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Chemistry Mock Paper

5 pages, 92 questions, 95 questions with responses, 154 total responses,    0    0
faiz Khan (funky faiz)
R. B. K. School (RBK), Mira Road
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__________________________________________________________________________________ CHEMISTRY SCIENCE PAPER 2 (Two hours) Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. _________________________________________________________________________________ Attempt all the questions from Section 1 and any four from Section II. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets []. _________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION I (40 Marks) Attempt all questions from this Section Question 1 I] Name the following: [5] (i) The acid present in three parts by volume in aqua regia. (ii) An explosive compound formed when ammonia reacts with excess of chlorine. (iii) A black oxidising agent that oxidises hydrochloric acid to chlorine. (iv) The dehydrated product obtained when sulphuric acid is added to cellulose. (v) An unsaturated hydrocarbon formed by dehydration of ethyl alcohol with (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) concentrated sulphuric acid. The acid prepared by catalytic oxidation of ammonia. The chemical formula of gypsum. A hydrated salt that is blue in colour. A nitrate which on thermal decomposition forms a yellow amphoteric oxide as a residue. The nitrate which gives a black residue on heating. II] A solution P has a pH of 13, a solution Q has pH= 6 and a solution R has a pH= 2 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Answer the following questions: [5] Which solution is a strong acid? If an alkali is added to solution R, will the pH increase or decrease? Which solution is a weak acid? Which solution will liberate ammonia gas from ammonia sulphate on heating? An ion is formed when an acid and a base dissolves in water. Draw the structure of the two ions. III] Write the balanced equation for the following: [5] (i) A mixture of soda lime and soda acetate is heated. (ii) Ethanol reacts with sodium at room temperature. (iii) Monochloro ethane is hydrolysed with aqueous KOH. (iv) Zinc is reacted with sodium hydroxide solution. (v) Dilute sulphuric acid is poured over sodium sulphite. IV] Give the structural formula for the following: [5] (i) Acetone. (ii) Ethanal. (iii) Dichloromethane. __________________________________________________________________________________1 T152 567 Turn Over (iv) (v) 2-propanol. Diethyl ether. V] Identify the anion in the following compounds: [5] (i) Compound X on reacting with copper turnings and conc. Sulphuric acid liberates a (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) reddish brown gas. A compound Y when ignited at a temperature around 1100o C gives pure alumina. A compound P when reacted with conc. sodium hydroxide solution gives out a gas which turns blue cobalt chloride paper. An Organic compound M when reacted with conc. Sulphuric acid gives a gas which has no effect on acidified KMnO4. A compound L is soluble in excess of sodium hydroxide soln. and insoluble in ammonium hydroxide soln. VI] Give reasons for the following: [5] (i) Methane does not undergoes addition reactions, but ethane does. (ii) Hydrocarbons are excellent fuels. (iii) Electron affinity increases across a period. (iv) Vanadium Pentaoxide is used in the preparation of sulphuric acid. (v) Sulphur turns black after a prolonged time. VII] Give suitable observations for the following: [5] (i) Sugar crystals are added to hard glass test tube containing conc. Sulphuric acid. (ii) Bromine vapours are passed into a soln. of ethyne in carbon tetrachloride. (iii) When carbon monoxide is passed over heated copper oxide. (iv) Paper soaked in potassium permagnate solution is introduced into a gas jar of sulphur dioxide. (v) When excess of ammonia soln. is added to Zinc Sulphate. VIII] 4.5 moles of calcium carbonate are reacted with dil. Hydrochloric acid. [5] (i) Write the equation for the reaction. (ii) What is the volume of carbon dioxide liberated at STP? (iii) What mass of calcium chloride is formed? (Relative molecular mass of calcium chloride is 111) (iv) How many moles of HCl are used in this reaction. (v) What is the mass of 4.5 moles of calcium carbonate? (Relative molecular mass of calcium carbonate is 100) SECTION II (40 Marks) Attempt any four questions from this Section Question 2 a) A metal article is to be electroplated with silver. The electrolyte selected is sodium argentocyanide: [5] 1. Why is sodium argentocyanide preffered to silver nitrate as an electrolyte? 2. Write the reaction taking place at cathode and anode. 3. State one condition to ensure that the deposit is smooth, firm and long lasting. 4. Why is the electrolysis of acidulated water considered an example of catalysis? b) Sulphuric Acid is manufactured by- Contact Process According to this answer the following questions: [5] i. Give two properties of sulphuric acid which makes it a unique acid. ii. Name the three parts of the Contact Process with suitable equations and conditions for each. __________________________________________________________________________________2 T152 567 Turn Over iii.What happens when: a. Water is added to acid and b. Acid is added to water. iv. Give one test for: Concentrated Sulphuric Acid and Dilute Sulphuric Acid. Question 3 a) The following table represents a part of the Periodic Table: [5] Li V B E N O Na R Y Si Q S M F X Br From the elements answer the following: (Here the alphabets do not represent the elements) 1. Which is the element having biggest atomic size? 2. Which element has highest ionization potential? 3. Which element constitutes the alkali metals? 4. Compare carbon tetrachloride and sodium chloride with regards to Solubility and Melting and Boiling Point. 5. Define Electron negativity. b) An atom X has 2, 8, 4 electrons in its shell. It combines with Y having 1 electron in its valence shell. [2] 1. What type of bond will be formed between X and Y? Write the formula of the compound Formed. 2. Would it be soluble in inorganic compounds? c) Name the constituents of: Solder and Bronze. [2] d) Write a balanced equation for the extraction of Zinc from Zinc Blende. [1] Question 4 a) The below given picture indicates the laboratory preparation of a salt. Study the picture carefully and answer the questions that follow: [3 ] 1. What is the substance E? What is the purpose of E? (1) 2. Why is iron [III] chloride kept in a closed container? (1) 3. Write the equation for the reaction between iron and chloride. (1) b) Give a suitable term for: A definite number of water molecules bound to some salts. (1) c) Identify the substance whether efflorescence or deliquescence: (1) i. MgSO4. 7H2O ii. Cu(NO3)2 d) Determine the formula of organic compound if its molecule contains 12 atoms of carbon. The percentage composition of hydrogen and oxygen are 6.48 and 51.42 respectively. (3) e) What is the volume occupied by one mole of a gas at S.T.P. State Gay Lussacs Law. (2) __________________________________________________________________________________3 T152 567 Turn Over Question 5 a) Complete the following flow chart: [4] A + H2O NH3 + O2 + Oxygen Dissolved in + Acid D C water Brown B coloured Gas Acid b) Refer to the below given diagram and answer the questions that follow: [6] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Give the function of the three components of electrolyte. Why is the electrolyte covered with coke? Give the electrolytic reaction taking place at cathode. Give the general formula of: Cryolite and Corundum. Why is it necessary for electrode to be continuously replaced? Why is aluminium used in Thermite Welding? Question 6 a) Distinguish between the following compounds: [2] 1. Sodium chloride soln. and sodium nitrate soln. 2. Calcium nitrate soln. and zinc nitrate soln. b) State the colour imparted to the flame by the following metallic radical: [1] 1. Calcium 2. Potassium c) Explain the following: [2] 1. Along with cryolite and aluminium another substance is added to the electrolytic mixture. Name the substance and stete its significance. 2. Pure nitric acid is colourless but the nitric acid obtained in the laboratory is yellowish brown. Why? d) Write balanced chemical equations for the conversions from A to E: [5] Mg MgO Mg(NO3)2 Mg(OH)2 A B E C MgCO3 __________________________________________________________________________________4 T152 567 Turn Over Question 7 a) Calculate: [2] 1. the volume of 4g of H2 at atm pressure and at 0oC 2. the mass of oxygen in 22.4 litres of CO2 at S.T.P. b) With reference to the manufacture of Nitric acid answer the following: [4] 1. Name the process. Name the catalyst used. (1) 2. Give the balanced equation. Which acid resistant material is packed in absorption tower? (1) 3. Name the nitrate which does not gives nitrogen dioxide on heating. (1/2) 4. Why gases entering the apparatus are pure? (1/2) 5. What is the ratio of the reactants taken? Why? (1) c) Classify the following as oxidation or reduction reaction and complete the equation: [1] 1. Cu Cu2+ d) Complete the following equations: [3] __________________________________________________________________________________5 T152 567 Turn Over

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