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CTET Exam - JUNE 2011 : Paper 2

29 pages, 177 questions, 92 questions with responses, 97 total responses,    0    0
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PART I / CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND PEDAGOGY / Directions : Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option. 1. A creative learner refers to one who is (1) (2) highly intelligent (3) capable of scoring consistently good marks in tests (4) 2. very talented in drawing and painting good at lateral thinking and problem solving Individual learners differ from each other in (1) (2) rate of development (3) sequence of development (4) 3. principles of growth and development general capacity for development Every learner is unique means that (1) (2) Learners do not have any common qualities, nor do they share common goals (3) A common curriculum for all learners is not possible (4) 4. No two learners are alike in their abilities, interests and talents It is impossible to develop the potential of learners in a heterogeneous class Constructivism as a theory (1) (2) (3) (4) 5. focuses on the role of imitation emphasises the role of the learner in constructing his own view of the world emphasises on memorising information and testing through recall emphasises on the dominant role of the teacher Development of concepts is primarily a part of (1) (2) intellectual development (3) physical development (4) 6. emotional development social development Heredity is considered as a _________ social structure. (1) (2) secondary (3) 7. primary dynamic (4) static The most intense and crucial socialization takes place (1) throughout the life of a person (2) during adolescence P (3) (4) 8. during early childhood during adulthood Helping learners recapitulate or recall what they have already learnt is important because (1) (2) relating new information to prior knowledge enhances learning (3) it is an effective way of revising old lessons (4) 9. it is a convenient beginning for any classroom instruction it enhances the memory of learners thereby strengthening learning According to Piaget, during the first stage of development (birth to about 2 years age), a child learns best (1) (2) by comprehending neutral words (3) by thinking in an abstract fashion (4) 10. by using the senses by applying newly acquired knowledge of language Theory of learning which totally and only depends on observable behaviour is associated with _________ theory of learning. (1) (2) Developmental (3) Behaviourist (4) 11. Cognitivist Constructivist Multilingual character of Indian society should be seen as (1) (2) a resource for enrichment of school life (3) a challenge to teacher s capacity to motivate students to learn (4) 12. a hindrance in teaching-learning process a factor that makes school life a complex experience for the learners Creative answers require (1) (2) content-based questions (3) open-ended questions (4) 13. direct teaching and direct questions a highly disciplined classroom Diagnosis of the gaps in the learning of students should be followed by (1) (2) intensive drill and practice (3) systematic revision of all lessons (4) 14. appropriate remedial measures reporting the findings to learners and parents Which of the following statements cannot be considered as a feature of learning ? (1) Learning is a process that mediates behaviour P (2) (3) Study of behaviour is learning (4) 15. Learning is something that occurs as a result of certain experiences Unlearning is also a part of learning Self-regulation of learners refers to (1) (2) rules and regulations made by the student body (4) 17. creating regulations for student behaviour (3) 16. their ability to monitor their own learning self-discipline and control Which of the following does not reflect teaching for understanding ? (1) Ask students to explain a phenomenon or a concept in their own words (2) Teach students to provide examples to illustrate how a law works (3) Help students see similarities and differences and generate analogies (4) Enable students to memorize isolated facts and procedures Which of the following statements is true about learning ? (1) (2) Learning is effective in an environment that is emotionally positive and satisfying for the learners. (3) Learning is not affected by emotional factors at any stage of learning. (4) 18. Errors made by children indicate that no learning has taken place. Learning is fundamentally a mental activity. Human development is based on certain principles. Which of the following is not a principle of human development ? (1) (2) Sequentiality (3) 19. Continuity General to Specific (4) Reversible The main purpose of assessment should be (1) (2) to measure the achievement of learners (3) to decide if a student should be promoted to the next class (4) 20. to point out the errors of the learners to diagnose and remedy gaps in learning Centrally sponsored scheme of Integrated Education for disabled children aims at providing educational opportunities to children with disabilities in (1) regular schools (2) special schools (3) open schools (4) Blind Relief Association schools 21. Which of the following is not a sign of reading difficulty among young learners ? Difficulty in (1) letter and word recognition P (2) (3) understanding words and ideas (4) 22. reading speed and fluency spelling consistency A teacher wants the gifted children of her class to achieve their potential. Which of the following should she not do to achieve her objective ? (1) (2) Teach them to manage stress (3) Segregate them from their peers for special attention (4) 23. Teach them to enjoy non-academic activities Challenge them to enhance their creativity Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of intrinsically motivated children ? (1) (2) They enjoy doing their work (3) They display a high level of energy while working (4) 24. They always succeed They like challenging tasks Which of the following is not an appropriate tool for Formative Assessment ? (1) (2) Oral questions (3) Term test (4) 25. Assignment Quiz and games Learners should not be encouraged to (1) ask as many questions as possible both inside and outside the class (2) (3) actively interact with other learners in group work participate in as many co-curricular activities as possible (4) memorize all the answers to questions which the teacher may ask 26. Irfan breaks toys and dismantles them to explore their components. What would you do ? 27. 28. 29. (1) Never let Irfan play with toys (2) Always keep a close watch (3) Encourage his inquisitive nature and channelise his energy (4) Make him understand that toys should not be broken The statement Men are generally more intelligent than women (1) is true (2) may be true (3) shows gender bias (4) is true for different domains of intelligence Understanding the principles of development of a child helps a teacher in (1) identifying the social status of the learner (2) identifying the economic background of the learner (3) rationalizing why the learner ought to be taught (4) effectively catering to the different learning styles of learners Christina took her class for a field trip and after coming back, she discussed the trip with her students. It may be connotated as P (1) (2) (3) (4) 30. The statement : An important precondition for the proper development of a child is ensuring her/his healthy physical development (1) is untrue as physical development does not affect other domains of development in any way (2) may be incorrect as development varies from individual to individual (3) is true because physical development occupies the topmost place in the sequence of development (4) 61. Assessment of Learning Assessment for Learning Learning for Assessment Learning of Assessment is true because physical development is interrelated with other domains of development Bakelite is used in making electrical appliances because it is a (1) good conductor of heat (3) good conductor of electricity (4) 62. thermoplastic (2) good insulator of electricity In which of the following cases of motion, are the distance moved and the magnitude of displacement equal ? (1) A car moving on a straight road (2) A car moving in a circular path (3) 63. A pendulum oscillating to and fro (4) The Earth revolving around the Sun LED and CFL are very commonly used as sources of light in homes. Which of the following statements is true ? (1) LED is better because CFL contains toxic materials (3) Both are equally good (4) 64. CFL is better because LED contains toxic materials (2) Neither of them is good because both contain toxic materials An air bubble inside water behaves like a (1) (2) convex lens (3) plano-convex lens (4) 65. concave lens concave mirror A feather weighing 5 gm and a nail weighing 10 gm have the same kinetic energy. Which of the following statements is true about the momentum of the two bodies ? (1) The heavier body will have higher momentum (3) Both will have equal momentum (4) 66. The lighter body will have higher momentum (2) It is not possible to compare the momentum of two objects If the pressure over a liquid increases, its boiling point P (1) (2) increases (3) does not change (4) 67. decreases first decreases and then increases A doctor prescribes a medicine to treat hyperacidity. The main ingredient of the medicine is (1) (2) MgCl2 (3) CaCO3 (4) 68. Al(OH)3 Na2CO3 Non-metallic oxides (1) (2) are basic in nature (3) are amphoteric in nature (4) 69. are acidic in nature turn red litmus paper blue The inner surfaces of food cans are coated with tin and not with zinc because (1) (2) zinc is more reactive than tin (3) zinc has a higher melting point than tin (4) 70. zinc is costlier than tin zinc is less reactive than tin A man goes door to door posing as a goldsmith. He promises to bring back the glitter on dull gold ornaments. An unsuspecting woman gives a set of gold bangles to him which he dips in a particular solution. The bangles sparkle but their weight has considerably reduced. The solution used by the impostor probably is (1) (2) conc. HCl (3) a mixture of conc. HCl and conc. HNO3 (4) 71. dil. HCl conc. HNO3 Bleeding is stopped by the application of alum to a wound because (1) (2) alum coagulates the blood and forms a clot (3) alum reduces the temperature near the wound (4) 72. the wound is plugged by the alum chunk alum is an antiseptic When an iron nail is dipped in copper sulphate solution, the colour of copper sulphate solution fades and a brownish layer is deposited over the iron nail. This is an example of (1) combination reaction (2) decomposition reaction P (3) (4) 73. double displacement reaction displacement and redox reactions While diluting sulphuric acid, it is recommended that the acid should be added to water because (1) (2) acid may break the glass container (3) dilution of acid is highly exothermic (4) 74. acid has strong affinity for water dilution of acid is highly endothermic The thumb of humans moves more freely than other fingers due to the presence of (1) (2) gliding joint (3) hinge joint (4) 75. pivotal joint saddle joint Root cap is absent in (1) Xerophytes (2) Hydrophytes (3) Mesophytes (4) Halophytes 76. Adding salt and sugar to food substances helps in preserving them for a longer duration. It is because excess salt and sugar (1) (2) cause rupturing of microbial cells (3) 77. plasmolyse the microbial cells cause change in the shape of microbial cells (4) remove water from food Hormone Adrenaline (1) (2) helps the body to adjust stress level when one is very angry or worried (3) 78. helps control level of sugar in the blood helps control height (4) helps control balance of electrolytes in the body The green house effect which is causing an increase in the atmospheric temperature is mainly due to (1) (2) nitrogen (3) 79. oxygen carbon dioxide (4) sulphur Green plants appear to release oxygen instead of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere during the day time because (1) green plants do not respire during the night time P (2) (3) green plants respire during the day time but are involved in photosynthesis during the night time (4) 80. green plants respire only during the night time the rate of photosynthesis is higher than the rate of respiration during the day time A common characteristic feature of plant sieve-tube cells and mammalian erythrocytes is (1) (2) absence of chloroplast (3) 81. absence of nucleus absence of cell wall (4) presence of haemoglobin Most Boards of Education have banned the dissection of animals because (1) (2) procuring animals has become an expensive proposition (3) there is a need to sensitise students to prevention of cruelty to animals (4) 82. animals are no longer available for dissection they may spread new diseases The main aim of conducting Mathematics and Science Olympiads is to (1) (2) grade students according to their capabilities (3) help students score high marks in professional examinations (4) 83. promote excellence in the subject by nurturing creativity and experimentation grade schools based on the performance of their students Four applicants for a post of TGT (Science) were asked to plan a lesson on Consequences of Deforestation . Which one of the following lesson plans reflects the scientific approach ? (1) Explains in detail the consequences of deforestation (2) Provides a variety of examples to explain the concept (3) Includes activities that children can perform in groups and draw conclusions through a PowerPoint presentation (4) Mentions about the use of ICT to help students understand the concept 84. Ms. Patel, Principal of a School XYZ, is keen about integrated approach to teaching of Science rather than teaching different disciplines separately. The basis of this is (1) non-availability of qualified teachers in her school to teach separate disciplines (2) difficulty to adjust the teachers in the time-table (3) difficulty of students to adjust to different teachers (4) all the disciplines are interlinked and a teacher can draw on cross-curricular linkages P 85. A teacher plans to teach Components of Food in Class-VI. Which of the following can be used as an essential question ? (1) (2) Why does your mother serve you a meal with a variety of food items ? (3) Does your mother prepare a definite set of food items for lunch every day ? (4) 86. List the food items your mother serves you in lunch. Do you eat all the items served in your lunch every day ? While teaching the concept, force can change the shape of an object to students, a teacher plans the following activities : a. Explain concepts using commonly observed examples. b. Provide a dough on a plate and ask the students to press it down with the hand. c. Show an audio-visual film explaining the concept with some examples. The teacher is using different approaches to learning because (1) she wants to prove her knowledge (2) she knows she must follow her lesson plan (3) she wants to prepare students for a test (4) there are different kinds of learners in the class and she wants to address multiple intelligences 87. Which of the following can be assessed when Geeta is using only MCQ as a tool to assess Nutrition in Humans ? (1) Analytical ability to classify food items and make a poster (2) Misconceptions related to food habits (3) Learners ability to apply knowledge and prepare a role play to present in the morning assembly (4) Learners ability to comprehend the importance of components of food and write a long essay 88. A Science teacher plans group activities to teach Properties of Air to her students of Class-VI. Which one set of attributes would she like to have in the students she selects as group leaders ? (1) Freedom to choose roles, work at their own pace and understanding (2) Ordering students to take roles and deliver in consonance with their understanding (3) Giving major roles to brighter students to ensure the group finishes first (4) Assigning roles as per capability, motivating and coordinating among the group members P 89. While selecting a performance task to help students develop research oriented skills in a Science class, a teacher may pick up a topic (1) (2) which majority of the students in a class find interesting (3) which she thinks is important for the students (4) 90. from the content given in the syllabus which must be completed in time related to a problem faced by students in their day-to-day functioning and which is a part of the concepts to be covered for this class While investigating how water affects the germination of seeds , a teacher asked the students to soak bean seeds on a bed of cotton wool for a few days and observe the changes. What is the guideline that she forgot to mention ? To place (1) many seeds on wet cotton (2) a few seeds on wet cotton (3) many seeds on dry cotton (4) a few seeds on dry cotton Candidates have to do questions 31 to 90 EITHER from Part II (Mathematics and Science) OR from Part III (Social Studies/Social Science). SOCIAL STUDIES / SOCIAL SCIENCE Directions : Based on your reading of the passage given below, answer the next three questions (Q. No. 31 to 33), by selecting the most appropriate option.(4) A Letter For You Civics is boring. You may have heard this from your students. You may have felt that they had a point. Syllabi of Civics in our country tends to focus on formal political institutions of government. The textbooks are full of constitutional, legal and procedural details presented in a dry and abstract manner. No wonder children experience a disconnect between the theory they read in the textbook and what they see in real life around them. This is perhaps what makes Civics boring for young adults in a country otherwise full of passion for politics. Source : Democratic Politics-I IX Social Science 31. What is the context in which the word disconnect is used in the passage ? (1) Civics teaching is dull in schools (2) Children find themselves unable to relate what happens in the real world with what they read in the textbooks (3) It is related to how Civics textbooks are written and transacted P (4) 35. It is related to the attitude of students towards schooling in general and Civics in particular Around 3900 years ago, the earliest cities, Harappa and Mohanjodaro, began to come to an end because of various reasons. Which one of the following is not one of those reasons ? (1) (2) Deforestation and floods brought in destruction (3) Grazing of green cover by herds of cattle destroyed the soil cover (4) 36. There was internal rivalry and warfare between cities Rivers dried up leading to the end of the cities Most of the Mahajanapadas were fortified because (1) (2) they reflected their wealth and power (3) the rulers were scared of attack and wanted to ensure they were protected (4) 37. of availability of wood, brick and stones, in the area they were symbols of their rich warrior tradition When it is 10:00 a.m. in London in June, the Indian Standard Time will be (1) 2:30 p.m. (2) 3:00 p.m. (3) 3:30 p.m. (4) 2:00 p.m. 38. In the following diagram, which arrow shows the South-East direction ? (1) (2) B (3) F (4) 39. D H A map uses a scale in which 1 cm on the map covers 20 meters on the ground. If two places are 5 cm apart on the map, the actual distance between them is P (1) (2) 150 meters (3) 200 meters (4) 40. 20 meters 100 meters For creating an effective administration practice in India, which one of the following was adopted by the British Government ? (1) (2) Practice of surveying (3) Practice of land revenue collection (4) 41. Military expedition Practice of exploiting native population The two main systems of Indigo cultivation were (1) (2) Nij and Ryoti (3) Kharif and Rabi (4) 42. Nij and Kij Nij and terrace farming What problems did shifting cultivators face under the British rule ? (1) (2) Decline in their agricultural production (3) Their movement was restricted (4) 43. Exploitation Unemployment What was the main reason behind the destruction of Somnath temple by Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni ? (1) (2) He did not like the architecture of the temple (3) He tried to win credit as a great hero of Islam (4) 44. He wanted to build a palace there He wanted to use the temple for some other purpose During the medieval period in India, temples were regarded as a hub of (1) (2) cultural activities (3) extensive foreign trade (4) 45. architecture Sufi movement In Bengal, temples and other religious structures were often built by individuals or groups who were becoming powerful in order to (1) ensure that they did good karma (2) demonstrate a marvel of architecture to the society P (3) (4) 46. add value to the surroundings demonstrate their power, proclaim their piety and gain followers A system of structure and practice in which men dominate, oppress and exploit women is called (1) (2) Fascism (3) Monarchy (4) 47. Hierarchy Patriarchy Which of the following statements is not an objective of social advertising ? (1) (2) To target social networks and social groups (3) To advertise products on social networking sites for personal commercial value (4) 48. To change attitudes and mindset, as people influence people To motivate members of the public to engage in voluntary social activity Which of the following statements about prasastis is an incorrect statement ? (1) (2) They were written by scholars/poets/ learned people for the purpose of praising the kings and earning their patronage. (3) Usually the kings themselves wrote them. (4) 49. The achievements of rulers or kings are described in prasastis . They are valuable sources of history of the period to which they belong. What does PHC stand for ? (1) (2) Public Health Court (3) Public Health Centre (4) 50. Private Health Centre Public Health Corporation Which of the following is not a primary economic activity ? (1) (2) Agriculture (3) Trading (4) 51. Mining Fishing Industrialists set up industries when (1) they can develop their own native places (2) they find favourable government policies (3) towns can be developed (4) incentives provided by the government reduce their profit P 52. Which one of the following explains the term market ? (1) (2) A shop to sell the goods manufactured by the industrialist (3) The potential trade in a particular type of good being produced by an industry (4) 53. A local area which has conducive conditions for setting up an industry A mall which sells products Which of the following pedagogical approaches exhibited by four different teachers for teaching Industrialisation is most appropriate ? (1) (2) The teacher asks the class to read the entire lesson silently and asks questions if they have not understood (3) The teacher is a believer in the timeless glory of the textbook and teaches by explaining every word and asking comprehension questions to students (4) 54. The teacher believes that she must cover the entire process of industrialisation in detail and brings in copious material to the class The teacher is aware of multiple approaches to pedagogy and plans a trip to an industry in the nearby area to demonstrate the concepts, discuss and debate in groups the issues and then in a plenary, sum up the conclusions Which of the following statements about ancient manuscripts is not correct ? (1) (2) They were usually written on palm leaves (3) They are the primary sources of the period they reflect (4) 55. Some manuscripts were engraved on stone or metal They were handwritten and then printed In the middle of the 19th century, British historians divided history of India into three periods Hindu India, Muslim India and British India. What is the basis of this division ? (1) (2) It was based on the idea that religion of the rulers was an important historical change (3) History of England is also written in a similar way (4) 56. It was convenient and easy to remember Britishers felt they were more knowledgeable at that point of time in history and so used this division Match the following and pick the correct option : a. Agriculture I. Cultivation ofgrapes b. Horticulture II. Growingcrops and farming c. Pisiculture III. Growing flowers, fruitsand vegetables d. Viticulture IV. (1) a-I, b-IV, c-II, d-III (2) a-II, b-III, c-IV, d-I (3) a-III, b-II, c-I, d-IV Breeding of fish P (4) 57. a-II, b-IV, c-III, d-I Which development facilitated the debates and discussions about social customs and practices on a wider scale during the 19th century ? (1) (2) Theatre (3) Movies (4) 58. Magazines Radio Social reformers like Raja Ram Mohan Roy used the following strategy to campaign about the prevailing social injustices (e.g. sati) against women. (1) They took the help of the popular social milieu (2) They used the influence of the government (3) They used a verse or sentence which is in the ancient sacred texts to prove their stand (4) They took the help of popular nationalist leaders Directions : Based on your reading of the passage given below, answer the next two questions (Q. No. 59 & 60), by selecting the most appropriate option. By the end of the nineteenth century, women themselves were actively working for reform. They wrote books, edited magazines, founded schools and training centres and set up women s associations. From the early twentieth century, they formed political pressure groups to push through laws for female suffrage (the right to vote) and better health care and education for women. Women from all communities joined various kinds of nationalist and socialist movements from the 1920s. In the twentieth century, leaders such as Jawaharlal Nehru and Subhas Chandra Bose lent their support to demands for greater equality and freedom for women. Nationalist leaders promised that there would be full suffrage for all men and women after Independence. However, till then they asked women to concentrate on the anti-British struggles. Source : Our Pasts -III, Part-II 59. 60. Which of the following statements best describes the inference that can be drawn from the above extract with respect to the strategy used by leaders of India s national movement ? (1) Participation of women would make the struggle for Independence much more attractive (2) Women and men were encouraged to follow a policy of give and take (3) Indian women through their speeches could draw many more people into the movement (4) Nationalist leaders enlisted the support of the women to their cause by promising them the right to vote after Independence Which one of the following statements regarding women s rights is untrue based on the passage ? (1) Women were now becoming vocal in their demands for rights, including political rights (2) Many women from all communities came forward to join the struggle for freedom (3) Women got the support of nationalist leaders (4) Women s writings were not appreciated 61. Throughout the 19th century, most educated women were taught at home by liberal fathers and husbands instead of sending them to schools. Which of the following statements is not a correct reason for the above trend ? (1) People feared that schools would take girls away from home (2) Men derived great pleasure by teaching girls at home P (3) (4) 62. Girls had to travel through public places in order to reach school and their safety remained a concern There was a fear that schooling would prevent girls from doing their domestic duties Why is mining called a primary activity ? (1) (2) It is one of the earliest forms of human activities (3) It brings a lot of money to the government (4) 63. It involves production from the natural resources of the earth It is the biggest employer of workers Which of the following is not a mineral ? (1) (2) Salt used for cooking (3) Gold and silver in jewellery (4) 64. Graphite in pencil Mica used for insulation Which of the following was not a problem faced by India soon after Independence ? (1) (2) Persuading the Princely States to join the Indian Union (3) Economic development (4) Wealth and debts to be equally distributed among India, Pakistan and Great Britain Refugees from Pakistan 65. Though India chose universal adult franchise after becoming independent, this was withheld in many other sovereign countries on the basis of certain criteria. Which of the following was not one of the criteria ? (1) (2) Religion (3) 66. Education Gender (4) Property Which one of the following statements explains the essence of mixed economy ? (1) Both the States and Centre divide responsibility towards economic development (2) Both the Public and the Private sector play a significant role in increasing production and generation of jobs (3) Both the Public and the Private sector share the profits generated in the economy equally (4) 67. Both the Central and State Governments have a say in the legislation controlling the economy of the country Which one among the following is not a feature of Lithosphere ? (1) (2) Landforms are found on ocean floor also (3) 68. 97% of the Earth s water lies in the Lithosphere Mineral wealth is found in this sphere (4) Mountains, plateaus and valleys form a part of Lithosphere Which one of the following cannot be said about our planet Earth ? P (1) (2) It is slightly flattened at the Poles (3) 69. It is a perfect sphere It has a bulge in the middle (4) It is called the blue planet Ocean water keeps moving continuously unlike the calm water of ponds and lakes. Which one of the following categories is not one of the movements of water ? (1) (2) Water cycle (3) Tides (4) 70. Waves Currents Which of the following is not an advantage of high tides ? (1) They help in fishing (2) Electricity could be generated from them (3) They help the local economy by drawing tourists (4) Navigation is easier Directions : Based on your reading of the case study given below, answer the next two questions (Q. No. 71 & 72), by selecting the most appropriate option. Rashmi has the habit of asking the surnames of persons whom she comes across for the first time. She has to place the concerned person in the varna system of Indian society. This enquiry about caste identity is resented by many people though it is not expressed openly. Things are more complicated when she meets a person from another region or part of India. She is unable to figure out their caste status even if that person reveals the surname. This world view of Rashmi, according to her, does not affect/influence her teaching-learning transaction process. She says that it is part of her primary socialization and she cannot help it. 71. Primary socialization is (1) (2) learning from family and friends at an early age (3) learning from society during adolescence (4) 72. social networking at the primary level memorising and imitating the teacher The resentment is justified because the teacher s attitude (1) highlights the need for socialization (2) is purely based on personal biases (3) is not an indictment of the stereotypes it creates (4) perpetuates social, political and economic inequalities 73. Most people during the 19th century felt education will have a corrupting influence on women. Which of the following brings out the contextual meaning of corrupting in the above sentence ? (1) Women were more corrupt than men P (2) (3) The power they gain through education would take them away from their traditional roles (4) 74. It would bring them more money They would become impure A teacher gives the following exercise to her students : Imagine you are a member of a nomadic community that shifts residence every 3 months. How would this change your life ? (1) The question will prove that a student s life is far safer and more enjoyable than the life of people in such situations (2) The question will make students less egocentric and promote universal brotherhood (3) The question will impress upon the students that facts are more important than reflection in Social Science (4) The question will help students place themselves in new situations to gain a better understanding of the concepts involved the passage given below, answer the next two questions (Q. No. 75 & 76), by selecting the most appropriate option. The popular perception of Social Science is that it is a non-utility subject. As a result, low selfesteem governs the classroom transactions, with both teachers and students feeling uninterested in comprehending its contents. From the initial stages of schooling, it is often suggested to students that the Natural Sciences are superior to the Social Sciences. Source : NCF 2005, Teaching of Social Sciences 75. What is the context in which the term non-utility subject is used in the above extract ? (1) (2) Studying Social Science does not lead to well-paid jobs and material wealth (3) Social Science is a subject that cannot be learnt for its utility (4) 76. Social Science has nothing to offer to improve human civilization Social Science is a dry and difficult subject having no use for educators or learners Which of the following best conveys the essence of the above extract ? (1) (2) Natural Sciences need to be given importance in school curriculum (3) Students considered good in Natural Sciences are considered bright (4) 77. The way Social Science is taught to students does not enthuse them to take Social Science seriously Social Sciences are inferior to Natural Sciences since they are non-utilitarian subjects The significance of language in teaching-learning of Social Science cannot be over-emphasized. Which of the following statements does not convey the above idea ? (1) Effective understanding of the meaning and use of a language enhances learning in Social Science (2) Language is of least significance in a fact-oriented subject like Social Science (3) Only a language teacher can do justice to the teaching-learning process of Social Science P (4) 78. Since language is important, a Social Science teacher should include comprehension and grammar questions in Social Science tests Which of the following statements is incorrect about Social Science ? (1) (2) Social Science creates and widens human values such as freedom, respect for diversity, etc. (3) As Social Science deals with people, the nature of enquiry is not scientific (4) 79. Social Science encompasses diverse concerns of society, including historical, geographical, economic and political dimensions Social Science lays the foundations for an analytical and creative mindset Which of the following is not a source material for writing oral history ? (1) (2) A British soldier s oral account of the Sepoy Mutiny (3) The memories of a person who migrated to Pakistan from India at the time of Partition (4) 80. The anecdotes of a person who participated in the Quit India Movement A scholar talking about today s education system Which of the following statements about the title of NCERT History textbook, Our Pasts , as expressed by the authors, is not correct ? (1) (2) It does not talk about the times of kings and queens only (3) 81. It is about the pasts of neighbouring countries It tries to bring out contribution of various groups or communities like farmers and artisans (4) It emphasizes the notion that India does not have just one past but many pasts The following question is given under the heading Let s discuss at the end of a chapter : Why do you think ordinary men and women did not generally keep records of what they did ? What is the relevance of asking this question ? (1) Such questions encourage guesswork and so should not be given (2) Ordinary men and women lead common lives. There is nothing great or of significance to write about them (3) It is good to ignite a discussion and let students come out with their reasoning (4) 82. Questions which do not have fixed answers should not be given, as they will confuse the students Which type of questions will not develop critical thinking among students ? (1) (2) Open-ended questions (3) 83. Closed-ended questions Probing questions (4) Divergent questions While discussing gender roles in the classroom, you would assert that (1) there are different professions for men and women (2) boys need to attend school as they are the future earning members of the family (3) gender stereotypes in society need to be addressed meaningfully (4) household work should not be seen as productive 84. The approach of the Social and Political Life textbooks of NCERT is to P (1) (2) focus the attention of the learners on the factual content of lessons (3) use definitions to sum up a concept (4) 85. give the learner one correct answer for a question use case studies and narratives to explain concepts Which of the following questions would help build the critical thinking skills of students ? (1) (2) Comment on the double burden of women s work . (3) Write two measures the government has adopted to control pollution. (4) 86. All communicable diseases are water borne . State whether true or false. What is the government s role in Indian Health and Indian Education ? You are teaching Unity in Diversity to the students of Class-VIII. Which of the following activities would you do to make the students understand the concept effectively ? (1) (2) Prepare a model of the Hydro-electric project near the school (3) Conduct a test after the lesson is thoroughly taught (4) 87. Write an essay on the river disputes between States of India Present a feature on the different dance forms of our country appreciating their underlying similarities and differences Diagnostic testing in Social Science will help a teacher understand (1) (2) learning difficulties a student is facing in Social Science (3) how revision work has helped her students (4) 88. the part of the topic the student has not memorised how intelligent her students are Choose the most inappropriate statement regarding teaching of Social Science in middle school. (1) (2) Social Science should be taught as it helps sensitize children regarding social reality (3) Social Science should be taught because it helps students debate and reflect on social issues (4) 89. Social Science should be taught as it helps to acquire an understanding of human relationships Social Science should be a part of the curriculum so that the learners know about the lives of kings and the battles they fought Doing activities with children will be effective only if (1) (2) the teacher conducts them to complete her Lesson Plan (3) the teacher does them as a pretence to obey her principal s directions for activity-based learning (4) 90. the teacher does not know why she is doing it she believes that activity-based education will help the child in understanding the concepts Which of the following should not be a part of the Social Science instructional process ? (1) Planning P (2) Dictation of facts (3) Feedback mechanism (4) Implementation PART IV LANGUAGE I ENGLISH Directions : Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow (Q. No. 91 to 99) by selecting the most appropriate option. Surviving a Snakebite 1 2 3 4 5 91. Annually, there are a million cases of snakebite in India and of these, close to 50,000 succumb to the bites. 92. When you look around the countryside, where most bites occur, and notice people s habits and lifestyles, these figures aren t surprising. People walk barefoot without a torch at night when they are most likely to step on a foraging venomous snake. We encourage rodents by disposing waste food out in the open, or by storing 93. foodgrains in the house. Attracted by the smell of rats, snakes enter houses and when one crawls over someone asleep on the floor and the person twitches or rolls over, it may bite in defence. Once bitten, we don t rush to the hospital. Instead, we seek out the nearest conman, tie tourniquets, eat vile tasting herbal chutneys, apply poultices or spurious stones, cut/slice/suck the bitten spot, and other ghastly time-consuming deadly 94. remedies . As Rom cattily remarks : If the snake hasn t injected enough venom, even popping an aspirin can save your life. That s the key snakes inject venom voluntarily and we have no way of knowing if it has injected venom, and if it is a lethal dose. The only first aid is to immobilise the bitten limb like you would a fracture, and get to a hospital for anti-venom serum without wasting time. Of the people who are bitten by snakes in 95. India, the fatality rate is (1) 5% (2) 25% (3) 50% (4) 100% According to the author, people living in which parts are more prone to snake bites ? (1) Crowded cities (2) The open (3) Villages (4) Forests Storing foodgrains in the house is one of the causes for snake bites because (1) foodgrains attract rats which in turn attract snakes (2) snakes enter houses in search of stored foodgrains (3) the smell of foodgrains brings both snakes and other animals into the house (4) stored foodgrains create convenient hiding places for snakes within houses ... it may bite in defence (para-3). This observation implies that (1) a snake is very good at defending itself (2) a snake may bite a human being in order to defend its prey (3) human beings are defenceless against snakes (4) a snake bites a human only when it is threatened ( 48 ) What, according to the author, is the reason for the high fatality rate due to snakebites in India ? P (1) Shortage of medical facilities (2) Lack of scientific snakebites (3) Shortage of anti-venom serum (4) Shortage of doctors knowledge Directions : Read the poem given below and answer the questions that follow (Q. No. 100 105) by selecting the about most appropriate option. Common Cold 1 Go hang yourself, you old M.D.! You shall not sneer at me. 96. In the instance of a snakebite, what should we do immediately ? (1) (2) Eat herbal chutneys (3) 97. Tie torniquets Immobilise the bitten part and get antivenom serum (4) Cut-slice-suck the bitten spot Pick out a word from the passage which means to go around in search of food . (Para 2) Pick up your hat and stethoscope, Go wash your mouth with laundry soap; I contemplate a joy exquisite I m not paying you for your visit. I did not call you to be told My malady is a common cold. 2 By pounding brow and swollen lip; By fever s hot and scaly grip; (1) (2) countryside That weep like woeful April skies; (3) 98. foraging venomous By racking snuffle, snort, and sniff; (4) barefoot If the snake hasn t injected enough venom, even popping an aspirin can save your life. This sentence can be rewritten without changing the meaning as (1) (2) (3) (4) 99. When a snake has not injected enough venom, life can be saved even by swallowing an aspirin. Life can be saved even by swallowing an aspirin, even though the snake hasn t injected enough venom. Even popping an aspirin can save your life, in spite of a snake not having injected enough venom. As long as you are popping an aspirin to save your life, the snake will not inject enough venom. Pick out a word from the passage, that means having the power to cause death . (Para 5) (1) immobilise (2) voluntarily (3) lethal (4) serum By those two red redundant eyes By handkerchief after handkerchief; This cold you wave away as naught Is the damnedest cold man ever caught ! 3 Bacilli swarm within my portals Such as were ne er conceived by mortals, But bred by scientists wise and hoary In some Olympic laboratory; Bacteria as large as mice, With feet of fire and heads of ice Who never interrupt for slumber Their stamping elephantine rumba. 100. What is the emotion that the poet displays in the first stanza ? (1) Anger (2) Joy (3) Jealousy (4) Sympathy P ( 49 ) 101. Why and at whom does the poet show his Directions : Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option. emotion ? 106. The Constructivist Approach to learning (1) At an old man because he has sneered means at the poet (1) involving the students in a variety of (2) At a doctor for an incorrect diagnosis of activities to encourage them to learn his medical condition new words and structures by accommodating them with those that (3) At a friend who is happy at the poet s they have already learnt through a plight process of discovery (4) At a doctor who has said the poet (2) teaching rules of grammar and merely has a cold consolidating through rigorous practice 102. The poet describes his eyes as two red redundant eyes because (3) helping learners acquire new vocabulary (1) (2) they show how furious the poet is (3) by studying literature intensively he cannot see properly due to the cold they have been affected by an eyedisease (4) teaching new words and structures using a variety of audio-visual aids followed by practice through drill (4) in his medical condition the poet is 107. What is the skill among the ones given below imagining things that cannot be tested in a formal written 103. Bacteria as large as mice is an instance of examination ? a/an (1) Reading for information (1) simile and a hyperbole (2) Meaning of words and phrases (2) metaphor (3) Extensive reading for pleasure (3) personification (4) Analysing texts (4) alliteration 104. Who never interrupt for slumber 108. Which of the following is suitable for making students responsible for their own learning ? Their stamping elephantine rumba. (1) Discouraging students from making decisions about how they learn best The meaning of these lines is that (2) Using technology to chat and network (1) the bacteria are continuously stamping their elephant-like feet (3) Encouraging students to ask more and more questions (2) the cold-causing germs are causing much discomfort and pain to the poet without any break (4) Giving a lot of homework, project work and assignments to improve language skills of students (3) the bacilli are so active that they refuse 109. Ania, while teaching paragraph construction, to go to sleep should draw attention to (4) the poet is not able to concentrate on his (1) a large variety of ideas work due to the raging cold 105. The general tone of the poem can be described (2) originality of ideas as (3) topic sentence, supporting details and (1) satirical and harsh connectors (2) ironical and mocking (4) a range of vocabulary (3) whimsical and humorous (4) sad and tragic P ( 50 ) is 116. When learners are engaged in a pair activity, taking on roles of a doctor and a patient, the activity is called teaching of vocabulary and grammar (1) Real Activity through rules of spelling and language 110. Communicative concerned with (1) Language to Teaching (2) teaching language written tests learners for (3) academic skills Declamation (3) Simulation interpreting grammar rules to suit the audience (3) (2) (4) Exchanging notes 117. Essays or long writing tasks especially on a discursive issue should (4) enhancing receptive and productive skills such as speaking, listening, (1) help students develop their literary reading and writing skills 111. Formative Assessment is assessment (2) help students with grammar (1) of learning (3) help them to improve their handwriting (2) at learning (4) help them discuss the different points of (3) in learning view and justify them with illustrative points (4) for learning 112. The term Comprehensive in Continuous and 118. A teacher, Amrita, uses various tasks such as creating charts, graphs, drawing, gathering Comprehensive Evaluation means information and presenting them through (1) scholastic development pair or group work. This differentiated (2) co-scholastic development instruction (4) scholastic and co-scholastic development 113. A teacher designs a test to find out the cause of the poor grades of her learners through a/an (1) helps learners with multiple intelligences to perform well and learn better (2) is a way of demonstrating her own knowledge only helps the bright learners (1) Diagnostic Test (3) (2) Proficiency Test (4) (3) Achievement Test (4) Aptitude Test 114. An inclusive class is that in which (1) differently abled learners study with normal students (2) students from different nationalities study together is the best way to prepare students for an assessment 119. Using a word bank and brainstorming helps to build (1) Vocabulary (2) Ideas (3) Writing skills (4) Reading comprehension 120. Gender stereotypes and bias among learners (3) students from different religions study can be discouraged by together (1) enabling all learners to cook and sew (4) both boys and girls study together irrespective of gender 115. Concrete Operational Stage refers to those learners who are (2) using textbooks which do not perpetuate such beliefs (1) adolescents (3) creating an open and encouraging (2) at middle level atmosphere in a mixed class (3) toddlers (4) pressuring girls to learn cooking (4) adults A PART V LANGUAGE II ENGLISH Directions : Read the passage given below and 121. According to the author, living with a answer the questions that follow (Q. No. 121 to 129) teenager is like an amazing voyage because by selecting the most appropriate option. 1 2 3 (1) during this voyage the parent will see If you are living in a house with a child on the teenager blossoming into an adult the cusp of becoming a teenager, (2) the voyage will be very bumpy and congratulations. I m not being sarcastic; you dangerous are about to embark on an amazing voyage. (3) both the teenager and the parent will It may be a bumpy ride, but on the journey get to see many amazing sights your child will grow, change and blossom into the adult she will one day become. If (4) the vogage will take them to different you are living with an older teenager, I won t wonderful places on the earth try to sugar coat it : you will meet challenges. The raging hormones; the pressures of exams; the angst of 122. I won t try to sugar coat it By this what the author wants to convey is that relationships with friends and eventually lovers modern teenagers are under so (1) she does not want to hide the fact that much pressure, it s no wonder they get parenting a teenager is full of moody ! challenges Living with teens can be difficult because (2) parenting is very challenging and your child is in the process of great change. parents must be prepared for it in a Gone is the baby who adored you without gentle manner question; only shadows remain of the child (3) parenting teenagers is like taking an who hung on your every word of wisdom. unpleasant cure for an ailment Your teenager is becoming a young adult, trying to find his way in the world. He is (4) she does not want to flatter the parents now programmed to reject your values and into believing that they are capable of kick against your authority. Some days, managing teenagers when arguments are raging, music is blaring, dishes pile up in the sink and your daughter misses her curfew again, you may 123. Modern teenagers easily become annoyed or unhappy for no reason because of feel that you just can t bear it any longer. (1) the hormonal imbalance that is But if you take a step backwards, breathing characteristic of this period of deeply for a moment, you will be able to see development that most of the problems and irritations we have parenting teens are small ones. It s (2) the failed relationships with friends and only because we are so close to them that lovers they look so big. It s all about perspective. (3) failing in examinations Your baby is metamorphosing into the adult he or she will be, and it s hard to watch. You (4) the enormous stress they experience at want to save them from making your this age mistakes, and make their lives easier. News flash : you can t. What you can and must do is always be there to listen. There will be 124. Only shadows remain of the child ... . The word shadows here refers to times when you are the last person she wants to talk to, but you must make sure (1) faint traces of the adoring child the opportunity is always there. Be (2) old memories of the teenager available. Source : Raising Teenagers (3) old memories of the parents Lynn Huggins-Cooper (adapted) (4) the darker teenager aspect of the growing ( 58 ) 125. Kick against your authority manifestation of a teenager s (1) a Directions : Read the poem given below and answer the questions (Q. No. 130 135) that follow by choosing the most appropriate option. innate tendency to become physically The Hand Holders: violent (2) excessive sentimentality (4) need for values A Tribute To Caregivers natural rebellious tendency (3) is identification There is no job more important than yours, with family no job anywhere else in the land. You are the keepers of the future; 126. He is now programmed to reject your values implies that the teenager (1) behaves in such a way because of biological factors (2) derives much pleasure in going against the family (3) is capable of programming behaviour carefully (4) rejects parents values out of sheer spite you hold the smallest of hands. Into your care you are trusted to nurture and care for the young, and for all of your everyday heroics, your talents and skills go unsung. his 127. The author says that parents cannot prevent their teenage children from making mistakes. What is his advice to the parents ? You wipe tears from the eyes of the injured. You rock babies brand new in your arms. You encourage the shy and unsure child. You make sure they are safe from all harm. (1) Be available for consultations and listen to the teenagers You foster the bonds of friendships, (2) Don t try to save the teenagers or make their lives easier You respect and you honour their emotions. (3) Be the last person to approach the teenagers with advice (4) Do not watch the children growing up at this stage because it can be painful letting no child go away mad. You give hugs to each child when they re sad. You have more impact than does a professor, a child s mind is moulded by four; so whatever you lay on the table 128. Pick out a word from the first paragraph of the above passage that means strong feelings of anxiety and unhappiness. is whatever the child will explore. (1) angst Give each child the tools for adventure, (2) raging let them be artists and writers and more; (3) sarcastic (4) cusp 129. Living with teens can be difficult because your child is in the process of great change. let them fly on the wind and dance on the stars and build castles of sand on the shore. It is true that you don t make much money The underlined part of this sentence is a/an and you don t get a whole lot of praise, (1) adverb clause but when one small child says I love you , (2) adjective clause you re reminded of how this job pays. (3) prepositional phrase (4) noun clause Author unknown P ( 59 ) 130. The expression the smallest of hands refers Directions : Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option. to (1) babies (2) caregivers with small hands (3) parents with small hands (4) people with small hands 131. Though caregivers look after the young they are (1) never tired of their work (2) not properly recognised (3) not loved by the children under their care 136. Which among the following is a feature of a child-centred language classroom ? (1) Teacher gives instructions and expects children to obey and be disciplined (2) Children interact in the target language through tasks that require multiple intelligences (3) Children work individually to prepare projects (4) Teacher plans assessment every day (4) paid very well in return 137. Fluency in English can be developed through 132. A caregiver has more influence on a child (1) creating opportunities to use the target than a professor because language for communication (1) the child generally prefers a caregiver to (2) the teacher talking for most of the time a professor (2) the professor is not capable of providing love to a child (3) the teacher being alert to spot the errors and correct them (3) the child spends the formative years with the caregiver (4) allowing students who are not confident to have the freedom to be quiet (4) the caregiver can teach better than a 138. An effective lesson for teaching a language professor begins with 133. What is the most valuable gift that a caregiver gets ? (1) listing the learning objectives of the lesson (1) Acknowledgement of the society (2) Praise from the parents (2) presenting the content of the lesson (3) Money for her services (3) recapitulation and motivation through fun activity (4) writing on the blackboard (4) Love from children 134. You give hugs to each child when they re sad. This act can be described as one of 139. Some noise in the language class indicates (1) empathy (2) encouragement (1) indiscipline of learners (3) recrimination (2) teacher s lack of control over the class (4) reassurance (3) incompetence of the teacher (4) constructive activities with learners engaged in language learning ( 60 ) 135. Letting no child go away mad the meaning of this line is 140. Enquiry-based learning (1) no child is allowed to be angry for long (2) no child is permitted to go away from school without permission (1) does not place students in thought provoking situations (3) no child is allowed to become mad (2) encourages quiet learners (4) no caregiver is permitted to be mad with a child (3) does not nurture creative thinking in students (4) allows learners to raise questions 141. Effective learning takes place when students are (1) passive (2) interactive (3) quiet (4) good at preparing for examinations 146. Which of the following will be most effective to remove conventional beliefs about gender roles ? (1) Showing a picture in which the mother is seen cooking and the father is seen reading a newspaper (2) Teaching all the learners to sweep, wash and sew in the craft class without any gender discrimination 142. In large language classes, group work can be (3) Encouraging girls to develop interest in accomplished by household chores from a young age (1) asking 4 5 students to sit together on a (4) Telling the girls that talking freely is ( 61 ) narrow bench despite lack of space not a trait of good girls (2) asking students to turn around for 147. The Right of Children to Free and group work Compulsory Education Act, 2009 has overall (3) asking all students to stand in a circle development as an aim. It means (4) asking half the class to go out to the (1) training the children for the playground development of the country 143. A test to assess the potential of students for specific abilities and skills such as music, spatial ability or logical ability is called a/an (1) Aptitude Test (3) nurturing both the scholastic and coscholastic areas (3) coaching all the children for academic excellence (4) training careers Proficiency Test (2) (2) Attitude Test the children for different (4) Achievement Test 144. A teacher can develop listening skills in 148. A play can be best taught by English by (1) speaking to them continuously both within the classroom and outside (2) focusing only on listening skills without associating it with other language skills (3) making the learners listen to everything they hear passively (4) creating opportunities for them to listen to a variety of sources and people and engage in listening activities (1) making the students read it silently a number of times to understand the story (2) encouraging the students to stage the play after working in groups to understand the plot, characters etc. (3) asking a number of questions to test the comprehension of the students (4) conducting a test with specific questions on the story and grammar items 149. A class is reading a story based in a village. 145. Which of the following is best suited for The teacher asks some students to mark the improving the speaking skills of learners ? villages in an outline map of their locality. Some other students are asked to collect (1) Recitation of poetry information about the different crops grown (2) Reading a prose and drama aloud in these villages. Yet another group works on the nutritional value of the grains, fruits and (3) Oral language drill vegetables grown in the locality. Later the (4) Debates and group discussions followed students exchange their work and have a by role play class discussion, relating the information with the story. What is the underlying principle of this approach ? P (1) Treating knowledge in specific segments based on geography, science, language, etc. (2) Making connections across disciplines and bringing out the inter-relatedness of knowledge (3) Teaching language through assignments and projects (4) Giving importance to the practical and scholastic aspects of literary pieces written 150. Schools need to become centres that prepare children for life and ensure that all children, especially the differently abled, children from marginalised sections, and children in difficult circumstances get the maximum benefit of this critical area of education. This observation found in the National Curriculum Framework-2005 is related to (1) Inclusive education (2) Constructivist learning (3) Gender equality (4) Critical pedagogy

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