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ICSE Class X Sample / Model Paper 2024 : Biology

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Ketaki Dongre
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BIOLOGY TEST - 6 As per the latest syllabus prescribed by the Council Class : 10 Marks : 80 Subject : Biology Time : 2 hours ______________________________________________________________________________ Te st Se r ie s Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the Question Paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Your handwriting should be neat and legible. ____________________________________________________________________________________ This Paper is divided into 2 main Sections. You are to answer all Questions from Section A and any four from Section B. The intended marks for the Questions or parts of Questions are given in brackets [ ]. ____________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION A (All Questions compulsory) Question 1. Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options. 1) The structure of DNA was first discovered by a) Wilhelm Johanssen b) Charles Darwin c) Watson and Crick d) Rosalind Franklin FP 2) NADPH is expanded as a) Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Hydrogen Phosphate b) Nicotinamide Adenosine Dinucleotide Phosphate Hydrogen c) Nicotineamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Hydrogen d) Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Hydrogen 3) Which of the following is a pyrimidine of DNA? a) Adenine b) Guanine c) Cytosine 4) We hear DUP sound of heart a) At the beginning of atrial diastole b) At the time of pulse wave. c) When tricuspid and bicuspid valves open d) Both option (a) and option (b). d) Both (a) and (b) [15] 5) Choose the most appropriate option among the following - a) b) c) d) Only statements I and II are true Only statements I, II and IV are false Only statements II and III are true Only statement II is true ie s I : The process of plasmolysis occurs in a plant cell as well as animal cell II : Arachnoid provides a soft web - like cushioning to the brain III : Rate of photosynthesis is highest in early morning and decreases at mid - day. IV : Fertilisation takes place in the oviduct of a female before ovulation. Te st Se r 6) Give below are steps to destarch a plant. Arrange them in correct sequence (i) Dip the leaf in boiling water for one minute (ii) Keep the plant in dark for 24 - 48 hours. (iii) Place the leaf in hot water to soften it (iv) Boil the leaf in methylated spirit a) (ii)-(i)-(iii)-(iv) b) (ii)-(i)-(iv)-(iii) 7) Most of the water in urine gets reabsorbed a) In proximal convoluted tubule c) During ultrafiltration FP 8) Which of the following analogies is incorrect ? a) Chloroplasts : Kitchen of the Cell c) Ganglia : Relay Stations c) (iii)-(i)-(ii)-(iv) d) (i)-(ii)-(iii)-(iv) b) During tubular secretion d) In the Loop of Henle b) Heart : A Bank Cashier d) Hormones : Messengers 9) Which of these ancestors evolved from homo habilis? a) Homo erectus b) Australopithecus c) Neanderthals d) Cro - Magnon 10) One of the best solutions to get rid of non - biodegradable wastes is a) Dumping b) Incinerating c) Recycling d) Composting 11) The placenta is formed of two sets of minute finger like projections called a) Fimbriae b) Cilia c) Villi d) Papillae 12) Which part of the ear is responsible for amplifying the sound waves? a) Cochlea b) Pinna c) Auditory Canal d) Ear ossicles d) Basophils Te st Se r 14) Which of the leukocytes are associated with allergy? a) Lymphocytes b) Eosinophils c) Neutrophils ie s 13) The choroid layer of the eye contains melanin because a) It prevents light rays from reflecting and scattering inside the eye b) It gives the unique colour to the eye c) It provides nourishment to the eye d) All of the above. 15) Assertion (A) : Atmospheric humidity promotes transpiration from a green plant. Reason (R) : Transpiration helps to cool the body of the plant a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A c) Both A and R are false. d) A is false but R is true Question 2. FP (i) Name the following 1) The chromosome with the least number of genes in a human female. 2) The machine which acts as artificial kidney. 3) The main end product of photosynthesis 4) A plant which exhibits chemotropism. 5) The common condition caused when the intestine sometimes bulges into the scrotum through the inguinal canal due to pressure in the abdomen (ii) Arrange and rewrite the terms in each group in the correct order so as to be in a logical sequence aaabeginning with the term that is underlined 1) Islets of Langerhans, Glucagon, Alpha cells, Pancreas, Glycogenolysis 2) Intestine, Hepatic Vein, Hepatic portal Vein, Liver, Heart. 3) Root Hair, Root pressure, Osmosis, Guttation, Hydathodes, Soil water 4) Ureter, Kidney, Renal Artery, Urinary Bladder, Urethra 5) Allele, Chromosome, Chromatin, Gene. (iii) Fill in the blanks with suitable words so as to form a meaningful passage - Te st Se r (iv) Choose the odd one out among the following 1) Genotype, Phenotype, Allotype, Mutation 2) Thalamus, Hypothalamus, Diencephalon, Pons 3) Sewage, Oil spills, Detergents, X - rays 4) Trypsin, Stepsin, Amylopsin, Thrombin. 5) Cuticle, Stomata, Hydathodes, Lenticels ie s The human brain as a whole is divided into three primary regions, the (1) ________ , the (2) _________, and the (3) ________ . Subconscious mind is located in the (4) ________, which has folds called (5) ________. (v) Match the following in Column I with the appropriate option in Column II Column I Column II a) Cobalt Chloride Paper 1) Solid substances b) Adaxial Surface 2) Pituitary gland c) Pinocytosis 3) Moisture Test d) TRH hormone 4) Hypothalamus e) Parturition 5) Dorsal Surface 6) Oxytocin 7) Ventral Surface 8) Liquid substamces SECTION B (Attempt any four Questions from this section) FP Question 3. 1) Name the four nitrogenous bases constituting DNA molecule and the type and number of bonds present between them. [3] 2) a) How are the electrons formed at the end of photolysis used? Write the reaction. b) Name the frequencies between which sounds are most keenly heard by humans. [2] [1] 3) a) Give Reason : There is often a pungent odour characteristic of ammonia in public or dirty toilets. b) Draw a neat and labelled diagram of Artery, Vein and Capillary [1] [3] Question 4. 1) Look at the diagram given below and answer the following a) Label all the Parts shown b) Write one function of part Q and name the Aaa membrane which transforms into it. [2] [1] ie s c) Name two hormones secreted by P [2] A d) Give reason : the Foetus respires but does not breathe [1] [1] [1] 3) Draw a neat and labelled diagram of structure of Chloroplast. [2] Te st Se r 2) a) Name the canal of the Cochlea which contains the Tectorial membrane b) Differentiate between Homo habilis and Homo erectus (height, cranial capacity) Question 5. 1) a) Write two points of difference between Autosomes and Allosomes b) Define Crossing over [2] [1] 2) a) Though plants do not have a nervous system, yet they are capable of performing all a a a a a aaphysiological activities. Comment [1] b) State one function of Pericardium [1] 3) a) Name the method of contraception in which vas deferens is cut and ligated and explain why it is done so. b) Draw a Neat and labelled diagram of structure of Human Kidney. [2] [3] FP Question 6. 1) a) Explain how Gout occurs b) State any 2 characteristics of Xerophytic vegetation [1] [2] 2) a) What is a Prognathous Face? b) Write any 2 functions of the largest lymphatic organ in the body. [1] [2] 3) a) Expand the following abbreviations - (i) HCG (ii) ABA b) Draw a neat and labelled diagram of correction of the defect which commonly occurs in School Students [2] [2] Question 7. 1) a) Name the type of circulation in the body which takes a short path b) State any two ways to reduce Plastic Pollution. [1] [2] 2) Study the Experiment given below and answer the following questions a) Write the main aim of the experiment [1] [2] c) State the purpose of Oil in test tube A [1] ie s b) State any two adaptations in plant roots to carry out this process Te st Se r 3) Draw a neat and labelled diagram of structure of Myelinated Neuron [3] Question 8. 1) a) Define the following terms - (i) Hormone (ii) Placenta b) What is BOD? [2] [1] 2) a) State any two Harmful effects of Noise pollution b) Write the effect of Cytokinins on Seed dormancy and germination. [1] [1] 3) a) Differentiate between Erythrocytes, Leukocytes and Thrombocytes (2 points.) b) Draw a neat and labelled diagram of an experiment to show that oxygen is evolved during photosynthesis. c) Name the pigment which gives yellow colour to leaves [2] [2] [1] FP _________________________________

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