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ICSE Class X Mid-term 2023 : Computer Applications (Metas School of Seventh - Day Adventists, Surat)

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Nikita Jariwala
Metas School of Seventh - Day Adventists, Surat
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oHRUVE ITerm Exam: 2022-23-X Computers - Page 1 of 4 METAS ADVENTIST SCHOOL to CISCE. New Delhi) BIfiiated Guan Ph tato1sR1-45, 71 0203 Poet oa 24, Amainea, Surat-345001, ITERM EXAM: 2022-23 Class: X Name: Subject: Computer Applications Marks: 100 Date: 03-08-2022 Time: 2 Hrs Roll No. SECTION A [40 M PART I20 MJ Q.1. Choose the best variable declared within a loop is accessed A a) Only within the main method b) Only within the loop c) Anywhere in the program d) None loop that terminates first is When there are nested loops, the c) All simultaneously a) Outemost loop d) None b) Innermost loop is times 5 Welcome ii. The statement that prints ) for(i=1;i<=5;i++) a) for(i-0;i<5;i++) d) all b) for(i=10;>5;-) operator. the iv. he condition statement is formed by usingc. Logical d. Ternary b. Relational a) Arithmetic V. Evaluate the following expression: 5+2==7 G. Cannot say d. None b. False a) True vi The value placed in c is int a=10,b-15; C=a>b?a:; vi vii. a) 10 b. 15 a) b. java.lang d. 150 c. 0 into every class by default is The java package that gets imported d. java.util c. runtime is enclosed in a The code that could cause exception d. finally c. try b. catch a) if-else by In Java, primitive types are passed a) Object b. Value c. Reference statement are known as x., The parameters in a function call c. Data a) Actual b. Formal d. None parameters. d. Reference return any value is x0. The return type of a function that doesn't c) long a) int "d) void b) short declaration? Which of the following are legal method a) void method() { statements } b) void method(vold) { staterments } c) method() { statements } d) method(void) { statements } xii. Execution of a java program begins from a) The first method in the program b) The class in the program c) The main() method d) None class xiv. A group of relatede called a) Classes b) Objects c) Packages d) Methods I Term d) All a) for .b) while Computers -p c) do while is called erzy control loop. XV. bytes. c) 11 The string EXAMINATION needs d) 14 a) 22 c) Parentheses b) 13 within placed is constant The character type of d) () variable? a) Double quotes wordsin one inputtingtwo c) nextlLine) . b) Single quotes methods is used for d) nextSentence) Which of the following in theprogram. a) nextlnt) c) Runtimeerror C b) next) compile even if there is B and xvii. XX -x Exam: 2022-23 Aprogramcan a) Syntax error b) Logical error called as a. a method is inside defined A variable Both , d) variable. c) Static d) Local a) Global b) Method i. Part lI[20 MJ questions In short call by reference. value and ofx=2,y=3 and z=1. Answer the following between call by difference if the value State a double as its following expression and the integer Evaluate y+++ ++ty--x check which takes an Z-=++X+-z+ function prototypeofa the character. Write case. a argumentand returms else ifconstructinto switch if following Convert the if (var= = 1) printn("good'): Systerm.out else if(var= =2) System.out.prindn("better): else if(var =3) System.out.prindn(best'); else System.out.prindn("invalid'); Convert following V. do-while loop into for loop. int i= 1; int d= 5; do { d=d2; System.out.println(d): it+;}while (i< =5); answer the following questions: and segment program given Analyze the VI for(int i=3;i< =4;it +) { for(int j=2;j<ij+ +){ System.out.print(#);} System.out,println("GOGREEN):} inner loop execute ? () How many times does the () Wite the output of the program segment. Wite the output of the following program code: char ch ; int x=97; do ch=(char) x; System.out.,print(ch + ""): if(k%10 == 0) ITerm Exam: 2022-23 -X break: ++x; Jwhi is the Whatle(x<=100); difference between a they Vi. occur in a loop? Computers-Page 3 of 4 break statement and a continue statement when VWite the Java for x -b+Vb3-+ac expressions How many times 20 int x = 2, y= 50; will the following loop execute? What value will be the X. output ? do { ++ X, y-=x++; }while (x<=10): System.out.printin(y): SECTION-B [60 MJ] [Attermpt any four questions] Write varlable box for all program Q.3 Define a class called OlaTaxi with the Instance variables ldata members: following description: [15] int tno to store the taxi's number int phnoto store the phone number of String name to store the name of the the customer customer int daysto store the number of days the taxi is taken on rent int chargeto calculate and store the rental charge Member methods: vold input() to input and store the detail of the void compute() to compute the rental charge. customer The rent for a OlaTaxi is charged on the following basis: First five days Rs. 600 per day. Next five days Rs. 450 per day. Next seven days Rs. 300 per day. Rest of the days Rs. 200 per day. void display() -to display the details in the folowing format: Taxi No XX Phone No Name No. of days Charge XX XX XX [15] Write a menu driven program to accept a number from the user and check whether it is a Palindrome or perfect number (a) Palindrome number - is a number which read in reverse order is same as read in the right order. Example: 11, 151, 121et. (b) Perfect number- is a number if it is equal to the sum of its factors other than the number itself. Example: 6=1+2 +3. [15] Write a program to create a class with the following details: Class name: Automorphic Member methods: that the number is automorphic or not. void is Automorphic (int n)- to check and display in the last digits) of its square. Automorpic number- is a number which is contained625 and 25 is present as the last two Automorphic number as its square is Example: 25 is digits. ITerm Exam: 2022-23-X Q.6 Computers-Page. [15] te aa program to input a (A number is said to be a number and print whether the number is a special number or not a special number, if the sum of the factorial of the digits of the number is same as the original number). EXample:145 is a special number, because 1!+4!+5! =1+ 24+ 120 = 145 (Wneie Stands for factorial of the number and the factorial value of a number is the produci o integers from 1 to that number, example 5! = = 12*3*4*5 120). [8] a) Write a program to print the following series: 1 11 111 1111 n term bA Nhite aprogram to print the following patern: C D A B A A Q.8 a) Write a program to calculate the following series: [8] SUM = t t a t " n terms b) Write a program to calculate the following series: 1 SUM = t s 7 10 o11t . n terms [7]

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