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ICSE Prelims 2016 : Geography (Dreamland School, Makhla, Hooghly)

4 pages, 96 questions, 12 questions with responses, 12 total responses,    0    0
Anish chakraborty
Mount Hermon School (MHS), Darjeeling
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DREAMLAND SCHOOL FINAL SELECTION (2015-16) CLASS -X SUBJECT GEOGRAPHY DATE: 15.01.2016 TIME: 2 HOURS FULLMARKS: 80 You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. Attempt seven questions in all. Part I is compulsory. All questions from Part I are to be attempted. A total of five questions are to be attempted from Part II. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. All sub sections of each question must be answered in the correct serial order PART I (30 Marks). Attempt all questions from this Part Question 1 Study the extract of the survey of India Map Sheet No. 45 D/7 and answer the following questions: (a) Give the six figure grid reference of: (i) 217 [1] (ii) Nearest chhatri of the village Ikhapura [1] (b) Identify the landform shown by the contour in the following grids (i) Contour feature stretching from 9574 to 9977 [1] (ii) 9782 [1] (c) What do the following represent : (i) Black horizontal line 20 [1] (ii) White elongated feature in the river bed in 9681. [1] (d) What is the general direction of flow of the Balaram Nadi given in the map extract? In which Bank of the Balaram Nadi is the village Bantawada located ? [2] (e) (i) What difference do you notice in the pattern of drainage in grid square 9480 and the drainage pattern in grid square 9482 ? [1] (ii) In what way is the pattern of settlement in grid square 9576 different from that in grid square 9877 ? [1] (f) Calculate the distance in kms.and in meters as the crow flies from the Spot height 269(9473) to Spot height 317(0077). If a man takes 1 hour to walk 1 km, how long will it take him to walk this distance.Calculate the time in hour and minutes.[2] (g) If a man were to walk from Karja(9781) to Pirojpura (9775) (i) In which direction would he be walkng? [1] (ii) Which kind of roads would he be using? [1] (h) What is the main occupation of the people living in the area shown in the map extract ? give one reason to support your answer [2] (i) Give one reason for each of the following (i) Streams in grid square 9577 do not join the main river.[1] (ii) Formation of the black curved lines along the main tributary of the Banas river. [1] (j) Calculate the area of the region which lies to the south of northing 74 in sq cm. and sq meter. [2] 1 Question 2 On the outline map of India: (a) Mark with a brown bold line and label the Karakoram range. [1] (b) Label the River Tungabhadra. [1] (c) Mark with red arrows to show the direction of the wind that bring rain to Chennai in retreating monsoon season. [1] (d) Shade an area of alluvial soil in the northern part of India. [1] (e) Draw, name and number the longitude that determines the standard time of India. [1] (f) Mark with a red dot and name to show the riverine port city of Eastern coast of India. [1] (g) Shade and label the Northern Circar plain. [1] (h) Print I to show an iron ore mine in Jharkhand [1] (i) Shade and name a state with highest density of population in south India. (according to latest Census) [1] (j) Mark and name Gulf of Kutch. [1] PART II (50 MARKS) Question 3 (a) What are Western disturbances? State its beneficial effect? [2] (b) State the benefits that are derived from the local winds that blow in summer in the following statesi. Karnataka [1], ii. West Bengal . [1] (c) Give a geographical reason for each of the following: i. Mangalore and Chennai lie on the same latitude yet get rain at different part of the year. [1] ii. Northern plains of India do not freeze in winter. [1] iii. Nainital is cooler than Agra. [1] (d) Study the climatic data given below and answer the questions that follow: MONTHS jan feb mar apr may june july aug sept oct nov dec Temperature ( C) 24.5 25.7 27.7 30.4 33.0 32.5 31 30.2 29.8 28.0 25.9 24.7 Rainfall (cm) 4.6 1.3 1.3 1.8 3.8 4.5 8.0 11.3 11.9 30.0 35.7 13.9 (i) Calculate the annual range of temperature and what does it signify about the location of the place ?[1] (ii) Calculate the annual rainfall. [1] (iii) Name the wettest month and state the source of rainfall. [1] Question 4 (a) State two causes of soil erosion in hilly areas. [1] (b) Give a geographical reason for each of the following: i. Black soil is extensively found in the Deccan Plateau region. [1] ii. Clay content in black soil is an advantage. [1] iii Khadar is more fertile than Bangar. [1] (c) Mention two differences between the alluvial soil of the northern plains and alluvial soil of the Eastern coastal plain of India. [2] (d) Define the following terms: i. In- situ soil [1] , ii. Soil conservation. [1] (e) Name the type of soil found in- [2] i. Delta of river Krishna. , ii. Summits of Eastern Ghats. iii. Southern districts of Tamilnadu. , iv. Central Maharashtra. 2 Question 5 (a) Differentiate between tropical evergreen forest and tropical deciduous forest on the basis of i. Temperature requirement.[1] ii. Rainfall requirement. [1] (b) Give a geographical reason: i. Coniferous forests are easy to exploit. [1] (c) Name the tree and state the natural vegetation type associated with the following trees: [3] i. Which is used for making matches, paper, planking ii. Which is used for making boats iii. Which is used for making packing cases, matchboxes and toys. (d) Give two characteristics of Sal which makes it useful for making railway sleepers and house construction.[1] (e) State two objectives of forest conservation. [2] (f) Name one region in India for each of the following: [1] i. Littoral forest. , ii. Thorn and scrub forest Question 6 (a) State one advantage and one disadvantage that the tube wells have over surface wells. [2] (b) Give a geographical reason for each of the following: i. Inundation canals are being converted to perennial canals. [1] ii. Tank irrigation is not popular in Uttar Pradesh. [1] (c) State two advantages of canal irrigation. [2] (d) Name two peninsular states where tank irrigation is widely practiced. Discuss two demerits of this form of irrigation. [2] (e) Mention two conditions necessary for the construction of tubewell. [2] Question 7 (a) Name two deposits of manganese of each of the following states: [2] i. Odhisa, ii. Karnataka (b) Give a geographical Reason for each the following: i. Tertiary coalfields are of poor quality. [1] ii. Anthracite is used for domestic purposes. [1] (c) Name the mineral: i. Having large deposits in Noamundi. [1] ii. It renders hardness and toughness to steel. [1] iii. Large reserves found in Balaghat district of Madhya Pradesh. [1] (d) Name four by- products of petroleum. [2] (e) Name two inland oil refineries in India. [1] Question 8 (a) With reference to the wheat cultivation in India answer the following. i. Soil requirement. [1] ii. Rainfall requirement. [1] iii. Two leading states. [1] (b) Explain the following: i. The propagation of sugarcane by ratooning. [1] ii. The propagation of rubber by the bud grafting method. [1] iii. The propagation of paddy by transplantation. [1] (c) Give a geographical reason for each of the following: i. Tea bushes are pruned periodically. [1] ii. Floods are beneficial for the growth of the jute. [1] 3 iii. Drilling is the best method of sowing rice seeds. [1] (d) What are zayad crops? When are they grown? [1] Question 9 (a) State two factors that have favoured the growth of jute industry around Hugli river basin. [2] (b) Give a geographical Reason for each the following: i. The Rayon textile industry has a bright future. [1] ii. It is necessary to crush sugarcane within 24 hours of harvesting. [1] (c) State any two problems faced by the sugar industry in northern India. [2] (d) (i) Give two reasons why Punjab is the largest producer of woolen textiles .[2] (ii) Name two centres of this industry in Punjab [1] (e) Name an agro based industry based on the following centres: [1] i.Ahmeadabad., ii. Mysore. Question 10 (a) With reference to the oldest private sector iron and steel plant in India, from where does it get [2] i. Coal, ii. Iron ore iii. Fluxing material iv. Water (b) What industrial products are the following centres noted for? [2] i Perambur , ii Sonepat iii Faridabad. , iv Nepanagar (c) Give a geographical Reason for each the following: i. Electronic industry has grown in importance. [1] ii. Cotton textile industry is called footloose industry . [1] (d) State two important factors responsible for the development of IT industry in Bengaluru. [2] (e) Name the industrial region associated with following companies i. Mahindra and Mahindra. [1] ii. Messers Jessops. [1] Question 11 (a) Name two devices used for treating gaseous waste [2] (b) Define the following terms: i. Incineration. [1] ii. Biomagnification. [1] iii. Composting. [1] (c) Name the following: i. Terminal cities of East- west corridor. [1] ii. A port on the east coast which is often hit by cyclones during the months of October and November. [1] (d) What was the cause of the following? i. The Bhopal Tragedy. [1] ii. The Minamata disease. [1] iii. The Chernobyl disaster. [1] Anish Chakraborty 4

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