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ICSE Class X Board Exam 2020 : English Paper 1 (English Language)

7 pages, 5 questions, 0 questions with responses, 0 total responses,    1    0
Dhanush Bm
Bishop Cotton Boys' School (BCBS), Bangalore
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ENGLISH LANGUAGE ENGLISH Paper -I (Two hours) Ansv,ers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowedfor writing the answers. Attempt all Jive quest ions. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets I J. You are advised to spencl not more than 30 minutes in answering Question I and 20 minules in answering Question 2. Question I (Do not spend more than 30 minutes on this question.) Write a composition (300 - 350 words) on any one of the following: (a) Write an original short story entitled'The Seuet'. (b) 'A family without pets is an incomplete family'. Express your views either (c) L20) Which do you pref'er for or against this - morning, statement. afternoon, evening or night? Describe your favourite time of the day. What are the sights, sounds, smells and feelings that you associate with your favourite time of the day? Why clo you like this part of the day better than the others. (d) Have you ever said or done sornething that changed the life of another person? Give an account of your words or actions that led to this change and describe how the experience made y.ou feel. This Paper consists of 7 printed pages and T20 C'Copyright Reserved 011 I blank page. Turn Over (e) Study the picture given below. Write a story or a description or an account rvhat it suggests to you.. Your composition may be about the subject of of the picture or you may take suggestions from it; however, there must be a clear connection between the picture and your composition. [10] Question 2 (Do not spend more than 20 minutes on this question.) Select any one of the following: (a) You have changed your school recently. Write a letter to your friend in your old school telling him / her what you like about your new school but also what you miss about your old school. (b) Some taps in your locality are left open all day resulting in a tremendous waste of water. Write a letter to the Municipal Commissioner of your town I ciq, complaining about the problem. Suggest ways in which this waste of water can be prevented. T20 0ll 2 Question 3 (a) Your school is organising a fete / carnival to raise funds for victims of the recent floods in your State. tsI Write a notice to be put up on the school notice board giving details of the I event. (b) write an e-mail to the Principal of a neighbouring school, inviting him/ her to 1 tsl send their students to attend the fete / carnival. l Question 4 l Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: Attending classes inside a railway carriage seemed unusual enough, but the seating arrangements turned out to be unusual, too. At Totto-chan,s previous school each pupil was assigz ed a specifrc desk. But here they could sit anywhere they liked at any time. The most unusual thing of all about this school, however,.was the lessons themselves. Schools normally schedule one subject, for example history, during the first period, when everyone in the class just did history; then say, arithmetic in the second period, when you just did arithmetic. But here it was quite different. At the beginning of the first period, the teacher made a Iist of all the problems and questions in the subjects to be studied that day. Then she would say, "Now, start with any of these you like." t0 So, whether you started on history or arithmetic or something else didn't matter at all. Someone who liked composition might be writing something, while behind you someone who liked chemistry might be boiling something in a flask over an alcohol burner. This method ofteaching enabled the teachers to observe progressed to higher grades - - as the children way of thinking and their character. It was an ideal way for teachers to really get to know their pupils. T2O OII rl what they were interested in as well as their 20 Turn Over )ver As for the pupils, they loved being able to start with their favourite subiect, the fact that they had all day to cope with the subjects they disliked meant they could usually manage them somehow. So, study was mostly independenl, with pupils free to go and consult the teacher whenever necessary. Then pupils would be given further exercises to work at alone' It was study in the truest sense of the word, and it meant there were no pupils just sitting inattentively while the teacher talked and explained. The first-grade pupils hadn't quite reached the stage of independent study, but even they were allowed to start with any subject they wanted. Some copied letters of the alphabet, some drew pictures, some read books, 30 and some even did physical exercises. Just then the boy sitting behind her got up and walked toward the blackboard with his notebook, apparently to consult the teacher. Totto-chan stopped looking around the room and fixed her eyes on his back as he walked' 'fhe boy dragged his leg, and his rvhole body swayed from side to side' Tottochan wondered at first if he u,as doing it on purpose, but she soon realized the boy couldn't help it. The boy said brightly, "MY name's Yasuaki. What's yours?" She was so glad to hear him speak that she replied loudly, "I'm Totto4A chan." Arl apt (a) e d .fr o m T o t t o - c h an Give the meaning of the following words as used in the passage: t3l One-w'ord answers or short phrases will be accepted. (i) assigned (ine 3) (ii) ideal (ine 19) (iii) independent (ine 24) T20 011 i (b) Answer the following questions briefly in your own words. (i) What was unusual about the seating (ii) How did the method of teaching help the teacher? (iii) Why did the pupils enjoy their arrangement? lessons at this t21 l2l school? (iv) What different things did the first-grade pupils 121 do? 12) (v) Which sentence in the passage tells us that the boy had difficulty in tll walking like other children? (c) In not more than 50 words, describe how the children were taught. 18] Question 5 (a) Fili in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in I4l brackets. Do not copy the passage but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space. Example: (0) taught By the time she was three, Matilda had (0) read by (teach) herselfto (study) newspapers and magazines that (1) (lie) around the hcluse. At the age of four, she could ('2) (read) last and well and she naturally (3) began (hanker) after books. The only book in the whole of this (4) enlightened household (s) was something called Easy Cooking (belong) to her mother, and when she had read this from cover to cover and had (5) (learn) all the recipes by heart, she _ (want) something more (decide) she (8) (7) interesting. (b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. (i) T20 011 It has been raining _ t4l two hours. 5 Turn 0ver (iii) attending the meeting. Mrs. Kapoor was bent -(v) his grandfather' Rahul plays football (vi) The mother was sitting (vii) Monica is leaning - the sick child all night. the wall. (viii) Rosie is very good (c) art and craft. Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without usins t4] and, but or so: (i) Sarah and Tyra are twins. They look exactly alike. (iD Rohan does not like to play cricket. He does not like to play hockey either. ' (iii) Sania pushed as hard as she could. The door would not open. (iv) The school bus drove through the gate. The clock was striking eight at that moment. (d) Re-write the following sentences according to the instructions given each. Make other changes after t8] that may be necessary, but do not change the meanihg of each sentence. (i) The librarian orders books for the school library every year. (Begin: Books...) (ii) No one will deny that the children have worked very hard this year. (Begin; Everyone...) (iii) As soon as the teacher enters, she is greeted by her students' (Begin: No sooner....) (iv) She is so busy that she finds no time to entertain her friends. (Rewrite using'loo') T20 011 6 /+ I (v) In spite of the very hot weather, Kevin stepped out to buy some bread. (Begin: Despite....) (vi) Sheela will be selected for the competition only I if she goes for the auditions. (Begin; (lnless....) (vii)I would rather eat fruit than a lot of unhealthy junk food. (Begin; l prefer....) (viii)The tree was cut down ruthlessly. (Begin: They...) T20 01r 7

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