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ICSE Class X Mid-term 2023 : Physics (Metas School of Seventh - Day Adventists, Surat)

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Nikita Jariwala
Metas School of Seventh - Day Adventists, Surat
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ITerm Exam: 2022-23 - X Physics - Page 1 of 4 METAS ADVENTIST SCHOOL | TERM EXAM: 2022 - 23 Class: X Name: Subject Physics Date: 26-07-2022 -Roll No. Marks: 80 Time: 2 Hrs SECTION-A[40M (Attempt all the questions from this Section) [20] Q. 1. Choose the best 1. What is the position of centre of gravity of a solid cone of height h from its vertex? 3h C a. 3 b. d. 2h 4 3 Z. A satellite revolves around a planet in a circular orbit What is the work done on the satellite? a. mgh b. Maximum and positive - C. Zero d. Negative Used? 3. There is no gain in mechanical advantage of a single fxed pulley. Why is it then a. to change direction of effort b. to multiply force C. to multiply speed d. to change the point of application of force 4. Which of the following is an essential condition for total internal reflection to occur? a. Light must travel from denser to rarer medium b. Angle of incldence must be equal to critical angle C. Angle of incidence must be equal to angle of refracion d. Light must travel from rarer to denser medium 5. Which of the following is not a type of a convex lens? a. Double convex lens b. Concavo convex lens C. Plano convex lens d. Convexo concave lens 6. Which of the following is an example where cantre of gravity does not lie within the material of object? a. Circular disc C. Circular lamina - b. Ring d. Solid sphere 7. State the energy changes in microwave oven. a. Heat energy to electrical energy b. Heat energy to mechanical energy c. Mechanlcal energy to heat energy d. Electrical energy to heat energy 8. A machine: a. Cannot have a mechanical advantage less than unity b. Always has the efficiency 100% c. Can have a mechanical advantage greater than its velocity ratio d. Can be used as a speed multipler 9. On which part of a right angled isosceles prism ABC shown in diagram should light rays be incident so as to invert the rays? a. AB b. AC C. BC d. Only AD | Term Exam: 2022-23 - X Physics - Pag 10.A ray of light passing through the frst foe of a convex lens, afler refraction. a. passes undeviated b. goes parallel to the principal axis C. passes through second focus d. appears to be diverging from second focus em ong rod is suspended from its centre throuah a string and various positions of hook and a load of 100gf are as shoun aheaaam Where shoulda given weight or 1b0 g be suspended to balance it? XGo a. hook at 0 mark b. hook at 10 cm mark C. hook at 20 cm mark d. hook at 40 cm mark 80 12.Which of the following is not an examole of converslon of electrical energy to mechanlcal energy? a. Mixer grinder C. Moving fan b. Electric motor d. Generator 13.In a single movable pulley, an effort moves by a distance of h in the upward direction. By what height will the load rise? a. 2h C. h b. 4h d. 2 14.For which colour of white light, the refractive index of glass prism is the least? a. Violet C. Blue d. Red b. Yellow 15.Two lens of power +3.5 D and -2.5 D are positioned in contact. What is the power of the lens combination of two given lenses? a. +6.0 D C. b. -1D +1D d. -6D 16.What is the effect of couple on any object? a. couple produces rotation b. couple produces translational motion C. couple keeps the body at rest In equlibrium d. couple produces vibrational motion 17.What is the unit of physlcal quantity obtained by the fomula energy. a. kgms1 b. ms-, 18. The ratio of the |2K where K= kinetic C, Joule d. Kilogram mechanical advantage to the velocity ratio for an ideal machine. a. is less than 1 b. ls greater than 1 C. 0s equal to 1 d. depends on the value of the applied load 19. How do the angle of incidence (zl), angle of emergence (L0), angle of deviation (zd) and angle of prism (<4) related? a. 2l + cA= Le+ Ld b. zl+ Ld= Le+ LA C. Z1t ce = LA+ d d. 2e + LA = Ll- Ld 20. What should be the position of object for getting image of magnification equal to one in case of convex lens? a. 2F1 b. Beyond 2F1 2. 2. C. d. Between F1 and Between F1 and 2F1 O a. Two equal and unlike parallel forces of [2+2+2+2+2] magnitude 35N moment of couple is 7 Nm. Calculale the arm of couple. act on a rigid body, such that the TTerm Exam: 2022-23->X Physics - Page 3 of 4 Name the physical quantity obtained by finding area enclosed by the plotted Force displacement graph. State whether the quantity named by you is scalar or vector. C. With reference to the terms Mechanical advantage, Velocity ratio and Efficiency of a machine, name and define the term that will not change for a machine of a given design. d. ls it possible that angle of incldence be greater than angle of refraction in any case? lf yes, give example. e. A student claims to have obtained an image twice the size of the object with a concave lens. 15 he correct? Give reason for your answer. [2+2+2+2+2] Q. 3. a. Name the unit used for measuring energy of atomic particles in atomic physics. Also give its relationship with the S.l. unit of energy. b i. of the body acts. 1 A square shaped cardboard piece having a small hole at its one corner is SUspended by The centre of gravity of a body is a point where the passing a needle through the heBd. Draw a diagram showing its rest position as P and Jhol centre of gravity as G. c. Diagram shows the incident rays and refracted rays through two lenses kept in separate boxes. Complete the ray diagrams by drawing the boundary of the lens in each box. (00 (o) d. Draw agraph to show the effect of increasing angle of incidence on the angle of deviation. e. Find percontage efficiency of a machine having mechanlcal advantage equal to 2.5 and velocity ratio equal to 3. SECTION-B [40M) (Attompt any four questions) [3+3+4] Q. 4. State the conditions of equilibrium of a body. ! Name the types of equilbrium. b. The diagram alongside shows a simple pendulum of mass (2] (1] 200 g. It is displaced from the mean position A to the extreme position B. The potential energy at the position A is zero. At the position B, the pendulurn bob is raised by 5 m. What is the potentlal energy of the pendulum at the position B? . i. What is the total mechanical energy at point C? What is the kinetic energy of the bob at the position A? C. A block and tackle system has VR= 5. y Draw a neat labelled diagram of a system indicating the direction of its load and effort. Aboy exerts a pull of 150 kgf. What is the maximum load he can raise with this pulley system if its efficiency = 75%? [3+3+47 .5. a. What difference can you detect between the direction of the emergent ray in a glass slab an prism? Why? b. A lens foms an upright and diminished image of an object when the object is placed at the focal point of the given lens. Name the lens. Draw a ray diagram to show the image fomation. |Term Exam: 2022-23 -X Physics -Page 4 of 4 AUniTorm metre scale rests horizontally on boke edne at IS SUspended from 57 one end. a diagram of the Draw i. Calculate the weight of arrangement. the metre scale. Q. 6. a. Differentiate between work and b. Name a machine which can be i. ii. ii. Multiply force cm mark when a weight of 20 gf [3+3+4] power.a used to: Gain speed Change the direction of force C i. Acoin lies at the bottom of a trough in which the depth of water is 15 cm. Find how much it seems raised from the boftom Refractive index of water is 4 A diver in water looks obliquely at an obiect AB in air. Complete the path of two rays AC and AD starting from the tip of the obiect as it travels towards the diver in water and hence obtain the image of the object. A air oter Eqe o Q. 7. &ier a. ii. [3+3+4] Define power of a lens. I Achild is using a spectacle with power of -1.5 D. What is meant by the negative sign? Find the focal length of the lens used. b i. Suggest two ways by which the stability of a body can be increased. On which factor does the position of centre of gravity depend? C. A bullet of mass 0.05 kg strikes awooden target 0.2 m thick, with a velocity of 300 ms-1 and emerges out with a velocity of 100 ms1. Calculate the: ii. Loss in kinetic energy. Average force of friction of wood. Q. 8. [3+3+4] What is the principle of an ideal machine? 3 In what way does an ideal machine differ from a practical machine? b. For refraction through a glass block, What is angle of refraction when the angle of incidence is zero? i. ii. if ii C What is the relation between the angle of incidence and the angle of emergence? Name two factors on which the lateral displacement depends. A10cm tall object is placed to the principle axis ofa convex lens of focal length 30cm. The distance ofperpendicular the object from the lens is 20 cm. find the: [3] 1. Position of the image formed 2. Size of image formed Write twWO characteristics of the image formed in the above case.

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