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ICSE Board Exam 2016 : Computer Applications

6 pages, 33 questions, 33 questions with responses, 253 total responses,    4    0
Srujan Deshpande
Sri Chaitanya Techno School, Bangalore
XI-XII PCM, IP, English
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COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (Theory) (Two Hours) Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question poper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowedfor writing the answers. This Paper is divided into two Sections. Anempt all questi.ons from Section A and anyfour questions from Section B. The intended marlcs for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets I J . SECTION A (40 Marks) Attempt all questions Question (a) (b) (c) (d) 1. Encapsulation. What are keywords? Give an example. Name any two library packages. Define Name the type of error ( syntax, runtime or logical error ) in each case l2l t2l 12) given t21 below: (i) Math.sqrt (36 - 45) (ii) int a;b;c; (e) If int x [ ] : { 4,3 ,7,8,9, 10}; what are the values of p and q? t21 (i) p = x.length (ii) q: x[2] + x[5] * x[1] This Paper consists of 6 printed pages. T16 861 @ Copyright Reserved Turn Over Question 2. (a) (b) State the difference between what (i) :: operator are the types of casting shown by the O method . l2l examples: l2l and equals following c: (char)120; (ii) int x:'t'; (c) (d) char Differentiate between formal parameter and actual Write a function prototype of the following parameter. : l2l [2] A function PosChar which takes a string argument and a character argument and returns an integer value. (e) Name any two types of access specifiers. l2l Question 3. (a) Give the output of the following string functions (i) I : [2] "MISSISSIPPI".indexOf('S')+ "MISSISSIPPI".lastlndexO('I,) (ii) "CABLE".compareTo("CADET") (b) Give the output of the following Math functions (i) (c) (d) (e) t2) Math.ceil(4.2) (ii) : Math.abs(-4) parameterized.constructorZ Write down java expression for : What is a l2J pl r_^1ffi r - vft-i,,-+L- Rewrite the following using temary if (x%2-: 0) operator: l2l System.out.print("EVEN " ); else ] ' System.out.print("ODD"); (0 Convert the following while loop to the corresponding for 1nt m: 5, n: while 10; (n>:l) ( i. System. out.println(m* n) ; n--' \ J T16 861 loop: 12) (g) (h) types Analyze the given progarn segment and answer the following questions: (i) Write tlie output of the program segment Write one difference between primitive data types and composite data (ii) tZ) t2] How many times does the body of the loop gets executed? for (int m=5; m<:20; m+=5) { if (m%3-0) break; else if (m%5::0) System. out.println(m) ; continue; ) (i) Give the output of the following expression a*: CI) a1-f * **a + --A+ a--; when a: l2l : 7 Write the return type of the following library functions t21 : (i) isLetterorDigit(char) (ii) replace(char, char) SECTION B (60 Marks) Attempt anyfour questions from this Section. The answers in this Section should consist of the Programs in either Blue J environment or any program environment with Java as the base. Each program should be written using Variable descriptions/lllnemonic Codes so that the logic of the program is clearly depicted. Flow-Charts and Algorithms are not reqaired. Question 4. Defrne a class named BookFair with the following description Instance variables lData members String Bname double price T16 861 : [15] : - stores the name of the book - stores the price of the book 3 Turn over Member methods : (i) BookFair0 (ii) void Input0 ' (iii) void calculate0 - Default constructor to initialize data members To input and store the name and the price of the book. To calculate the price after discount. Discount is calculated based'on the following criteria Price Discount Less than or equal to t1000 2o/o of pice { 1000 and less than or equal to t 3000 10% of price More than t 3000 15% of price (iv) void display0 - To display the name and price of the book after discount. . More than Write a main method to create an object of the class and call the above member methods. Question 5. Using the switch statement, write a menu driven program for the following: (i) To print the Floyd's triangle [Given below] 1 Z) ^1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 t4 (ii) To display 15 the following pattern I IC ICS I CSE For an incorrect option, an appropriate error message should be displayed. T16 861 [15] Question 6. Special words are those words which starts and ends with the same letter. tl5] Examples: EXISTENCE COMIC WINDOW Palindrome words are those words which read the same from left to right and viceversa MALAYALAM MADAM LEVEL ROTATOR CIVIC Nlpalindromes are special words,but all special words arenolpalindromes. Write a program to accept a word check and print whether the word is a palindrome or only special word. Question 7. Design a class to overload a function SumSeries0 as follows (i) void SumSeries(int n, double x) - : with one integer argument and one double argument to find and display the sum of the series given below xxxxx s:---+---+ !2345 void SumSeries0 - : ro nterns To find and display the sum of the following series s:1*(Lx2)+(1 x2x3)+. T16 861 tlsl +(1 5 x2x3x4... : ...x20) Turn over Question 8. Write a program to accept a number and check and display whether it is a Niven [15] number or not. (Niven number is that number which is divisible by its sum of digits). Example: Consider the number. 126. Sum of its digits is 1+2+6 : 9 and 126 is divisible by 9. Question 9. Write a progftrm to initialize the seven Wonders of the World along with their locations in two different arrays. Search for a name of the country input by the user. If found, display the name of the country along with its Wonder, otherwise display "Sorr)r Not Found!". Seven wonders - CHICHEN ITZA, CHRIST THE REDEEME& TAJMAHAL. GREAT WALL OF CHINA, MACHU PICCHU, PETRA, COLOSSEUM Example LOCAtiONS T16 861 MEXICO, BRAZIL, INDIA, iHtNA, PERU, JORDAN, ITALY INDIA Country Name : USA Country Name : Output : INDIA - TAJMAHAL Output : Sorry Not Found! [15]

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