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ICSE Class X Prelims 2019 : Environmental Applications

3 pages, 40 questions, 32 questions with responses, 33 total responses,    2    0
D. Faria
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ENVIRONMENTAL APPLICATIONS (Two hours) Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Section A is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in the brackets [ ]. SECTION A (40 Marks) Attempt all four questions from this section. Question 1 a) What is Biogas? How is it produced? [2] b) List down two advantages of fluidized bed combustion. [2] c) How would you spread Environmental awareness in your neighbourhood? [2] d) Write two effects of Soil Erosion. [2] e) Define Waste . Give two examples of Non-Biodegradable waste. [2] f) Write three objectives of Sustainable Development. [3] g) State three functions of the Panchayat. [3] h) What are the environmental impacts of burning fuel wood? [3] i) Write three limitations of Euro norms. [3] j) What is Brain drain? State two disadvantages of the same. [3] k) What are Wetlands? Explain two reasons for conservation of Wetlands. [3] l) As a student what steps would you take to manage wastes in your school? [3] _____________________________________________________________________________ Turn over Zone H CPE 2019 Page 1 of 3 m) Explain three disadvantages of Conventional sources of Energy. [3] n) Explain the term Landfills . Write one advantage and one disadvantage of the same. [3] o) Discuss any three economic policy measures that can be taken to control the motor vehicular pollution. [3] SECTION B (60 Marks) Attempt any four questions from this section Question 2 a) State five measures to bring about effective Traffic Management. [5] b) Why is Remote sensing satellite considered a useful source for gathering Environmental information? [5] c) Write short notes on: [5] (i) Johads. (ii) Eris system of Tamil Nadu Question 3 a) Explain five strategies of Soil Conservation. [5] b) A great need has been felt for the generation of alternatives to timber. Explain any five areas where these alternatives can be used. [5] c) What are the problems of Solid Waste Management in India? [5] Question 4 (a) What is Social forestry? Discuss its aims and advantages. [5] (b) What is Waste Water treatment? Explain the steps involved in the treatment of waste water. [5] (c) Explain the working of Electrostatic precipitator. Give two advantages of this device. [5] _________________________________________________________________________________ Turn over Zone H CPE 2019 Page 2 of 3 Question 5 (a) What is Globalization? Discuss the negative impacts of the same. [5] (b) Write any five contributions made by Auroville towards the conservation of the environment. [5] (c) What is Indigenous Technology? Describe the modern techniques used for commercial fishing. [5] Question 6 (a) Describe the steps involved in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). [5] (b) (i) How will you spread awareness in your locality to plant more trees? [3] (ii) State one advantage and one disadvantage of using CNG. [2] (c) Answer the following: (i) Write a note on Tarun Bharat Sangh. [3] (ii) Why should we recycle water? State any two reasons. [2] Question 7 (a) Write a short note on Taj Trapezium. [5] (b) What is meant by Dry Compost toilets? Why is it considered advantageous over the conventional toilets? [5] (c) Discuss any five ways by which NGO s can ensure welfare of children of any country. _____________________________________________________________________________ END Zone H CPE 2019 Page 3 of 3 [5]

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