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ICSE Class X Sample / Model Paper 2024 : Physics

6 pages, 5 questions, 0 questions with responses, 0 total responses,    0    0
Dominic Seby
Auxilium ICSE School Kidangoor, Angamaly
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AlJ XIL IIJM S( 'll< )()L l<ID AN ~O {)I{ PII VS l( 'S SE ( 'TIC>N A I. ~1 u It ipk ~hoil"C l. llx ts ::: 151 e unit ? \\ 'hic _h ~>f the fl1 l k)\v ing qua ntit ies hav e the sam ta) \\ ork. and po,v er ( h) Po ,, er and ene rgy (c) \\ 'ork a nd e ne rgy (d) ~ ork . po\v er and ene rgy eart h surf ace thro ugh d. ffi 1\ bod~ is rai_s ed to sam e heig ht (H) from and in h' h1 ere~t path s. In ,vh1ch p~th wor k don e will be max imu m w ic path It ,, ill be n1inimun1 ? --------- I H Path A Path B I I I I I I I I Earth Surfoce (a) Ma xim um in path D, min imu m in path A (b) Ma xim um in path B, min imu m in path C C ( c) Ma xim um in path D, min imu m in path ( d ) Sam e in all path s city ratio and efficienc y 3. Rel atio nsh ip amo ng mec han ical adv anta ge, velo l S: ( a ) Effi cie ncy ( b ) Effi cie ncy ( c) Effi cie ncy Mec hani cal adva ntag e Velo city ratio Velo city ratio Mec hani cal adva ntag e = Mec han ical adv anta ge X velo city rati o (d) Non e of the abo ve 4. Wh ich of the foll owi ng qua ntit ies are unit -les s? (b) Effo rt (a) Loa d (d) Wo rk inpu t (c) Vel ocit y rati o I \\ )rk ,,utput ~ le) \ . dlt p:issi:s lr_t)m. one " ( t) Fflicicncy . I' utcd when v1 dc t1n r thl' nno lo lllm n ~\!l ~umc ~!{cfnil'. ti vc 111<.l trc s of hoth the media urc () n ' ncr ts .. 1w 1lc t,l) ,) .,\ngk \,11 11 .. . I ' C .I S <) ( )o Ill CIl ~Ill pt Ii: tC) ,.\ ng I) l\llth (a) and (h) . . l' m to another d10 mc one m lro ses \\ lwn \ pas ty change s qul nc y and ':a vc lcngth remain same. veloci lI 0 Frl and amp Iitudc change lb) Frl qu~ncy rcmam s same, velocity uency and amplitude change t( ) Vd ocity remains same, freq same. ld) Velocity. frequency, wavelength remain m does not depend on: pris l era ilat equ an by ed duc pro on iati dev - rhc ta) the angle of incidence (b) the size of the prism (c) the material of the prism (d) the colour of light used. t refractive index? 8. \Vhich one of the following has the highes (b) Glass (a) Diamond (d) Kerosene oil (c) Water length: 9. If a lens is immersed in water, its focal (b) Increases (a) Decreases (c) Remains same the refractive index of liquid. on ing end dep se rea dec or se rea inc y Ma (d) 10. If a lens becomes thick, its focal length (b) Increases (a) Decreases (c) Remains same ing on the refractive index of the (d) May increase or decrease depend len s material. s are respectively __ _ and len e cav con a and s len vex con a of ers l l. Pow __ _ res pectively. (a) Positive, Positive (b) Ne gative and negative (c) Positiv e, negative (d) Ne gative, positivt have radii of cu rv llln lScalldl,_111 12. Two equi-convex lenses La and L2 respectively Which lens has higher power? l:l) l~ l!" ltl~- / ri, ~ l\ P I h h \\ ,' ~ H 11 H' )'t\ \\ ' I I'''" ''' l) f I (b) l\, \ \ t' l Pl I '"" ' " ' ,d I , l\) l \\\\ \ ' I (' ' 1 \ cl ) I I \dl IH ~llll h H'llf d,,t.1 ccl ord er of dcc n:,1,mg \ ' \\ h,\ h ,,t 11w h,lh n,1n r n1111n~H 11wnt 1.1 , ~ 111 cnrr " ,,, , h-nrth ' \,,, , 1.,m11 w 1 , , , \ in, -.. . \ 1It , ,, , ,nk f rn ~ ~. v 1~, hk Ii hr. fnf ni r ccJ l ,l,ft ,\lH'1'~ th' lnl1,,1 l ,t 1. ,d1.1 lh'll '. , '"'h k t, ~ht. t ll trn viPkf rn y~. X-rn y". (,umm ;, l\ .n, hlc rays . Gamma Rayi.;, \, ) lnl1 .t1\ , I """ "" '" ' l llt rnv i,llct rny s. vi~i I ' \ ' {,t) \ -r." , , ( i.unmn 11 ~,ht 14 1lw x. Rny ~. l lltru vio kt rays . Infrared radinti ons. vi sihlc l'"'"''" ,,f ,, hitt: li ~ht which is deviated least by a pri sm is: \ .1 ) ~ll't 'll {h) ,rlto,\ (d) \'iokt photograph y? I " \\ h1l' h ,,f ttw folio" ing mys is used for ni ght (b) Ultraviolet { ._1 ) In fr.ln:d (d) All of these {d \ '1~1bh: li ght (d n. d SECTION 8 (6 mark) <)ut \tion No. I have a frequenc y higher a ) '\amt' an~ t\\o dcctromagnctic waves. which (2 mark. ) than that of , ,olct li ght. State one use of each. inary visible light fo r taking h) \\ h~ Mt rnfrarcd rad int ions pr~ferrcd over ord ( 1 mark. ) r+,\ tn, r.,plb in fo g? (2 mark.) of light ? L ) "IM t h llll'a nt b) di spl'r siun tered k asr.) ( 1 murk. ) d) Jn the .lt111u ~ph tTc , "hi l' h ru lour llf li gh t gt ts scat ()U l'\fw u ,\ t~ No. 2 pc uf l"lc1,. tfl>rn,1 .ol' ltL' (.a) Nam t tlw \"dt \l' . (] mark) ""'l' hu" \\U\'t IL ng th 50 A (h) \''hut 1" the ~ptl'd ,,t thl ""' t ' in, tH:ll lllll ? (c) Stat L~nnt ll 'i l' of thi " l) pl' ut'" ~" e. r:{: i, l JI 1 l ~ t'~ X ,Xi - r - X ,. (l >X.\ tt lf th,: nw~~, mtmhcr 111h l uhHn k 11t11nb, I' ol' X1 Hf'l 17) u.nd (,(J 1 v_,,,, ,, m. II rk) 1Y~l'l'"'''' t h~ . "hu( 1~, ,thl' n, u~s 11111ntwr 111 1d 01rn11 it 1H1t t1 htt. r ,r I\ d) t it' c ,Hh.' '- , ampl t~~, 1 1s(,hun-1 . 1 1 1. Qm:~ ion N '. 4 , ,, 11111rk) H.1 d1JlH l t1 ~ !:! '' c.:- n n\ll 11 ,1m n snun:l~when suhj cd cd to 11 11 c lt!t 1rit lic ld in 11 d11wti,H1 Jil'l'P~ ndic11lnr h1 their puth arc shown hc:lnw in lhl' dinwmn. J lw .irr,1", ~h,111 th\.' pnth of the mdi ution /\ . II nnd C'. /\11swl~r th~ ii,!lnwin1,1 1 quc>llllll~ in k'flllS of /\. ..f3. 1111d {' , . . I\ 4 .L I e ,. , 1\ ' ' , . ~]~ \.t' '' "/..,z },,,d iP,h'li\'~:...... ~ul,~l i:UH''-' <, , _ ~ll i .. _ ll\o, I al Nan1<; the radiati ons /\ & C. h) Name the radi ation B which is unn tlCcted hy the d cctric tic Id. c) Why docs the radiation C dctk, t more thun /\ '/ d) Which among the three cu11scs the least hinlogil al dumngc cxta nally'.' ej Name the radiation which is used in cnrbon doting. (-' nutrk) Question No. ~ (a) How does the angle of deviation formed by n prism change with the . h I f I '> ( I mark) increase mt .c ang e o mctt en~~--. I . the I 1f d ,vintion with (b) Draw a graph showing the vanntion 111 t 1e ung e ( 1.: 1 ( _. I'. ( I mark) atl. J~ :i(! lti,11 o" 11.,_ 11ici"-1 ~,/ , ence at a pn sn1 sun ace. :ij .' ' )~j I j ~)'. , ~~ ' ljj td A glass slab is placed over a page on which the word VIBGYOR is printed ,, ith each letter in its corresponding colour. ( i) Wilt the image of all the letters be the same plane? (ii) If not , state which letter will be raised to the maximum. Give a (2 mark) reason for your answer. (4 mark) Question No. 6 {3) Name the prism required for obtaining spectrum of ultraviolet light. (b) Nrune the radiation which can be detected by a thermopile. (c) What is the relationship between the mechanical advantage and the Yelocity ratio for. (i) Ideal Machine (ii) Practical Machine. (8 mark) Question . 7 (a) State work energy Theorem? Give its mathematical expression? (2 mark) (b) How does earthing prevent electrical shock? \ c) ln a three-pin plug, why is the earth pin made longer and thicker than other nvo pins? {d) A cell is sending current in an external circuit. How does the terminal voltage compare with the emf of the cell? (e) What is the purpose of using a fuse in an electrical circuit? (f) What are the characteristic properties of fuse wire? SECTION C Question 8 A prism deviates a monochromatic ray of light through an angle 8. \vhere the angle of incidence at the surface of the prism is i. (i) Draw a graph showing the variation of 8 with i. On your graph. show (3mark) the angle of minimum deviation. (ii) What is the relation between the angle of incidence and the angle of (2markJ emergence when the ray suffers minimum deviation. Question 9 How is the refractive index of a n1aterial related to : ,J (lmark) Rl'al und appare nt dr pth? (ii) Vc lo\"i t) of li ~ht in vncuum or air and the ve locity of light in a given (2markJ medi um '? Qurstion 10 Dm,, a ra~ dia~ram to shnw the refraction of a monoc hromati c ray though (J mark) a prism "hen it suffl rs minimum deviati on. Question 11 A pulley system has a velocity rati o 5. Draw a neat labe lled diagram of the pul ky system to lift a load by appl ying the effort in a convenient (5 mark) din'~tion. ~'1ark the tension in your diagram . ( i) If the eflicicncy of the system is 80%, find its mechanical advantage. ti i) 1fa load of 10 kgf is pulled up by a distance of 2 m in IO s, calcul ate the power deve loped by the effort (given g = IO ms- 2) . Question 12 A boy uses a single fixed pulley to lift a load of 50 kgf to some height. Another boy uses a single movable pulley to lift the same load to the same height. Compare the effort applied by them. Give a reason to support your (3 mark) ans"ver. Question 13 1 A body P has a mass of 20 kg and is moving with a velocity of 5 ms- Another body Q has a mass of 5 kg and is moving with a velocity of 20 (3mark) ms- 1 Calculate : (i) The ratio of the momentum of P and Q. (ii) The kinetic energy of Pin S.I. units. Question 14 Shov.' how the energy of a freely falling object remains conserved. (3mark) Question 15 A metal ball of mass 60g fall s on a concrete floor from a vertical height of 2.8 m and rebounds to a height of 1.3 m. Find the change in K.E. in (3 mark) S. l. uni ts. Question 16 A body is dropped from a height h above the ground. Draw a graph show! ng variation of both kim:lic energy and potential energy with (i) height. 7'2024 05:21 '-~- ~

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