrtrolyte is saturateci copper suipharte solLrtion acidified with sulphuric acirJ. D. cathode is pure copper rocl/lrlate vii)The eletretlts which form anions or covalent cornpouncis orr r:ntering;r chenrical reactior-r with other elements are: A. mettaloids B. m ginon-metals C. noble gases eta ls viii)Ammonia gas reacts with excess of chlorine gas to form nitrogen trichloride and HCI gas. ln this reaction ammonia gas acts as: B.Catalytic agent 5/ OenyOrating agent ii. C. Oxidrzrng property D. Dehydrating poperty ix) Preparation of ethanol using conc. H2SO4 shows its: A. Typical acidic property T property B.non-metallic nature D. dehydrating property C. oxidizing x) When monochloro-ethane is hydrolysed it forms: A. Methyl [10 I i[:, alcohol B.Ethyl alcohol C. Methanal D. Ettranal ] (b) i) A.Ammonia dichromate B. Lead carbonate C. Zinc nitrate Choose the salt for the following observatlons from A, B and C: 1) A salt which swells up on heating to forrn greyish green residut: + 2) A salt which on strong heating gives a residue which is yeilow rvheb-,( hot and white when cold" 3) A salt which on strong heating gives a residue which is reddish brown when hot and yellow when cold. - ii) Write the balanced equations for the following: 1) Action of dilute nitric acid on lead carbonate 2) Action of heat on zinc nitrate ,l] (c) A. Quicklime and water B, Magnesium and hydrochloric acid C,Copper (ll)sLrlphide and dilute hydrochloric acid ,iril*:,, rill, D. Sodium sulphate and dilute hydrochloric acid E. Sodium nitride and water. Which of the above pairs result in the formation of the following prod 'I r. ri T] u cts ? tsl B - i) Hydrogen sulphide iv) i-lydrogen gas gas ii) Anrnronia gas iii) Calciurrr hyclroxide v) Sulphur oxide I5l (d) i) 1)The following equation rcrpresents oxidation of amnronia gas irr the flreserl(-e of heated platinurn. 4NH3 + ''t i1i, ldlitnt, Jiiflr" 5O2 4NO + 6H2O lf 45 dnr of the reactants are cotrpletely consurned, calculate the voiunre of nitrogen monoxide produced ,all measur.ements [:eing made at sarne temper.ature and pressure. \? ' 6 V' t2l 2)V/hat is tlre volunre occupiecl by 1rnole of a gas at S-l-p? t1l ii)0.269 oi a hydrocarbon has a volume of ?24 cm . wliat is ihe relative molecular tnass of the hyclrocarbon? 0 ' 0d t, . tr (e) i) 112 cnr of Sulphr-rr clioxide gas at STP is mixed witlr 2210 crr of hydrogerr sulphide gas at STP .What mass of Sulpirirr cis procluccd? I1l LLI SO2 ii) t' r 2117-\ 2H2O + $ _.- \d c,t^ ' 35 30.3 g of lead sulplrate precipates out, when soclirirri sulpirate +.?r. \ solution is adde d to exr-ess of lead nitrate solution a5 Lutdc. t': Na2SO4 + Pb(NO3)2 2-NaNo3 + PbSO4 (ppt) Calculate the trass of sodiurn sr-rlplrate which tal<es part in reacl.iorrs, [S=32-, O=1 6, Na=23,H-1; PB=?-07 ;N=1r11 i3l (f) Fill in the blank spaces by putting appropriate word frorl thc words give n in bracl<ets , at the end of each serrtence: i) Physical and chemical properties of an element are []eriodir, functiori of its I Ma ss rr u rrr be r,/ e_tq[.!c ! u nf_Qgr] in a group as one moves f rom toP to il)The metallic character bottom . IIncreggs/d ecreases] in a period as one moves f rom the left iii)The metallic character to the right. ll iv) is ncreases/decreasesl the most reactive non-metal. [Chlorine/f luorine] v)The serial number of an element in a periodic table is also its I mass number / utorn,gt.rumberl lsl (g) Complete the following sentences using correct words from those given in bracl<ets at the end of each sentence; i)Ammonia chloride is a ii)Sodium lrydrogen sulphate is a iii)pH value of the leilon juice is iv)Ammonium hydroxide is a v) Methyl orange tr-trns sa Iinsolu ble/solublel lt. sa I normallu$.] lt. than 7 alkaii in acidic solution Iess/more] Istrong/ we?k] Icolou rless/gin,[] SECTION ll (40 MAR|(S) Answer any four questions from this section Question 2" (a) Explain the following (i) Why do most of the elements form iorrs? (ii) wlrat kind of elements fornr anions? SLrpport yoLrr answert2lby two examples. (b)(i) what do you understancl by the term pH of a solution? (li) \n/hat is a universal inclicator? (iii) t2l t1l tj l What is the colour of universal intJicator when the pH is (1) 7 (2) (3) 12? 1 t3l (iv) what is the importance of pH value to a dairy far-n-rer? tjl Question 3. #fi- (a) Nitric acid is an oxidizing agent, By writing chemicai ecluations state all what wouid observe: (i) When hydrogen sulphide gas is bubblecl through conc. Nitr-ic ac id. [2] V'/hen sulphur dioxide gas is bubbled through cone Nitric acid and tlren barium chloride solution is added to the rearction mixture, [3] (b)(i)Though ammoniunr clrloricle reacliiy gives arnnronia with NaoH, we used Ca(OH)2 for preparation of ammonia in laboratory. Ixlrlairr. (ii) t2l (ii)(1) How much hydrogen would be there in 400 drr3 of a gaseoLrs mixture required for the manufacture of ammonia? ffi*,t (2) lf all the nitrogen ancl hydrogen used were into anrnronia, find the volume of ammonia forrned. t3l Question 4. (a) Name the property of the sulphuric acid which is made use in each of the following reactions. Give an equation for the chemical reaction in each case, l t.'. llir ;11'. (i) u (ii) (iii) (iv) i1: illilri lt|1 I ilt' l! 1', Preparation of HCI gas when the acid reacts with a metal chloride. Preparation of carbon monoxide gas from formic acid. As a source of hydrogen from active metals. As a source of Sulphur dioxide gas, when boiled r,nrith copper du st. t8l (b)How will you bring abort oxidation of ammonia gas using copper (ii) oxide? write a chemical equation in support of your answer. t2l Question 5. ::1 'iI lril (a) Why does not aluminium occur in free state? t1l (b) Name one ore of aluminium which is found in abundance in lndia. [1,] (c) The alumina is purified by Hall's process. write three fully balanced equations, s[-rowing how the aruminia is purified? (Description of purification is not required). t3l (d) lt has been found the pure alumina cannot be reduced to aluminium metal easily by electric current. Give two reasons. l-?l [41 (e) Name two substances which are added to alumina, so redr:ce it e lectrica lly. i1l (f) How does the substances in (e) help in the extraction of aluminum? l2l ..ii Question 6. ,,,!l (a) (i)state two steps in which methane is covered into methyl Support yoLlr answer by chemical equations. idlih-.. dtflBBd' l,Mill'f t,ll ' : (ii)State two industrial uses of methane gas, (b)(i) what do you understand by the term functionar radicar? (ii)Name the functional radicals of the following: (1)Alkanal (2)Alkanol (3) Alkanoic acicl ,,' trl a lcohrol. t4l l)1 t1l t3l estion 7. (a) (i) How can you obtain a reasonably pure sample of zinc carbonate in laboratory, starting from zinc oxide? t4l (ii)State your observations when zinc carbonate is heated strongly and then the residue is allowed to cool' tl l (b)(i) State Avogadro's law. (ii)State two most important applications of Avogadro's t1l law, l2l (c) State one important use of the metal present in the followirrg alloys: HIH' ,[|to,o, ;fifrjrr (i) Duralumin (ii) Brass t2l

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