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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : Chemistry (Sat Paul Mittal School, Ludhiana)

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Mohan prakash Sharma
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J \ \ I I ,1 ,. ' - ,, ',1 Sat Paul Mittal School Pre Board I Examination (2023-24) Subject-Chemistry Class X I '?, / I 1- / l.. Jlr MM:80 Time Allowed: z II d Th NOT 'd t s ore o owe additional 15 minutes for only reading the paper. ey must star t (Candi II e writing during this time.) ___.....----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------st 111 1 u "II\' .1111evl I WOl NOTE:1. This Quc ion Paper consists of Sprinted pages 2. Total number of Questions: 8 (Eight) General Instructions Attempt all questions from Section A and any four questions from Section B All working including rough work should be done on the same sheet as, and adjacent lo, the rest ofthe answer. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets []. Section A (Attempt all questions) Questionl Choose the correct answer from the given options: i) When a non-metal atom becomes an ion It loses electrons and is oxidised. M"It gains electrons and is reduced. ~It loses electrons and is reduced. (d) It gains electrons and is oxidised. ii) The most metallic element in its respective group is placed (a) At the top-- MA,.t the bottom (c) In the middle (d) Depends upon the group iii) Which is not correct with reference to the elements of group 18? (a) Zero electron affinity (b) Complete octet Jl!f Valency is variable (d) Max. ionization energy iv) Representative elements have Complete Penultimate shell (b) Incomplete Penultimate shell (c) Both of the above (d) None of the above v) The pH of copper chloride solution is ~ess than 7 ~ore than 7 (c) Equal to 7 (d) None of these vi) A compound with low melting point (a) calcium chloride (b) sodium fluoride carbon tetrachloride (d) potassium chloride vii) An electrolyte that completely dissociates into ions: (a) sodium hydroxide sucrose J'n;) alcohol carbonic acid . . viii) The reason for using Aluminium in the alloy duralumm ts: (a) Aluminium is brittle (b) Aluminium gives strength (c) Aluminium lowers melting point Aluminium brings lightness _kd) [1Xl5=15] I ix) The IUPAC name of dimethyl ether is: ~me thox y methane (a) ethoxy methane . (d) ethox y ethane . (c) methoxy ethane is: iode bydro nium ammo 'th . x) The salt solution that docs not react w lead nitrate (b) (a)' nitrate . ( d) copp~r nitrate . . 1(4 calcium nitrate : /xi))The carbon comp ound used m the npen mg of fruits (b) ethan e '--Yca) met11anc yne Meth (c) propa ne with warm water is: reacts de carbi xii) The gas evolved when calciu m (b) ethan e (a) methane ethyne (c) cthene for its concentration is: xiii) Zinc blende is an ore of zinc. The probable method p,ffroth floatation (a) leaching (d) magnetic separation (c) hydraulic washing xiv) Electrolyte used in the electroplating of silver is: >9JS ?dium silver cya~ de (yJsilver chloride silver argento cyam de silver nitrate n xv) The characteristic true about unsaturated hydrocarbo They undergo substitution reaction They tum reddish brow n colour of bromine solution pink They have single coval ent bond p"_T hey are highly reactive Ques tion2 hen:~ta te the main observation in each of the follow ing,w ,JI Y. Amm onia is passe d through lead [II] oxide. r sulphate. tf,/1.4. JI" 7-"Ex cess ammo nia is passe d through the solution of coppe on. VKA rotten egg smell ing gas reacts with lead acetate soluti using platinum electrodes . ,/('At cathode during the electrolysis of copper sulphate 2.. YMa ngan ese dioxide reacts with hydrochloric acid. ll ~at ch Colum n I with Colum n II Colum n II Column I a) Oxy-acetylene flame 1. Stainless steel (~l b) Surgical instruments J 2. Ethene c) Dehydration of ethanol 3. Halogenation @l d) Electrical good s 4. Etbyne(-tJ e) Addition of chlorine ! 7- - )..- en--t-5. Brass ( dJ fej'W rite the IUPA C name s of the following: I. H~ ~., B.,. H- I C I P.>v - I c::.-1 1 I ~)"" [SX5=25] J..~ k.:1-C c. t1 I H I - c - c - C..H3 I H I ot-t =C H-C H3 D] Write fully balanced equat ion fior each of the following reactions choosing the correct substance for the underlined words, from the box below: Ammonia, Copper, s11tp/1Ur, ( NfJ~ 1Copper / I I / ~ ~ Chlorine -I- tk 2,, 7 ,,v2. Jiff} J, I. Concentrated nitric acid is added to ueJlow non-metal. /!(P'1(S)~ ~/ . . 2. A co~oured nitrat_e of a divalent metal is heated strongly. 3 - Turnings of reddish brown metal are added to concentrated nitric acid. 1/~ 1 @A gale yellow green ga~ that bleaches litmus paper reacts in excess with ammonia. 1,...--7' fl/{) J -t /f/1<' -/ 5. A gungent basic gas bums in air. J (Jlv'r.) ---"/ 3J'I .,.,01. E] Solve: I. Calculate the percentage of nitrogen and oxygen in ammonium nitrate. [Relative molecular mass of ammonium nitrate is 80]. [H=l N=l4 0=16] e)Aluminium carbide reacts with water according to the following equation. 4Al(OH)3 + 3CH4 Al4C3 + 12H2O i) What mass of aluminium hydroxide is formed from 12 g of aluminium carbide? ii) What volume of methane at STP is formed from 12 g of aluminium carbide? [Relative molecular weight of Al4C3 is 144; Al(OH)J is 78] /Find the number of gram atoms in 4.6 grams of sodium (Na=23) IJ l(_ U &,?.~ Section B (Attempt any four questions) A Question1v V. a) Calculate the em~irical formula and molecular fonnula of the compound having following percentage composition: C = 26.59%, H = 2.22%, 0 = 71.19% Its vapour density is 45 b) For each of the substance listed below, describe the role played in the extraction of Aluminium: i) Cryolite ii) Sodium hydroxide iii) Fluorspar c) Iqbal treated a lustrous, divalent element M with sodium hydroxide. He observed the formation of bubbles in the reaction mixture. He made the same observations when this element was treated with hydrochloric acid. Suggest how can he identify the produced gas. Write chemical equations for both (4+3+3) reactions. Question&f1 a) Certa[}(iank spaces are left in the following table and these are labelled as A, B, C, D and E. Identify each of them. Lab preparation of Reactants used HCl gas NaCl+H2SO4 NH1 gas C J Alz, +- J,/,-,f, Products formed Drying agent A ;. Jl'4. wf1,-+/<{f. Cone. H2SO4 Mg(OH)i+NHJ D (AO r b) Select the correct answer: i) Across a period ionisation potential [Increases, decreases, remains same] ii) Down the group, electron affinity ITocreases, ~ . remains same]. iii) In the periodic table alkali metals are placed in the group (11, 17, L, 18] f-,(1/t,~ Method of collection B oll~~"'"'-E t1.. _ t I-!.. -- I ns in valence shell. Jls with three electro h . 9! . d er iod of the e1ement having . t ree she ,dfState the grouP an P e for weldmg ' 3 N.J it suitabl What are the constituents of solder alloy? Which property of solder makes ft.~~ f electrical wires? (5+3+1+11 facs tio~ f.' a) Complete the following equations: 0 l( -f (_f,, - } { '( {II/( {t'.;lf i)lC2H6 +702 - If(_ 2,., ~Ht 1) J <c rl i,, (Ii f 2-H (.J .._ ii) CH4 + 2Cli (J ./- Iii _ l l/ fl) J.,")// '.ii)C2HsCl+KOH(alc.hotandconcentrated)-t C). tly ft(ct1-H 1,/Jc /') Z v 7 r" {J ) u -i J 1v)Z.CH3COOH + Na2C0 3-t 2.Cf(Jl ', , ,- )( o e,tJ1 (1 -(1/1. z, co..J ( 1 /.f, v) CH3CH2COONa + NaOH 2,, --} ( 11 Ui f 211(} [JI~+ 4 Jo~c., l 11 f- 2 b) Draw the structure of the following: c., - l. - c., c - ?- (. ii) Acetone i) Neo pentane c) Give one word/ State the term: i) Solution of ethanoic acid in water. t structures. ii) Phenomenon of compounds with same molecular formula but differen iii) Atoms of the same element with same chemical properties. 2 [5+2+31 f Questior(9 a) Give reasons for the following: bromide. i) Reddish brown fumes are formed during electrolysis of molten lead radical in the brown ring test. ii) Freshly prepared ferrous sulphate solution is used for testing the nitrate iii) H2S04 is not obtained by directly reacting S03 in water. b) Name the process taking place in the chemical reactions given below: CH3COOCH2CH3 + H20 i) CH3COOH + CH3CH20H C2H6 ii) C2H2 + 2H2 C2H4 + H20 iii) C2HsOH (cone. H2S04) c) Define: i) Avoga dro's Law ii) Homologous series iii) Ionisation Energy acid. d) Give an equatio n for the preparation salt from strong alkali and a weak (3+3+3+1] Ques tio~ on whether it is dilute or a) A, B, C and D summa rize the properties of Sulphuric acid depending is relevant to each of the concentrated. Choos e the property (A, B, C or D), depending on which preparations (i) to (iii): A. Dilute acid (typical acid properties) B. Non-volatile acid. C. Oxidizing agent. D. Dehydrating agent (i) Preparation of Hydro gen Chloride. '7 (ii) Preparation of Ethene from Ethanol. 0 (iii) Preparation of Coppe r sulphate from Copper oxide. methods given in the list and write the b) Choose the method of prepar ation of the following salts, from the A balanced chemical equati or.for each: . B p . . at1on t111J . rec1p1_t [List: A. Neutra hzatton \ 1/ (i) Lead chloride J (ii) Iron (II) sulpha te V (iii) Sodium nitrate .4 (~\ . . C. DirecNombmauon D Subs!i\ution] . ~11) (iv) Iron (III) chloride (_, 1.:) Give one example in each case A strong mineral acid /.{?/J ~ r ~~~Abase which is not an alkali k(()f/)~ Ill) An acid salt Aj/.! JtJ . ,_ ~? [3+4+3) E Question~ 4 J'.'1 ~ 7 --I- ;r'J Draw dot and cross structure of ammonium ion and the ty~e of bonding occurring in it. },('/. . ft!, fl./ - 111 /V, 11 ~) X, Y and Z have atomic number 6, 9, 1~ respectively. Which one 1) forms cation 2.. 1I 11 1- ) 1 orms anion y x1 11 W iii) has 4 valence electrons in its valence shell. c) The position of three elements A, B and C in periodic table is shown below Group 16 Group 17 A ' B C - i) State whether C is a metal or a non-metal _,.,,. ii) State whether C is more or l~ss reactive than A iii) Will C be larger o r ~ than B d) Draw the electron dot structure of i) calcium oxide ,. [2+3+3+2) ii) Acetic acid ( 1 H3 Coo~ ' ' H ,;_ f-r, r '--" Y- 1,-1 )(" > " c... ~~o., I" 'f' 6 4() ,{)o 0 1) - 0(1 '? I J, VI

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