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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : Biology

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KARNATAKA ICSE SCHOOLS ASSOCIATION ICSE STD. X Preparatory Examination 2024 Subject: BIOLOGY Maximum Marks: 80 Time Allowed: 2 Hrs Date: 31.01.2024 Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You willnot be allowed to write during first 15 minutes. This time is tobe spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Section A4 is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Section B Theintended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets (. SECTION A (Attempt all questions from this Section.) Questionl Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the question, write the correct answers only.) (i) The special openings that develop on the barks of older stems are called as: (a) (b) (c) (d) (ii) Stomata Hydathodes The most effective lights of the visible spectrum for photosynthesis are (a) (b) (c) (d) (11) Cuticle Lenticels Blue and green Blue and orange Blue and red Violet and yellow The biological or technical term for the process of fixing of blastocyst to the wall of the endometrium is. (a) Fertilisation (b) (c) (d) Implantation Parturition Gestation 1 [15] kidney under high of section longitudinal The cortex power appearance. of slide a While viewing dotted cortexto have (iv) Shreya found the renal presence of appears dotted due to the Collectingduct a Henle's loop and (b PCT and DCT DCT capsule and (c) Bowman's and PCT (d) Bowman's capsule in the ventricles like structure present of the heart that The tendinous cord holds the cuspid valves in position is. (a) Tendons (b) Ligaments (v) (c) Chordae tendinae (d) Cardiac muscles present in the Assertion (A): The function of Lymphocytes and Monocytes lymph is todefend the body against infections. Reason (R): The lymphocytes produce antibodies and the Monocytes are (vi) phagocytic in function. (a) (b) (c) (d) (vii) Both A and R are True Both A and R are False Ais True andR is False A is False and R is True One among the following is the function of the plant hormone Cytokinin. (a) Promote growth of internodes by cell elongation (b) Promotes apical dominance (c) Promotes chlorophyll synthesis (d) Helps in ripening of fruits (viii) The complex formed by the eight histones is. (a) Nucleotides (b) Nitrogenous bases (c) Proteins (d) Nucleosomes winding 2 of DNA strands around the core of (iX) (IN) Fruits and vegetables sometimes burst when kept in water for a longtime. This is because: (a) Turgor pressure is less than wall pressure (b) Turgor pressure excecds wall pressure (c) Osmotic pressure cxcecds turgor pressure (d) Turgor pressure cquals wall pressure () A plant with Yellow and Wrinkled seeds with the genotype (Yyww) will give rise to the following gametes. (a) Yy andww (x) (x) (b) Yw and Yw (c) Yw and yw" (d) Yw and ww The hyposecretion of cortisone causes (a) Cushing's syndrome (b) (c) Adrenal virilism (d) Acromegaly Addison's disease The surgical method in which the sperm duct iscut and ligated is as: (a) (xii) yw yw ww termed Vasectomy (b) Vitrectomy (c) (d) Tubectomy Homonal method The use of non-conventional sources of energy needs to be encouraged. Which of the following reasons makes better than the conventional sources? non-conventional sources of energy P. Q. R. (a) (b) (c) (d) Easily available in nature Do not cause environmental pollution Are non-renewable sources of energy Only P Only Q Only P and Q Only Qand R (xiv) The light dependent phase of photosynthesis takes place in: (a) Grana (b) Stroma (c) Frets (d) (xv) Stoma Snehal was looking at a nearby object. For better viewing which of the following is / are involved in the change in curvature of the elastic lens making it thicker? 1. 2 3 4 Ciliary body Ciliary muscles Suspensory ligament Pupil (a) Only 4 (b) Only l and 2 (c) Only 1,3 and 4 (d) Only 1, 2 and 3 Question 2 (i) Name the following: (a) Apair of one from each (b) The parent. of passage corresponding chromosomes of the sane shape and (c) (d) (e) (i) size substances from its through living cell lower to higher The chemical membrane using cell energy, @ctueconcentration the process of substance released at the site of injury haa clotting of blood. The which initiates innermostof layer of the The number individuals permeninges. iwad [5] square kilometer at any Arrange and rewrite the given time. in a terms in each group in l o gi c al punulaiomd the correct sequence (a) begi n ni n g with the term th t is order so as to be (b) Parturition, ImplNeander antaion,thalGests, ation, Fertilization Homo erectus, underline. (c) Ear oss)cl2Rat,es, Pinna, Audi3 tory (d) Cro magnon Snake, nerve, (e) Root Grains, Auditory canal hair, Cortex, Soil Peac ck Australopithecus, water, Xylem [s] (in) Fillin the blanks with suitable words: When we pass from a brightly lighted area to a dark room, we experience [5] difficulty in seeing the objects, slowly our vision improves. This improvement is called (a) regeneration of the (b) dah adaytti n. This change is due to Rlaalain pigment of the (c) eons And also due to the (d) dialat_of pupil permitting more to enter the eyes. (e) (iv) Choose the odd one out from the following terms and name the category to [5] which the others belong: (a) Simple goitre, Cretinism, Diabetes insipidus, Myxoedema (b) Syringes, Needles,DDT, Dirty cotton bandages (c) (d) (e) (v) Cerebrum, Cerebellum,Medulla Oblongata, Pons Auxins, Gibberellins, Abscisic acid, Cytokinins Bowman'scapsule, Axon, Henle's loop, Collecting tubule Match the items given inColumn Iwith the most appropriate ones in Column II and rewrite the correct matching pairs. Column I (a) Recessive gene (b) Phloem (c) Liquid part squeezed out of blood during clotting [5] Column II 1. Downward flow of sap 2. 12 pairs 3. A gene that can express only in homozygous condition. (d) Cranial nerves 4. 10 pairs (e) Conjunctiva 5. Serum 6. Single layer of transparent membrane. 5 7. Plasma SECTION B (Attempt any four questions from this Section.) Question 3 (1) (ii) (ii) (iv) State Mendel's Law of Purity of gametes. Define mutation. Give an example of a disease caused by mutation. What are autosomes? Mention the number of present in humans. Explain any two reasons why Mendel selectedautosomes pea plants for his experiments. [2] [2) [2] purple whichare flowers which homozygousforaxial for terminalflowers (v) [3) are whichis homozygousplant plant pea A witha crossed (AAPP)is generation. of F offsprings white (aapp). genotype ofthe the Give F2generation.Mendel used for his the (a) of ratio phenotypic which (b) Write the nameofthe plant (c) scientific What is the experiments? Question 4 Leydig cells. during the State the exact function of () by the pituitary gland produced hormones Name the two (ii) ovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle. (i ) (iv) (v) ofAmniotic fluid. Write any twofunctions Oogenesis. Differentiate between Spermatogenesis and fertilisation of an egg. Study the stages in the process of Given below are the same and answer the questions: (A) [2] [2] [3] (8) (D) (C) (a) (b) (c) [1] [2] Arrange the above stages in logical sequence. Where does the process of fertilization take place in human female? What is the product of fertilisation? Question5 () Explain the term Root pressure. Rani transplanted few saplings in her garden in the afternoon. After about (i) an hour she found that the leaves of the saplings drooped down (wilted). Give reason for the drooping of leaves? A normal cell when placed in acertain (iii) solution for some time became flaccid. Ldentify the nature of the solution and the phenomenon which lead to the change in the cell? Differentiate between Guttation and Bleeding. (iv) 6 (2] [2] [2] (v) Given below is a structure of grown root hair cell. Observe the same and (3] answer the questions: 2 3 (a) (b) (c) Root hair cell is unicellular. Justify the statement. Write the difference between part labelled as 3 and 4 based on their permeability. Draw a neat diagram of the root hair cell as it would appear when concentrated salt solution is added near it Question 6 (i) Expand the abbreviation NADP. (ii) Chlorophyll is highly sensitive to light. Too much of light may destroy chlorophyll. But small plants or grasses growing in the shade or under (i1) (iv) (v) rocks turn yellowish. Why? Mention any two adaptations in leaves to perform the process of photosynthesis. To study the necessity of a particular factor Raju prepared an experimental set-up using long leaf and a bottle containing potassium hydroxide. He inserted half the leaf inside the bottle using split cork and kept this set-up in sunlight. Name the factor being studied by the experimental set-up and what is use of potassium hydroxide in the experiment. Draw a neat labelled diagram of an animal cell in the anaphase stage having 6 chromosomes. Question 7 (i) What is Apical dominance? (ii) Pituitary gland is called 'Master gland'. Why? Name the hormone secreted by this gland for the regulation of urine output. (i ) State any two linmitations in the use of potometer. 7 [2] [2] [2] [3] [1] [2] (2) (iv) (v) Who proposed the Theory of inheritance of acquired characters? Give an example for the principle Use and disuse' of organs. The figure given below shows a kind of pollution. Study the same and answer the questions: (a) (b) (c) Afferent Arteriole 2 (c) [3] Write one natural source for the pollution shown above. Mention any one measure to reduce the above pollution. What is the effect of smog on human health? Question 8 () State the exact location of Kidney. (i1) Mention one function each for Hypothalamus and Medulla oblongata (ii) Gametes are produced by Meiosis. Give reason. Give one difference between Blood pressure and Pulse (iv) (v) The diagram given below is of Malpighian capsule. Observe the diagram and answer the questions. (a) (b) (2] Efferent Arteriole Glomerular Fitrate Name the process that takes place in parts labelled as 1 and 2. Define the process mentioned in (a). Mention any one organic constituent present in urine. [2] [2] [2] [3)

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