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ICSE Board Exam 2016 : Biology

11 pages, 102 questions, 102 questions with responses, 749 total responses,    2    0
Srujan Deshpande
Sri Chaitanya Techno School, Bangalore
XI-XII PCM, IP, English
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BTOLOGY SCXENCE Paper - 3 (Two hours) Answers to this Poper must be written on the poper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first l5 minutes. This time is ro be spent in reading lhe Queslion Paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed Attempt all questions from Section The intended marks I ond any four for writing the answers. questions from Seelion II. for questions or parts of questtons are given in brackets I J" SECTION I (40 Marks) Attempt all questions from this Section I Question (a) Name the following: (i) tsl The exchange of chromatid parts between the rnaternal and the patemal chromatids of a pair of homologous chromosomes during meiosis. (ii) The number of individuals inhabiting per unit area. (iii) The immunity acquired by providing readymade antibodies frorn outside for treating certain infectious diseases. (iv) The pollutants that cannot be broken down to simple and harmless products. (v) The part of the brain that carries impulses from one hemisphere of the cerebellum to the other. T16 @ 523 This paper consists of 11 printed pages and Copyright resemed I blank page. Turn Over (b) Choose the correct answer from each of the four options given (i) below: A plant cell may burst when: A. Turgor pressure equalises wall pressure. B. Turgor pressure exceeds wall pressure. C. Wall pressure exceeds turgor pressure. D. None of the above (ii) The individual flattened stacks of membranous structures inside the chloroplasts are known as: A. Grana B. Stroma C. Thylakoids D. Cristae (iii) The nephrons discharge their urine at the: A. Urinary bladder B. Urethra C. Renal pelvis D. Renal pyramid (iv) Gigantism and Acromegaly are due to: A. Hyposecretion of Thyroxine. B. Hyposecretion of Growth hormone C. Hypersecretion of Thyroxine D. Hypersecretion of Growth hormone (v) The mineral ion needed for the formation of blood clot is: A. Potassium B. Sodium C: Calcium D. Iron T16 523 t5] (c) In each set of terms given below, there is an odd one and cannot be grouped in t5] the same category to which the other three belong. Identify the odd term in each set and name the category to which the remaining three belong. Example; Ouory, Fallopian tube, Ureter, (Jterus. Odd term; (Jreter Category; Ports offemale reproductive system. (i) Sewage, Newspaper, Styrofoam, Hay. (ii) Thymine, Cytosine, Adenine, Pepsin. (iii) Malleus, Iris, Stapes, lncus. (iv) Cortisone, Somatotropin, Adrenocorticotropic hormone, Vasopressin. (v) Typhoid, Haemophilia. Albinism, Colour blindness. (d) Complete the following paragraph by filling in the blanks (i) to (v) with tsl appropriate words: The amount of urine output iE under the regulation of a hormone called (i)-secretedbythe(ii)-lobeofthepituitarygland.If this hormone secretion is reduced, there is an increased production of urine. This disorderiscalled(iii)-.SometimesexceSSglucoseispassedwith urine due to hyposecretion of another hormone called (iv) _ leading to the cause of a disease called (v) (e) $tate the exact location of the following structures: (i) tsl Centromere (ii) Chordae tendinae (iii) Thyroid gland (iv) Ciliary body (v) T16 523 Proximal convoluted tubule. Turn Over (0 eye, study the same Given below is a diagram depicting a defect of the human and then answer the questions that t5l follow: (i) Name the defect shown in the diagram' (ii) What are the two possible reasons that cause this defect? (iii) Name the type of lens used to correct this defect' (iv) With the help of a diagram show how the defect shown above is rectified using a suitable lens. (g) these, 12 can be Given in the box below are a set of 14 biological terms. Of for you as paired into 6 matching pairs. Out of the six pairs, one has been done tsl an example. Example: endosmosis Turgid cell. Identify the remainingfive matching pairs : and cone cells' Colour of disease' eyes, Hypoglycemia, Active transport, Acrosome, Addison's blood' Blind spot, Hyperglycemia, Spermatozoa, Endosmosis, Clotting of (h) State the main function of the following: (i) (ii) Lymphocytes of blood Leydig cells (iii) Guard cells (iv) Eustachian tube (v) Corpus luteum T16 523 4 tsl SECTION Attempt an.v four II (40 Marks) questions .from this Section Question 2 (a) The figure given below is a diagrammatic representation of a part of the cross tsl section of the root in the root hair zone. Study the same and then answer the questions that follow: (i) Name the parts indicated by the guidelines (ii) Which is the process that enables the passage of water from the soil into the I to 4. root hair? (iii)Name the pressure that is i'esponsible for the movement of water in the direction indicated by the arrows. Define it. (iv) Due to an excess of this pressure sometimes drops of water are found along the leaf margins of some plants especially in the early mornings. What is the phenomenon called? (v) Draw a well labelled diagram of the root hair cell as it would appear if an excess of fertiliser is added to the soil close to it. (b) Differentiate between the follorving pairs on the basis of what is mentioned within brackets: (i) Human skin cell and Human ovum (number of chromosomes) (ii) Sperm duct and fallopian tube (function) (iii) Red Cross and WHO (one activity) (iv) Rod cells and cone cells (pigment) (v) LUBB and DUP (names of the valves T16 523 whose closure produce the sound) Turn Over tsl Question 3 (a) Given below is the outline of the human body showing the important glands: tsl (i) Name the glands marked 1 to 4. (ii) Name the hormone secreted by part 2. Give one important function of this hormone. (iii) Name the endocrine part of the part numbered 3. (iv) Why is the part labelled 1. called the master gland? Which part of the forebrain controls the gland labelled l? (v) Name the gland that secretes the 'emergency hormone'. (b) th. diugru, of an apparatus given below demonstrates a particular process in plants. Study the same and answer the questions that follow: T16 523 t5l (i) Name the apparatus. (ii) Which phenomenon is demonstrated by this apparatus? (iii)Explain the phenomenon mentioned in (ii) above. (iv) State two limitations of using this apparatus. , (v) What is the importanc of the air bubble in the experiment? (vi)Name the structures in a plant through which the above process takes place. Question 4 (a) (i) Draw a well labelled diagram of the membranous labyrinth found in the t5l inner ear. (ii) Based on the diagram drawn above in (i) give a suitable term for each of the fol lowing descriptions: l. The sensory cells that helps in hearing. a 2. The part that is responsible for static balance of the body. 3. . The membrane covered opening that connects the middle ear to the inner ear. 4. 5. (b) The fluid present in the middle chamber of cochlea. The structure that maintains dynamic equilibrium of the body. Give the Biological I technical term for the following: t5l (i) Complete stoppage of menstrual cycle in females. (ii) Pigment providing colour to urine. (iii) The vein which drains the blood from the intestine to the liver. (iv) The canal through which the testes descend into the scrotum just before the birth of a male baby. T16 523 Turn Over (v) The process causing an undesirable change in the environment. (vi) The removal of nitrogenous wastes from the body. (vii) The repeating components of each DNA strand lengthwise' (viii) An alteration in the genetic material that can be inherited. (ix) The process of uptake of mineral ions against the concentration gradient using energy from the cell. (x) Blood vessels carrying blood to the left atrium' Question 5 (a) ,The given diagram shows a stage during mitotic division in an animal cell: (i) Identify the stage. Give a reason to support your answer' (ii) Draw a neat labelled diagram of the cell as it would appear in the next stage. Name the stage. (iii) ln what two ways is mitotic division tn an animal cell different from the mitotic division in a plant cell? (iv) Name the type of cell division that occurs during: A. B. ir T16 523 Growth of a shoot Formation of pollen grains. tsl (b) Give scientific reasons for the following statements: (i) Colour blindness is more common in men than in women. (ii) t5l Injury to medulla oblongata leads to death. (iii)When an ovum gets fertilized, menstrual cycle stops temporarily in a woman. (iv) Mature erythrocytes in humans lack nucleus (v) I and mitochondria. Blood flows in arteries in spurts and is under pressure. Question 6 (a) The diagram given below is that of a developing human foetus. Study the diagram and then answer the questions that follow: (i) Labelthe parts numbered I to 3 in the diagram. (ii) Mention any two functions of the part labelle d 2 in the diagram. (iii) Explain the significance of the part numbered 3 in the diagram. (iv) Define the term'Gestation'. What is the normal gestational period of the developing human embryo? (v) Mention the sex chromosomes in a male and female embryo. T16 523 Turn Over t5l place in diagram demonstrates a physiological process taking hours' The whole set up was placed in bright sunlight for several (b) The following green plants. t5l Studythediagramandanswerthequestionsthatfollow: '-ro- -o. -)o' -oi (i) What aspect of the physiological process is being examined? (ii) Explain the physiological process mentioned in (i) above' (iii) Label the parts numbered I and2 in the diagram' (iv) write a well-balanced chemical equation for the physiological process explained in (ii) above, (v) what would happen to the rate of bubbling of the gas if a pinch of sodium your answer' bicarbonate is added to the water in the beaker? Explain Question 7 (a)Ahomozygoustallplant(T)bearingredcoloured(R)flowersiscrossedwitha :homozygous dwarf (t) plant bearing white (r) flowers (L) Givethe (ii) genotype and phenotype of the plants of Fr generation' can be obtained Mention the possible combinations of the gametes that from the Fr hYbrid Plant' (iii)StatetheMendel,slawoflndependentAssortment. (iv) Mention the phenotypes of the offsprings obtained in F2 generation' (v) T16 523 What is the phenotypic ratio obtained in Fz generation? 10 t5l (b) Briefly explain the following terms tsI : (i) Reflex action (ii) Power of accommodation (ii i) Photophosphorylation (iv) Hormone (v) Synapse T16 523 1l

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