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ICSE Class X Prelims 2021 : Geography (St. Stephens School, Dum Dum, Kolkata (Calcutta))

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St. Stephen's School, Dum Dum, Kolkata (Calcutta)
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ST. STEPHENS SCHOOL, DUMDUM PRE BOARD EXAMINATION CLASS-10 SUBJECT- GEOGRAPHY FULL MARKS- 80 TIME 15 MINUTES FOR READING 2 HOURS WRITING 30 MINS FOR SCANNING AND MAKING PDF [ANSWERS MUST BE BRIEF AND TO THE POINT] PART A [ATTEMPT ALL THE QUETIONS] 1. STUDY THE TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP OF 45 D/7 (ii), AND ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTION. a)Find the four figure grid of i) Confluence of Hanva nala and Varka Nadi ii) Spot height of 591 located in the south eastern section of the map extract (2) b) Calculate the direct distance in km between Dhaneri(8688) AND Odha(8891) (2) c) Mention the drainage pattern in the grid 8996 AND 9286 (2) d) Calculate the area enclosed between Eastings 87-91 and Northings 92-94. (2) e) Name the following i) An estimated height in metres of a particular point on the ground indicated by a black dotii) A type of scale depicted on maps that combines both verbal scale and representative fraction.2 f) Mention one natural feature and one man made feature from the grid 8596 2 g) i) On which bank of the Varka Nadi does the settlement of Gangudra lie? ii) What is the direction of Ratanpur (8786) from Malpuriya (9190) 2 h) Mention a feature depicted by yellow and a feature depicted by black on topographical maps. (2) i) Identify the following symbols i) red dotted lines in the grid 8787 ii) brown line in the grid 8791 (2) j) What is the settlement pattern in the grid 8596. Mention one occupation of this settlement. (2) Protect by PDF Anti-Copy for Android (Update to Pro to remove watermark) 2. ON THE OUTLINE MAP OF INDIA NAME a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i and j (10) PART B [ATTEMPT ANY 5] 3. a) (a) Name the different seasons in India stating the months when they are experienced. b) Mention any two characteristics of Indian monsoon. c) Mention a region in north India that receive winter rainfall. How is this rainfall beneficial ? d) Give one reason why Arabian Sea branch of the South West Monsoon does not shed any moisture in Western Rajasthan. e) Study the climatic data of two cities of India provided below and answer the questions that follow: month temp in0 c Rainfall Rainfall cm i. ii. jan feb mar apr may 24.5 26 28 30 jun jul aug sep oct nov dec 32 32.5 32.7 30 29.7 28 26 20 2.8 0.7 0.7 1.8 4.5 5.1 9.5 11.3 12.4 Calculate the annual range of temperature On which coast is the station located? Which winds bring rainfall to this station? (2+2+2+1+3) 4. a) i) How is black soil formed? (ii) Name one cash crop for which black soil is most suited.. b) Mention any two physical properties of alluvial soil. c) Mention a region where i. gully erosion is common ii. laterite soil is widely found d) Mention the forest to which the following plants belong i. gorjan ii. deodar e) Under what climatic climatic condition do tropical dry forest grow? Mention one use of myrobalan. (2+2+2+2+2) 5. a) State any two favourable conditions necessary for constructing tube wells. b) Give reasons i) Tank irrigation is common in Andhra Pradesh ii) Perinnial cannals are advantageous over Inundation canals c) Mention two advantages of watershed management. d)How is irrigation a key to the success of Indian agriculture. e) Name two states which practice rain water harvesting in India 6. 28 (2+2+2+2+2) a) (i) Why is manganese an important raw material for iron and steel industry? (ii) Name one iron-ore field in Karnataka. b) (i) Name the best quality of coal (ii)Name a state in India having tertiary coal deposits. c) (i) Mention one use of copper. 34.5 13.6 (ii) Name one old oilfield in India. d)State one advantage and one disadvantage neuclear power plant. e) Mention one bio gas station of india and also mention the state where it is located. (2+2+2+2+2) 7. a) Differentiate between subsistence farming and commercial farming. b) Mention any two reasons why pulses are grown widely in India? C )Mention any two processes involved in processing black tea. What is the temperature required for firing the tea leaves? d) Mention any two geographical conditions required for the growth of cotton . e) What are the two main crop seasons of India? Give example of each. (2+2+2+2+2) 8. a) Give any two examples of the public sector industry. b) With context to Rourkela Steel Plant answer the following question i) Mention a region where iron ore is obtained ii) Mention the power station from where electricity is obtained. c)Mention any 2 factors favourable for development of Petrochemical Industry. d) Mention any two problems faced by cotton textile industry. e) Mention any two sugar producing centres of Uttar Pradesh. (2+2+2+2+2) 9. a) Mention any two ways how an efficient transport system can strength a nation s economy. b) What are the advantages of roadways over railways? c) Mention one important Expresswaay of India. d) What factors hinder development of water transport in south India? e) Name the following: i. a port on the east coast of India which is also a ship building centre: ii. airport of New Delhi: iii. An important port of Goa: (2+2+2+2+2) END

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