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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : Mathematics (Auxilium Convent School, Bandel, Hooghly)

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Suman Dey
Holy Home, Kolkata
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AL NILIUMCONVENT MHO0L BAND TON(282425) PRE-BOARI BIECI . MATHE MATICS Mnimu Mrks Timy ailked lhree owr Ths time it I e yt roang the qlsicn upr tme gov at the hel of his 1ar i th tmc alkwcd hr writim the a w t Aemge all qwsions from Section A und ay fuur guestins trom Sertion B l working,incdding taugh work,ms he clearly shp and mat be denc n the sme sheet as he reu of the answer Omission uf essemtial wurking will result in los of mark. The intended marks fur gestion or urs of questios are giwe on brackets Mathemutical tables ane previded SECTION A AINmpM all questions from the seetion) Question 1 Choose the surrect answes to the questions from the given options Do not copy the question,write the correct answers only ) (Acubical ice-cream brick of cdge 22Zem is te be distributed CTean cones of radus 2em and beieht 7 cm un cream cones is lai L63 shc ehiidren by filling ice r of children who will get the Ke (b) 26] (d 463 WL In the gven igure PA is a tangent from an external point P to a circle with centre O If POR 15", then LAPO is (a) 25 (b) 20 (di 6s (it) If the image of the point P under reflection in the -akis is (-b,2, then the coordnales of the pont al i6. (b)(-6,-2) (d)6,21 (N) Ifthe common diflerence of an Ai 5.hen what s the value of a (al (b) 20 aus tv) From the top of alightha vhich is 90m above the sca.Ihe angle of depression ofa shiy is t0 How far is the sin fron the lisht bause (a) 30v3m (c)|7 14m Idi 0 5m PLO (-=8 K) The (b) 6ruot the given is of the (b3):5 equation (c)7 (iv) (a)5:3 (xvIf y6 a) p' V3(c)32 VZ)-0, (d) 8 I65-185 I85-205 (b)19 of the upper figureL D BAP (e)limit 20 LDCP -70 PC- ciass bcm and the lower distribution then 100 annual If Salman (2+74-iyk:83,then cquation dividend invests is a (b80 ) Rs sun linc 600,then of passing moncy through pointthe the in number Rs (c)70 $0 he Frequency bought 15% ane ht dividend d) 90 20% and having premium If a (R): Tatai 15.40(dRs ) 10s then toccives GST charged s Rs 4884 thcat utcamesTef ccat it letier he vowel an a chosen A is is rd PE) givcn will t s by hen word GST Ifhe 4 that PE) The probability tru is (c) of 6 x- is s 37 x+5)29%-N-3),NE in 3080 months 284(d)Rs sfalsebut arebutRis falsehie fle of is Rs for 26-45(d) units month (cRs )24 probability Reason n Aerton[A): (d) Both(c) Both aticle -0,2 RD y Rs 1f e is Account 30th(c)(2,c) rate 80 a P) DH class the valuc set of {b)O8 Rs of eyuatjon an s 42every 2x+y(-2.3) (c=8 ) at deposita then1iy 800Rs carhimshe 20:19(c) of (d)xty+4=0 quoted intercept The printed solution price of a 45-26(b) x2y(b) shares paving of the modal s PLO following Class 154a) Rs Si) (a)|-,2] (s). The (aRs )84 Navcen maturits timeof(KTder The() l1:13(a) share of limit cm, of p' the (d)38 then the alue 105-125 85-105 65-8 frequency of the medun ANDCA <1is Consider In difference (ahis ie Rn (3,0)(d) MATHEMA TICS NMATHSPG2CL. en the I ufWhat tumber mu he adked o 2s.7a jiA trt lne as twough he pots Aad 18 Mate mdont of he 2 that the 1, 4) segne AH Find reulting MA THSH, poly nomal leaves the C 5, 2 n rterets the temandet 41 coodnates axes at poits 14 - 4) -2) MThe equatikon 6 The of the line co-ordinates of A and B eThe montinats of M tE4 is a rat of he equatn 4p0Fnd the vahues ofk Soe wtuch the equtm pl-k73=0hs cqual ns 14] Question 3 Which term of The surfaco an AP fa into solid right the radius ofthe sh the 21,IS,I5, is -81 |4 solid metallic sphere is 246t cm t is melted and recast |4 taus 3 Scim and height TcmCalculte number of cones recast| take I ( ) Usng aph paper anal Lak ingg lennIunit along X and (a) Plot the ponts A4) and B(2.2) (h) Alo reflect A and B in the origim to get the points A' nd B' of A' and B' (c) Give the geometrical name of the figure ABA'B' aes hoth respestivey Wite down the cordinte SECTION B (Attempt anv four uuestions frum ths sKcioni Question () Mr Gbosh sold a certain number of Rs 20 shares pay ing N% dividend at Re proceeds in Rs 10 sBures.paying 12% divided at 50 premium I[ the chunue hs b annual ne tnicomeis Rs 120,find the mumber of shares sold by Mr. Cihosh (ur 2 - : find the values of wy andt DFind the value of p for which the lines Zxiy -70 and 4y - p-12- O are other perpendicular fo gact P.LO lighter 0(i ) rediice solid metal to i t s the metallic B. A () botton () And uestion price. () horizontal the the The y A comes height buyetprice volume weighta, The conical cone, a the ot conical with metal hole radius has hole 8 a i 7 in mads radius4 cm the and sold in the cm beight and eone 12em as12 hosm ct, emmade is 4em mn Calculate ietal of depth sone Lem Tem the rato laeeen the post ton pof AB CD and are a building obser C) for diseont the scoty marked is aeRs nriee 62000 Et edABdiscount to g =tmhe ta 30 amountaterunder anhigh, d 6the ressangles Cspeetivcly Find ot of to a E frequency instalmcnts the AP jat = DP in which the GST the seller the the top of rate fon |4 129% per 3040 annun isf.F to 13 line prove thal class 60-70 of allow price its marked ot m 50-60 of interest interval has In rate of th eharging GST selling i8,on #ith a A oder asks cqual Honda from lanp depresson the of ylur en of the EUe, uf Question $ ) 6tman (iA () In Ihterval ClasQuestion requency -2x Solve The get man the mcan r Rs the cosH, sinA given y ss+has 1020h inequation 10-20 of a the figure RD g2 on foilowing Account maturity,find AC= Graph sinA 2x,xE 20-30 AE dstribution in the sinB a Show the hank solution W and 30-40 value for that is set cosA, 52 of 3 (al ycars on and thonthy CPFp number then the 40.60 If 70.80 and ind thc 3 [4 is NMATHSPG4 CL. (c) meets (bi ta) (ii)figures (i ) Question (i) 10 Frequency Join Join Find Use Solve Find BC and the circle CD, ADthe ruler and locus for 'x' iP thewhose and at find of compass thepoints quadratic Measure and write the locus cquidistant lor this cquaton of ponts question from whichare down Clas (W) Draw On astualaetual 8 a em map a histogram area and lenoth drawn all $ from x4* terns of the angles of in sg riglt of |: numben57?11s km angles 0.30 data and find tie 640 the pot circle from the point yout respeetively and 0,30mode of answet AD radas where and 4correct Sem AB it meets Draw three to Mark from the graph 30-40 \BCD. shere ABCD random at |4 o0.70 given a erah auincs ii) cHDA(a) Ouestion8 IfZARD If In Athen tle given 4-2y = 26 thenfigure, HAD(b) fiznd the centre is 0' s find the value of below using to 70-80 a CEsa tangent 2em90.100 10kg of the ZCD (c) circle SO.90 Take ts 6 OD3 di to the circle on of wohcs w ais 11 |31 estimate fd the AB probabilits 40-50 graplh thenfollowing In of km land has is of 50 workers the sheet .7.7.9,9,9,9,9 Fnd () hem 41 scwsiwl dimensions the a the signifiant circle shord nount at AH plot 50-60 quartile axis atovcdistribution Use sasicd Find a AC rectangle of Mark of side CD of the quadilateral the distance 50000, are 80 and the of lower kd other the given frn following 8 is to plot A Construet the and -8-0.Give length equidistant H a sclected is selected ( kg)(n Weight Number of Workers he The an upper alongogive weight ) A number the a arescale the dingonal tem and t)mode number the nerweight their(b)their RC median (athatOsestioe (a) Draw cghing 9 b lf95 workers (b) (at the the one axiS and 2em 100-120 at A NMATHSPGSCL.

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