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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : History and Civics (Smt. Sulochanadevi Singhania School, Thane)

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Dhruv Sarda
Smt. Sulochanadevi Singhania School, Thane
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SMT. SULOCHANADEVI SINGHANIA SCHOOL, THANE STD SUBJECT EXAM DATE MARKS DURATION SIDES 10 HISTORY & CIVICS PRELIM 10/1/24 80 2 Hrs. 4 Attempt all questions from PART-1 (compulsory) * A total of Five questions are to be attempted from Part II, Two out of Three questions from Section A and Three out of Five questions from Section B SC H O O L, TH AN E [Part 1] Question I: Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options and write the correct option and answer in the answer sheet. [16] 1] Which of the following is the administrative power of the Cabinet? (A) Policy Making (B) Amendment to the Constitution (C) Issuing Ordinance (D) Budget SI N G H AN IA 2] Which of the following statements are true with reference to the role and functions of the Speaker? S1: In the table of Precedence she/he ranks higher than all Cabinet Ministers, other than the Prime Minister. S2: He summons and prorogues the Houses of Parliament. S3: He decides whether a Bill is a Money Bill or not. (A) S2 & S3 (B) S1 & S2 (C) S1 & S3 (D) S3 SM T. SU LO C H AN AD EV I 3] Assertion [A]: The President uses his discretionary judgment to appoint the Prime Minister when no party has a clear majority in the Parliament. Reason [R]: The President cannot appoint the new Prime Minister on the advice of the outgoing Prime Minister who may have lost the election or the support of the House. (A) A is true but R is false (B) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A (C) A is false but R is true (D) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. 4] Which of the following will be the qualification for appointment as a Judge of a Supreme Court? (A) He has been an advocate of a Session Court for at least ten years. (B) He has been an advocate of a Subordinate Court for at least ten years. (C) He has been an advocate of a High Court for at least ten years. (D) He has been an advocate of a Supreme Court for at least ten years. 5] In the given situation below, what does the Habeas Corpus mean? (A) to be informed of what is going on (B) by what order (C) we order (D) to have the body 6] Which among the following High Courts, does not have an extended territorial jurisdiction? (A) Kolkata (B) Karnataka (C) Mumbai (D) Kerala 7] From the following statements, what was NOT part of the Government of India Act of 1858? (A) General Service Enlistment Act (B) Transfer of power to the British Crown (C) Appointment of Secretary of State for India (D) Appointment of Viceroy Lord Canning 1 8] Look at the picture to identify the social reformer. Complete the blanks given below with reference to his contributions. (A) Raja Rammohan Roy, slavery, Morley Minto reforms (B) Raja Rammohan Roy, sati, purdah system (C) Jyotiba Phule, sati, purdah system (D) Jyotiba Phule, sati, Morley Minto reforms SC H O O L, TH AN E 9) The Khilafat Movement was started under the leadership of _________. (A) Ali Brothers (B) Dr. Saifuddin Kitchulu (C) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan (D) Sir Sayyid Ahmed Khan 10] What was the main objective of the Indian National Army? (A) Abolition of the Zamindari system (B) Introduction of a new monetary and credit system (C) To organize an armed revolution and to fight against the British army with modern arms. (D) Reorganization of agriculture and industry on socialist lines. (D) Cabinet Mission SI N G H AN IA 11] The Plan which was announced on 3rd June 1947 was ___________ (A) Indian Independence (B) Cripps Mission (C) Mountbatten 12] Which of the following was the immediate cause of the Second World War? (A) Hitler's Invasion of Poland (B) Dissatisfaction with the Treaty of Versailles (C) Policy of Appeasement (D) Japanese Invasion of China SM T. SU LO C H AN AD EV I 13] Identify the reasons for the growing fear of communism in Germany. R1: Communist influence in Germany after the Bolshevik Revolution. R2: Absence of the strong opposition party in Germany. R3: The Communists organized themselves effectively and succeeded in capturing a number of seats in Reichstag. R4: Hilter tried to persuade the people in Germany that Nazism alone could check the growing influence of Communists. (A) R1 & R4 (B) R2 & R4 (C) R1, R3 & R4 (D) R1 & R3 14] Which of the following is NOT true about the UN flag? (A) A polar map of the world embraced by twin olive branches (B) It is light blue in colour (C) It was adopted on October 24, 1945 (D) At its centre is the UN Emblem 15] Complete the analogy. The World Health Organization : _____?_____ : : United Nations Children s Fund : New York (A) Paris (B) Geneva (C) The Hague (D) Netherlands 16] Prime Minister Jawarharlal Nehru, President Joseph Broze Tito, President Gamal Abdel Nasser were __________. (A) Founding Fathers of NAM (B) Leaders of United Nations (C) Members Cripps Mission (D) Leaders of League of Nations 2 Question II: Answer the following in short. [14] 1) What is meant by Interpellation? State one advantage of it. 2) State one point of difference between the court of the District Judge and the Sessions Court. 3) Enumerate any two functions of the Prime Minister in relation to the President. 4) How did the Nationalists interpret Lord Curzon s motives? 5) Explain the clause with reference to the Constituent Assembly as mentioned in the Mountbatten Plan. 6) State any two objectives of Non-Aligned Movement. 7) What is meant by the term Appeasement ? Who adopted it and towards whom? SC H O O L, TH AN E PART II SECTION A - CIVICS [Attempt any two questions from this section] Question III: With reference to the Union Parliament, answer the following questions: 1) What is meant by the term Session ? Name the Sessions of the Parliament. [3] 2) State the Electoral functions of the Parliament. [3] 3) Give four reasons to justify why the Lok Sabha is considered to be more powerful than the Rajya Sabha. [4] SI N G H AN IA Question IV: The Union Executive is the Executive arm of the Government of India. It is responsible for carrying out the laws and policies of the government. In this context answer the following: 1) Mention the Financial powers of the Cabinet [3] 2) Highlight the different conditions when the Vice-President takes over the office of the President [3] 3) Bring out four points of difference between the Council of Ministers and the Cabinet. [4] SM T. SU LO C H AN AD EV I Question V: The Supreme Court's only armor is the cloak of public trust; its sole ammunition, the collective hopes of our society. Irving Kaufman 1) Justify the above quote with reference to any two functions of the Supreme Court. [3] 2) Explain the Revisory Jurisdiction of the Supreme court. [3] 3) With reference to the Supreme Court and High Court, state their compositions and term of office. [4] SECTION B (HISTORY) Attempt any three questions from this section Question VI : The First War of Independence of 1857 was a culmination of people s dissatisfaction and the growth of Nationalism in the 19th century, answer the following questions: 1) How did the British Government try to improve their relations with the Princely States post 1857? [3] 2) Identify and name the personality. Mention any two of his contributions. [3] 3) The Indian army was reorganised after 1858 to prevent the reocurrence of another uprising. Justify your answer with four valid points. [4] 3 Question VII : The League wanted a separate nation for India's Muslims while Netaji wanted liberation of India with the support of youths and other organisations. In this context answer the following: 1) Enumerate the three objectives of the Muslim League. [3] 2) Mention any three contributions of Subhas Chandra Bose. [3] 3) State the significance of the Pact signed in 1916. [4] Question VIII: With reference to Gandhian phase, look at the picture given and answer the following: SC H O O L, TH AN E 1) Name the historical event associated with this picture. Describe the event. [3] 2) Explain the events that led to a major mass movement in 1930. [3] 3) State the impact of the mass Movement of 1942 that was short lived. [4] SI N G H AN IA Question IX: In the post-World War I scenario, Italy and Germany experienced the rise of dictatorships, which later also became one of the causes for the Second World War . In this context answer the questions that follow. SM T. SU LO C H AN AD EV I 1) Name the leader in the picture. Highlight two of his ideologies similar to his counterpart in Germany. [3] 2) Explain the consequences of the Second World War with reference to Cold War. [3] 3) Which world organization was created in 1920? State its objectives. [4] Question X : Read the article given below and answer the questions that follow: Source: 1) With the reference to the above article, name the country that had filed the application. What were the two reasons for filing this application? [3] 2) Name the Principal judicial organ of the United Nations. State the two-fold functions of this judicial body as mentioned in the article. [3] 3) What are the main objectives of the United Nations? [4] ****************************** 4

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