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Biology Prelim 1

7 pages, 27 questions, 27 questions with responses, 40 total responses,    0    0
faiz Khan (funky faiz)
R. B. K. School (RBK), Mira Road
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__________________________________________________________________________________ BIOLOGY SCIENCE PAPER 3 (Two hours) Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. _________________________________________________________________________________ Attempt all the questions from Section 1 and any four from Section II. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets []. _________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION I (40 Marks) Attempt all questions from this Section Question 1 (a) Name the following: [5] (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) The process of conversion of ADP to ATP during photosynthesis. The endocrine gland which produces emergency hormone. Adjustment of the eye in order to obtain a clear vision of objects at different distances. The chemical used to test starch. A substance that initiates immune response. (b) State the exact location of the following: [5] (i) Guard cells (ii) Thyroid Gland. (iii) Eustachian Tube. (iv) Virgin Knot. (v) Blind Spot. (c) Name the structure present in the body of living organisms responsible for the following: [5] (i) Transports oxygen to the human body cells. (ii) Transfer impulses form inner ear to the brain. (iii) Initiates cell division in animal cell. (iv) Keeps the baby protected from injuries in the mother s womb. (v) Regulates the amount of water in the plants body. (d) Given below are certain biological terms. Write a collective term for each: [5] Carbolic acid, Benzoic acid, Boric acid. Utriculus, Sacculus. Hammer, Incus, Stapes. DPT, BCG, TAB. Alpha, Beta, Delta cells. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (e) Given below are five sets of five terms each. In each case, rewrite the terms in logical sequence as directed at the end of each statement: [5] (i) Renal vein, Renal artery, Afferent arteriole, Efferent arteriole, Glomerulus 1 T13 523 Turn Over (Pathway of blood through glomerulus) (ii) Endosmosis, Photosynthesis, K+ ions, stoma opens, turgidity. (Opening of Stoma) (iii) Thrombokinase, calcium ions, platelets, thrombin, thrombus. (Clotting mechanism) (iv) Cortical cells, root hair, soil, water, endodermis, xylem. (Entry of water into the plant from the soil) (v) (f) Vagina, Ovary, Uterus, Oviduct, Cervix (Pathway of egg after ovulation) State the functions of the following: [5] Cowper s Gland. Placenta. Interstitial Tissues. Vitreous Humour. Uterus. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (g) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Explain the following terms: [5] Implantation. Lenticels. Pulse. Reflex Action. Menarche. (h) A pure breeding plant bearing purple flowers and Round seeds is crossed with a pure breeding plant bearing White flowers and wrinkled seeds. Derive the dihybrid ratio in F2 generation. Draw a punnett square to show gamete formation and F2 generation. Clearly name the phenotype and genotype wherever applicable. State the Law that is illustrated by the F2 generation of the Dihybrid Cross. [5] (i) Given below are five sets with four terms each. In each set one term is odd. Identify the odd one in each set and name the category of the rest. The first one has been done for you: (5) e.g. Eyes, Ears, Nose, Heart. Odd term: Heart. Category: Sense organs. (i) Cyton, Photon, Axon, Dendron. (ii) Paper, Cow-dung, Sewage, DDT. (iii) Condom, copper-T, Intra uterine devices, tubectomy. (iv) Cretinism, Myxedema, Simple Goitre, Acromegaly. (v) Sneezing, coughing, typing, laughing. 2 T13 523 Turn Over (j) Study the below given properly and answer the questions that follow: [5] a) b) c) d) Label the parts named F, C, E, H. Name the surgical method depicted in the above picture. Also name in female. Give the function of: D and G. Which part of the reproductive system is ligiated? How does part H regulate temperature? SECTION II (40 Marks) Attempt any four questions from this Section Question 2 a) The diagram given alongside is that of a developing human foetus in the womb. Study the same and answers the questions that follow : [5] Name the parts labelled 1 and 2. State the functions of each. What is the role of the umbilical cord in the development of the foetus? Name the part in the diagram which is endocrine in nature. State any 1 function of the amniotic fluid. What happens when: i. The egg is fused by the sperm in the fallopian tube. ii. The egg is not fertilized by the sperm. b) Give one point of differentiation between the following: [2] 1. Karyokineses and Cytokineses. (Define) 2. WHO and Red Cross. (Any 1 function of each) c) Give one biological reason for the following: [3] 1. Green leaves are thin and broad. 2. Gametes have a haploid number of chromosomes. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3 T13 523 Turn Over 3. Injury to medulla oblongata leads to death. Question 3 a) Given below are diagrams showing different stages in the process of fertilisation of an egg in the female reproductive tract: [5] 1. Use the alphabets below each diagram to show the correct order in the process of fertilisation of an egg in the female reproductive tract. 2. Name the specific part of the reproductive system where the above cells 1 and 2 are produced. 3. What is the chromosome number of: (i) the egg (ii) the fused product. 4. Explain the process of fusion of the cells 1 and 2. 5. Where in the female reproductive system does the above process takes place? b) Draw the internal structure of the chloroplast as seen in vertical section and label the part which suits the following description: Interconnecting bars and Closely packed flattened sacs. [2] c) What constitutes smog? Define contamination. Name any two natural sources of pollution. [3] Question 4 a) Given below is the diagram of a human ear. Study the diagram carefully and answer the questions that follow: [5] 1. Give the collective term for part A and state the function. 2. Which structure: (i) Equalises air pressure in the brain. (ii) Converts sound into mechanical waves. 3. Name the part labelled C and state its function. 4. Which cell does the cochlea contain? What is it filled with? 5. Give the function of Pinna. b) Mention any 2 reasons for population explosion in INDIA. [1] c) Draw a well labelled diagram of a human sperm. Mark the following: [3] 1. the part which supplies energy. 2. The part which facilitates the entry of the sperm. d) State Mendel s Law Of Segregation. [1] 4 T13 523 Turn Over Question 5 a) The diagram given below is the representation of a certain phenomenon pertaining to the nervous system: [5] Name the phenomenon being depicted. Name the parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 Write the functions of part 5 and 6 Describe the path travelled by the impulse. Define: Response and Stimulus. b) Give technical terms for the following: [5] 1. Thin walled sac of skin that covers the testes. 2. The fluid portion of the blood. 3. Pairing of homologous chromosomes. 4. Both ventricles and atria in relaxed state. 5. Increased production of urine. 6. Power of the eye to see in light and dark. 7. Chemicals found in the blood which act against antigens. 8. The fluid present between the layers of meninges. 9. An antiseptic substance present in tears. 10. The stoppage of menstruation in a female. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Question 6 a) Study the diagram given below and answer the questions that follow: [5] 1. Name the region in kidney in which the above structure is present. 2. Name the parts: 1, 2, 3 and 4. 3. What is the technical given term given to the process happening in 2 and 3. Explain briefly. 4. Give reason: In summer urine is slightly thicker than in winter. 5 T13 523 Turn Over 5. Define Osmoregulation. b) Complete the following table: [5] Question 7 a) The below diagram depicts a phase of mitosis. Study the picture carefully and answer the questions that follow: [5] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Identify the above stage. Give two significance of this stage. Draw and label the phase which is followed by this phase. Is it a animal or a plant cell. Give Reason. Is this mitotic phase or meiotic phase. Give logical reasons and then differentiate. b) A well watered healthy plant with variegated leaves was kept in darkness for 24 hours. It was then set up as shown in the diagram below and exposed to light for about 12 hours. At end of this time leaf X and leaf Y were tested for starch. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow: [5] 6 T13 523 Turn Over 1. Why was the plant initially kept in darkness for 24 hours? What was the process then? 2. What is the function of sodium hydroxide in the flask? 3. Select the correct leaf from the five available choices shown in the diagram A, B, C, D and E. Give an example of a variegated leaf. 4. The experiment with leaf Y shows that photosynthesis requires the presence of certain factors. Mention any 1 factor. 5. What was the aim of keeping the leaf X in the flask? 7 T13 523 Turn Over

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