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MATHS FOR ICSE (with awesomely witty questions)

9 pages, 33 questions, 26 questions with responses, 53 total responses,    0    0
Siddharth Chhetri
Sarwan Memorial School (SMS), Banarhat, Jalpaiguri
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SECTION A QUESTION 1. a. b. c. The difference between the compound and simple interest on a sum of money for 2 years at 10% p.a is Rs. 80 . Find the sum of money .Also the amount after 3 years at same rate . [3] Find the value of p if x+2 is a factor of x^3 px +x+q and f(2) = 4.[3] Determine the value of x , such that[4] 2cosec^2 30 + xsin^2 60 tan^2 30 =10. QUESTION 2 a. In a triangle ABC, DE parallel to BC and AD:AB=3:5 [3] 1. Write down AD:DB and DE:BC 2. Prove that TRIANGLE ABC is similar to Triag. ADE. 3. Write down Area of Triag. ADE: Area of Trapezium BCED. b. If A= 3 2 1 1 B= 1 -3 2 4 ,verify that (A-B)^2 is not equal to A^2 -2AB+B^2.[3]

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