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ICSE Class X Prelims 2021 : Biology (St. Stephens School, Dum Dum, Kolkata (Calcutta))

4 pages, 93 questions, 33 questions with responses, 33 total responses,    1    0
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St. Stephen's School, Dum Dum, Kolkata (Calcutta)
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St. Stephen S School, Dum Dum Pre-Board Examination 2020 - 2021 Class X BIOLOGY SCIENCE Paper 3 Total Time: 2 Hours 45 Minutes Full Marks: 80 The first 15 minutes are for reading the question paper. The next 2 hours are for writing the answers. The last 30 minutes are for assembling the answer sheets and creation of PDFs for submission. Attempt all questions from Section I and any four questions from Section II The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. SECTION I (40 MARKS) (Attempt all Questions from this section.) Question 1 (a) Name the following: [5] (i) Evaporation of water from the aerial parts of the plant. (ii) Blood vessel that begins and end in capillaries. (iii) Photoreceptor helping vision in dim light. (iv) Disorder due to insufficient secretion of insulin. (v) A neurotransmitter stored at the terminal end of the axon. (b) Complete and rewrite the following by choosing the correct alternative from the bracket: [5] (i) The chromosomes arrange on the equatorial plane in ______ (Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase) (ii) ______ is a mixed gland having both exocrine and endocrine function (Adrenal, Pituitary, Thyroid, Pancreas). (iii) Grapes when placed in a strong sugar solution shrink because of ______ (endosmosis, exosmosis, turgidity, imbibitions). (iv) The chemical used to reduce transpiration is______ (cobalt chloride, silicon emulsion, KOH, calcium chloride). (v) _______ is responsible for guttation. (Osmotic pressure, Capillary force, Root pressure, Suction pressure) (c) Identify the Odd One and write the Category of the Rest (make two columns): [5] (i) Cerebrum, Ossicles, Cerebellum, Medulla Oblongata. (i) Centrosome, Cell membrane, Cell wall, Large vacuole. (ii) Cretinism, Myxedema, Simple goitre, Acromegaly. (iii) Osmosis, Imbibition, Active transport, Diffusion. (iv) Sodium chloride, Ammonia, Potassium chloride, Creatinine. (d) Correct the following statements by changing the underlined words: [5] (i) Several glucose molecules are transformed to produce one molecule of starch; this process is called phosphorylation. (ii) Presbyopia is a condition in which the lens turns opaque and the vision is cut down even to total blindness. (iii) Diapedesis is the process by which neutrophils engulf bacteria. (iv) Cretinism is caused due to under secretion of adrenaline. (v) The thin delicate middle layer of meninges, giving a web like cushion is Pia mater. (e) Identify and name the following processes / terms from the statements given below: [5] (i) The change in an organism resulting due to stimulus. (ii) The pressure of the cell contents on the cell wall. (iii) The part of ANS stimulated by the hormone adrenaline. (iv) Eye defect in which some parts of the object are seen in focus while others are blurred. (v) Condition in which blood passes with urine due to some infection in urinary tract, kidney stones or tumour. (f) Match the items in Column A with that which is most appropriate in Column B. Rewrite the matching pairs: [5] A (i) Cerebellum (ii) O type (iii) Glucagon (iv) Occurs in the somatic cells (v) ADH secretion reduced (g) B Alpha cells Control all voluntary actions Mitosis Increased production of urine Universal donor Beta cells Meiosis Coordinate muscular activity Universal recipient Decreased production of urine Given below are sets of 5 terms each. Without changing the first term, rearrange the remaining four terms in a logical sequence as per the directions given in brackets for each. [5] (i) Platelets, Thromboplastin, Fibrinogen, Thrombin, Fibrin. (Steps in blood clotting) (ii) G1 Phase, Karyokinesis, Synthesis Phase, Cytokinesis, G2 Phase (Cell cycle) (iii) Dendrites, axon, cell body, synapse, receptors. (Conduction of impulse) (iv) Light rays, vitreous humour, lens, optic nerve, retina. (Image formation) (v) Receptor, Spinal cord, Effector, Motor neuron, Sensory neuron. (Reflex arc pathway) Protect by PDF Anti-Copy for Android (Update to Pro to remove watermark)

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