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ICSE Board Exam 2016 : Geography

8 pages, 102 questions, 102 questions with responses, 484 total responses,    0    0
Srujan Deshpande
Sri Chaitanya Techno School, Bangalore
XI-XII PCM, IP, English
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GEOGRAPHY H.C.G.-Paper-2 (Two hours) .lnst+'ers to this Paper must be written on lhe answer sheet provided separately. You will not be allowed to u,rite during the.first ls ntinutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time ollou,ed.for writing the answers .{ilempt seyen que.stions in all. Part I is compulsor-t' .1 .lll questions.h'om pqrr I are to be attempted. total ql'/iye questions ure to be attentpted.from port II. The intended marks.for questions or parts of questions ore git,en in brackers I J To be supplied with this paper; survey of India Map sheet No. 4sD/7 and 20 cm of twine .\ote' tit (iil In ull -l[ap ]l'ork. make v'ise use of arrott's to avoidovercrowdingof the map. The errract of Survel'of India'Map Sheet No.45D/7 must not be taken out of rhe examination hall. It musl be handed over to the Supervising Examiner on completion o.f the poper. (iii) (iv) The Map given at the end o.f this question paper must be derached, and after marking, must be.fastened to your onsb,er booklet. All sub-sections of the questions attempted must be answered in the correct serial ordet. h') Tl6 @ All working including rough work should be done on the sqme onswer v'hich is used to ansy,er the rest of the paper. This Paper consists of 8 printed pages and 502 Copyright reserved sheet I outline map. Turn over PAR.T I (30 Marks) Attempt all questions.from thi: Pur{ Question Study the extract of the Survey' of tnclia \{ap sheet \o. {5D/7 and ansrver the following questions: (a) Give the sixfigure grid re.fbrertce (i) 12) Surveyed tree 2 19 north east of Pirojpura settlement. (ii) Triangulated height (b) for: 364 in the southern part of the map extract. What is the direction of flow of Banas river? Give one evidence for your l2l answer. (c) . (d) What do you understand b-v: 121 (i) l2r in the grid square 9878 and (ii) 180 in the grid sQuarc' 9 I 81. Calculate the area in kilornetre of the region benreen 9j and 99 eastings and tf] 76 and 81 northings. (e) (i) What is the compass tiirecrion o/ settlement Juvol from settlement t2) Arnivada? (ii) Give the difference in altitude betrveen the highest point on the map to the altitude of Moti Bhatarnal. (f) Name the feature depicted by: (i) (g) Blue line in Balaram nadi (ii) Lzl Brown patch in 9678 Name the drainoge pattern found in: 121 (i) e782 (ii) (h) e478 What do you infer about the climate of the region by the information provided {2) on the map? Give an evidence in support of your answer. (i) Name two man made and two natural features in 0) What do the following 9580. denote: (i) (ii) T16 502 Black verticol line running along r'vith 93 easting RS near Chitrasani settlenrcnl. l2l l2l Question 2 On the outline map of India provided: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (lr I (h) (i) iS Draw and number the Stqndord Meridian of Labelthe river India. tll Ill tll Mahonodi. Chilka. Shade and name the Gulf of Mannar. \{ark and name rhe l'indht,a ,\lountains. Mark and name Lake Shade and name a tpur.rt,ll snpuratecr resion in western Shade a region Mark and name *ith alltn.ial soil in South i ll tl] Indis tl] India. tl] Kolkato. tll Mark with arrows and name South West Monsoon winds over the Bay of tl1 Bengal. 0) Mark and name Mumbai High. tll PART II (50l\{arks) Attempt an1,/ive question.sfrom this part Question 3 (a) (b) \\'hat is the name given to the climate of India? Mention any two responsible lor such a type of climate. Name the (i) (ii) factors tzl p) The winds that bring heavy rain to Cherrapunji The local rvind that bring a light rainfall to South India and is good for tea and coffee crops. (c) cive (i) (ii) T16 502 a geographical reason for each of the following: t3l Konpur has extreme temperature conditions. Kochi is warmer than Mumbai even though both lie on the western coast of India. Turn over (iii) The Ganga Plain gets the monsoon rain much later than the west coast of lndia. (d) Study the climatic dataof station x given belou and ansuer the questions that t3l follow: AUG SEP OCT NOV (i) Calculate the total annual rainfall experienced by the station. (ii) What is the annual rqnge of temperature? (iii) On which coast of lndia does the station lie? Gire a reason for lour answer. Question 4 (a) What is soil erosion? Mention two steps that could be taken to prevent soil l2l erosion. (b) Mention rwo similarities between red soil and laterite soil. t2) (c) Give a geographical reason for each of the following: t3l (i) Alluvial soil differs in texture. (ii) Black soil does not get leached. (iii) Khodar is more fertile than bhangar. (d) Define the following: (i) Sheet erosion (ii) t3l Soil conservation (iii) In situ soil Question 5 (a) (i) Name the forest which is commercially most important in India. (i T16 502 i) Name two trees which grow in this forest. t2l (b) (i) Nanre the forests which grow on the wind ward slope of the Western l2-) Ghats. (ii) (c) Why drisuch forests gmw in this region? To which type of forest do tht, following trees (i) (d) Rosewood and Ebon1. (iii) [:] Hintal and Sundari. (ii) belong? Deodar and Chir Pine. Cire tlrrce past. t3] Clarify 12) reasons for rapid Jepletion of forest resources in India in the Question 6 (a) "Without irrigation, development of agriculture is difficult in India." the statement by giving nro reasons. (b) Mention /wo factors which are essential for the development of tube well l2l irrigation. (c) Cive one reason for each of the following: t3] (i) The Northern Plain of lhdia is found suitable for canal inigation. (ii) Tank irrigation is an important method of irrigation in Karnataka. (iii) Although expensire. yet, sprinkler irrigation is gaining popularity in recent times. (d) (i) What is rain water (ii) Mention Alo objectives of rain water harvesting. Question (a) harvesting? 7 (i) Name any 111rrc types of coal found in India. (ii) (b) Which type of coal is mostly used in Iron and Steel Industries? l2l Name the following: (i) tzj An off-shore oil field of India. (ii) T16 502 i3l An iron ore mine of Karnataka. Turn over (c) Name the following: t3l (i) Largest coal.field of India. (ii) Oldest oil-field of India. (iii) Best variety of iron (d) (i) ore. Name the metal extracted from Bau.rite. (ii) Mention t3l /wo uses of this metal. Question 8 (a) (b) Mention any two reasons forthe importance of agricuhure in India. tzl With reference to rice cultivqtion answer the follo* ing: tzl (i) Why does rice grow well in a soil with a clay like subsoil? (ii) What is the advantage of growing rice in nurseries betore it is transplanted? (c) Study the picture given below and answer the questions that follow: (i) Name one State where this crop grows well. (ii) t3l Why are mostly women employed to harvest it? (iii) Mention two geographical conditions suitable for the cultivation of this crop. (d) Explain briefly the following terrns: (i) Shiftingcultivation (ii) Bud grafting (iii) Oilcake. T16 502 t3l Question 9 (a) Gire nlo reasons for the importance of the jute industry in the Ganga- I2l Brahmaputra delta region. (b) \lention tuo problems of the Cotton Textile industrl, in (c) (i) lndia. Give two reasons why the woollen industry is not a flourishing l2l industry t3] in India. (ii) td t Name n o centres for this industry. With reference to the silk industry. answer the following: (i) t3] Why is Karnataka the largest producer of mulberry silk? (ii) Mention tw'o vadeties of non-mulberry silk produced in India. (iii) Name one silk weaving centre each in U.P. and in Tamil Nadu. Question l0 (a) Mention hlo adr antaqes that a mini steel plant has over an integrated iron and t2l steel plant. tbt (i) Name an iron and steel plant which was established with British 121 coliaboration. r ii t From n here does it get its supply of: I . iron ore 2. 3. (c) manganese coal Give a reason for each of the follorving: (i) Products made from petrochemicals are growing in popularity. (ii) t3l A heavy engineering industry requires huge capital investment. (iii) The electronics industry contributes to the development of the country. T16 502 Turn over (d) Name the industrial product for which the following centres (i) are v,ell known: t3l Bhilai (ii) Chittaranjan (iii) Question (a) (b) (c) Koraput. 11 Mention two advantages and one disadvantage of Roadways are always considered more important than any other means transportation. Give n o reasons in support of the statement. (i) Mention ant. hvo sources of (ii) (d) t3] of tzl What are Biodegradable u,asre? *asre. Explain briefly tire meaning of the foilo* ing (i) Composting. (ii) Incineration. (iii) T16 502 waterways. Segregation. LZI terms: t3l

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