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ICSE Board Exam 2016 : English Paper 2 (English Literature)

7 pages, 48 questions, 29 questions with responses, 115 total responses,    0    0
Srujan Deshpande
Sri Chaitanya Techno School, Bangalore
XI-XII PCM, IP, English
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LITERATURE IN ENGLISH ENGLISH Paper -2 (Two hours) Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question poper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing. the answers. Attempt five questions in oll. You must ottempt one question from each of the Sections A, B and C and any two other questions. The intended morks I for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets J. SECTION A - DRAMA The Merchant of Venice : Shakespeare Question 1. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that Portia : follow: As from her lord. her governor. her king. Myself and what is mine to you and yours Is now converted: but now I was the lord Of this fair mansion, master of my seryants, Queen o'er myself; and even now, but norv, fhis house, these servants, and this same myself, (i) where "r. ,"1, J#;;"J"1""1;hat has just taken place which makes portia to speak these words? What was the inscription given in the lead casket? (ii) What does Bassanio say in praise of Portia's (iii) t3] What news saddens Bassanio on this happy occasion? What does Portia ask portrait? t3] him to do? (iv) t3l Who is Balthazar? What was the work assigned to him by Portia? t3l This Paper consists of 7 printed pages and Tt6 012 @ Copyright reserved. I blank page. Turn Over (v) do we find between where does Portia really plan to go? what similarity the character of Portia? Portia and Antonio? What does this scene reveal about t4l Give a reason to justify your answer' Question 2. questions that Read the extract given below and answer the follow: But mercy is above this sceptred sway; It is enthroned in the hearts of kings, It is an attribute to God himself; And earthly power doth then show likest God's When mercy seasons justice' (i) Jew for mercy? Earlier Name the speaker. why did the speaker appeal to the t3l who else in the play appealed for mercy? (ii) stated just before what are the three qualities of mercy which the speaker has 13l the extract? (iii) sway'' How does Give the meaning of 'But mercy is above this sceptred (iv) ShylockturndownPortia,spleaformercy?Whatdoesheinsiston.? is Bassanio what is Bassanio ready to do for Antonio in the court? why t3l snubbed immediately by the disguised Portia? (v) t3l highlighted through the Mention two prominent character traits of Shylock as your answer with scene from which the extract has been taken. Substantiate t4l examPles from the text' LoYalties : John GalsworthY Question 3. questions that Read the extract given below and answer the : De Levis : Inspector |sharply|Are you follow: sure there was nobody in the room already? I never thought. t didn't look under lTaken abackl I don't know. the bed, if you mean that. lnspector : you look under it after the lJotting)Did not look under bed. Did theft? T16 012 : Inspector : De Levis No. I didn't. Ah! Now, what did youdo after you came back from your bath? Just give us that precisely. (i) What reply did De Levis give to the inspector's tast question in the (ii) What made De Levis check the contents of his pocket book? What did he find there? Whom did he go to upon discovering the (iii) theft? t3l t3l who was Robert? where was Robert's room? At what time did he take De Levis' clothes and (iv) (v) extract? boots? t3] What is the Inspector's final theory of the theft? t3l Whom did De Levis accuse of stealing his money? What were his reasons for making this accusation? 14] Question 4. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that Mabel : follow: fUtterly surprisedf Ronny! Do they want me in court? Dancy No. Mabel What is it, then? Why are you back? Dancy Spun. Mabel fBlonk] Spun? What do you mean? What's spun? Dancy The case. They've found out through those notes. Mabel (i) : Oh! fstaring at his face.l Who? Where are Mabel and Dancy at this time? What was Mabel doing just before this conversation? (ii) t3l why did Mabel say, "Do they want me in court?', Explain the meaning of spun in the extract? (iii) (iv) (v) t3l What'notes' is Dancy talking about now? How does Mabel react immediately after the extract? Dancy leaves a note for his best fiiend towards the end of the play. What is the name of his best friend? What is written in the note? what does Dancy do at the end? why does he do that? what is your opinion of Mabel and Dancv? Tt6 012 3 t3l t3l t4) Turn Over SECTION B _ POETRY A Collection af Poems Question 5. Read the extract given below and answ'er the questions that follow: The woods are lovel;-. dark anrJ deep. But I have Promises to keeP, And miles to go before I sleeP. And miles to go before I sleeP. (Stopping by Woods rtn o Snowy Evening (i) Who is .l' referred to in the extraci? " Robert FrostI Which season of the year is it? What t3l evidence is there in the poem to support your answer? (ii) Who has made him aware of his mistake? How does it make the speaker aware of his mistake? What does it seem to say? t3l (iii) What are the three sounds heard?. 13l (iv) What has been said earlier by the poet about the owner of the woods? t3l (v) What does lovely, dark and deep suggest? What is the underlying significance in the repetition of the last tlvo Iines of the extract? Mention the moral tag that I4l the poet attaches to the Poem. Question 6. Read the extract given below and ansrver the questions that follorv: The morning stretched calm" beautiful. and warm' Sprawling half clad. I gazed out at the tbrm Of shimmering leaves and shadows. Suddenly A strong flash, then another, startled me' I saw the old stone lantern brightly lit. (A Docror's Journal Entry.for August T16 012 6, 1945: Vikram Seth/ (i) In which country did the incident described in the poem occur? What had caused the flashes? What happened to his home soon after? t3l (ii) Describe the injuries suffered by the Doctor. (iii) What was his wife's name? What happened to a house standing before them? t3I (iv) How does he describe the people he met on the way? t3l Why were the people walking with their hands away from their bodies? What was common to all of them? what message does the poem convey? 14) (v) t3l SECTION C _ PROSE Collection of Short Stories Question 7. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: .,And "That only leaves october, November and December,,,said the eueen. after that we shall have to begin all over again.', "No, we shan't," said the King, "because I think twelve daughters are enough for any man and after the birth of dear little December I shall be reluctantly compelled to cut off your head.,, He cried bitterly when he said this, for he was extremely fond of the eueen. (i) (ii) why did the king change the names of his daughters so many times? t3l In what way was Princess September different from her sisters? What reason does the author give for this difference in their temperaments? (iii) (iv) (v) t3l Which unusual birthday tradition did the King of Siam observe? Mention some of the gifts that he gave. Why did Princess September put the Nightingale in a cage? What reasons did she give to the bird for putting it in a cage and then keeping it there? How did the bird behave upon being locked in a cage? What is the message the story? T16 012 t3l t3l of t4) Turrt Over Question 8. this with The Last Leaf explores the theme of Friendship and Self-sacrifice. Discuss ' close reference to O'Henry's oThe Last Leaf [16] ' Animal Farm : George Orwell Question 9. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: These three had elaborated old Major's teachings into a complete system of thought, to which they gave the name of Animalism' (i) (ii) Who had elaborated on Old Major's teachings? t3l meetings When and where did they hold their secret meetings? How did the end? t3l (iii) What had the Old Major said abotlt the 'nature of this life of ours'? t3l (iv) the Who were the most faithful disciples? How did they contribute towards preparations for the rebellion? (v) t3l How did the animals celebrate the day after the rebellion? t4l Question 10. cruel in theit Give an account of how Napoleon and his companions were unjust and behaviour towards the other T16 012 animals. [16] To Sir, With l.ove.. f.^R Braithwaite Question 11. Read the extract given beiorn' and answr:r the questions that NEXT MORNlNc. follow: I liAD AN rDE;\. ir wAS nothing clear cut, merely speculative. but I considered it all the l\ay to school. Then, after assembly, as soon as they w'ere quiet I rryaded in" This might he a bit rough, I thought, but here goes. "l am your teacher. and I lhink it right and proper that I should let you know something of mrv plans lor ihis cl.nss.,' (i) who is'l'in the above lines? \\'her is hel! In what mood was he when he entered the class'l t3l (ii) what did the narrator expect rrorn his students at this monrent? (iii) Who enterecl soon af?er this? What did she do that made the narrator angry? t3l What chaiienge iiid he give her,l (iv) t3l What was the effect otr'the chailenge *n her? What plan did the narrator have in mind regarding the conduct ,;l'ilie young ladies? whose help did he seek fbr this? (v) t3l What ciid the narrator expsct lrom thc boys? What was the reaction of the children when they heard the narratotr's expectations? 14l Question 12. Give an account of the irrcidents o1" racial ciiscrimination that Braithwaite described in the novel '"i'o Sir With I_cve. Tl6 012 has tl6l

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