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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : Geography (Association of Odisha ICSE Schools (ASISC Orissa))

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Loyola School, Bhubaneswar
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l\6 OFORISSA ICSE SCHOOLS MODEL EXAMINATION 2024-25 ASSOCIATION ICSE GEOGRAPHY TIME:2 (H.C.G PAPER-2) hrs EM:80 Maximum Marks-80 Answers Paper must be to this You not be allowed will time This is to on the paper provided separately. wrilten to during the first 15 miutes. wrile be spent in reading the The time given at the head of this Paper I is Al compulsory. paper. the time allowed for writing the answers. is The paper contains Part question twoparts. questions fromPartlare to be atempled from Part A total of fivequestions are be attempted to I!. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [J. Question -1 Study the extract i) of the Survey of a) Find out six a) A crow of iii) a) map is flying a) the compass b) V) direction feature man made Name two Name Drainage part Pattern the crovw cover to in in grid grid map of India Shade and 3591. no. map in km square. i) ii) iv V) provided: label black soil in western part ofIndia. Mark and name port city of TamilNadu. Mark and name the mountain Vindhya mnountain. Shade and label Chilika Lake. Shade and label densely populated in NW part 21 [2] (2] No. 3799. a) Find out area ofthe entire survey the outline a speed of2 km/h distance. No. 3796? Question -2 On 222 at the of Karja(3994) from Ranavas(3592)? in grid feature (2] of the map. from spot height 224to spot height b) Name the contour iv) NE the following questions: no. 3897. grid Find out the time taken by What is G43S7 and answer Sheet No. figure grid ofspot ht. 466 in b) Name the type of slope in ii) Map India state of India. 1/5 [21 vi) Mark and name offshore oil field Mark and name river Mahanadi Mark and name Nathula pass Mark wvith arrow the direetion ofNE Mark and name standard vii) vii) ix) monsoon wind. meridian. EEEEE Question 3 Choose the correct (Do not copy the Name answers to write the correct questions, the wind the guestions from the given options. that answers brings winter rainfall SW monsoonwind a) only.) Punjab and Haryana in . b) NE monsoon wind c) Western Disturbances d) Retreating monsoon Name the soil which has self ploughing capacity a) Alluvial Soil b) Black Soil c) Red Soil d) Laterite ii) d) iv) Name a) b) c) d) V) Name vii) Mountain forest the cheapest Surface well the state irrigation practiced in India irrigation where Jharia West Bengal b) Jharkhand c) Odisha Name :Babool mode Tank irrigation Tube well irrigation Modern method of irrigation a) d) vi) Soil Tropical Evergreen Forest: Rosewood a) Decidous Monsoon Forest :Teak b) Desert and semi desert vegetation : Ebony c) Tidal forest :Sal of ii) coal mine is located: Chatisgarh the modern method ofRice cultivation. a) Broad casting method b) Dripping c) Drilling method method d) Transplantation method Name the seasoncrop seasonhaving a) Kharif the duration b) Rabi c) Zayad d) Kharifand zayad viii) Name the basic industry in India a) Iron and steel industry b) Cotton textile industry c) Jute Industry d) Sugar 2/5 of November to April Name the ix) X) which migrates from North industry peninsular India industry a) Silk Textile b) Jute industry c) Cotton textile d) Sugar industry industry of oxygen from water body Depletion to India a) Eutrophication b) Bio is known as Magnification c) Sewage d) Method Segregation PART (Attempt any II (50Marks) from five questions this part.) Question -4 i) What ii) Define the [2] ofHimalayas on the climate of India? the influence is : following 2) a) Loo b) Kali Baisakhi [3 Give geographical reason for the following: ii) a) Shimla is cooler than Chandigarh. b) Mumbai receives more rainfall than Pune. c) Annual range of temperature is in Puri Study the climate data iv) Month C Tennp Rainfall the year in in Rourkela. and answer the questions that follow: May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 32.2 34.2 36.6 35.0 33.0 30.2 28.6 25.2 24.0 0,8 1.9 8.2 10.4 12.9 11.8 15.8 16.2 11.4 Feb Mar April 30.2 30.8 31.2 2.8 6.1 than 2023 of Station X Jan 8,4 less (3] Cms a) Find out the annual range b) Find out the c) Name the total rainfall of coast where the Temperature. a year. in station is located- East orWest? -5 Question i) Abhay gets good yield Nikhil gets poor yield in in his land because soil his Land because the two soil based upon their two characteristics of red soil. ldentify Write ii Give geographical reason a) iv) b) Hilly region has ) Delta region What is more Hilly b) Barren region water retensive and is infertile ,acidic and fertile. cannot On the other retain hand moisture. 2) and water Retentivity. (21 [31 than Bhangar. soilerosion than plain region. suitable forjute cultivation. is soil conservation? a) fertility : Khandar is more fertile is soil Name the method of soil Region 3/5 conservation in the following region:- [3] (21 Question-6 of forest. importance two economic Name has: i) which Name the vegetation reduced spine i) Long spring leaves during and Shed purpose. b) Soft wood commercial Reason: used for least are Give the Geographical forest evergreen like root. a) Tropical breathing unit. forest have industrial b) Tidal around conservation. essential for forest c) Afforestation government by taken major steps Write three a) iv) root and [3] Question-7 in is essential i) ii) Why irrigation of irrigation India? for following: water of rainwater iii) objective Write three and twvo iv) Write one harvesting? of modern method of irrigation. disadvantages [2 advantage mode of energy resource? surpass other energy resource Biogas How does resource. ofcoal energy uses ofcopper. Write two disadvantage and one following: advantages Answer the Write twvo project, Nagar to Bhakra With reference constructed? river it is which On a) by benefited three states b) Name with it. the lake associated c) Name Question 8 i) ii) ii 12 [3) 31 it. iv) |21 (31 Surface b) Ground [2] 31 Name one modewater a) [3] 12) Question ) i) ii) iv) Question -9 and wheat rice cultivation country? to be an agricultural cultivation to say India sugarcane Why is it necessary of sugarcane cultivation. Name twvo method in southern states? successful is more with following-: associated Name the crop Difference between Why a) Retting b) Ginning c) Fine plucking -10 Name of silk responsible the factor Write ofcotton two problems textile industry. steel plant, to Bhilai Answer the With reference which has collaboration a) Country ore? it get iron b) Where does to source of power c) What is textile industry for concentration in Karnataka. ii) [21 cultivation. with following: Bhilai steel Bhilai steel the 4/5 plant? plant. [31 [3] (31 iv) a) b) Name two petrochemical product with Name the location of the following: 1. ISRO 2. Question their uses. NRSA 11 [21 Write two economic importance of golden quadrilateral in India. Mention the role of the following : iii) iv) a) NHAI b) AAI What are the advantages of air transport? What are the disadvantages of water transport? 121 (3) (31 Question - 12 Write twvo adverse effect ofspoilage ii) What are the impactofwaste on freshwater marine What are the advantages of composting? Why do we need waste management? iii) iv) (21 of landscape. i) [2 life? *********** (3) (3|

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