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faiz Khan (funky faiz)
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__________________________________________________________________________________ HISTORY & CIVICS H.C.G-Paper - 1 (Two hours) Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. _________________________________________________________________________________ Attempt all the questions from Section 1.A total of five questions have to be attempted from part II, two out of three questions from Section A and three out of five questions from Section B The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets []. _________________________________________________________________________________ PART-I (30 Marks) Attempt all the questions from this Part. Question 1 (a) What happens if the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha fail to agree on a non-money bill? [1] (b) Mention any one effect on the Fundamental Rights of an individual during an emergency. [1] (c) What is meant by Quo-Warranto ? [1] (d) What are the limitations on the President due to the Parliament? [1] (e) Explain the formation of the Cabinet . [1] (f) If the Supreme court wishes to review the judgement of a Lower court, Under which jurisdiction would he be able to do this act. Why? [1] (g) Under what provision can a non-member of the Parliament are made a Prime Minister? [1] (h) Mention two types of cases in which the Supreme Court exercises Appellate Jurisdiction. [1] (i) The High Court is a Court Of Record Explain. [1] (j) When is the Revisory jurisdiction of the High Court applicable? Question 2 (a) What did the Queen s Victoria Proclamation promise to the Indians? [2] (b) Mention any one of the contribution of each: [2] 1. Raja Ram Mohan Roy 2. Annie Basent. (c) Why were the Assertive Nationalists termed as Angry Young Men ? [2] (d) How did the people react towards the Partition of Bengal 1905? [2] (e) Mention any two important clauses under the Lucknow Pact. [2] (f) How did the Sarajevo Crisis create tension between Russia and Austria? [2] (g) What is meant by Cold War ? Give any one cause that lead to the Cold War. [2] (h) Mention one cause for the rise of both Fascism and Nazism. [2] (i) State the composition and one function of the International Court Of Justice. [2] (j) How did Jawaharlal Nehru play an important role in the Non-Aligned Movement? [2] Part-II (50 Marks) Section A Attempt any two questions from this Section. Question 3 The Constitution Of India has provided for a federal system of Government, though the term federation has nowhere been used in the Constitution. With reference to the Union Parliament answer the questions that follow: (a) Enumerate the powers and functions of the Parliament. [3] (b) The Lok Sabha is more powerful than the Rajya Sabha. Give three reasons to justify your answer. [3] (c) Special Powers of the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha. [4] Question 4 The President exercises his powers on the advice of the Prime Minister and the Council of Minister. In this context, answer the following questions: (a) The process of Impeachment of the President. [3] (b) His Emergency Powers. (Effects and Duration of each should be mentioned) [3] (c) Administrative Powers of the Cabinet. [4] Question 5 The Constitution Of India provides for a High Court for each State. In this context, answer the following questions: (a) Retirement, Removal and Transfer of the judge of the High Court. [3] (b) Appointment of Ad Hoc Judges and An acting judge of Supreme Court and High Court respectively. [3] (c) Explain the below given terms: [4] 1. Appellate Jurisdiction Of the High Court. 2. Advisory Jurisdiction of Supreme Court. 3. Writ of Certiorari. Section B Attempt any three questions from this Section. Question 6 (a) Identify the above personalities. Name the group of Congress from which they both belonged to? Mention the contributions made by them in the Indian National Congress. [3] (b) Compare the beliefs and methods followed by the groups they belonged to. [3] (c) How did Gopal Krishna Gokhale play an effective role as a member of Imperial Legislative Council? Who was known as the Father of the Revolutionary thought in India ? Mention two of his contributions. [4] Question 7 With reference to the Quit India Movement and Forward Bloc, answer the questions that follow: (a) Objectives and Achievements of the Indian National Army. [3] (b) How did the different sections of the society react to the Cripps Mission? [4] (c) Mention any two Impact of the Quit India Movement. Mention the Repressive measures taken by the government towards the Quit India Movement. [3] Question 8 In 1914, a war began in Europe which soon engulfed the entire world with the battles fought in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Pacific. In this context, answer the following questions: (a) Explain the immediate cause of the First as well as the Second World War. [3] (b) How did the First World War end? Mention any two harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles. [3] (c) Explain the reason for the formation and the main objectives of the League of Nations. [4] Question 9 (a) Name the organisation depicted in the above picture. Explain the need for setting up this organisation. Mention two of its important functions in the protection of children s. [3] (b) Explain the composition of the Security Council; also include any two of its important functions. [3] (c) Expand the word: UNESCO. [4] Mention any one function of this organisation in the field of: 1. Preservation of cultural heritage. 2. Communication. Question 10 (a) Name the above personality. What do you mean by Fascism ? Mention the causes for the rise of Fascism in Italy. [2] (b) Mention the party which was started by Adolf Hitler also mention its aim and explain two reasons for its formation under the subheadings of: Anti-Semitic Propaganda and Establishment of Volunteer Corps. [4] (c) What do you understand by Human Rights ? What do you mean by Violation Of Human Rights ? Give any one instance of human right violation on children highlighting the reason for the easy violation. What does Genocide refer to? [4]

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