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CTET Exam - JULY 2013 : Paper 2

64 pages, 420 questions, 20 questions with responses, 20 total responses,    0    0
Central Teacher Eligibility ...,  Delhi 
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This booklet contains 64 pages. ~~~64~t T~t I JP-2 PAPER IT 1~--q:f II Test Booklet No. 1rilarr ~ msr:rr T:;ooklet !f::e MAINTESTBOOKLET/~~~ ~ Do notoP'n tbl Booklot until you " ' """' to do ro, ~ llflarr ~'fiT OOf ~ ;;t ~ -;;r.r ~~ "~" ;;mr 1 Read carefully the Instructions on the Back Cover ofthis Test Booklet. ~ llflarr ~ cl> fimi;f a:n<WJT "QT fur~ 'fiT ~ lt lit 1 I , . ' INSTRUCTIONS FOR CANDIDATES I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The OMR Answer Sheet is inside this Test Booklet. When you are directed to open the Test Booklet, take out the Answer Sheet and fill in the particulars on Side-1 and Side-2 carefully with blue/black ball point pen only. The test is of 2 hours duration and consists of 150 questions. There is no negative marking. Use Blue I Black Ball Point I' en only for writing particulars on this page I marking responses in the Answer Sheet. The CODE for this Booklet is P. Make sure that the CODE printed on Side-2 of the Answer Sheet is the same as that on this booklet. Also ensure that your Test Booklet No. and Answer Sheet No. are the same. ln. case of discrepancy, the candidate should immediately report the matter to the lnvigilator for replacement of both the Test Booklet and the Answer Sheet. This Test Booklet has five Parts, I, II, III, IV and V, consisting of 150 Objective Type Questions, each carrying I mark : Part-1 : Child Development and Pedagogy (Q. I to Q. 30) (Q. 31 to Q. 90) Part-II : Mathematics and Science Part-Ill: Social Studies/ Social Science (Q. 31 to Q. 90) Part-IV : Language I- (English/Hindi) (Q. 91 to Q. 120) Part-Y : Languageii-(English/Hindi) (Q. 121 to Q. 150) Candidates have to do questions 31 to 90 EITHJ!:R from Part-II (Mathematics and Science) OR from Part III (Social Studies/Social Science) Part-lY contains 30 questions for Language-! and Part-Y contains 30 questions for Language-I!. In this Test Booklet, only questions pertaining to English and Hindi language have been given. In case the language/s you have opted for as Language-! and/or Language-11 is a _language other than English or Hindi, please ask for a Test Booklet that contains questions on that language. The languages being answered must tally with the languages opted for in your Application Form. Candidates are required to attempt questions in Part-Y (Language-H) in :o language other than the one chosen as .Language-I (in Part-IV) from the list of languages. Rough work should be done only in the space provided in the Test Booklet for the same. The answers are to be recorded on the OMR Answer Sheet only. Mark your responses carefully. No whitener is allowed for changing answers. 1. OMR ':ffi' 'l'> W ~ ~ 3R< <lliT %" I "''f .mqq;f "* 1R'lm ~ ~ <m ~. m';ffi' 'l'> ~ <R "!'0-1 1{ii "!'0-2 tf{ 'tZIR ~ ~ -;fut/Ciiffi <ffi;r ~ ~ ~ ~,Z I f 2. 3 4. qi't ~ 2 +tfZ' -q' 150 ~ %" 1{ii t I~ ~~'lit%- I w 'l'6' tf{ ~ ~ ~ 1{ii ';ffi' 'l'> tf{ f.:mFr "W1R -ij;' ~ ~ -;ful/Ciiffi oifM ~ ~ <nT lf'Wr q;t I W ~ <nT ~ i P. <W ~ <R <'f f<fi W ~ q;r ';ffi' 'l'> -ij;' ~-2 tf{ ~ ~ fl:!<;rm t 1 <W 1ft f<f;. m mm-, mm- ~. <R <'l ~ ~ ~ ';ffi' 'l'> ~ fl: ;ffi t 1 31'R' <W l1R ~ ~ ~~~ ':ffi' 'l'> i'R -ij;' ~ ~ q;T qBf ~ ClWit I 5. 6. ?. W . ~ 1l -qtq. 'IT'T I, II, III, IV ~ V t, ~ 150 ~~t.-m~1~<nr%": 'WT-1 : <m'f ~ " ~ ('A. 1 ~ 'A. 30) 'WT- II : ~ <r fuw-1 ('A. 31 ~ If. 90) 'WT-Ill: ~ ~1<114if"l<t> fuw-1 ('A. 31 ~If. 90) 'IT'T-IV : "11"!T I - (alJI;;f'r I W<i\) ('A. 91 ~'A. !20) 'IT'T-V : "11"!T II - ( alJI;;f'r I W<i\) ('A. 121 ~ 'A. 150) "* m ~ ~ 31 ~ 9o '!IT 'IT'T-11 ~"~'!IT 'IT'T-III (tll"'lf"l<t> 31!21<R~ ~ ~ ~ t I 'IT'T-IV 1l "ll"!T-1 -ij;' ~ 30 ~ ~ 'IT'T-V 1l "ll"!T-11 -ij;' ~ 30 ~ ~ ~ t I W . ~ -q' ~ alJI;;f'r Cf ~ "11"!T ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t I ~ \lro-1 afu'ttrr \lro-11 ll ~ID<f"q.{\ ..,foqro(l'h aiJh.fl miA'\~ 3R'!lmt'm~ ~\lro~tRTIHT~'IiltT~ IfuR \lroan~w.fl l1f 9. -ij;'~ anq~~t~ ~'Q>f..t~ oqroan~ ~ ~'G!Fft~l 'Wam:ii 'IWT- v (\lro-11) ~- oqro~ ~~ oqro'foliilf ~ID<T \lro-1 ('IWT-IV) ll ~ llf oqro~f1R &f t ""'<fiTit ~ -q w ~ -ij;' ~ ~ Tit 1liT<'f\ ~ I 0. 'tl":ft ':ffi' ~ 8. tR'<titl OMR ':ffi' 'l'> ~~<rt Rf..;d 1 tf{ 'it ~ q;t I 3f'R '3'ilT ';ffi'~~m~<nrm I Name of the Candtdate (tn Capttals): ;wr ('It~~: -----------------,------Roll Number: in figures _ _ _ _ _ _ _.:.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ~q;r ~ : ;iq:;'f -q : inwords _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~------------------: ~-q Centre of Examination (in Capitals) :_ _ _ _ _ _ _- ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~('It~~: (, Candidate's Signature''----- ------- Invigilator's Signature:--------'-----~-ij;'mTW: ~-ij;'mTW.: Facsimile signature stamp of ;ntre fllifiilliillllllllllllllll p (2) PART -I I 'qT1"f'- I CIDLD DEVELOPMENT AND PEDAGOGY /iffi"l' fclC61'E't Directions : Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option. f.1ffl . 1. 1. Which one of the following is a critique of theory of multiple intelligences ? (1) (2) (3) (4) . 2. (1) Children enter in the world with certain knowledge about language (2) Language and thought are initially two different activities (3) Language IS -contingent on thought (4) Language IS a stimuli in enviomment 3. f.1"'1ft'tf&d -q ~ ~-m ~ ~ ttt ~ H thi:C"'I't ? (1) ~m ~ ~-;;IT~~ll ~ll~~~l (2) ~ ~ q;f 3l1RT ~ q;f ~ lfl1GG~ croffi t I (3) ~ O<IIClt\IRifi ~ ~~~tl (4) ~ ~ ~ q;f fot("l':f'("j -q't -3il<4'<<lifii11 ~ tit ~~t~l 2. Chomsky f.t 01f("lf&d -q ~ ~ ~ ~ cf; ~ ~<1ft .~mm~t? (1) ~'l1J'!!!Tc!>Gfltll - ~ ~w.rc!>wr ~<fi tt I 3ff\ fcr'tlrnrri'l1 - (2) 'l1f!!!T .Vygotsky C4 ~~ nli4l'l lfeyN;;r~ tl fcRnr 1R" 31Jmfu; - ~ (4). 'i1f!!!T C41('11q<(Oilf ~ - OlT.~. (3) Piaget 'l:(Jqf tl B.F. Skinner Features assigned du10_ to social roles and not due to biological endowment are called (1) (2) (3) (4) mm- 3#rrr ~ ~ f.tAfc;rfigrt rrRf ~~~ .. Multiple intelligence are only the 'talents' present in intelligence as a whole. Multiple intdligence provides students to discover their propensities. It overemphasises practical intelligence. It cannot be supported by empirical evidence at all. Which one of the following pair is least likely to be a correct match ? Cf~ Gender role attitudes Gender role strain Gender-role stereotype Gender role diagnosticity d'(~lqifi 3. t ~ I ~ cf; cm-ar "''' ~ ..n<~a~uf.1Cf> ~ cfi cm-ar ~ 11f flli11f"1ifi ~~16G(1f~ (1). (2) (3) (4) ifil\("llffl f I ~~~ ~~-e;orrq ~ ~ W<$"1<>&1'11 ~~ ol"IR'f>l p (3) '4. Which of the following will be most appropriate to maximise learning ? (1) (2) Individual difference in students should be smoothened by pairing similar students. (2) Teacher should focus on only one learning style to bring optimum result. (4) Students of similar cultural background should be kept in the same class to avoid difference in opinion. All of the following promote assessment as learning except .q. r~ .... rMf&H ~ qft;:r_m an~ q:;t an~mcf;'fmr~~3funt? (1) ~ CfiT 3N-ft fi~HI\'ilCfl mviT ~ ~-~ am~ <1ft 4~1'11\'ilCfl <1ft ~ Teacher should identify her cognitive style as well as of her students' cognitive style. (3) S. 4. (3) ., m mvrr ~ ~<lf<ffiCfl M;:;mr .q CfiT m "ORFi~~~~~~ ~~~tl ~ 1lftuwr ffi ~ ~ ~ ~~~mviTlR~~ Cfi <T t I (4) m ~i~Cfl ~ ~ ~ ~ {(<!> CffliT .q w;rr lffi $pr : ORlT ~ ~ I ~frtfhm cf;' S. f.:t...,fMf&i1 lf\ft ~cf;'~'lt ~q:;f~~f l *' (1) (1) ~ CfiT ~ ~"dqltlO( ~ ~~I (2) generating a safe environment for students to take chances. (2) 31CfW~ ~ ~*'~~ (3) tell students to reflect on the topic taught. (3) ~ ~ fcrtl<r 1R lFFf q;r;l ~CfiT~I (4) 6. telling students to take internal feedback. testing students as frequently as possible. c4) f-;m;ft ~ When a cook tastes a, food during cooking it may be akin to ~ Cllolq{UI CfiT Rmur ~ I ~WIT I 6. m ~ CfiT WTRfT<' ~ ~ " ~AT ~ ~ ~ q:;f ~tm~ cf;'~t , ';;:101' ~CfiT~ (1) Assessment ofh:aming (1) (2) Assessment for learnil).g (2) (3) Assessment as learning (3) ~*'~.q~ (4) 7. *' ~ Assessment and learning (4) ~ Differentiated instruction is (1) using a variety of groupings to meet student needs. (2) doing something different every student in the class. (3) disorderly or student activity. (4) 7. for undisciplined using groups that never change. ~*'~~ aftnfus-rr <iii1'!Q'!Cfl ~t (1) ~ <1ft q;r;l j(q!(<lCfli11aTI q:;l ~ *' ~ ~'it\lCfl{U( *' fclfcrtl ~ CfiT~~ I (2) ~.q~~~~~ 3Wrl~ (3) l<XlClf-12!o I ~ ~ ~ ~ (4) ~~CfiT~"'T~m~ p 8. (4) In a culturally and linguistically diverse classroom, before deciding whether a student comes under special ~ducation category, a teacher should (1) 8. <tii"'f~Rti.fl ~ ~ ~~ ~ 'i.flm .q 'W f"1fh111 'Cflr.f ~ ~ fct; fumefi ~ fum_wf .q amrr . ( 1) firnT coT ~ l1ffil'- Not involve parents as parents t~fa:tf c111 ~ q;r;:rr ~ ~-qrn 3N-1T ~ ~ tl 'Evaluate mother student language on her/his to (2) (3) Use specialised psychologists (3) (4) Segregate the 1;hi.Jd to neutralise (4) environmental factor. Learning disabilities may occur due to all of the following exreJ!! . .I 3lWffiT ~ 'i.flR ~ liffl ~ ~ 'CfiT 'if<lii.fl'1 q;r;:rr cnT establish disability 9. ~ ~. ~ fm;cn 'i.flT 'Cflr.IT ~- have their own work (2) t 9. ~ "l'1lfq;~llf1<li 'Cf>T~ cU(11q{On<l ~ cnT awqrcft ORR ~ ~ ~ cnT 3Wf1T q;{' I f"1""1fc1f&l1 .q ~ ~ "''RIR<t11 ~ $ q;mrr3lf~~~m-~t- (1) (1) ~cnlftmur-~ (2) Prenatal use of alcohol (2) ~ ~ liffl 'liT iffiT lfur-~ (3) Mental Retardation (3) .-je:<gf.;,sol (4) 10. Teachers way of teaching Meningitis during infancy (4) :t1~1qCfll('1 ~Wl<r Kmrit ~ An inclusive school reflects on all the 10. Do we believe that all students (2) Do,we work in teams to plan and deliver learning enabling 1:Jftcffi cnT "$Rr Of'1'R afu' ~ ~ 'i.flR ~ ft;ro: ~ . q<IT lll1 ~ (3) ~~~~<R~~ ~<P<R~~~~~~ ~ ~ 3Wf1T 'Cfi<iH? (4) Do we properly segregate special q<IT children from normal to provide better care (4) ~ ~ CfiT ~ coT l<f 'i.flR ~ ft;ro: Do we adopt strategies catering 31 ICl 'ttl Cfll11aTI for the diverse needs of students 11. t? .q~~h environment (3) $ "''fi1R<t11 ~r4hft{g ~ can learn (2) fClwM<:i f"''to1fc1f&l1 ~~'Q'flFR<fmn't I (1) q<IT lll1 ~ ~ t fcf;- "fl'l:fT following questions except : (I) ~ <t1q1<:MI ~~t? Gifted students are 11. ~m~Tefi ___ f I ( 1) Convergent thinkers (1) ~~ (2) Divergent thinkers . (2) ~~ (3) Extrovert (3) ~ (4) Very hard working (4) OISI1"~ p (5) 12. The shaded area represent students in a normal distribution who fall (1) (2) (3) (4) 13. 12. armt (1) (2) (3) (4) Atcr=O Between 2cr-3cr After 3cr Between cr-2cr Which one of the following pair would be most appropriatl) choice to complete the following s1entence ? Children faster when they are involved in the activities that seem 13. (3) (4) 14. (1) (2) (3) (4) .q cr=OlR 2cr-3cr ~ofrq 3cr <t" G!K cr-2~ ~ofrq Tf(f ~ q;l ~ ~ "' 'fi;r(r f~Afl1fui<'11l~~-m ~~uq;~ ~m? -~f. '<'1Gfct~ _~f I (1) (2) Forget; useful in a classroom Recall; linked with their classwork only Memorise; culturally neutral Learn; useful in real life CBSE prescribed group activities for students in place of activities for individual students. The idea behind doing so could be fur Tor ~ ~ Tor Tlffifcff~ .q -mfl ;r ~ t -;;fi tobe_~-- (1) (2). t91<1if4><'1 lfl;r ~ ~ .q fua:nf~ q;l ~ cnrnT t '\ill ~-~"If~;~ ~ m ~.cnr:r ~ ~; llf<ll("lOI{UI (3) (4) 14. ~i'! f<:1Cfl ~ ~ ~; ~ CII'R1f"4Cfl~lf~;R m.Gft.~.t ma:nr~ "' 'fi;r(r cqfcfi1 1<'1 Tlffifcff~ "' ~ 'q'f 'fli'ift\i!f) Tlffifcff~ ~'hi~qmft f I ~~<f;-.fuf~ 6l~t to overcome the negative emotional response to individual competition which may generalise across learning. (1) to make it easy for teachers to of observe groups instead individual students. (2) to rationalise the: time available with schools most of which do not have ~nough time for individual activities. (3) to reduce the infrastructural cost of the activity. (4) cqfcffi IH ~ ~ 1lfu 'iCfll<lfl"iCfl fi~'lli'""""Cfl llfl1fSI><113!T ~ ~ ;;IT ~ ~ lR ~1"'11"4'l'f'H ~ ~ tl ~~~~lRWW"If aiCIMlCfl'i rnr ~ ~ CfiT<f CifiT ~ 'OR'R~~ I fq~lt>141 ~ 11m ~ ~ CifiT lllfiPICfl ORRT ~~ ~ ~ ~11m oqfcffi IH ~ ~ ~ ~~~mm1 ~ 'CJl8T I cit ~ 't'1'ITfii CifiT 'Cfll1 p 15. (6) The conclusion 'Children can learn 15. violent behaviour depicted in movies' may be derived on the basis of the work done by of the following psychologist ? (1) Edward L. Thorndike (2) J.B. Watson (3) Albert Bandura (4) Jean Piaget 16. 17. (1) 16. If students repeatedly make errors 17. 19. ;;t. (3) (4) Students observe fashion shows and try to imitate models. This kind of imitation may be called ( 1) Primary simulation (2) Secondary simulation (3) Social learning (4) Generalisation ~~. Msr~Cb (2) ~~ .rr. ~ ;z/R~ fmmft ~ m~ ~ ~ 'Cf)f ~ ~<tl ~ 'C6fff f I~ Jrcm' ~~~ ~iiiT~t I (1) lll"lf"lCb ~ (2) Tftur~ (3) flr14rMCb ~(4) fll"irr4\Cb{DI during a lesson, a teacher should (1) make changes m instruction, tasks, timetable or seating arrangements. (2) leave the lesson for the time being and come: back to it after some time. (3) identifY the erring students and talk to principal about them. (4) . make erring stu.dents stand outside the classroom. 18. ~ ~ .q: ~ "nf ~+tlt'iCf> ~ '<t>h:fllSl~t ~f.lwri f.:r"'1fc"'fuit'1.q: ~ f<fffi il'11~~ rf.:r<t> am fcnlr "nf 'C6N w anmfuur ~t? 1 11t'11( rHfrr<~l ~ furi 'Q10 ~ ~ H 'C6fff t't'll ~~ (1) ~, q;r<f, ~-~3N<U~'Cf>1 (2) O!lCW!IT #~ ~ I .I 'QTO (3) ~ ~ C!il ffitt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Cil"Q"fl' ~ ~ q;r;f ~ ~ Cf>1 ~ m ~ ~ ont -q '!I'T"iWt ~ O!ffi q;r.rr. I . (4) Following are some techniques to to an manage anxiety due approaching E~xamination; except (1) familiarising with the pattern of question paper. (2) thinking too much about the result. (3) seeking support. (4) empha$ising strengths. 1s; Bloom's taxonomy is a hierarchical organisation of _ _ _ _, (1) achievement goals (2) curricular declarations (3) reading skills (4) cognitive objectives 19. ~ q;r;f ~ ~ C!il ~ 'Cb&1~~'W~~ I ~ arft'1Rcm f'1"'1fc"'f&t'1 ~ t'1<t>41~ t \itT 'Q'{\an ~ 'C6TtVT ~ cm;ft ~ ~ v'1fi'fi'ft t 1 (1) w.f-"q;f Cf>1 ~ ~ ~ 't!MRr ~ orwr ~ ~ (2) (3) -qfturp:r ~ ont 'if ~ 'tW{f q;r.rr (4) fCifitl"611aTI lR' WI' ~ ~ <tT ~<m1'11..0 <tT Q&l"jSfiMCb ~tl (1) ~m<IT (2) %~."1i!"'l ~.:m (3) l:lo.f~ (4) <H:trl"flfl'lCb ~ m- p (7) 20. A, B and' C are three students studying English. 'A' finds it . interesting -and thinks it will be helpful for her in future. 'B' studies English as she wants to secure first rank in the class. 'C' studies it as she is primarily concerned to secure passing grades. The 1~oals of A, B and C respectively are 20. ar, q, ~nff.l furi t 'ill ~ ~ t '31"' q;l ~ ~ ~ WRIT t aTtr ~ ~tfcn~~~.q~-mr I 'q' ~~~t ~~~.q ~~'mt({CfiVIT~ t I '~' ~ ~~~t~~~ fl'ilct>F! ~ ~ ~ M ' 31", qaftr~cf;~~: 'mt(f CfiVIT ( 1) Mastery, Performance, Performance A voidance {2) Performance, Performance A voidance, Mastery (1) Performance Avoidance, Mastery, Performance (2) (3) ~- ,~.~ Mastery, Performance Avoidance, Performance (4) ~.~- .~ Even though this was clearly in violation of his safety needs, Captain Vikram Batra died fighting in the Kargil War while protecting his country. He might have 21. <foif 1f -qlt TTl:[ ~.citmcit~ 3Wtl-~ cit m&r am ~ ~ 611cP(4Cfl('11aTI achieved self-actualisation. (3) ignored his belongingness needs. (1) (2) (3) (4) wanted to earn a good name to his family. < 4) punishment (4) 23. continuous reinforcement (3) verbal reproach Mastery orientation encouraged by can am 1lRcnr ~ -=wr cit &nfu_m&f sditfin<~ cnr fc: ;tlq ~ f-1'"1R:if&!'1 ~~ an~'Cflftr-:f (1) (2) (3) (4) be 1l ~ 23. ~~ f.ltnr~ ~ ~ 'l1ffi;:rr <fi am f-1y;o i'1 an'Olia"<<H1 q;y JOI)ffil~ wfcfi<rr -m "ff<fiffi t 1 ~ ~ C4f<k1 1M ~ 1R ewr ~~ ~ cit~ cit lR'W 'WRT ~ (1) focusing on students' individual effort. (1) {2) comparing students' with each other. (2) (3) assigning lot of practice material as home assignments. (3) '~-'Cf>Tlt ~ ~ (4) taking unexpected tests. (4) successes cit t? . partial reinforcement (2) ~: ~ - - - 1 (2) {1) I m/df 22. I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ <IIICI:t<lct>i'1131T cfi ~ 1l m, ~ ~ ~ attR ~q;l ~ cf;~ Cfll'!fih.''l sought novel experience. Extinction of a response is more ilifficult following f mifcn (1) 22. I ~.~- .~ (4) t ~.~.~- {3) 21. 1 .q ~ mtrnt~ ~~~ ~ 3rRmf p 24. (8) Which one ofthefollowing is correctly 24. f.:p:;:r lt ~ ~ ~ ~ t? match~d? - Environment (1) '?IF(lRCfi fcrCfiR:r - Maturation (2) +i~l"'l('qCfi - Environment ( 1) Physical - CII\11CI<OI fcrCfiR:r - qf{qqq\11 (3) fil'"ilf"lCfi fcrCfim" - CII\11CI'(OI Development (2) Cognitive Development (3) Social Development (4) Emotional - Maturation Development 25. All the following facts indicate that a child is emotionally and socially fit in a class except (I) 25. ~-- ~ ~ develop good relationships with (1) concentrate on and persist with manage (2) both anger and joy (3) effectively (4) .q: fcf; ~ cnarr ~ ~ cf; ('f&f fic1 n "~Cfi t wr ~ ~ q;r fcrCfiR:r challenging tasks (3) t f-11001f&~fm<1 ~ al1ntl"'lfu1Cfi ~~ ft"'t<ilfJ1<'1 peers (2) cfi 31f<'1fhfi1 concentrate TJ;4lffi'{oi cmT ~ ~ ~ "CfiBT 31k ~ <;0 111'{~Cfi ~w-IT sW.r ~ trrt ~ q;f wncft ~ ~ ~"CfiBT persistently on (4) competition with peers ~ ~ cf; wr Mfo<ilfl1111 ~ 'i \11 '{~Cfi ~ ~ "CfiBT 26. . Which of the following statements support role of environment in the development of a child ? .26. f.:p:;:r .q: ~ 'Cfit.:f m ~ ~ cfi ~ .q: ~qft ~<nl'~'fmrrt?. (1) ~ fuwiT ~311 q;r ~ ~ Some students quickly process ~ ~ ~ ~ q;m cf; 31-'<i fuwiT information while others in the (I) "Qm ~ <fir llffi same class do not. (2) There has been a steady increase (2) on IQ tests in last few decades. Correlation between IQs of (3) identical twins raised in different Physically fit <:hildren are often found to be morally good. ~ QCfifll41'1 ~ ~ ~ ~ -qjffi ~ om ~ s* t ~ ~ ~ 0.75 cf;"ffi'IR~t I . homes is as high as.0.75. ( 4) fQm;fi ~ C::l?l!fa-;41 ~ ~ ~ Wm ~ ~ c);- 31tmr ~ WITffir <f.s rt t I in students' average performance (3) I (4) l?lli.lRCfi ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~~~~~"fffit I p (9) 27. includes Socialisation transmission and cultural discourages rebellion. (2) development personality. (3) fits children into labels. (4) 'Hf.:llf&~i'1 t - 'Hi't<fiF"Cfi I (2) 28. ~ CliT ~ .q 'H'"ll<ilf"f(j 'Cfi'\-!T :H~'IIi''""ICfi~~~ 1ffi' mf~ Gl t:<t>'HLIH fTi<;rmT 'Cfll ~ '4l fi t'ill ~ ctl ~ 1=ffifT ~ ~~ f I <w ~ Gl f1Ff f1TI;rmT .q ~ qmft t ~~lffi~tafu'~~t I "<W ~ 'Cfll '3'('1' mm ctt ~ ~ <f> fffir dt~~~t~~~ ~tfct>~mm'll~~t mf~cf;~'Cfll . 61t"(<tfs;?11 (3) fc:t<ts;ICfi<OI (4) 29. fl'"ll<il"1'1 (2) Karnail Singh does not pay income tax despite legal procedures and expenses. He thinks that he cannot support a corrupt govern~ent which spends millions .of rupees in building unnecessary dams. He is probably in which state of Kohlberg's stages of . moral development ~(Reversibility) ffw ~ ~ Cfit<iaug1 fM1' ~ mm t? (1) (2) ~-q{y{JII(1 (3) ~-q{q<JII(1 (4) 30. qho J?1 1ffi-Y{Y<I'1('1 (Para Conventional) 'ill ~ ~ ~ ll 'Hf.:llf<'1i'1 'iHfflCfi ~an c* 'Q'fr-~ afu' ~am fffir 'ill~~~ ric* fl"1"11i'i41 of.a> 'Cfll vrrfl ;r Cli rr t, <w t (1) Spearman's 'g' factor (1) '(11'i<H~'1 'CfiT '';;:fi' 'CfiRCfi' (2) Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence (2) ~ 'CfiT '1fo&4'111 'CfiT f: tr ~ Savant theory of intelligence (3) ~'Cf)T~~ (3) (4) ~ Thurstone's abilities pnmary mental cf; ~~~~ 1cr~tfct>cr 1ffi' ~ mcm- 'Cfll ~ ~ '{~'ill ai"''ICI!IG!Cfi -muT <f> ~ 'Q'f ~. 1 ~ '4l fi t I cf ~: Cfill\<'1iil \ <f> ~ fu"Cfim ctl f~~H~ ll Conventional Post Conventional Pre Conventional Para Conventional Intelligence theory incorporates the mental processes involved in intelligence (i.e. meta-components) and the varied forms that intelligence can take (i.e. creative intelligence) 1 Cfifcs"11$t I (1) Accommodation Egocentrism Decentring Reversibility (1) (2) (3) (4) ~ 4 f<ti1 Cf) 04f<ti1 ~ fucf;m (4) individual fc:ts;)Q;<If CliT f H5ffilffi?1 'Cfi'\-!T (3) of (1) A teacher shows two identical glasses filled with an equal amount of juice in them. She empties them in two different glasses one of which is taller and the other one is wider. She asks her class to identify which glass would have more juice in it. Students reply that the taller glass has more juice. Her students have diflictllty in dealing with (4) 30. .q provides emotional support. (1) (2) (3) 29. 'H'iiJICfi<UI *nvrafu' ( 1) 28. 27. p (10) . Candidates have to do questions 31 to 90 EITHER from Part - II (Mathematics and Science) OR from Pa11 - III (Social Studies I Social Science). nT rlfl~ q;7 J1R' 31 ?f90 <IT 'l/TTT- II {TTfUfrr <!f femR} <IT 'l/TTT _ III (ffllllfJ:tq; ~ 1 Hflfi!J:iq; femR) ?f qw1 f 1 PART-11/~-11 MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE I 41 fU h'1 Cf 31. The number of integers less than -3 but greater than -8 is (1) (3) 32. (1) (3) 104 21 21 104 (2) (4) 12 20 (2) (4) (1) (3) 6 9 32. (2) (4) 12 Gl ~ cf> ~ ctft ~ 3 6 12 ~ t I~ FGT~<f>~ctft~. ~1l. t 24 48 (1) (3) 33. -3 S X (1) (3) 104 21 21 104 fif>m 36 60 (2) (4) 12 20. -104 21 -21 104 GI~CfiHCfl cf> 30 f1fi;:nt ~ 12 f I ~ GI~CfiHCfl <f>.m ctft ~ t (3) 35. (2) (4) (-7) t 13 qjf~ (1) 34. 15 24 7 (2) (4) "11'1f.i:l51 qrr~ 1 : 25000 t I "11'1fil51 W -104 21 -21 104 When half of a number is .increased by 15, the result is 39. The sum of digits of the original number is 2 4 (3) (2) 36 _(4) . 60 (-7) is 13 -3~mtlw-s~~~<tt~t (1) 3 6 The number of vertices in a polyhedron which has 30 edges and 12 faces is (1) (3) 35. 24 48 . -3 The reciprocal of gx (1) 34. (2) (4) The distance between two places is 12 km. A map scalt~ is 1 : 25000. The distance between the two places on the map, in em, is (3) 33. 2 4 31. fcnt H (2) (4) 'Cfi'H'Cf> 15 24 ~fif>m~cf>amt1l 15 ~~ mqfhnq 39 t 1 <41'RI~Cfl ~ cf> qrr~t (1) 6 (2) 7 (3) 9 (4) 12 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK /l'Qi~~~~ aiCfiT (11) 36. In M QT, PQ =PT. The points Rand S are on QT such that PR = PS. If LPTS = 62 and L.RPS = 34 , then measure of LQPR is p 36, M QT ll, PQ = PT t I ~ R afu' S ~ QT 'QT~Wf>"R'ffcn PR = PS I~ LPTS = 62 nw LRPS = 34 ~. nT LQPR Cfll mq t t (1) (2) 13 (1) 11 (2) 13 (3) 37. 11 15 (4) 17 (3) 15 (4) 17 If for MBC and M>EF, the correspondence CAB ~ EDF gives a congruence, then which of the followng is not true ~ (1) (2) LA=LD (4) t? (1) 38. AC =DE (2) AB =EF (3) LB=LF 40% of (1 00 - 20% of 300) is equid to ~ MBC afu' M>EF ~ CAB ~ EDF ~ ~ fiC!l'IM ~. nT f.p:::r ll ~ ~-m~ ;rtf AB=EF (3) 38. AC=DE 37. LA= LD (4) LB= LF (100 - 300 ~ 20%) ~ 40% <m<R"t (1) (2) 20 (1) 16 (2) 20 (3) 39. 16 64 (4) 140 (3) 64 (4) 140 HCF of two numbers is 28 and their LCM is 336. If om~ number is 112, then the other number is (1) (2) (3) 40. 56 84 39. nw t (4) '98 70 2 . If 3 x = 0.6 and 0.02 y = 1, then the G1-mman ~ ~ fi'li4C!thfi (HCF) 28 ~ ~ fi'li4C!til (LCM) 336 I ~~-mm 112 ~. nl~ (1) (2) 70 (3). 40. 56 84 (4) -mmt 98 ~ 2 3 X = 0.6 afu' 0.02 y = 1 x+ y-1 ~lfR't value ofx +y- 1 is (1) 0.92 (2) 1.1 (1) 0.92 (2) 1.1 (3) 49.1 (4) 50.9 (3) 49.1 (4) 50.9 t. c;.f p 41. (12) x-2 If Y= x + , y :t: 1, then x equals 1 (1) (2) (3) 42. ~ Y.::.l (4) 1-y y+1 Y21 (1) ~ (2) L::_y 1-y (3) Y.::.l (4) y-1 A square andl a circle have equal perimeters. Tine ratio of the area of the square to the area ofthe circle is 42. 1-y y+1 ~ crrT afu- ~ Y21 y-1 L::_y 1-y cf> ~ fmR" t crrtcf>~ctil <f>~-tt~t (1) 1:1 (2) 1:4 (I) 1: 1 (2) I :4 (3) 43. 1t : 2 (4) 1t : 4 (3) 1t : 2 (4) 1t : ABCD is a square with AB = (x + 16) em and BC = (3x) em. The perimeter (in em) of the square is 43. 16 (2) 24 (1) 16 (2) 24 (3) 32 (4) 96 (3) 32 (4) 96 The mean of 10 numbers is 0. If 72 and -12 are included in these numbers, the new mean will be 44. msc:rrm CfiT 11TUl' o t 1 ~ ~ msc:rrm 'll 72 afu- -12 afu- flfa'lf.:'1i'1 ~ ~ ~. or~ 11TUl' mrrr ~ (1) 0 (2) 5 (1) 0 (2) 5 (3) 45. 4 ABCD ~ crrT t fum1t AB (x + 16) "@ft nm BC = (3x) "@ft t I crrt <til~ <*ft ll) t (1) 44. I 6 (4) 60 (3) 6 (4) 60 ~ ct&lqTI"\;q The circumference of the base of a right circular cylinder is 44 em and its height is 15 cni: 'f.he volume 45. ~ cf> amm- 44 "@ftnm~~ Is ~ 'Qftfq "@fit <*ft31l) t (1t ~ 2~ ~) 2 (in cm3) of the cylinder is (u~e 1t = ~) CfiT am R (1) 770 (2) 1155 (I) 770 (2) 1155 (3) 1540 (4) 2310 (3) 1540 (4) 2310 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 1~<6T<f c);~~ 1~ p (13) 46. A class VII teachet wants to discuss the foUowing problem in the class : "A square is divided into four congruent rectangles. The perimeter of each rectangle is 40 units. What is the perimeter of given square ?" Key Mathematical concepts required to solve this problem is (i) Area of square and rectangle, 46. q;arr VII cf; ~ q;arr # f-1'"1ft'1f&i1 ~ 'Ql'~'Cfir.IT~ t: '"l!"i <fiT "ii'R" ftCil'I'H'l 1l ~%<IT~ t I~ aw:ffi ~ ~ t: 4o ~ 1 fur T'l'q em~ ~~t?" ~ ~ ~ ~ cf; 'fi;r(r 31i<W4<1'i ~ if01ffi<4 fi<ti("Q"'11 em aw rr m-r t qTf 3fu" 3WIO C!iT ~. qTf 3fu" 3WIO C!iT ~. qTf 3fu" 3WIO qft perimeter of square and rectangle and definition of square and rectangle (2) Meaning of the terms square, rectangle, congruent, perimeter, etc. (2) 'CPt, (3) Area of rectangle, perimeter of square (3) 3WIO C!iT ~. qTf C!iT ~ (4) 47. (1) Formation of algebraic equation to solve the problem. (4) WWIT q:;f ~ '<fi'R ~ fuQ' Wil<:f>< oI Algebra is introduced in the middle classes. According to Piagets' theory of cognitive development, it is appropriate to introduce algebra at this stage as (1) (2) (3) (4) the child is at sensorimotor stage and can understand with the help oflots of manipulatives. the child is: at pre-operational stage and can understand abstract concepts. the child is at concrete-operational stage and he can understand and conceptualize concrete experiences by creating logical structure. the child is at formal operational stage and is fully mature to grasp the abstract concepts. ~ 47. 3WIO, '8ClhH4, ~ ~ ~~~1c:wft C!iT ~ ofl"1 11fD lffi"' ~ q;arran .q. <il\il lf01i1 ~%<IT ~ I ~ cf; fi~Hiti'l<ti fclq;m cf; ~cf;~~~'Ql'JI\il ifUii1 ~ t ~'3funt.~ <1) rr 1R t 3fu" orso -mt t: 14Ri11(1CI>l ~ ~ cw ~ ~ ~il<:.l'lfli<:f> "8'Cf>i''T (2) t I ~ ~-~fsti"'I~Cf>. ft 1R t 3fu" ~ ~Cf>("'H IQ~ "8'Cf>i''T t I (3) qurr 'If[ ~fsti"'I~Cf> ft 1R ~ ~ C!iT f.:r4tur '<ti'R ~ '[RT ljft ~ q:;f ~ "8'Cf>i''T t ( 4) qurr 6ll q'ql R(f) t 3fu" 'Cff.\' ~f stili I~ (f) I "q'<(Uj' 1R 3fu" ~ ~Cf>01'11an q:;f ~ '<ti'R fuQ''['lf~~~t I SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK I '{'qj'cnr<f <fi'ft;n:r~ t *. p 48. (14) Mr. Sharma was assessing the students' work on exponents. One of the response sheet was as follows : (a) (b) (c) .'Sft ~ ;t ~ w fmm'~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~'Q'lii'CI)~~~= 23 X 25 = 28 3 2 X 4l = (12)4 48. (b) 3 2 X 4 2 = (12)4 33 +35 =3-2 (c) 33 + 35 = 3-2 (d) 720 + 714 = 76 (d) 720 + 714 = 76 (e) ~+1~6=(~f (e) 93+ 186=(~f On the basis of this response sheet Mr. Sharma can make the following observations : ~ ~-'Q'lii'CI) ~ (1) < 1) Child has understood the laws of amm- w .'Sft ~ Pl'"1f<wlf&C'1 fGafuiT t~t: GfT.'qf ~ ~ f.:!<!1:r wm T(<IT t afu- exponents and can apply them (2) 11ffi ~~ ~ ~ Cfir ~ well. tl Child has understood the laws of exponents but has made clerical (2) Child has understood the laws of (3) exponents but has not practised wm T(<IT t exponents for the cases where the base is same and has missed the concept for the case where the base is different. ~ ~ f.:!<!1:r wm T(<IT t cmi ~'~'if~~~ I two numbers. Child has understood the law of GfT.'qf ~ ~ ql ~:m ~ 'l1T1T the questions involving division of (4) ~ ~ f.:!<!1:r ~~~-~Ci>1f I errors. (3) GfT.'qf (4) ~ 3W-lff ~ ~t ~~it ~ ~ f.l<rqT q;~- wm T(<IT t ~ t -~ '("iCfi{'IHI q;)- ~ ~ t I ~ 3W-lff 3lWT SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK /lln~ cl;fmr~ ~ it Q~ 49. ' According to Van Hiele level of Geometric thought the five levels of geometric understanding arevisualization, analysis, informal deduction, formal deduction and rigour. Students of class Vll are asked the quadrilaterals to classify according to their properties. These students are at _ _ level of Van Hiele Geometrical thought. ( 1) (2) (3) (4) 50. (2) (3) (4) 49. lower level cognitive demand as it requires the lmowledge of formulae of volume of cuboid. lower level of cognitive demand as there is no connection between concepts involved and procedure required. higher level of cognitive demand as the problem can be solved by making diagrams and connections between many possible situations. higher level of cognitive demand as it requires the use of conceptual understanding that 'underline the procedure to wmplete the task. *' cf; \RUf.:tJliOI fcRm" cf; ~ ~ \I<Uf'.:tJlq ~ cf; -qfq ~ f - ~. f~O?MEIUI, i:iio11Q:qlnifi ~. 31~Q'qiR<t> ~ atR- ~ (rigour) I C6W VII cf;fuam?.l<IT q;T ~ q;T ~ cR ifi;J Fct~1"'"':an cf; aw.TR"lff ~ ~ cf;~ ~ 1 ~ ~ <R-ifi;f \i<Oii>ftJlq fcRm"cf; ~lfff I em (1) fGl'i'MqOJ (3) 3l -1l qT.IIRct> (4) 50. ~ (2) Visualization Analysis Informal Deduction Formal Deduction A task assigned to the class Vlll student is as follows : An open box is to be made out of a metallic sheet of 50 em x 65 em. Length and breadth of the box is 30 .em and 15 em respectively. What is the possible height of the box ? Also find the volume of this box. This task refer to (1) p 3fiqT.IIRct> ~ f.:rrT1::R C6W VIII q;T f"'"'1fMf&o ~W:n'~: ~ ~ orcmr 50 W:ft x 65 W:ft en'\ MfM<t> 'O?ft?: ~GAT t I ~ en'\ ~ atR~Sf;lm: 30 W:ft atR'15 Wfl t I~ ct\~~~t?~~'Cf>T ~1ft~~ I en'\ 31ln:i<tm ~ t 1;r ~ :8~HI({'ICf> lllrr, ~ <m" '1046~ (1) 3li41'14>('1Cf>J (Cf1Gil4'5) $' ~$'~em mrr crnrr ~ (2) 3lT4('R $';r ~ ~~J'11({'1Cf> lllrr, ~ flf4ff<:11'1 ;8ct>(>'ti'1131T ~ 31/Cl'i'<IC!> $' 1Wr <~>rhiom ~ ~ mwrr (3) (4) ~ ~ ~~1'11({'1Cf> lllrr, ~ 3l1W ~ ~ 3fu' ~ ~ ~$-oifq~~~~ 'Cf)f ~ ~ 'i!T "("l'Cf)i'1T ~ ~ ~ ~~HI({'ICf> lllrr, ~ <m" ~Cf>(>'ti'1J('i:JCf) ~ $' ~ em mrr crnrr ~ ~ q;J<t Cl>T'!jp 'Cf>'R em ~ Rfui; ~ SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK /llnm c6'~~ 0~ p 51. Mr. Nadeem gave the following task 51. .l!fi ~~afu"Cfilur~~cnllfl' to his class, after completing the topic on lines and angles : Speak for 2 minutes on the following figures using your knowledge about wm Cfmt Sir Pn<1fMf&i1 ~(figure) W2fi:RG~: lines and angles : E F ~~---7H J . J H G ~~t This task is (1) Reflective in nature, can be used (1) ~M"'T~tr to pass time. (2) Exploratory in nature, can be used (2) Reflective as well can be used for (3) Communicating ~ ~ '&\41!"101Cfi ~c);~ ~M"'T~t1 formative assessment. (4) ~ ~ &1"'14<Cfi, <il lr!"101Cfi ~ c);~~M"'T~t I for summative assessments. (3) ~~~,~~~~ and can (4) ~ ~ Cffi'IT ~ ~ ~ c); encourage Mathematical Talk iri ~ ~-~ ~ ~ the classroom durit].g free time. !Oilff!lfi;(1 CR ~ SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK/~Cfi'l'<fc1;-'fi;nr~ t I ff q;'f p (17) 52. A child of class Vll defined the 52. <narr VII CfiT ~ ~ ~ ~ 311m:f <fiT rectangle as follows : ~<fiffiTt: "Rectangle is a quadrilateral whose "311m:f ~ opposite sides are parallel and equal." 'ti"i 1"1 ii H 31tr~ The definition reflects that the child ~~~tf<fi'~ (1) cannot recognize the shape. (1) em~mmm (2) do not know the c:orrect properties (2) of the shape. {3) knows the properties of the shape, {3) missed some; some very -mr important common error but (4) to -q Conceptual error (3) Procedural error (4) Careless error em ;;n;rnr t ~ ~m em ~ fCII?l<111'11Q "'RRT ~ ~ -qftqrqr em ~ ~ -q ~ observed 53. t:{(\'\'i5( 1al ~~ tcifq.~ c);' <WT .q ~ otS" mqp;f ~ t: 5y+3 = Sy This type of error is termed as (2) em m I 5y+3=8y. Clerical error 1 t;T~ I in addition of linear expression is ( 1) ~m ~ q,1 ~m Cfi ll~ properties, complete the definition. 53. A I" ~ -qftqrqr definition. knows q,1 t "'RRT I but repeated some properties in (4) t fimcfi fcicR1M ~JlfiMlli (1) ~~ (2) fi Cfi01'111''qttl ~ (3) l'!cht:(Oiq{Cf) ~ (4) <i'IIY<CM ~ SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK I rq;-<fil' c):;fmr~ p 54. (18) Read the following question from the class VI text-book : "Prabal deposited t 5,000 in a_ bank at the rate of 5% interest per annum. After 2 years he withdrew the money to purchase the study table for t 3,500. He deposited! the money left with him again at the rate of 5% interest per annum for another two years. How much llimount will he receive after two years ?" . 54. (3) qm ~ I ~ ~?" {1) Simplicity and helping others money Cf!i Gi1G ~ ~ 'flfu 'lli'Gi (3) ~ a:ftt ~ fl"l$1<::1< f.!tar (4) 55. 1l ~-m {1411C:Hf (2) . ~ q,l- Of' <i ~ ~~~ and Following is a problem from text-book of class VI: f-1""1R-Ifu111 ~ ~ cfi ~ ~ tmm~ ~ fclcnf.a11 ~~~t? Sincerity (4) 55. Habit of saving spending it wisely ~-~ ~ ~ -:t 5% Jffir Cf!i ctt ~ GZmr w~ ll f 5,000 \ifl1l' ~ I ~ Cf'i Gi1G ~ f 3,500 ~ cm;ft ~ ~ cfi ~ ~ I ~ anR 'Q'm' qTif 'flfu cnT 3Rf ~ Cf!i cfi ~ 5% Jffir Cf!i GZmf w \ifl1l' Honesty (2) ctf ~~: What values can be inculcated in students through this question ? (1) ~ VI a:ftt ~ q,l- ~ q;r-rr f-1""1f("'f&l1 ~ ~ t \ill~ VI~~ TTtt: "Express the following statement through linear expression : ~~cfi~~ fo1""1R-If&l1 ~ <nl3lf~~: Neha has 7 more toffees than Megha. If Megha has x toffees, how many toffees does Neha have ?" ~ cf;'Q'm' ~ ctt WAf ll7 ~ ~ f I~~ cfi 'Q'm' X ifqft f'ffi ~ <fi 'Q'm' Which competence of Bloom's cognitive domain is referred -in the above question ? ~~ll~<fifl'i11'11~Cb ~qft~ !fll flctf am-~~~ ~~m?" t? (1) Knowledge (1) m-='J (2) Comprehension (2) ~ (3) Analysis (3) f"li<M~ui (4) Synthesis (4) fi~<Jl~ol SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK I 'tQ;'m cfiful:r~ p (19) 56. If p = 3 2000 + 3-2000 and q = 3 2000 _ 56. 3-2000, then the value of p 2 - q 2 is 57. = 32000 + 3-2000 3-2000 ~. nil' p2 - q2 C6T lfR t 2 (1) 1 (2) 2 (4) 3 4 (3) 3 (4) 4 The square of 9 is divided by the cube 57. 9 cf; Cf1T <liT 125 cf; ~ ~ 'fiTT ~ 'Q"f ~t toot of 125. The remainder is (1) 1 (2) 2 (1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 58. = 32000 - ~q (2) (1) (3) ~p 3 (4) 4 (3) 3 (4) 4 The value of~~ is 58. ~16~ <6TlfR't (1) (2) 8 (1) 16 (2) 8 (3) 59. 16 sV2 (4) 16--./2 (3) sV2 (4) 16--./2 59. One-half of 1.2 x 1030 is 1.2 x 1030 <6Tanmt (1) {2) 6.0 X 1029 (1) 6.0 X 1030 (2) 6.0 X 10 29 (3) 60. 6.0 X 1030 o.6 x 53o (4) 1.2 X 10 15 (3) o.6 x 530 (4) 1.2 X 10 15 223911 4 If 3' 30 and 5 are written in 15 10' ascending order, then the fraction in 60. 223911 4 15 ~ 5 <liT ~ 3' 30' 10' TI=mn ;;mr. -~hit.:,hfl~ \itT f'IA" the middle most will be (1) 23 30 (2) (3) 2 3 (4) . amTt1 ~ 1{ m. <f6 t 4 - (1) , 23 30 (2) 4 5 11 (3) 2 3 (4) 11 15 5 15 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK /llli~~~~ p (20) ' 61. The steps required for the conversion of kitchen garbage into manure are given below in a jumbled form. 61. Hn$EH cf;-~q;T~.q QRCikli'1 ~cl;~~.~-mY Sf;lf.q~ ~~tnr t. t: (A) Put the garbage in the pit. (A) ~q;TT1f.q~ I (B) Cover the bottom of the pit with sand. (B) TTf cit nffi .q ~ cit '4 f f~i ICfl't (C) Cover the pit loosely with grass or a gunny bag. (C) TTf <fiT 'Elm ~ -m- cl;- i!Tht ~ ~~I (D) Add worms. (D) a11f.q~~ 1 ~~I The correct sequence of these steps is: (1) (B), (A), (C), (D) (1) (2) (B), (C), (A), (D) (2) (3) (B), (A), (D), (C) (4) 62. 'f"f ~<fiT -mY Sf;lf t (B), (D), (A), (C) (3) (4) Two organisms are best friends and live together. One provides shelter, water and nutrients while the other prepares and provides food. Such an association of organisms is termed as (1) (A), (C), (D) (C), (A), (D) (A), (D), (C) (D), (A), (C) m ~~~ ~fq;rt afu-w:r-w:r t 1~ ~ ~ arrcm:f, ~ nm ~~ ~ <fmrrt, ~~ ~<Rli'IT~ ~ 'fmrr t I ~ cf;-l' JlCfiTf cf;- ~ <.fiT~t Autotrophy (2) 62. (B), (B), (B), (B), 'fqq'jiSfUI Parasitism (1) (2) (3) Heterotrophy (3) f<M"'4JISfUI (4) 63. Symbiosis (4) 'H (\ "11 ct "1 In the alimentary canal. the swallowed 1 63. (2) (2) force provided by the muscular tongue. Frogs and earthworms breathe through their skin because of which the skin of both the organisms is (1) (2) dry and slimy (3) moist and rough (4) moist and slimy dry and rough ~ .~ (3) gravitational pull. (4) a:nm- ;::m;r ('qTT.R -;wit) .q ~ TfiU ~ m- em -QWit the fl?w of fluid material taken with the food. (3) q{"'l<il1'11 . ~cit ~Tffi:r<fmrrt, ~ (1) trm 1"ffi ~ em ~q; frt I food moves downwards because of (1) the contraction of muscles in the wall of food pipe. 64. : ~mor~1 ~WI"Wffif~ I (4) 64: -wr fWrr TTm lffi'f ~-"TZ -;;fm ~ cor -;frtT ~.WI"~ q; fT ~ I m "lR ~ ~nm~~aNo'ft~~~ ~ t ~ qm'Uf t fct;- 'f"f ~ ~ cit ~~t (1) ~T!;cfw (2) ~T!;cf~ (3) aml-T!;cf~ ;mtT!;cf~ (4) 65. While going for a picnic a student noted the reading on the odometer on the bus after every 10 minutes till the end of the journey. Later on he recorded the readin1~ in a table shown below: p (21) 65. N<t>f-i<t> 1R' \iffit ~ tmr ~ <mrr M ~ ~ ~o:R1 c1; a~):shfk< '<.fiT 41o"'i<t> " f1:r-:rG ~ ~ ~ I affi .q ~ ~ 41q_"'i<61 cnT ~ GWft mruft .q ~ 10 ft;mrr: ~(AM) "":shfk< '<.fiT . 41q_"'i<t> (km) Time(AM) Odometer reading (km) 8.00 78752 8.00 78752 8.10 78758 8.10 78758 8.20 8.20 78768 8.30 78768 . 78780 8.30 78780 8.40 78791 8.40 78791 8.50 78800 8.50 78800 9.00 78806 9.00 78806 The average speed of the bus in the entire journey in metres per second was (1) (2) 18 (3) 66. 15 30 (4) 54 You are provided with a concave .mirror, a concave lens, a convex mirror and a comvex lens. To obtain an enlarged image of an object you can use either (I) (2) 18 (3) 66. 15 -30 {4) 54 ~~~~.~~$. ~~~~~~$fu<n'TJ<IT t I~ ~ '<.fiT fcrclf~ JOifl"'f<il~ ~ ~cl;~am~~~t~m (1) (!) ~"ffij ~~"ffij (2) concave mirror or convex mirror (2) .3lC!Iffi' ~ ~ ~ ~ (3) concave mirror or concave lens (3) 3lCIIffi' ~ ~ 3lCIIffi' "ffi1 (4) 67. concave lens or .convex lens concave mirror or convex lens (4) 3lCIIffi' ~ 3f2ic!T ~ "ffi1 Select from the following a set of Kharif Crops : 67. f-1'"1fMf<sh'1 .q ~ ~ ~ '<.fiT 't'1'i"il4 fl: (1) Cotton, paddy, pea, linseed (I) Cfit!rn, 'lffi, ~. (2) Paddy, maize, cotton, soyabean (2) 'lffi, ~. Cfit!rn, ~1<wil'1 (3) Gram, mustard, groundnut, wheat (3) T:RT, (4) Maize, paddy, li_nseed, soyabean (4) ~. 'lffi, 1~~~. 3lffiiT m-m. ~. ~ '~ ' 0 'lil"'liSIH p 68. (22) Study the following statements about the effects of weeds on tbe crop plants: (A) They help crop plants to grow healthily. (B) They interfere in harvesting. (C) They affect plant growth. (D) They compete 1.vith crop plants for water, nutrients, space and light. The correct statements are : (1) (2) (3) (4) 69. 68. (A) (B) (C) (D) 69. Colourless and odourless gas which extinguishes a burning match stick. (2) Colourless and odourless gas which promotes burning of a candle. (3) Brown coloured pungent smelling gas. (4) Colourless and odourless gas which produces a 'pop' sound . when a burning match stick is brought near it. Aqueous solution of which of the following oxides will change the colour of blue litmus to red ? (1) (2) (3) (4) 71. (1) Coal and soil (2) Petroleum and water (3) (4) ~ ~ fllfs<~"i t\i$~1<H11$s cfi i'fl\m "OR ~~"at q~f N"i cti "Q;;:ft ~ t, "ffi ~ ~ ~ "t\Tffl t I ~ fur Tltr ~ 1l ~ ~-m q;?.R ~ ~ ~1]111T CfiT "'!'Iii 'Cf1JR ~ t ? (1) ~~~~"ll~ll!ftm q,hft"ffi q;f ~ tft I (2) ~ ~ ~ ~ "'T ~ ~ ~ -q wr:rnr Cfmll t tl *" (3 > m~Pi~ c.m;fT ~ trr cit ~ (4) ~~-~~;;TI~~- qft mffi ~ ~Cfml'tt I 70. ~fur TTtr at1CH1i$:S1 ffi 1R '11"P:r' ~ .q ~ ~ ~ ~;:fu;f~CfiftTT~~~? "' (1) ~ 3l1Cffil~'5 (2) Copper oxide Iron oxide Magnesium oxide Sulphur dioxide Which of the following is a pair of exhaustible natural resources ? -q;m;ft ~ cti ~ <f,a "at '!1t\i~i11 <fiffl f I .q~llomtr~<fifflf I .q ~ cti a<iil ~ <fiffl f I .q -q;m;ft ~ ~ 'ffiYI", ~. ~ ~~cfi~m<fifflt 1 .q ~"'!'Iii q;?.R t : (1) ~(C)~(D) (2) ~(D) (3) (B), (C)~ (D) (4) (A), (B)~ (D) (1) 70. cfi Jrlrrcf cfi ~ 'll~furTTtr~CfiT ~~: (C) and (D) only (D) only (B), (C) and (D) (A), (B) and (D) When we add aluminium foil to freshly prepared sodium hydroxide solution a gas is produced. Which of the following correctly states the property of this gas ? -q;m;fi ~ w &~ Qi1<m ~ 3l1Cffil~'5 (3) . ~''1lf:(l<iG 3l1Cffii~:S (4) 11. ~~ A'"'lfc:'1f&i1 1l ~ ~-m ~ ~ ~ JOIICfiMC6 ~ CfiT <f1M (1) ~~~ t? tl?lf~<jq ~ ;;wr Minerals and wildlife (2) (3) ~ ~ Cl""''"l'tCI Natural gas and sun-light (4) 111'1'fl1<6 ~ ~ ~ Cf;j" ~ p (23) 72. Which of the following statements is true about endemic species ? (1) They ~re not affected by the destruction of their habitat. (2) (3) {4) 73. 74. 75. 72. c1) They are found only in zoos and botanical gardens. They are found exclusivety in specific habitat. Endemic spec1es can never become endangered. Consider the following sets of reproductive terms (A) Sperm, oviduct, egg, uterus (B) Ovulation, egg, oviduct, uterus (C) Sperm, testis, spermduct, p_enis (D) Menstruation, egg,. oviduct, uterus The sets of correct combination are : (A), (B) and (C) (1) 75. (4) (A), (B) and (D) ~ ~ ~ 3ll"Cirn 1l tt -cn<fr "~Till (4) 74. (C), (D) and (A) I . ~ ~ filf$411'H) ~ ctH~fi1Cf> ~ "ll-cn<fr "'Tffi I t tl Out of the different combinations of terms given below, the correct combination of terms with reference to an animal cell is (1) Nucleus, plastid, cell membrane, cell wall (2) Nucleus, chromosome, ribosome, cell wall (3) Cell membrane, ~hromosome, ribosome, mitochondria (4). Cell membrane, ribosome, chloroplast, mitochondria (3) mq:;r ~ '!R coTt (3) 73. (B), (C) and (D) *" ~ 3ll"Cirn ~ 1A'l1JCr ~ ~ I (2) Which of the followiDig pairs is related to the inheritance of <:haracters ? ( 1) Chromosomes and genes (2) Chromosomes and mitochondria (3) Cell membrane and cell wall (4) . Cell membrane and chloroplast (2) ~ ttfl:tfl"lt cl; ~ .q ~ ~ ~ll~<nt.:f-m~~ t? ~ ~ ~ ~m"f!Cf>ffi1 mtiCf>Giq""1 ~~TT\f~ll~cnt.:f-m~~ ctft ~l'l<iillct>t'11 ~mit'Ut'l"t? (1) (2) (3) (4) ltll"ilfll4 (TIT WIT~ lfll4lfil4 WIT 41$GlCf>lf~41 C!ilfuCf>T ~WIT~ m C!ilfuCf>T ~ WIT CR"ihl011 R {Wff ~ * ~ ~ TT\f 'QGT ""'"fcri''IA" : .n'"""'i ~ ~ ct>)F$ict>l cl; ~ 'QGT CfiT cnt.:f-m : .n'31"1 ~ t? (1) (2) (3) ~ ~. C!ilfuCf>T~. C!ilfuCf>T m ~ lfll4lfil4 (TIT , {i$oilfll4, C!ilfuCf>T m C!ilfuCf>T ~. lfll"ilfll4, <I$<Stlfil4_ 41$2.lCf>lf~41 (4) C!ilfuCf>T ~. {i$oilfll4, cMl{l011R (t~fh1C1ctCf>) , 41$2.lCf>lf~41 ~ ~ TT\f "'31""1""1" ~ mit'Ut'l" 'QGT""'" fl'!...~ql wfcr<rrf~ (A) ~. a~oa<urn41. anra-, ~ (B) 31Uslrt'l'i, anTiS", <ilUsCliftrfl, ~ (C) ~. 'f"'UT, !ij5fi10]"1f<'1Cf>l, fm;f lfi '!1Cl, anTiS", 310JSCliftrfl, ~ ~~ 't1<4IJ1"1 cl; fl'!-..~<4 t: (1) (A), (B) WIT (C) (2) (B), (C) WIT (D) (3) (C), (D) WIT (A) (D) (4) (A), (B) WIT (D) p (24) 76. . Which of the following elements must be available in water for the metamorphosis of tadpoles ? (1) Chlorine (2) Bromine (3) Sulphur (4) Iodine 76. 77. Which one of the following is not the objective of teaching of Science at upper primary stage ? (1) Developing questJ.onmg and enquiring skills (2) Acquiring technological skills (3) Acquiring process skills (4) Acquiring scientific literacy 77. National Curriculum Framework (NCF) strongly recommends that Science education at upper primary stage should (1) prepare students for competitive examinations. (2) help students to be emotionally balanced. (3) help students to acquire computational skills. (4) follow constructivistic approach for teaching and learning of the subject. 78. 'Cognitive validity' of Science curriculum at uppper primary stage requires that it should (1) be age appropriate and within the reach of students' understanding level. (2) convey scientific~lly correct content. (3) nurture the natural curiosity and creativity of the learners. (4) enable the students to appreciate how the concepts of Science evolve with time. 79. 78. 79. 80. Which one of the following does not reflect the personality attribute of a person having scientific temper ? (1) Seeking evidence (2) Biased opinion (3) Rational thinking (4) Openmindedness ~ *' .q. *' 411<41"'\'1'!01 ~ ~ .q. ~ ~ ~ qft 3Q('10!4i'fl f.:t""''~futi't "11<111<441 t? ~ ~ (1) (3) (2) (4) ~ ~ R""''fc."'f&i't .q. ~ ~-m ~ llll!lf'141 ~ wf<.mR'-~'4>1'~::!]! (1) ~ ~ 3fu' ~-~ ~ q;r t? mrn-~ (2) ('1Cf');flcti) ~ .a#im ~ (3) mpl1Uf (4) ~~11f"11i~.a#im~ ~ .a#im ~ ~ QIQ,_<4i4<4l qft '10\Q~&I (2005) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t fct; ~ Jlll!lft:~41 ~wf<.mR'~<lil (1) ~ 'Cf'>f 11fo<ilr1ct1 ~an <1> om:r '4>1' ~~~~I l;i~lfi('4Cf') ~ (2) * ~ ~ 'If ~-ctl)-~~1 WTuRr ~ .a#im ~'If~ . (3) -ctl)-~~1 (4) . ~ ~-ftm!R <1;' ~ <"tHICIIGl 61WP1q;f ~~ I ~ llll!lft:~41 ~ w fcim;r_Qid<4i4<4t Cfft 'fifll"" l(i:l41 ch w qft ~ liltr t fcl; (1) ~- ~ -ctl)- 31Tii -ctl)- ~ * (2) (3) {4) ~ 3fu' m oW.H-~ ..,ft ~ *'~~~~ ~ &~lf"1Cf'> ~ 00 ~-'Cf J * -mwmm~1 ~ ~ -ctl)~ 3fu' ~'J111fl4Cf'>lil 'Cf'>f ~ ~~I ~~'Cf'>f~<!ln:rGRRT~ fcf; ~ mw-n 'Cf')'{ ~ fcf; ~ <1;- ~ -ctl)- lJCf'><:'<I11Q fc:lm fiW fc:tCf'>f-81'1 mr-=r m-mt 80. 1 f.:t""''fc."'futnll ~ ~-m &:tuf.:t41 ~ ~ '&lfcfi1' *' ~rcfi'1iiil-fcl:t1~"~ <liT ~ ~ cn fT? ( 1) (2) (3) (4) w:nur 1iTrRr ~~ i'lt' Wrc; f ffi;r ~'ffiif p (25) 81. 82. 83. NCERT Science textbooks for upper primary classes include large number of daily life related questions which have been left unanswered. This has been done so that (1) teachers have: a good pool of questions for assessment purpose. (2) students can send these questions to scientists to get the answer. (3) teachers can use these questions for home assignment. (4) students can seek answer to these questions by ~xploring different resources. 81. While teaching the correct method of reading a clinical thermometer to class VIII students, Neha mentions the following necessary precautions to be taken: ( 1) Thermometer should be washed with hot water. before and after use. (2) Do not hold the thermometer by the bulb while taking the reading. (3) Ensure that before use, the mercury level in the thermometer is below 35 C. (4) Read the thermometer keeping the level of mercury along the line of sight. Which one of the above precautions has been mentioned wrongly by the teacher? 82. The section on 'activities and projects' included in the exercises of NCERT Science textbooks for class Vlll primarily aims at (1) enhancing indepth understanding of the basic concepts. (2) keeping the students engaged during vacations. (3) assessing the students on practical skills. (4) providing opportunitY to students for extended learning. 83. ~ swaf"'C6 ~ <fit '<6'1:1ITaiT <fit lf' <fit~*~~- ~qn ~~ <f; w-f vnfl ;r fc61r -rnr f~-gM-;:nfl~~t I~~ ~~t {1) {2) ~ ~ ft;w ~ ~ Wff ~ ~~-~~~ ~ ~ ~ CliT ~~IRCfl ~ Wff ~~~mti'!'CR~ I (3) ~ ~-Cfil<t <f; wWTCR~I ft;w ~ ~ <4> ~ fclM;;r Cb1 ~ q;ffl ~ ~ ~'31'R' mti1 CR ~ I -mm 'CflT R 'C6'I:IIT VIII CfiT ctffif..:t<6<'1 1!1Jilq1z~ ~ 'C6T -mt <ffTC6T ~ ~ ~ amfT ~ cmwft F""'"'1f~f&l'1 ;;)ftClll<4<6 ~ q;r ~ 'C6 ft t: (1) <l"ll4lc< q;f m ~~ TTJt 'l:lfft ~ ~ ~ {2) l!l"'J4l<::< afu' ~ ~ I q;f ~ ~ ~ ~ qft ('f{'qi'~ ~ ~ ~ I {3) <l"ll..r~c< 'CflT '(J;Rf.t<~H <R m <liB ~ ~ ~ "R ~ ~ ~ mr 35 C~Cfil'f~l {4) l!l4hi"ic< ~~mrCliT~'hsrr~ mr -q ffi<R -qo;:r cR" 1 ~l1"" '<6t.=r-m ~lClt~l;:ft ~-tT'I<'f'l'1' ~t? 'C6'I:IIT VIII <f; fffir lf' * 'qTQ<f_ " ~ <f; ~ ~tl" ~ qR"'l\11'11' 1WT~'C6T~~t (1) ~ 'tiC6("<1'11aU qft ~ ~ q;f ~I (2) ~ -q ~ q;f cirm -n9'1T {3) l'll<tlriCfl ~ ~CR"'T {4) -q ~ 'CflT I ~-fcwnr ~ ft;w ~~CRRTI ~ q;f p 84. (Z6) Major. objective of organisation of . Science Exhibitions is to 84. fcmr.:r-~ (1) *' ~<fil~~t ~ q;y lli41Pict> ~ c1> anmr ( 1) (2) provide opportunity to students to compete with others. (2) ~ c1; ~ ~ ~ c1; ~ ~q;)~~CRRT I (3) provide opportunity to students to showcase their creative ideas. (3) ~ 'q"1'11i'ilCf> ~ q;r ~ ~ c1;~~q;)~~ (4) 85. grade students on practical skills. provide opportunity to students to enhance their academic performance. Four candidates appearing in an interview for the post of science teacher were asked to give a demonstration lesson to class VIII students on the topic 'Pressure exerted by liquids and gases'. . Following different approaches were followed by different candidates : (1) (2) (3) (4) -qr~( CRRT I (4) ~q;)~~CRRT I 85. fcmFr fm;cn c1; ~ c1; fmr ~ ~ crn;J ~ ~~ q;y ~ 3fu' ~ mr wm ~ ~ W ~ VIII c1; ~ f~~<fil <ii'j)QIM"'' ~~: (1) Detailed explanation of related concepts with the help of diagram on the blackboard. Organisation of hands-on student activities followed up with discussions. (3) (2) developing problem solving skills (3) promoting creativity innovativeness ..m ~ ~ m q;r.rr 1 t\'R14{Cf> ~-~ c1; orre; 'if'tiT q;r ~ q;r.rr I (4) iXll&lH cl; ~ ~-~ ~ -qr ~ ewr ~ q;r.rr 1 ~ 3QI i"'l ll ~ ~q;f~cl;fmr ~uct>JNfcft ~mt? 86.. fcmr.:r-fVmvl ll (1Cf>;::fict> <fiT ~-~ ~ ctt fmr JN1Cft ~ ~ *' wWT~\iiT~f maintaining discipline in the Class (4) ~ ~ fuN;;r fict>("<f'113U q;) ~ ~ c1; ~ -mt q;r Greater focus on . classroom questions during the lecture. ensuring levels of learning 3llW <m q;r.rr I (2) (1) I(<II N{_c -qr ~ ~Cf>("<f'113U Use of charts for _explanation of different concepts. , Tlie technique of 'classroom questioning' in teaching of Science can be more effectively used for q;f ~ ~ 1ffir ~ c1; fmr em~ lf~-f~~mrf~ Which one of the above approaches will be most effective for teaching of the topic? 86. ~~~q;)~c1;~ (1) and ~ q;r m <!lf~f?<'tlct ~ (2) ww:rr ~ ~ q;r fqCf>m ~ (3) ~ ll l'f<""'H <~;:rnn<S;t (4) ~l1:cf ~"1"11i'ilCf>i'11 q;)~~ p (27) 87. Given below are the steps to test the presence of proteins in a food item. These steps are not in correct sequence. (A) (B) (C) (D) 87. ' ~ ~ .q mtR qft 34f~fu ~ 'Q"ftllfOT ~t-~~~mrTJlft ~~~ -~~#~tl (A) Take a small quantity of food item in a test tube, add 10 drops of water to it and shake it. ~ ~ ~ ~ 1WT 4HSI'1t'fl # ~ ~ 10 ~ 'iiM ~ afu" 4HS1'1Ml ~ ftHi$~ I (B) Make the paste or powder of the food to be tested. 'Q"ftllfOT fcf;lr ~ cmvf ~ ~ ~ 'QT3Sf arercn~~ Add 10 drops of caustic soda solution to the test tube and shake well. (C) Add 2 drops of copper sulphate to it. (D) 4HS1'1Ml # 10 ~ Cfllf-RCfl ~ ~ qft ~ afu" ~mfu ~I The correct sequence of these steps is ~2~~~~qft f~HI$~ I l'1' "'EffU'1T ~ ~ ~ t : (1) (A), (B), (D), (C) (1) (A), (B), (D), (C) (2) (B), (A), (D), (C) (2) (B), (A), (D), (C) (3) (B), (A), (C), (D) (3) (B), (A), (C), (D) (4) 88. 1 (D), (B), (A}, (C) (4) (D), (B), (A), (C) Which of the following terms . constitute the female part of a flower ? (1) Stigma, ovary and stamen (2) Stigma, ovary and style (3) Stamen, ovaty and style (4) 88. Stamen, petals and sepals ~ mr TJlf 'ctlt.l-~ 1WT~"'~ 'QG ~~ t? Bow many muscles work together to move a bone? (1) (2) qfuq;m, ~~qfuq;r (3) 89. qfuq;m, ~ ~ ~ ~.~~~ (4) 89. ~.~~~ ~ ~~T'!fu~~t-~ ~ ~ fq(i'ICfl~. ~ ~ ~ (1) Two 'Cfl ftt? (2) Four (3) Six (4) 90. t-l!'m Number is not fixed. (1) (2) (3) (4) Choose the set that represents only the biotic component of a habitat. (1). Sand, turtle, crab, rocks (2) Insects, frog, fish, aquatic plants (3) Tiger, deer, grass, soil (4) Insects, water, aq~;~atic plants, fish 90, ey 'q'R' ~- mszrr~~t, ~<i ~'ii<R'~\ill~ 3t1CI'm eli" ~ ~ aw:rcn ~ f.:t'C<\40 I Cfifffi tl (1) om;, ~3TI, ~. ~ (2) Cfl\c:, ~. lW'ffi, ~-~ (3) (4) Gfltf, -rnur, tmr, ~ ctts ~. ~-~. lW'ffi p (28) Candidates have to do questions 31 to 90 EITHER from Part - ll (Mathematics and Scimce) OR from Part - III (Social Studies I Social Science). WtdeT<If q;T JIR 31 #' 90 "'nt 'JITTT- II aral7R' (1Tfimr cr ~ <lT 'JITTT- III (ffiX(f'{:;jq; 1 t/11//Mi:h fcmFI} #' f I m I PART-ill/mrf-ill SOCIAL STUDIES I SOCIAL SCIENCE 31. According to Arthashastra, during Mauryan period North-West was important for (1) (2) (3) (4) 32. 33. 34. (1) (2) (3) (4) 35. 36. (3) (4) when a king won a territory. to declare the king as Kshatriya even if he was not one by birth. before hunting a deer. for the birth of male child. m.=rr~~~ ~ ~ 'ffiGfT ~ ~~ (2) (3) (4) 33. m errl ~ q;r fuqq;r ~ il'iCf)C::J{ <rff;r ( 1) ~~ ( 1) (2) (3) c 4) 34. . m i'Rtfi ~ wrr "'T{ f0S::ifffi <rff;r ft 11011~ .q 'Cf>Tffi ~ qft ~ 1Urr e:rt %~ cfr'Ofl'q'~~~ I C!i1ffi ~ C!i1ffi ~ C!i1ffi ~ C!i1ffi m.=rr ~. ~ ~ 311'4<ilflil1 q;r ~lfcl&fll. ll'S3IT err I (1) 35. !OII~fot:lfl Cfm>f (2) '!OIT'f.iT;:r Cfm>f (3) ~Cfm>f (4) ~Cfm>f f~'"1f~f&i'1 .q ~ fcnft' ~ cfi ~ qft ~ -q ~~ Jmfu=f 'qTliT TJ'lfr (1) 36. t? ~Mjctf'"I:CI (2} (3) (4) Iltutmish Balban Alauddin Khalji Firoz Tughlaq Hiranya-garbha ritual was performed (1) (2) 32. q;qrn (2) (3) (4) Pre-historic period Ancient period Medieval period Modem period A Sanskrit Prashasti has been found in praise of which of the following Delhi Sultans ? (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) Black magic Black charm . Black stone Black gold Persian wheel, spinning wheel and firearms were invented during atelO?IIflil ~ ~ 4\4Cf>IH ll ~-~ _ _ cfifi;nr~ err 1 coin of Italy red glazed pottery tall double handled jar perforated pot Pepper was as valued in Roman Empire that as it was called (1) (2) (3) (4) 31. Cotton Gold and precious stones Silver and copper Blanket Amphorae was a (1) (2)' (3) (4) (fll"''ifJ1Gfl ~I fll"''lf\iiCf) fctt~H) ~ <l1HJdl\l'1 ~ ~~ fu o<~ l-4~~~\iffirren' 1) ~ l1:Cf>' ~ fcfim ~ ;;furrrr m 1 (2) ~CfiT m!Tm~~~~ c em cw-;;r;:q~ ""~'~ 1 (3) (4) mq;rfuCf>lt~~~ 1 1j;f ~ -;;r;:q cl; ~ I p (29) 37. During the Chola period associations 37. ~ 'Cfi'TM .q. &41 q 1fhn cJ; ~. m of traders were known as (1) Gramam (1) 1:l11m (2) Shrenis (2) ~ (3) Nagaram (3) ~ (4) 38. ~ \ifl'ffi Sabha (4) w:rr Nath literature i!i associated with 38. 1 ~~~~t (1) Bengali (1) -.jrm;ft ~ (2) Assamese (2) arnm~ (3) Odiya (3) ~~ (4) 39. cnt Maithili (4) ~~ Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan started a 39. '&IFf~~ '&IFf;{~-~ ~ powerful non-violent movement in Jffi:r ll qtf4:1:tquffi ~ ::lli~)&H North-West Frontier Province, known as (1) (2) Khudai-KhidmatgarMovement (4) 40. Khilafat Movement (3) (1). Wl-~~ Ram-Rahim Movement Pakhtun Movement After the Congress (2) (3) 40. ~ f@<il'il"'l'll< ~ (4) Resolution f&W11~11 ~ ~~ ~am mftn ~ ~ (1929) cJ; (1929) to fight for Purna-Swaraj, ~m 'Independence Day' was. observed on ''('CitbiHI fcrc;m ~TJ<n' I (1) 15 August 1930 (i) 15 .3Vf f 1930 (2) 26 January 1930 (2) 26~ 1930 (3) 1 January 1930 (3) 1 ~1930 (4) 2 October 1930 (4) 2~ Cfft !H1'11CI"11 cf; o:rTG 1930 cnl p 41. (30) Big Bear is an example of (1) Milky way (2) 41. f.proiM"~d~I~~Ui 6l1Cfll'il' i II Cl>T Constellation (1) (2) ~cpf (3) Star (3) ORfcpf (4) 42. Galaxy (4) ~cpf Only one side of 1the moon is visible from the earth because (1) other side of the moon is towards the earth only during the day time. (2) ~ CfiT ~ 'I1JlT ~ 3l1WWlT tnT ~qfraffi"~t I (3) ~tnT~~~ am-~ ~ # ~ 3l1H are qr <pR # WlR~WRITt I (4) 43. ~ CfiT ~ 'I1JlT ~ fe:;:r ~ ~ ~qfraffi"~t I ~ <PT 3l1H are 11r ~ ~ ~ # ~ >I'Cfl'M qq WRIT I t ~~arew~t (1) ~~~qfr3ffi" am- (2) from North to South (2) ~ ~ cfuur qfr (3) from East to West (3) ~~~qfraffi- (4) 44. mTTmmt (2) it takes the moon one light year to complete one spin. The earth moves on its axis (1) from West to East ~~~ q)f~~-tt ~t.~ (!) time taken by the moon to move around the earth and to complete one spin is same. (4) 42. other side of the moon is towards the earth only on the New Moon (Amavashya). (3) 43. t from South to North (4) cfuur~~qi'raffi- As we move from Eastern Hemisphere to Western Hemisphere the :size of longitudes (1) mcreases (2) decreases (3) remains same (4) 44. ~-~ ~ ~ Tffi;n;t ~ ~ Tffi;n;t ~ .mr~ ~iiil"fi~ <tiT 31'TCtm" t. mm (1) ~"'ffiTt I (2) t:R:m "'ffiT t I (3) wrRWITt I (4) first increases then decreases ~ ~ . "'ffiT t ftor t:R:m "'ffiT tl 45. The Earth Day is (1) The time during which the sun shines on a specific place on the earth. (2) The measure of standard time at Greenwich. (3) Period of revolution of the earth around the sun. ~-f<A <ti~MII'11 (J) t ~~WI>~~qr~~ ~qr~tl (2) ~ cpr 11RCfl'~ I (3) ~ rnr 3l1H are 11r ~ .-.t fWrr TT<rr~ I Period of rotation of the earth around its axis. (4) 45. (4) ~rnr~~~affi-~# fWrr TT<rr ~ I p (31) 46. On equinox, direct rays of the sun fall on ( 1) 47. ~tmw lfCR"t"lSTW (4) ~<fnW Arctic Circle There are many harbours and ports in Atlantic Ocean because (1) q;<fd"lm W (3) Tropic of Capricorn (4) mm fcnfol~ t- (2) Equator (3) ~<f>Wr ~ ctr (1) Tropic of Cancer (2) 46. 47. <i12:i"1iflcti qi_\l't11'H ~ ~.IJI<f 'lfci ~ ~ cf> oiTT:r \1RT # lfi'Rt,~. ~:n. 3l1W:Cfir (1) (2) Fishery industry is flourishing in the Atlantic Ocean. (2) 3Ri"1ifccti 14~1'81 1 1< fctctif-811 ~ I (3) The coastline of the Atlantic Ocean is highly indented. (3) (4) 48. There is large: volume of sea trade between the U.S.A. and Europe. The coastline . of the Atlantic Ocean is very shallow. (4) 3i2:Mifc:ct> 14~1'81'1< Cfft nc tm ~ ~~I 3i2:C"1ifc:ct> 14~1'81'1< qft ~ ~ Which is the world's longest mountain range? -qr;rr ll ~ o!j]1:11HTOT ~ I lffi<1 48. ~ ctr -mm "i"1lGft t? The Himalayas (1) The Rocky (2) The Andes (3) ~ (4) The Alps (4) <iit.=r-m ~ (3) ~ ~ ~ (2) ~ In India Tropical Rain Forests are found in 49. 'I{R(f 1l aw lct>flili~ cr ri q.:r -q]"(f ~if" (1) ~~"4 Himachal Pradesh (2) ~~"4 (3) Andaman & Nicobar Islands (3) ~-f'"l<t>lciil< s.'l4w{l\l "4 (4) Rajasthan (4) {1"1<('\qH (1) Madhya Pradesh (2) 50. "3l!lTrf fffirnl~l ( 1) 49. ll During the retreating monsoon period, the moisture laden winds blow from (1) Valley to plains (2) Plateau to plains ( 1) mit ~ *:R qft :am- (2) ~ ~ ~ qft :am- Sea to land (4) ~~<f>~ant~dt Land to sea (3) 5o. ll (3) (4) am1:IOlr ~ *:R qft am~~~qft p 51. (32) Which of the . following is called 'lungs' ofthe earth ? (1) evergreen forest forest f-"1"1ft'1i&l'1 .q ~ ~ ~ cl; ~ ~ ~t? of Tropical deciduous Central America. 51. of Tropical Brazil. (2) (3) l1'tZf ~ cf- 3ISO!Cflfc~tfl<:r ~ q.:r Temperate evergreen forest of China. (4) (2) Temperate deciduous forest of Chile. 52. Which is the largest river basin in the world? *rr~~ (2) ~~~ Mississippi river basin (3) Pn:ilf-H4l ~ ~ Amazon river basin (4) ~~~ Ganga river basin (2) Nile river basin (3) (4) What is 'Maloca'? (1) ~~ (2) ~Wffi"'PT<K (3) ~q.<f~ (4) A wild animal (4) ~ CFnt? (1) A house type (3) 53. A tribe (2) 54. fc1rcr q;J mm am~ -affi:R ~ m t? (1) (1) 53. 52. ~ q;r f.:rcmft' A resident ofMalacca Using resources carefully and giving them time to get renewed is called (1) Resource conservation (2) 54. Sustainable development ~ q;J '!'11'1chl'1i'{J<fl ~ 'Cflr-rr.i'fm ~ '1cfl<fl'! Oj cl; ~ ~ ~. - Cf)~\"'ifll t I (4) 55. (2) Development management Shelter belt is a method of 55. @!'1ql1Sj0n4 ~~ (4) Resource management ~~ (3) (3) (1) fi:rCflR:r ~ wet~ (1) water conservation (1) ~~ (2) soil formation (2) ~ f.:mtur (3) plantation (3) OWTR1 (4) soil conservation (4) ~-~ fi:rCf'lR:r qft~ftri'qt I p (33) 56. Bhimbetka in Madhya Pradesh is a (1) (2) (1) Which of the three Gods were 57. period? 58. fu'ror ifilT ~ ,mr.,, ~ i'MT m.r (3) ~, (4) Agni, Indra and Vishnu Sanskrit is considered to be a part of ,mr.,, ~ i'MT fu'ror 58. CRiUT i'MT ~ ~ q;1 f;m ~-~ CfiT #;m" liT-'IT the family of languages known as ~t-m (1) Indo-Aryan .(1) ~-3Wt (2). Indo-Greek (2) ~-<fiR (3) Indo-European (3) ~-~ (4) 59. Indo-Arabian (4) ~-~ At which place it was a general 59. towards North ? (1) ctt am: ~ ~ (4) Bhimbetka The Buddha described the thirst of '3'iR" ~<jjJ:jl OCI (3) Mehargarh (4) w ~ q;1 '9W: (2) Burzahom (3) m (1) ...n4~C:Cfil Inamgaon (2) ~ ~t fu'f~~Ch'11"11 ~ m? practice to lay the dead with head 60. ~ 'ffi;::f ~ <l<f>'! (2) Indra, Varun and Rudra (4) .q 'Cf>t.1 ~. Agni, Indra and Soma (3) ~ 'Cf>WI' ( 1) Rudra, Vishnu and Indra (2) ~qJ"'ifuJCfi ~ei? especially important in the Rigvedic (1) "ltilqi"'ITUICf> (4) Mesolithic site '1CJqi"'ITUICfi (3) Megalithic site ':{{lql"'ifuJCfi (2) Neolithic site (4) lllll' ~ 1l ~ \llqa:IG<f>i '%" _ __ q'!F!~~t I Palaeolithic site (3) 57. 56. 60. or-a am ~ait cr ~ait ctt ~ q;t desires and cravings as f-'lHf&~f&H ll ~ Cf"'T 'OTi'1l"<lT TI"''T ? (1) Pipasa (1) ~ (2) Trishna (2) Qmrr (3) Tanha (3) (RT (4) Teevra Ichcha (Strong desire) (4) ~fur~ p 61. (34) 61. Branding of product ~ctt~~- makes it more saleable. (2) differentiates (1) it from ~~~;;m:ff~ I (2) (1) ~.q~ ~~~ other f'Rqmrr~ I products in the market. (3) (3) makes it more attractive for tl customer. (4) 62. ~~*"~~OR~ (4) ~~q;f~~lff~ fm;ffit~l gives customer rebate on MRP. Which part of the Indian Constitution is often referred to as the 'Conscience' of the Constitution ? (1) The part dealing with the with the Directive Principles. (2) The part dealing (3) ~ "'lffi, 311~-tl\'1 ~ ~ Fundamental Rights. ~~crt*"~ 3lTWUT ;ftffi ~ (3) The prut dealing with the ~m- reservation policy for SCs, STs andOBCs. (4) 63. How (4) ~ qft !H~IcHI The Preamble ofthe.Cpnstitution. many members can nominated to the Lok Sabha ? be 63. R mn ~ ~ iifm;f ~ '1'11::ftn ~t? (1) None (2) Two (2) ~ (3) Four (3) 'qJr (4) Twelve (4) GfiW ~ p (35) . 64. 64. A judge gives decision on a case ~%m ~"tR"f.:rofqt'lft (1) ~~.awm-'!R (2) . on the basis offee paid (2) ~~~~.awm-'IR (3) on the basis of evidence (3) ~~.awm-'!R (4) on the basis of police inquiry (4) ~ Ht\q',lCfliH ~ .awm-'!R (1) 65. on the basis of argument Which of the following cult bas 65. ll ~ ~ '$:f 'tR" ::;uR cmfl JNTEf -qfu;ri'affi ~ t ? distinctive tribal influence ? {1) f.:tJ;Otfilf&l1 (1) c!Cfll'<Cl'l ~ (2) Cult of Venkateshwara ~~ (2) Cult of Jagannath (3) Cult ofVishwanath (3) fctN"il~ ~ (4) Cult of Amamath (4) ~~ . 66. . Diseases like diarrhoea, dysentery, 66. ~. ~. t-;rr ~ oflql~<if 'CflT ~ '\i{f cholera can be prevented through (1) education ofhealth and hygiene (1) ~~~mr (2) better health care facilities (2) ~~WrmaTI~mT (3) providing safe drinking water (3) ~~~~CRJCR (4) 67. ~t providing cheap medicines (4) More often discussions on government 67. .m~~~ mcm- ~ ~ 'Cfll<iT and .its functioning lead to extreme ~ ~ views, therefore teacher should {1) ~ 31<ftff t. atn: ~'Cfll ~%'Cf6 (1) <it avoid any debate or discussion on it. (2) criticise W 'Qr <it fcnm "ffi'qi ~ '\ii"Rft ~=fh,;ITG-~ ~ T:Rii ~~I the government functions. (3) organise m<l>lr~~-~q,l ~'Cflt I ~ flfsti"lol (Judicial activism) ~~~~I argue for judicial activism (4) (2) (3) way more interactions as didactive views. objective compared to (4) a4~'<11fl"'Cf> ~'* <tt WRT 1l ~ Cl J)f-1""3 'Cfltl 3Rf:~aTI 'Cf>T ~ p 68. (36) The views of social scientists vary the 68. f"'l .... firi!&C1 if ~ f<fffi ~ ~ f<mlf~ cr most on which of the following agents fcf>:ttiR4'i!f.:6:ttM ~ ~ regarding 31m"~~ if~ f~~tf-'141 ~ ~ their impact on the cr Jrc[ffi w behaviour and attitudes of children and adolescents ? (1) ~ (2) fctem1<1 Television (3) 2Hifct"1'1 Peer (4) ~ (1) (2) School (3) (4) 69. Family Which of the following is the most appropriate way to increase the time spent on academic activities by the students in a Social Science class ? fcmR ~ if fumf~ q;r ~~ Ttfufcri'~ w ~ -ry-q ~ q;l ~ ~ fmr~t? (1) Assigning homework three times a week. (2) Assigning individual projects on (2) "'1'<1 fc!1sr<IT _l:lt, ~ 1:!t "'q'T:Jf cnB ~ new topics before discussing the .1Tffi, topic in class. (3) Incorporating lots of new material in a lecture to be delivered to (3) sustain interest. (4) ~ ~ q;f 3Will-3Will Proper lesson if~~ .am~~ -rer-rr pl~nning 1 and abiding by the time schedule for . every activity. m ~ ~ ~ ~ "'T ~ <41&11'1 (4) ~'TIC~ q ~ ~ <);- ~ R<ffi Wl<r C!iT ~ I p (37) 70. A student was interested in studying problems faced by Indian soldiers during the Kargil War. She interviews several soldiers who took part in tlie Kargil War. These soldiers can be considered (1) 71. (1) A teacher wants to give a case study to st~dents of class-VII. Which of the following topics would be most appropriate ? Minerals found in India (4) Structure of the earth facts over Valuing observable individual preferences .in deriving deduction is called 73. (1) Flow chart (2) Comparative chart (3) Timeline chart (4) Venn diagram ~qft~ "tf''lcf c~; ' AT 'If ~ aM1 Cf)"1 ~ . nutT q;f ~ 'If -mr Wfq;; f"1ct>li'1"11 a<01 f<fi'1ct> f"1'"1f'-"'f~Hlf'tt~ Cf>~Mii'11 . ( 1) Social brainstorming To show land use in different countries of the world, which of the following would be a suitable teaching aid ? 'iffi(f # ~ ""l'R C!lR ~ (4) Egocentrism (4) ~qft~~ (3) 12. ~ (2) Free association (3) m ~ ~ ~ VII cfi <6T Tt6"1' ~ (case study) cfi fffir J:TC6tuT ~ ~ t I f"1""ff'-"'f~i'1 'If 'tt mRf ~ (1) (1) Reasoning (2) ~-mn -mn 'Cf>t.fm61TTT? Major crops oflndia (3) cH<RJfCict> Of<IR ~ C!TR (4) Earthquake (2) ~1'4f~"' (3) 71. Tftur -mn (2) Internal sources (1) 72. 'If "tt ~ lfRT 'ill~ t? Actual narrators (4) ~ 'Cf)T ~ *ft t ~ ~ Cfif 'If . ~ ~ m 1 'f'f ~ <6T f"1""ff'-"'f&H Primary sources (3) ~ irefT 'l~T 'ITln~ f.l'q;l am Cfm 11 li'1 Cfif 'If ~ ct>fu"11$~'j cfi~lf~f I erg"~ Secondary sources (2) 70. '('fC\;;rr . (2) lfffi-Wm (3) 3lli"""~f~(11 (4) 73. t? 'HI"''If"Jc:p ~~ fcri''IA ~'If ~ ~ q;f ~ cl; fffir f"1""ff'-"'f&i'1 'If -tt 'Cf>t.f-m fmm'-~ ~m? (1) wrrw (2) ijC1'11i"""Cfi 'CITt (3) ~-tw 'CITt (4) $1~ p 74. (38) A teacher writes instructional objective for his/her lesson plan as . 'Students will be able to give reasons for the downfall of Mauryan Dynasty'. This objective will come under (1) 75. t ~ (2) ~ (3) ~ (4) Application (4) em (1) Understanding (3) '!'f)~ arq;:ft Wcr-~ .q 'fmf lM <fi l R <fi ~ <fiT i1ffi ~ 3f'j~~l"11(4!1ifi ~ ~~ I lfr ~~~ampTT? Knowledge (2) 74. fi~<'i"101 Synthesis All of'the following are characteristics of creative thinking except : (1) 75. f.:t'"'1~f&n # ~. cfi atfi!l~<m ~ "t"1'11(4!1ifi ~cf; an~f I Ability to always produce right answers to problems posed (1) (2) Synthesise . from a variety of sources (2) ~ ~ ~ fi~<'i"101 (3) Flexib,le and imaginative way to approach a problem (3) ~ (4) Purposeful, reflective judgement ~ ll<IT ~ cf; ~ 00 ~-~ "3W~ci;wwf ~ ifi<"G'11~n(YI (4) ~ ~ q;r;t tQ cr ~ m- q;r ~ ~ cr fcr"'H~n(YI ~ ~- ctft wrnr 76. During Social Science class, students begin to discuss whether a mobile tower should be allowed to install in the proxiDlity of their school or not. A student says that the radiations from the tower would make students sick. Another student says, I heard this on the news that mobile towers do not make people sick. As a teacher you would (1) (2) Encourage students to organise a dhama (protest) outside the office of local administration. 76. # ~utudl lfr ~ atTN ctmt f fct; fif 1 1('1<4 cf; f.fifi?: i1ld41$M ~ 'M1"FfT ~ fc6" "1tf I '!'f) m;rT d t fc6" ~ ~ f-iifiM4 ernwrr '!'f) <ai ufJiifi f~fcf>~Ui Organise a structured debate on this topic in the class. (4) Organise an election to know the support in favour and against. ~ msrran 'fiT~~~ I "l!ifi' ~mmdtfcti"~ MI'CIIflllW'fi" fc6" iil!41$M ~~'fiT afum" "1tf Cfmt f I ~fVrf!flifil<fiomlatN o> ~ ~"' ifil<ll(YI<l "' ~ ~ .~ "' ~ lilffurno ~I (2) Motivate students to collect evidences. that will help them assess the situation objectively. (3) ftmR , W!ifu -qr ~ ~ q;r;lci;~~~~~ W!ifu q;r Cl~"ita ~<fir~ (3) ~ ~ -qr q;m # I ~ fir<Ht{{lifi ~ Cf;T ~ ifi'(cUq f) I (4) ~ W!ifu ~ ;;rr;R "' ~ ;.w~#~ <I><CIIq fl I q;m -q p (39) 77. At the upper primary stage, according to NCF-2005, the content of Social Studies will draw its content from which ofthe following subjects ? . (1) 77. ~ Qiq_<N<Il ~ 2005 cf> ~~ ml!lf'1<t ~ w fll"'ifJtct> fcfflR Cfl1 fCltii<ICi'f<'! f-1"'1f&~f 1i1 .q ~ f<f;;:f ~ ~ ffi "'"RT~? History, Civics and Geography (I) ~.~~cr~ (2) History, Geography, Science and Economics Political (2) ~.~.~~q ~ (3) Environmental Science, Civics and Geography History, (3) (4) 78. q~ Disaster Management, History, Political Science and Values Education For which of the following a time-line would be best suited for ? (1) To explain achievements of ruler. (4) ~~. ~. ~~q m '"{('<N'(Cf> 78. - f-1"'1f&~f 1i1 it %fl" ~ mm~~? it ~-00 ( 1) . f~;inr,rcm cnr ~ "lffiJf ~ if to give summary of a dynasty. (2) ~' ~' ~ ~ q(l\Cj{Oj a (2) M ~ q,1 ~ q,1 01lT&IT ~if I (3) To compare two dynasties. (3) ~~qlt~~it I (4) 79. To teach ancient history. ( 4) ~ 'lffiO ~ ftmul' if I Locating a place on the map is assoCiated with (1) w-:r'# (2) ~'# (3) ~'# (4) Application (4) "'Hf'i!:4WQ~'Cf>l-wRn:imunt. (1) Comprehension (3) 79. Knowledge (2) 80. 1 ~'# Skill . Children have little exposure to laws, therefore, while discussing laws, it is important that teacher should (1) (2) explain all the aspects of laws very clearly. giVe as many examples from fa~iliar context. (3) create fear regarding -laws. ~'<fiT~~ -.rsn q;lf ~ m t. ~~wqfhOii:it ~~ ~ "'t\'ii'il'{\Jl tf<f>fmrcn (1) ~~~~aTI~~"Cf>t I (2) . ~ ~ ~~I (3) '# ~-'#-~ ~~~'#~~qlt ~~I discuss about juvenile laws only. (4) 80. (4) "Cf>J ~mtf~~q;t I p 81. (40) A Social Science teacher must employ which of the following methods for being effective ? 81. ~~ ld~ ,~f-1'"'1Wtrual1lf~~ mM~~lfMt<ft~.-? (1) Increase engagement of students by thought provoking and interesting activities. (2) (3) (4) 82. ~I (2) (3) (4) (4) 82. (1) Group activities, excursions and summative assessments (2) Complete coverage of course, information centred teaching and summative assessments (3) (4) Learning objectives, learning activities, formative and summative assessments Aims of education, new teaching method, board exam lWIT-flrnr CfiT ~ ctt flfatll"'l m 1 -q flf"'4f~l1 'Q'f ~ "Cfi"fff ~ ~ "'~'tii!'fll "l1'1fct> msr "~''''!<'iCfi t n 'fit" f.ti : (I) ~qft~'llmf-qt I (2) ~ 'l1ffif -q lJ'URi:r ~-~ m ~ 1 (3) aqf-1~'<1 "' ~ llro~~ I (4) ~ ~ ~ q;r ~~I its Outcome oriented student learning model in Social Science will focus primarily on whiclil of the following? mt~~~cf>~cm fcti~ ~ qffi~lf~q:; qfh:lll4lfctT ~ Indian Constitution is the oldest in the world. had " m!TaTI '<fiB~~ qfN"1'11 ~ I republics flourished m ancient India. anti-colonial struggle major influence. ~ ~~m?;~nt~~ democracy has its roots in India. (3) ~ ~ CfiT q;r ~ cr;t:r C!iBT I Assign pr(ljects to be done at home so as to involve parents in the studies of theit ward. (2) 83. ~q;r~c);-"llfu~ Award grades in a lax manner to boost the confidence of slow learners. (1) fctiiHlfl"'Cfi cr ~ ~ ilRT (1) Increase the knowledge of students by taking tests on every Monday. In a discussion on Constitution, it is important that it is discussed in historical context so that students become aware that : ~ ffl nf"'Cfi fcmR" ctT fufarcnr am~~ 83. m ffl"'lf-i~Cfi fcmR" lT 4RUII"' ari'WT"'" ~ Pi'"'1f(i1~(1 q;r lfl" "fiORl w ~ amufu:r fmmfi lT ~ ~ 'Q'f JW!If>ICfi nlf'Q'f~Wrr? (1) "fllW ~. -w:rur ~ ~ .~. (2) ~r -q ~. 41~4st>"' q;r ~ ~ ~ ~ fimul q ~~ (3) (4) ~~~~ ' , p (41} 84. The content of Social Science should aimat (1) (2) (3) (4) 85. 84. ~ (1) raising students awareness through critically exploring and questioning of familiar social reality. (2) nationalism imparting knowledge. developed countries. <tiT m-er -q m qrffi ~m ~ <tiT ~ fll'"llf"lct> ~ (3) ~ ll {I "?1 <m I qft (4) about 'Cf>T fcrci;rn fqCf>f*!ct m ~ 0Tit ll "lHCf>l'l.l ~ ~I 85. m~ fttftt!Qril'{"l ~#~-~ l ~qft -g1;ft ~fcn they reflect government views to make children a good citizen. ~~ctil~~"RR~ ~ ~ <i~q:,]on <tiT ~tfnfcilfkilct 'Cf>tl controversial issues are avoided. (2) ~ fc:tc:ufc;ct ~ ~ 'i! all regions and social groups be able to relate to them. (3) ~ different textbooks are available for different regions. (4) According to NCF 2005, the aim of education in Social Science should be enable student to 'qJCRT fcf;<rr~ I (3) 86. CfiT '30l'Cf>\ "11'1 Cf> ORT<IT ~ I (2) (4) ~ 3l1Mlil'11i""lCf> ~ ~ '3"1' -qr w-1 (1) (1) ~ ~ <.RCil<rr ~ I m In a pluralistic society like ours, it is important that textbooks should be such that ~-Cffii <liT ~ ~ ~fcn making students familiar with happenings in the world around. inculcating students. fcmR &rn ~ w1 fll'"llf"l<t> w CfiT &Rt ~m1 31WT-31WT &rn ~ ~ 31WT-31WT ~-~~I 86. ~ Ql<!_~il~l ~ 2005, ftl'ilfJtCf) f<mR ~ .q. ~ ~ mam?.1<1T q;y f.:t"'if<"\f&ri .q. " ~ ~ ~ fucr ~ ~t? (1) Criticise political decisions (1) '(1"14Rlct> Rut<:IT em-~ (2) Analyse socio-political reality (2) (3) Retention of information on sociopolitical situation in the country 'HI'"llf"1Cfl-{1'>14foct> fc:t <-itifol (3) ~ (4) Present knowledge about socio political principles in a lucid and concise way so that students remember them easily: (4) Cli'RlfCICflctl CfiT em- fli'"llf"lct>-m4foCfl W1fu ~ ~ll~'Cf>T~ <1"1-lfo<t> cr fll'"llf"l<t> f*!Olil'fi'i ~ ~ -q m'1' <tiT fl {("'ct'"l fclfu ~ m:qct' 'Cf>r-11' -~~~~~ ~Cl>C~~ I p 87. (42) The Civil Rights Movement was started in the U.S.A. to 87. lf.ll. ~TT<rrerr . (I) ' demand for fundamental fights for (1) African-Americans. (2) (3) (4) ~ .-q PII'I~Cfl an~ atl><itM ~-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C!ft l=ITrf ~ I demand for equal fights and end to racial discrimination. (2) demand for voting rights for women. (3) demand for social security for old. (4) w:rR ~ ~ ~ ~ q;f WW<f coR C!ft l=ITrf ~ I ~* ~ ~ ~ C!ft l=ITrr ~I ~ ~ ~ ftl"''lf"1Cfi ~ C!ft l=ITrr ~I 88. How a Chief Minister is chosen ? (1) (2) 88. By the President of the party which has got majority in the election. (I) 89. (2) By the MiA's of the party which has got majority in the election. -q ~ m1<f coR qrffi "t11iT ~ ~ -q ~ m1<f coR qrffi "t11iT ~~am (3) *" ~*"~llr~~~ am (4) By the President of India on the recommendation of the Governor. Which of the following s_!Iows gender stereotyping ? ~ ~am (3) By the President of India on the . advice of the Prime Minister. (4) '!t.O!Oioi:ft CfiT Tf'1<' ~mort ? ~ 1lr ~ ~ ~ -rrcRr C!ft am 89. f-1Af<"tfuil'1 -q ~ ~~t? "Cflt.:r-m fM If!_("'Cfl ~ M:SfCfl<li~~~~~tl (I) {1) (2) Girls can do only household works. {2) (3) Girls can do all type of works which a boy can do. (3) M:SfCfl<li 6-f m q;r<:jl em q;r ~ t iill.~~"Cflr~t I (4) 90. Girls are more talented than boys. Girls should get equal opportunity as boys .. (4) M:sfct><il In a democracy the media plays a very important role in M:SfCfl<li ~ tR ~ cnTii-~ "Cfi\ ~tl ~ em f-iwR-1 90. *" WTR arc:rw MlCfirl~ -q ~~ ~ "if''\'i4'{ul ~ f.:rlmft ~.,...,.. ~ 31ft mm- *" ;;nt -q ~ B providing news and discussing events taking place in the country and the world. (I) advertising goods so that. people can buy goods of their choice. (2) <rni* (3) telecasting cricket events so that people can watch sitting at home. (3) ~ ~ ~ q;r ~ q;r-:rr (4) providing many types entertainment materials. (4) (I) (2) of afu- ~ ~ qrffi ~-m 1lr Cf>R"Jf "'tfClt I q;r ~ ~ ~ C!ft coR -q ffiTT <rnl* q;f ~ ~ I mfc!;-ffirrt:~r~~~~ I fcTfl:R wm q;r-:rr I *" "'1'11("1'1 C!ft ~ ~ p (43) . Candidates should answer questions from the following Part only if they have opted for ENGLISH as LANGUAGE- I . . ~ f~k1f<1f{Sf(1 cqrrr ~ ~ ~ dfH &?ctM ~- ~ ~ d~l ~ \=11~1 - I cpr fq Cf)~ ah)\tfi TfiT mI p (44) PART-IV LANGUAGE-I ENGLISH Directions : Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow (Q. Nos. 91 to 99) by selecting the most appropriate option : 91. In the mode suggested by Sir Tim, teachers may self-evaluate and selfreflect (1) Renowned educationalist Sir Tim Brighouse, observed that an outstanding school has four factors that are visible. "Teachers talk about teaching, teachers observe each other's practice, teachers plan, organize and evaluate their work together rather than separately, and that teachers teach each other." (2) interviewing each other 'Teachers talk about teaching' means that they (1) discuss their own practices (3) criticize one another (4) 93. make some suggestions (2) freely change opinions 'Low effort but high impact' in this contextimplies that schools ( 1) extract more work for the same pay (3) decrease the work load and salary (4) 94. pay teachers a lower salary (2) create opportunities within the system for development In this extract, it is observed that technology supports teachers to (1) conduct meetings for teachers (3) follow-up/remediation for students. (4) 95. improve students (2) The role of mentoring was vital and suggested that more schools could send teachers out in small groups to learn from colleagues in other schools. He said : "If this were widespread practice, if people were to attend to their butterflies, the outcome in terms of teacher morale and teacher satisfaction would be positive. We all agree that professional development is the vital ingredient". through a students' survey (4) He continues : "One of the reasons I like that is that you can immediately see ways in which you could make it more likely that teachers talk about teaching." Sir Tim then encouraged schools to focus on activities .that were low effort but high impact, describing them as "butterflies". Some . examples he gave included rotating staff meetings around different classrooms with the host, at the start, describing the room layout and displays, or discussing other teaching techniques and approaches. With modem technology teachers could observe their own. lessons and then. when viewing them back, decide whether they want to shar:e them with a mentor. without technology (3) 92. using technology self-diagnose their practices activities Here, 'visible' means (1) seen (2) obvious (3) ~ppealing (4) bright p (45) 96. 'Rotating staff. meetings in the class rooms' permits teachers to . You're growing so fast it sends me a whirl, With misty eyes I ask, Where's my little girl? (1) be informal with each other (2) miss some of them I know sometimes to you I seem harsh and so unfair, (3) share their own practices with others But ope day you will see, I taught you well because I care. (4) keep busy all the time The next few years will so quickly fly, With laughter and joy, mixed with a few tears to cry. 97. A synonym for the word, 'counselling', from.the passage is ( 1) (2) mentoring (3) 98. describing discussing (4) teaching ( 1) (2) visiting schools to socialise. (3) knowledge teachers gain for job growth. (4) 99. teachers who dress like butterflies. schools teachers. control their "Butterflies" here refer to ( 1) the dress code (2) a practice of staff interaction (3) changing schools (4) You'll always be my source of pride, no matter where you go. You must stand up tall and proud, within you feel no fear, . The talk by Sir Tim is about the who As you begin your growth to womanhood, this fact you must know, going to classes in rotation Directions : Read the given poem and answer the questions that follow (Q . Nos. 100 to 105) by selecting the most appropriate option : As I Watch You Grow Do you know how much you me~n to me ? As you grow into what you will be. You came from within, from just beneath my heart It's there you'll always be though your own life will now start. For all you dreams and goals, sit before you very near. With God's love in your heart and the world by its tail, You'll always be my winner, and victory will prevail. For you this poem was written, with help from above, To tell you in a rhythm of your Mother's heartfelt love ! KayTheese 100. 'Do you know how much you mean to me ?' is a question. (1) rhetorical (2) restrictive (3) convergent (4) divergent 101. An antonym for the word 'harsh' is (1) severe (2) mild (3) gr1m (4) clashing 102. In the expression 'It sends me a whirl', 'it' refers to (1) travelling far (2) growing up (3) new experiences (4) the real world p (46) 103. . To 'sta~d up tall' is . 107. Exemplar for homonym would be (I) growing up healthy . (1) aisle/isle (2) be taillike the boys (2) beer/bear (3) being fearless (3) stale/stall (4) getting ambitious (4) stock/stoke 108. Which is a lexical word? 104. The phrase 'the world by its tail' means to (1) love (2) IS (3) be a good follower (2) (1) the (4) might overcome challenges 109. While learning about the passive voice form, students learn about (3) face one's enemies (I) (I) friend (2) daughter (3) mother (4) position of nouns (4) 105. The poem addresses a position of verbs (3) to avoid challenges use of'by' (2) (4) use of verb form girl 110. Students can leave the school premises at 12.30 pm. Directions : Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option : Students ought to leave the school premises at 12.30 pm. The two given statements can be 106. A person sitting behind you in a cinema starts talking on the mobile phone and you want to tell him/her to stop. Choose how you will make the request. {1) "Stop talking so loudly !" (2) "Please don't use the mobile phone inside the theatre." (3) "Could you possibly stop usmg the mobile phone here ?" attention to the ( 1) differences in the arrangement of words (2) meaning conveyed by the modals/verb modifiers (3) "<;::an't you not use the mobile phone; please ?" (4) differentiated by drawing students' the roles of the subject and object in both sentences (4) absence of change in the verb ,form p (47) 111. Which learning domain constitutes higher order thinking ? (1) remembering (2) understanding (3) application (4) evaluation 115. While writing, 'ellipses' is a (1) phrasal verbs (2) semantic linker (3) adjectival form (4) prepositional phrase 112. The process consists of of word formation (1) compounding and\ affixes (2) opposites and meaning (3) verbs and nouns (4) using synonyms or euphemisms 113. When reading, to 'decode' means to (1) an action used in ICT (2) solving a complex puzzle (3) to analyse and understand (4) understanding a foreign language 114. Speaker 1 :'We had an enjoyable hOliday this winter. Speaker 2 Where did you go ? Speaker 1 Where ? Speaker 2 Yes, which place did you visit? During the assessment of students' speaking-listening skiDs; mark/s would be deducted during this exchange for (1) . (3) Speaker! (2) Speaker II Both (4} Neither 116. If a longer piece of writing is brief, complete, in the third person, without digressions and emotional overtones and logically arranged, it is a ( 1) classified advertisement (2) memorandum (3) report (4) newspaper article 117. The politician had been making promises long before election time. The statement is in the tense. (1) past continuous (2) present perfect (3) present perfect continuous (4) past perfect continuous 118. 'Gender sensitization' in the school curriculum implies (1) children should be differentiated as boys and girls (2) sex education from primary school onwards (3) respectful approach towards defining gender roles (4) promote co-education m high school. 119. Identify where the collective form is an error: A (1) host of angels (2) congress of baboons (3) clutch of ducks (4) shoal offish 120. An exemplar of a question to 'funnel' or restrict a respondent's answer is (1) "What do you think ~f the weather?" (2) "How many books are there ?" (3) "Tell me about your most recent holiday." (4) "What are your goals ?" p (48) Candidates should answer questions from the following Part only if they have opted for HJND I as LANGUAGE- I. -~ f~kifMPsHi <qJTT ~ ~ ~ a=tH 4?01c?f ~ ~ ~ d~l~ 1041~1 - I Cf;f fqCf?(A~ ~ ~ m- 1 p (49) 'ql1'f- IV ~-1 ~ f.roT : ~ ~ 11\( -rrom cnT ~ ~ "3"Rm 92. ~~: ~cf;~ (1) tl ~~~fum? <F~T%fumq;r~? ~ ~%~~ ~~~%~-1W9T w i'\"lif1il ;; ;;:ff "ffi;:iT m~ ~ (2) l"f'l- I ~ ~ 'l>f -;:rrq %'t ~ ~ t 'I &fCf>f 31W1" ~% fc!; ~ ~-fW9T ~ ~ % I "3~ ;;;or ~ ~ fffiiD m- mtf> ~ fcp ~ ~ ~ ~ ;;ft-q., <!ft fum 'l>T mr t 1 ~ fiR" ~ <rr. '>IT llR 'ff.:rr fc!; ~ ~ ~-1W9T m ~ ~ % 1 .(3) m ? ~ " Cf>IO<llfl"i<tl ~ fffi9 ~% 1 ~ttR-~fc!;mcnrCf%1~ 1 I~ (4) 93. ~_-mcf;~~"fmf I ~ cnT ~:m cf; 31 !K ~ ~I (3) ~ &lllffi:m, ~:m cnT C!ft Wffif -;;n;Rcf;~~~ I . -q 3lT"lT % (4) t ? ~ .'IK"ii ~ <FIT t ? afu- ~ -m ~ fi<:IT cnr ~ ~ ~ ~ -wR 94. ~-s:mtl .. (2) fc!; qft;,_qft;, m ~ qft;,_qft;, ~trl'f~W I ~~cnTW-W'<t>r~ qft;, ~CfiTfutm~<f>~mm~~ (1) mWcNr cf>wr ~ -s:m t? ~m'lr -q ~ ~ lH-~ -q qft;,_qft;, -m ~ m<IT rt t? fcp q(\ <FIT ri~C!ft~~ ~-q ~t? m<fT rt fi<IT . ~ ~ ""lf." ~ fcp "11-"11 ~ ~ w:rr~~~~GR" tf~t I 'cnT~q;r-;:rrqfumt I ~~'ffi~~t ;;;or trl1 ~ "lR ~ ~ -q 31WT-31WT ~ m-m% 1 ~tl ~ t fcp fum~-&; ~ cf; Wl ~ cnT m-ffi ~ 'l>T fcrcf;m t w:rr~~~~~~ ~em~ 1 ~ ~ ll futm cnr Cfft;{_m ftr;affi ~ t? (1) .ri~~~ ~~ ~tl ~ cnT c);cwr 31W ~ t.:rr I (2) w:rr ~ -q ~"lf'fl1<t> ~ m-m t (3) .. (2) ~~~~-qtf~ tl (4) ~ -q ~I ~ fi<:IT cpl.l!4ifi!(1 (4) w-m~~~t1 1 p 95. (50) ~ranc;l'<n q;f w-w Cfif ~ ft6' ~ 'lRt t ?' ~ 1l QgiiR' fit;qr lfiT <mn ~ f.rm :;ffcf <n TTt ~ Cf)f ~-~ '!lWi ~. ~ (3)" iff (4) ~ ~ ~-~ FfCf ~. -4 (2) N ~Cf)f~~: ~t (1) ~, "tt>T ~. ~ ~ ~ 'TffiT fcti 31fr.r-GITUT llmrr, ll'IQ" qft am-am~. Cl'ir OR fTm fTTt fc:Rnt ~ ! 1oo. trR-~ ~mmt 96. (2) (2) "'ltf>i(l('qtf) (3) fi~f.\Cll'<ltt> ~ ~~~lltfc:Rnt ~fc:Rnt !IHctl'<ltt> (4) ~fc:Rnt (4) ~ ~ Jltt>R" c); fc:Rnt (3) (1) 97. (1 ) ~~~..~rrt? ~t 101. 41\ii<M ~~ mrr'al w~m-wltiif~ ';f arir.f-if!VT ~ ~ (1) 3l1Rr ~ ~ 'tf)'{"1T ~ ~ I (2) ~~~~~~ (1) mlRtt>" (3) Cl'ir fTm;rr ~ ~ I (2) :mflfltt> (4) 3l1RT (3) l(IIRlRtt> (4) l(IIIRRtt> 102. ~ ltiif~~t -gAr am- ~ ~ ~ Cli1fu;<r (4) mflffir ~~ (2). (3) ~ .., ~ TJRm ~~I (1) 98. qft ~ (I) ql;:IT WIR t I <2> ql;:ITll~ (3) ql;:IT q"ll"liilltft t I . (1) ~~-<j"J (4) ql;:IT ll ~."GIS" afur t I (2) ~~-<j"J (3) fqq~]t'tleltt> ~-<j"J (4) ~~-<j"J amrmt 1 ,"._ 99. .. .. ~ ~-~~~mmt . <1> ~m (2) ~m (3) mmm (4) f.mrrm 103. ~-'\iftf' ltiiff .' 104. ''Q'Tir 'ifi'r~ltiift (1) !1(4~'<l'd (2) 3ltlfq' (3) "'1nf (4) ~ ~ ~ p .(51) 109. ~ Qld,<l'il<li ctt '!<"Qhsii ~-m cneR -mft 2oos cfi ~ t? qft (1) (2) (2) 3'ffi('lf ~ ~ ~ mt ~ ~-~~m~aA~<tft q;f . ~3#-ij,ft~~t I ~ atnrf<f C!iT (3) ~-oef)~ (3) (4) ~ afu" 3'ffi('lf <Iii (4) ~~awRi\"~~ l'lll!lf"''Cfl R" '!R ~ t I tfmR_ft:mrR -q ~~'!R<m~-1 106. ~ $411!0111:1<6 ~lff~. ~~cf; GflG'Q'g"~t~~ (1) ~*"mn"3'1'R"'~~ (2) fcmTff {2) (3) ~311R~-ij~~\~ I (3) 11TCi 110. 'qllU-~<fi~ll'Cf>t.f-m"CfllR-ml t? (1) WRf, GIT&rr, ~ afu" fffi9:;:rr ~ SPl1 ~ m-@ "!ffi t I 1 101. qft ~ <IT q;fcrcrr ~ ~am~ ~mnhrr~~~ ftmftqft~~t'~~~ qft ann:f~tf"Cfmrr t? . (1) ~ aw.ft ~ -q orr-~ t ~<It ~-~ ~ wm -qffi 1 (2) ~ ~ ~ ~ 1l rn-a~ *"cmur ~ORT~tl (3) ~ <tft ~ aJqf{qqq (4) ~ molt (4) ~ w:ft ~- *" "f!1'lr 111. ~~~lff~<tt~-~ l1' ~ ~ ctt fuuf~"' n.RTm cfi ~""'~~'Q'g"t (2) fciN;;r I ' m <tft '81f~5fr<~Cfi forma# <tft ~ ~a:IT ~ ~ ~ 31c!m"~ I -:;r~. :> (:{f .fciN;;r '81fc:fr<ICfi forma# (4) ~-~ Rmur *" q;r ~ qft 1:f{lro 'fiT ~ ~I 112. ~ attRt ~ 'CfiT <I'm"~ ll ~ "'1ffi t ~ Q<l\Ci<(UI 1ff ~ 108. ~ctt <nm' ll <6glf.:j~1 cnfcffir-'QTO 'C6T 'Cfi'T<f 'Cfi ft t I ~ 'C6T ~ t {1) "l"il("1"1 <PT~t (2) ~-~<PT~l110t I (3) fciN;;r I ~ (1) {2) fmR-~ qft ~ ~ mol . (3) ~q;f*:R-ij~q;r 31c!m"~ I *:R *" ~I 'flf<i Cfl c@ICI < oI *" "f!1'lr ~~~~q;f~q;r tl ~-~*"~q;r~~ . . . ~q;f~qft~~~ 31WT ~~I tirii"11Q afu" <tft liHmfr<~Cfi q;f w:ft WW <tft forma# ll ~ ~ I <tft ~ *" mff ~ CfiT 'i~6f>JUI m ~ (1) {iHICfiRt ~ ~ "Cfi"<RT I I ~Cf>lOi\11 ~ ~ mctf t I tl afu" ~ C!ftm -q q# ~ affl:~~tl ~""' 'Q'g"~ ftfi ~ .m <fi~ ~ (4) ~ ~tl ~I (4) ~afu"~~~t I 31c!m"~ I (4). 311R ~-~ ~~I -q- ~ q;r p 113. (52) 'ql1U 'fl ~ -m- cf> f1G ii(\TCI'{IIl 117. ~ "# 'Q11{f ~ " ' 3l1mt 'll( . ~"' ~ "# ~-fuom (1) t? fCI:iJO!ofi c6" fcmR 3l)r Clft;r "# (3) ~ q;r Tf: (3) ~ q;) ffi<Jiffi ~ ~ I (4) Tf: ~ ~ ~cl>~q;f~ ~ ~I 1 < 4) 3flq; 'WaU "'~ ~tn~l "'~ q;f 118. ~c);~-- c); O!liCli'\IUCfl ~ ~ I 'q11U-fmtur <1ft ~-ftnw tl (4) ~q;r~~mm~ (2) ~-~ Cb1 f.:!11tur mm ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ q;r ~ 'W-~~ oq Ict><fU ICfi f.:!<p:IT c6f ~ H Cfil'tl Cb1 <!# ~ Cb1 fcrfcfl:T ~a:IT "'~ ~ ~ -qr om~ ;;mrr ~ 1 119. tl hl"if(iiq;) ~ CfiT fl<ilt~ ~3C:Il\'!Of lr ~ q;f . (2) (3) Mact!Cll<fl <;_!lzCfJJU( CITR fcmq 3ll<il:t<tCfi<11 (2) ~ (3) (4) qff;ft~~ ~- *rr <1ft 'ql1U CfiT ~~~ (1) ~ w.i-~ ll fcmq ~ ~ ~I (2) ~ ~ atq, t-f q;r "!l'm1 ~ .~I ~ cl>~ f~lSIClHI (4) ~ ~ ~ i'Fi~ 3ltR ~-llla- ~ ~ cl>~q;g;rr "# ift 'q11U-fmtur tl ~ t ( 1) lTR<P ~ -qr om 120. ~ atiC4li<4CflHI ~ ~ (1) ~ 1 "''ICl't<lCfi<il ~ I 'ql1U I (2). 'W-~~ (1) 116. q;mJf I a:rrq ~~ (1) (3) (4) iif1fur q;r 'q11U~f I ~or 3lk ~ ~ q;r m:ITr <ii tT ~ I (3) ~ cnm 'll( iiflfur ~ -3N-IT ~ ~ ;;lfc~HilT~ ~ <ii tr ~ I . . (2) ~ ;t ~ croR ~ 31WT ~ "# ~ ~ 'fl ~~ amrcn ~ CfiT fmtuT ( 1) 115. m ~Cb1~~1 ~q;) ~q;r~ I (4) ~ (2) (2) (3) c); 1Woi-1:r.f tl 3lN ~ lWoi <fiT h ~I 114. ~tliH<4 'ql1U ~qcfi~ lfRff ~m~ (1) ffc:1 (3) ~ ~ 3lk -w:rra:rr q;r ~ ~~I (4) ~Wr~'l1!Cf~~ I p (53) Candidate s should answer .. questions from the following Part only if they have opted for ENGLISH as . LANGUAGE- II. wm- ~ cqrrr ct ~ ct dfl{ cf5ctM ~ ~ ~ d'""QI~ r~Cf?(YCI ai!lztt TfiT m- 1 1"11tSII ,:f<F; II Cf5T ;,~- r: . p (54) PART-V LANGUAGE-II ENGLISH Directions : Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow (Q. Nos. 121 to 129) by selecting the most appropriate 121. The themes of Ravi Verma's famous paintings were (1) deities (2) animals and habitats Raja Ravi Verma was the Indian King (3) natural scenery painter (4) female figures option: and whose paintings .brought a momentous turn in Indian art. His works on great Indian epics Ramayana and Mahabharata brought the omnipresent deities to the surroundings of earthy world. This showed , excellent fusion of Indian traditional art with European realism. These paintings influenced 122. He was especially able ro access historical documents in the possession of (1) mythological characters has become a part of the Indian imagination of the Classics. His style is criticized for being too gaudy museums that curate them future generation artists and also influenced the literature and films. His representation of national (2) certain individuals {3) families who inherited them (4) his family members in Kilimanoor and sentimental. 123. As he matured in his craft, Ravi Ravi Verma was born on April.29th, 1848 in Verma's skills were influenced by Kilimanoor Palace in Kerala. Ravi Verma was ( 1) Italian artists brought up in an environment of "art and (2) Indian cinema (3) Ancient manuscripts (4) None of these culture. At the age of seven he started painting the figures of animals, acts and scenes from daily life on the wall with charcoal. As he grew up, he was exposed to the famous paintings of Italian painters. Here he was using indigenous 124. 'His style is criticized for being too paints made from leaves, flowers. He enhanced gaudy and sentimental' means that his his creativity by listening to the music of work was characterized by veterans, watching Kathakali, a folk dance (1) pale colours and sad atmosphere (2) unrealistic images (3) lacking intellectual and emotional form, going through the manuscripts preserved in ancient families and listening to the artistic interpretation of the epics. depth Raja Ravi Verma is most remembered for his paintings of bea_utifully sari-clad worrien, who were depicted as graceful and shapely. (4) strong colours and emotionally appealing p (55) 125. In the extract, 'artistic interpretation of the epics' means he was interested in (1) popular writing of his time. (2) . untque rendering mythologies. of old (3) standard interpretation Indian epics. (4) unusual and rare myths found in legends. of the 126. Find a word in the passage which is the opposite of 'minimized' ( 1) influenced (2) criticized (3) .exposed (4) enhanced 127. The article is alan (1) fiction (2) essay (3) biography (4) autobiography 128. The focus is association with on the Directions : Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow (Q. Nos. 130 to 135) by selecting the most appropriate option: subject's The scene presented by a community of bees is the more astonishing, the more we become acquainted with its details. Each hive is a commonwealth, of which the queen is nominally the head, receiving the greatest honour and care from her industrious subjects. With a greater wisdom than can be claimed by men, these creatures allow no disputes about the succession to the throne to induce them to injure each other; but they require the parties themselves individually to settle the . quarrel between each other, without prolonged interference with the duties of the hive. Indeed, they may be said with truth to have adopted the advice : "Let those who make the quarrels, be the only ones to fight." Only one queen is permitted to hold office in the community at a time; but while herclaims are undisputed, she is treated with singular respect and affection. Indeed, her presence, and the prospy_ct of a future generation, appear the chief motives of the insects to exert i.i'~E .IT>.) themselves. (1) sculpture (2) painting 'settle the quarrel between each other, (3) music without prolonged interference with the (4) dance (Kathakali) duties of the hive' suggests that he/she 130. The writer's observation that the bees is 129. A synonym for 'omnipresent' is (1) conspicuous ., .. ''(i) pointing a bee character (2) observing the traits of worker bees (2) . universal (3) appreciating the queen bee (3) . partly invisible (4) condemning the behaviour of ill- (4) magnificent tempered human beings p (56) 131. 'The prospect of a future generation,' suggests that the writer is in his/her outlook. (1) nationalistic (3) sympathetic (4) appreciative (Q. Nos. 136 to 150) : ambivalent (2) Directions : Select the most appropriate option 136. Compounding is (1) stringing together older words like the formation of earthquake from earth and quake. (2) removing seeming affixes from existing words, such as forming edit from editor. (3) joining parts of two or more older words, such as forming smog, which comes from smoke and fog. (4) forming new words from existing ones by adding affixes to them, 132. 'The parties' in this context means (1) participants (2) political organisation (3) individuals (4) bees 133. The queen bee has a position which from her gives her subordinates. (1) disregard but affection (2) aggressive defensiveness (3) exceptional devotion (4) caring support and indulgence reverence and 134. 'To exert themselves' means the bees are (1) having influence (2) quite aggressive (3) busy toiling (4) like shame + less + ness -+ shamelessness 137. Constructivism is a theory where students (1) study a variety of dissimilar samples and draw a well founded conclusion. (2) form their own understanding and knowledge of the world, through experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences. (3) are facilitated by the teacher and use a variety of media to research and create their own theories. (4) construct their own learning aids, gaining hands-on thereby experience. very exhausted 135. 'Each hive is a commonwealth ' means the hive is (1) over-crowded (2) has a queen (3) self-governing (4) without a leader 138. E-learning refers to (1) acquisition of the mother tongue (2) learning English language as the first language. (3) use of electronic media and information and communication technologies (4) a language course for foreign languages p (57) 139. Examples of irregular verbs are 146. A self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea is (1) break - broke (2) train - trainer (1) an essay (3) walk - walked (2) a poem (4) happy - happier (3) a paragraph (4) a statement 140. A subject-centered approach is where learning experiences are organized around ( 1) students' interests (2) course content (4) educational technology (1) I have to go to work. (2) lfthe sea is stormy, the waves are high. (3) (4) Shut the door. It's a sunny day, isn't it? teacher's subject competency (3) 147. The following is a conditional sentence means assessment 141. Standardized _ _ _ assessment. (1) formative (2) summative (3) frequent (4) alternative 148. Communication technology that enable sharing of educational resources within an institution (1) 142. In the word 'flower', the phonetic transcription is (1) /fleur/ (2) /fl::eur/ (3) /flauer/ (4) /flour/ 143. The Gathering skill while reading is ( 1) note-taking (2) note-making (3) puzzling out (4) analysis 144. Multiple choice items consist of a ( 1) set of questions (2) options to choose questions (3) sequence of grammatical errors (4) stem and a set of options 145. Abilities for adaptive and positive behaviour that enable students to delll effectively with everyday demands and challenges are ( 1) multiple inti::lligences (2) learning domains (3) life skills (4) learning methods internet (2) intranet (3) telephone (4) audio-video cassette 149. Encouraging the student to love the world and to imagine a peaceful future; and caring for the student and encouraging the student to care for others is education. ( 1) (2) distance academic (3) (4) values vocational 150. A communication technique that requires the listener to feed back what they have heard in their own words, to confirm the understanding of both parties, is listening. (1) (2) active appreciative (3) informative (4) passtve ~ p ' (~8) Candidates should answer questions from the following Part only if they have opted for HINDI as LANGUi\GE- II. ~ f;:p 41f(1nS(ff_.~ ct ~ ct atH ~CIM ~ ~ ~ 3~l~ \UtH - II Cffi fqcn~ ~ TfiT mI . p (59) cqyrr_v ~-II ~ m : ;ft'<f ~ "111{ -rmm q;1 ~ m ~ ~<fiT~~: 121. ~ ~ ~ ~ <t>4-il" . 'CfR'fft? m 'Q"''" 3RT?.f 'W'RT -miTt~~ (1) ~f.:roffi~t I ~~~~~t ~~~~~ (2) ~~~t I (3) ~mH~qft~~-rnft I (4) ~c;us~"ll~t I ~ '8~&lf"ll 'I1U WT'I'Cf mm t qft ~ $t ~: ~ q;f f;ro' ~ Tfifrr an ;;m:rr t 1 ~ ~ ~ ~t. ~~t~~~~w.rrtcre 3fu" WFIT .q ~ OR1GRT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m~ 1 ~~ foRT ~ cmur ~ <rr ClllfdfCI<t> qft ~ ~ qm;qf-!Cf>" * cmur ,. t m (2) . ~ow~ ~~t~~~-am 1~ mH ~ ~ ~t. ~~~~"ffirifw~~~ (3) 3N-'ft '4J qft ~ ll (4) t 1 ~~~'ERT"llwornr~~<ii4" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1R ~<fiT 3l'I1TCiJ" 3fu" ~ ~ ~ mt(f OR "ffif t 3fu" ~ q;f ~ CfiRUIT ~ &o ttl=rr ~ t I ~ q;f ~ ~ ~ ~ 'qlCf 3fu" ~ w CfiRUIT w iT ~ ~ll3l1Wl"-~ttl=rr~ I 123. ~ ~ .qr ctT T~TG .q t1 m <fiT wf~WJ ~t.~ ( 1) '41 ~ ~ ~ liT9' "Cf> ft -miT tJ (2) ~ '41 iT -mftt ~ ~-~ "Cf> ft I (3) '4J~l00Wmqftfi~t (4) '4l~~"llwmmt ~. ~3fu"~~t ll{ffif~~.q ~~~il~wrqft~TTRifmm ~ffi&Jf"ll ~q;f~~~l q;Jt ~-~ ~ ffl, ~-Q:m ~ .q ~~ ~ OW <fiT '4'ilT fi::rffirr t I ~ .q $t, ~. rr.ft" ~ I 3lRT~ I .. 3fu" ~ ~~~1ft TR'10 Cfilli ~ qft ~ ~ ~ t I ~ t11~Cf>t11 ~ ~~~f.:roffiaNR~WmH~t. ~ am ~<fiT fu<t>rr ttt "'l"ff t (1) fq;r am m;IT ~~ $t ~ t.rr. ~ ~ ~. ~ ~qqif"lo <rr &o Cfir-IT ~ 122. ~~'Cf>T~ mcr~t~ 1 124. ~-m ~-~ ~ ~-~ ~ . t? (1) ~. ~. 3l'I1TCiJ" (2) (3) (4) ~. 3l1Wt, ~ I f1Fr p (60). ~ 12s. ,~, ~~m'Cil'ffivroxrt tfT %-, om ~ 1't oml Wf ~ t I <\T Cfif"f t fcn wr-f c:nT w-rr 9 ~ fcn ~em ~ (1) -;fur ~ (2) ~ ~I ~-;t~1p~itWrr~~fcn~ (3) ~ (4) . ~ ~. ~ em 1 ~ C!'lR co1 omr 'l:2iR ~ ~r ~~Cf>'T~tl (1) M (2) ~ wr-f co1 q;c;rr ~ ~ mm "'T -m ~ 1 wl OffiRf t fcn ~ ~ ~ t, ~ ~ oiffi >!fuw11 it~~~ ~ I wiT O!TI"1l-q' ~ "l1f-1 Wf ~ ~ ~ ~nmm(i it ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ;m;ncrr wr-f ~ (3) w-1 ~ (4) ~ w-1 .q't J:I'I11Cf ~ ~ I 126. ~<fifi;n:rHr f<l!ll"'UI vroxrt m mn:r ertt 121. ~ <fl ~ an<fiQCfi ~t\ill cf> ofRr ~ ~, 129. ~ artnti'tl<-114 #<t<IT ~ b (1) (1) ~~~tl (2) (3) ~~t I (4) ~~01 ~RT ~lfCffi~IIC'1l ~t I ~ "1Hct>Hi, ~ ~ 'IWlUT -q: ~ ~ t, C41111<114 -q: ~ t.l 1 (2) 'IWlUT ~ ~ mm-~ (3) 'IWlUT mm-, C4111l<114 ~ 1 -q: ~ ~ mm- ~. llwr.rr ~~m~t (4) 128. Fc:lt~iM<'I'i # ~ ~ ftTo:rr %m q;mJT ~ 'IWlUT ~ mm- t C4111l<114 1 C4111l<:114 ~ mm- ~~ Cl'ir-IT (1) ~~I ~ (2) ~cp'f~q;r~~ I 'CfmiTt? (3) 3WWTCf>l<nr~fu ~ I (1) ~ (4) ~~I (2) ~ "1HCf>Hl (3) ~~w-1 (4) <r ~ : ~: ;:fN~~~CfiT ~~~ 130. ~ ~ ~ qft;;.m m<:r ~ ~q;r~~: <!R' ~ wR .*" Wl-Wl .wmt .qr t, ~ cm1l<114 .qr ~ t m on#~~ co1 ~ ~ 131. ~cfi ~Cf<IT ql\f<l'{ul t? ~-wrr~ ~~'IWlUTm~~~~. (1) Wf1T wR cf> ~ ~ (f) '1:2iR~Wf.IT off.& c);- 11m Cffi" ~ ~ f;R:ffi (3) '1:2iR~~~~~ .. em- wiT rt omU q;r ~ f-1Cfli<1Cfl< f i ~ q;f (4) ~~w;:rr lfti C4111l<114 ~~~ ~ .q't ~ ~ I t I ~) 132. 'wR~~~~ 1fi~t I' C{lCF.I't p 137; Cll$'""""'~ ~ oqm_~ qft ~ ll ~ 'qt"~fcr:nt? (1) !01~'1<".11i1Cf> (1) ~~Tff (2) ~ c2) *~ p:llf"'' Cf) (3) ~f-'1~il41i"iiCf> (3) ~-ptrr (4) ~ (4) ~~Tff 133. W~-~ oT amtom ___ t I C{1CF.I' ~~~'qt"~ amrrrr .mr:~ trr 138. oqm'Cfft~-~~~~~~-;;tt (1) ~Mli (3) ~ (4) ~ (4) (2) ~~*~I (3) ~ ~~I (2) (1) a:lf-'1<".11~11: ~ ~ -}ffi;-mo ~ 1 ~"Uti 134. ~ "Cf>Tmq-~t (1) ~.+w OR 'T'f+w '(2) * ~- * ~ ~I 139. oqm~~~"CfR"ft~ ~+ 3lT+W 135. ~~llif.a'Cfft 'Cf>t.f-m q~fCI'{ui . - ~Cii't~cr;rfrnrrt I (2) 'T'f+31P$ (4) (1) 'I1J1SIT-a-1 qR 4Cf<:1111 q;f ~ t I (3) (3) ~t I (4) , fmc~;" Cli't q;t:fi em ~ t I "Cf>T~t? ( 1) (2) ~-~ffc~>nrrr~ ~t 1 (3) ~ fcrnm" q;f qtf 10[~ -;;m:if t (4) ~~~~~tl 140. ~ tm"~~ <fiT~~~ "Cf>r.tT ~ ~ ~flct>Pi!G: q;r ~% I t? 136. -qo;:r ~ ~ arl''!Umf t (1) ~-~ (2) ~ (3) ~ (4) I ~~ 141. CiOIICfi~Oi * ~ ~~ cnl ~ qft ~"Cf)J~ * (1) ~-~Cii't~ ( 1) ~ (2) ~ q;f 1WIT (2) ~ -q<ffi' m11ri't ll ~ "'Rl ~ I (3) ~q;f~ (3) fOI{;t~M ~~"'RR~ I (4) ~~ (4) ~atcnTcr;r~~ I ~ ll ~ ''IT'11"T.Il~ I p .(62) 146. ~<il'!'fi~Uj~~~f ~~~ 142. ~ll~q;f~~: I c); fi;nrm ~ (1) T'ffi:~t alifWcf;~~~~t T*;:~tl ~tl (1) ~ cf>~-~ 1:fOOur (2) ~ Cfft 'qj1Sff~ (2) (3) (3) ~ *"~ :~ c);1:f00ur (4) (4) ~ Cfft ~~ *"m\-~ m Cfft &l11ffi" t? ~-fOOur ~~ ~ ~ q;fu;, ~ "CflT ~<!Pr WlT ~ I (2) ~ ~-fOOur ~ d t3tFRHl<l t-m-r ~-fOOur (1) ~ mr 1f~<l'il11 ~--w:WT ~ 1 (2) (3) (4) ~~~-~~~ ~ ~ fcR:mr ~ ~-Cfi"l1t ~ I ~ "CflT -w:Wr 148. ~ ~IIQf'ICfi ~ w <l ft:Ri1T I 'CflT ~ ~ ,,. (1) R;;ft ~ *" amTR' ~ ~ ~"1 Wi1<'1 1Ml1 ~-am Cfft ~ ftrffi<r ~ cf> (2) W<n c); ~ 3l;;f.:f'cf> ~ ffi?: ~ <'111'1161{01 ~ t 1. (3) m cf> fi;rQ- atMTT-3Will ~an cf> I ~ *" ~ 'CflT ~ ~' <:11<t>1fCffi<i'i ~ 144. ~ Cfft ~ ll ~ 3fCiim" 1Ffi" :riCfi\'<1'11 I -w:WT "Cf)f Cfft &l11ffi" "Cf)f ~I ~~ <RW ~-fiwul Cfit.:r m q;y~~t? Wll"!RT. (4) ~ mr ~f$l$1Cfi ~--w:Wr ~ 1 ~ ~tl (3) I 147. ~-~cf>~ ll anqcl;fi;nr ql\'i 4\{u\ t 143. ~-fiwul cf> ~ # 'Cfit.:r-m ~ ~ (1) I ~ "Cf)f -w:Wr ~ Cfft Wifu "Cf)f 3ltt ~I (4) q;fu;, ~c);~~ I ~~t ~~~~hmilt? (1) ~'Cflf~~c);~ I (2) ~ Cfft ~311 Cfft "11'1CfiR'l ~ ~*"~I (3) ~<PT~~*"~I (4) fOOur 'CflT 3lfuCfi' ~ GR'Rcf;Wro: cr I 145. 'f.SfoJ iNl<W <tif''tiotu fct;ri t ? &FR11'11'{ul 149. - - c); <~tf!'IR'*I f"'"'1f<"'f&(1 410C4sM " 'tWII+il fit><OIICfiMIQ ~ ~ ll 't1l\14<fi ~~tl (1) ~ (2) (3) (4) ~-ClUR 'll'IOl 'CflT ~ ~ 7ftff 150. ~~-~q;y~t (1) 'QO"f-3WlffiT ~ (1) Gl<"''{ciCfi ~ I (2) ~-3WlffiT~ (2) ~~"t.rr I (3) TfURT ~ 3WlffiT ~ (3) qrq.f (4) <ITffi ~ 3WlffiT ~ (4) TJlllfu' ~ ~ 3l'l<l'rn I I (63) SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK llli"~cfr~~ p (64) READ CAREFULLY INSTRUCTIONS: 1. THE f"1'"1f&tf&l'1 ~ ~~"qj: FOLLOWING Out of the four alternatives for each question, only 1. one circle for the correct answer is to be darkened completely with Blue/Black Ball Point Pen on Side-2 of the OMRAnswer Sheet. The answer once marked is not liable to be changed. ~~~~~~'<lT{~#~w~~~ OMR ~<r:i~~-21K~~<plcorit~(9"W ;fu;f~ ofu;r ~t.:r ~ ~ 1~mr~ ~ ~ ~<i"IG~ ore:ffi ~ ~ ~ i I 2. The candidates should ensure that the Answer Sheet 2. . ~ '!jf1filili1 q;t~~~<r:icor~::r~~~ is not folded. Do not make any stray marks on the liT CfiTt 3A f.rnR ::r wrr(t I ~ ~ 3iilfi4i'li Answer Sheet. Do not write your Roll No. anywhere ~<r:i#mtful~~~ ~::r~ I else except in the specified space in the Answer Sheet. 3. Handle the Test Booklet and Answer Sheet with care, 3. as under no circumstances (except for discrepancy in Test Booklet Code or Number and Answer Sheet Code or Number), another set will be provided. 4. - -- I ~ ~ 2 - ~ ~ 5. The candidates will write the correct Test Booklet Code and Number as given in the Test Booklet I 4. Answer Sheet in the Attendance Sheet. Candidates are not .allowed to carry any textual material, printed or written, bits of papers, pager, 5. mobile phone, electronic device or any other material except the Admit Ca:rd inside the examination hall/ room. Each candidate must show on demand his I her Admission Card to the Invigilator. 6. 7. No candidate, without special permission of the Superintendent or In vigilator, should leave his I her 7. seat. 8. The candidates should not leave the Examination Hall without handing over their Answer Sheet to the 8. Invigilator on duty and sign the Attendance Sheet twice. Cases where a candidate has not signed the Attendance Sheet a second time will be deemed not to have handed over the Answer Sheet and dealt with as an unfair means case: The candidates are also required to put their left hand THUMB impression in the space provided in the Attendance Sheet. 6. 9. Use ofElectronic I Manual Calculator is prohibited. 10. The candidates are govem<?d by all Rules and Regulations of the Board with regard to their conduct in the Examination Hall. All cases ofunfair means will b.e dealt with as per Rules and Regulations of the Board. 9. 10. m ~ ~ ~ '1:i "'liT ~H'{cl'li wWr 'fit, ~ ~~~CRT<fr~ I ~l~<r:i#~~ ~~q ~cor~m~~~-<r:i#~ 1 ~am 12. On completion of the test, the candidate must hand over the Answer Sheet to the Irivigilator in the Room I Hall. The candidates are allowed to take away this Test Booklet with them. p m ~~#~em-* fucrr<r fcnit mcit~~, ~<!TiH~fMf!Sit1, CfilTT'ifcit~, ~. ~'1iR, ~<'l<t<;;lf1'h ~<rrfcnit .aA m cit~ cor~ ;;;r;t <rr ~ q;B cit~~ t 1 ~ ;;;r;t liT~~. ~cor :oN-IT ~-m ~I ~<rr~citfcmq ~~f.RrC!ilt~ :oN-IT~ ::f Wit I ~~cor 3l'RT ~ '1:i ~ f.Rr ~ ~-<r:i llr~~fcmf.Rr~ ~~~ I ~ fcnit ~ ;f ~ mr ~-<r:i liT~~ Fcmm~11RT~~~~<r:i::r@~t ~ ~ ml:Ff "'liT lWW!T 11RT ~ 1~ami\ aw.r OI'Tifw.r ~ ~q;J f.:mR ~-mf tl fur Tllf~ w ~wrrifl ~<"i<t<;;1f1<t> I l\~illfMi1 4R<t><"''li "'liT~~ i I -~# ~*~~<ITt*<OOf.r<rl:it~ ~am f.1qfl:R; #. t 1~ ~ *.00 llfl'l<'ij "'liT ~ -.rrt~f.r<rl:it ~ ~ ~ ~mr 1 il. No part of the Test Booklet and Answer Sheet shall 11. fcnitt~Tffif be detached under any circumstances. *" fcnit '111 qf{fo~l?&1 .q ~. ~ ~ ~ '1:i ~ <rr ~ .q f1Rm cit~ cor~~ llfu:rr ::r'Cfit I ~ ~<r:i "'liT Cfi!t'l11lT .3WI1T 12. . ~aulf'PA6HW, ~ami\~ I~~ lf lfi ~ mt ~-RillflCn C6T ~ ~ ~ 1 mfm'P.fl ~ mer PI Wli1T ~ <M ~ ;;rr wri t 1

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Tags : CBSE CTET July 2013 Paper II - Main Test Booklet, model question paper syllabus, Child development and pedagogy, Mathematics and Science, Social Studies, Social Science, Language I, Language II, English, Hindi, CTET Examinations Solved Question Papers, Central Teacher Eligibility Test, CBSE, Central Board of Secondary Education, ctet exams model / sample papers with answers, paper 1, paper 2, ctet preparation, ctet specimen / mock papers, ctet books, ctet india portal, ctet question bank, ctet question papers with answers, ctet model test papers, ctet last year papers, previous years fully solved question papers with solutions, free online ctet paper, ctet syllabus, india ctet board sample questions papers last 10 years, ctet guess papers, ctet important questions, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011.  

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