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geography Water Resources Notes (Jamnabai Narsee School (JNS), Mumbai)

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GEOGRAPHY WATER RESOURCES STD10 2018-2019 [A] 1. Mention some sources of ground water. Lakes rivers Tanks wells tube wells lagoons. Tanks Canals and wells =conventional sources of water. 2. What is irrigation? Irrigation is the artificial application to water to land for cultivation of crops. 3. Why is Irrigation so very important to a country like India? India is an agricultural country India has along growing season for crops and water is not available throughout the year so it has to be stored. Indian agriculture is mainly dependent on rain. The Indian monsoon is untimely, erratic unevenly distributed in the country. It is seasonal. Some crops grow in winter and some in winter so an artificial source of water is required. The ever growing population of the country is yet another reason because the demand for intensive agriculture only increases. 4 what are lagoons and backwaters? Lagoons and Backwaters are found in Indias Indented coastline especially in states like Kerala and Orissa. They are useful for: Fishing, Paddy cultivation, growing coconuts. 5. What is a multipurpose project? How is it useful? A multipurpose project makes use of perennial rivers by taming them behind a dam. It makes effective use of river water: To prevent floods Drinking water Irrigation Navigation 1 Pisciculture Generation of Hydel Power. 6. Name the three multipurpose projects and rivers associated with each NAME OF PROJECT RIVER PURPOSE Bhakra Nangal Project Sutlej Flood control,supply waterto Yamuna Canal. Damodar Valley project Damodar [sorrow ofBihar] Flood control, Hirakud Dam Project Mahanadi Flood control [B] Wells 7a.What is a well? Well is a hole dug in the ground to retrieve water from the subsoil for irrigation and other purposes? b. Where is it most popular? It is most popular in the Alluvial Plains [UP, BIHAR, HARYANA, and PUNJAB]. 8. Why? Because the soil there is soft, it is easy to dig wells, the yield of crops after irrigation is high there. Plenty of ground water is available hence the water table is high. 9. What is the advantage of Well irrigation? It is cheap, they can be constructed at very low cost. Chemicals like chlorides and sulphates are mixed with well water and they enhance the fertility of the soil. Simple.-oxen can be used for drawing water from wells Dependable source of irrigation.-with help of pumps water can be drawn from great depths. 2 10. Name any three methods by which water is lifted from the wells. The Persian Method The Inclined plane method The lever method. 11.Give another name for table wells Tube wells. 12 What are the disadvantages of well irrigation? Wells depend on underground water and the distribution of this water varies from region to region. Wells are difficult to dig in hilly regions of North and in Plateau reghion of south. Traditional surface wells dry up Water table in wells falls during the hot summers. They can irrigate only small portion of land. Sometimes the water in the wells is brackish. Tube wells have to be operated with the help of electricity and this becomes expensive. 13 What are Tube wells? How are they different from surface wells? TUBE WELL S SURFACE WELLS 1. Bore well, Hole is dug in the ground with help of a drilling machine. 1. Hole is manually dug in the ground. 2.water can be mechanically drawn out with the help of Persian wheel or oxen 2. Water is drawn out with the help of an electric motor pump. 3.More useful in drought conditions 3. They are not useful in summers as water table falls and wells go dry. 4Surface wells being open get polluted. 4.They do not get polluted easily 3 5.Can irrigate larger areas 5. Can irrigate Smaller areas.. 6.Draw large quantities of water 6. Can draw limited amount of water. 7.Expensive and can be used in areas where cheap hydel power is available 7. Are cheap and farmer can use it free of cost. 14. Where are tube wells extensively used? UP Bihar, Punjab and Haryana. 13. What are the general conditions required for well irrigation? Water table should be reasonably high Ground should be covered with soft porous soil Enough rainfall should be available in the region to have perennial supply of ground water. Climate should be moderate so a snot to affect the level of underground water. In case of Tube wells cheap hydroelectric power should be available. TANK IRRIGATION 15. What are tanks? Natural depressions in the ground which get filled with rain water. They can also be created by building small bund across a stream to impound water, after which water is led through narrow channels to fields. 16. Where is it popular? It is popular in Maharashtra, and Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu 17. Why is it important in the above given places? The rivers in Deccan are seasonal mainly depend on rain. 4 They dry up when rain ceases Natural hollow depressions are used to create tanks which store rainwater In the Deccan the underlying layers of hard rock do not allow water to percolate through and hold water. 18. What are the advantages of Tank irrigation? It stores water in the peninsular part of India, where rainfall is seasonal. It is difficult to construct wells and canals in the Deccan. It stores abundant rain water which would otherwise go as run off/waste. 19. What are the disadvantages of Tank irrigation/ Tanks get silted and regular desilting is required. They have large surface area so evaporation takes place and they go dry [not dependable] Most Tanks are not perennial. They occupy large areas of fertile land which could be used for cultivation Lifting water from tanks is strenuous and carrying water to the fields is difficult. CANAL IRRIGATION 20. What is canal? Deep channel cut into the ground which draws water from the rivers and directs them to the field. 21. What are the conditions required for Canal irrigation? Low levelled land with soft deep fertile soil Perennial supply of water from snow fed rivers. 22.Where is it widely practiced? Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab, Assam, Tripura. It is prevalent there because: 5 The rivers in north are perennial whereas in the south they are seasonal. The Terrain is soft ,flat making it easy to dig canals.\The Northern Plains are predominantly agrarian, hence demand for this form of irrigation. 23. Differentiate between Inundation and Perennial Canals. INNUNDATION CANALS PERENNIAL CANALS Canals are drawn directly from the river without constructing dam, cannot regulate the flow of water Canals are drawn from perennial rivers by constructing dam to regulate flow of water. Use excess water of rivers when river floods and irrigate lesser areas. They draw water throughout the year and irrigate large areas. Is operational only in rainy seasonal They are used throughout the year. 24. Which is the most famous canal system in Rajasthan? The Indira Gandhi canal which is the longest canal in the world.It irrigates the heart of the Indian desert.. It utilises water from the Ravi, Sutlej, and Beas. 25. What are the advantages of Canal irrigation? They provide water in rainfall deficient areas. It has caused sandy patches in deserts to yield agricultural harvests. It has enabled Punjab Haryana to be called the Granary of India. 26. What are the disadvantages of Canal irrigation? Unlined canals may make water flow into cultivable areas making the area swampy. In areas where water table is few feet below ground the alkaline salts come to the surface mix with soil and make it unproductive. 27. How do surface well score over inundation canals? They rely on ground water and not on rivers to flood. 6 They can be dug anywhere on the farm. The farmer can control the flow of water. No recurring cost. 28. How can canals make the ground unproductive? Percolation of water through canals can lead to swamps. Alkaline salts from the ground below can reach the surface and make the soil unproductive. Due to water logging the capacity of the soil to hold water decreases and the water then collects and ruins the crops. MODERN METHODS OF IRRIGATION 29. Mention the modern methods of irrigation. Furrow irrigation: It is type of flood irrigation. Water is poured into the fields and directed to glow through narrow channels dug between rows of crops. The disadvantage here is that the water is not evenly distributed in the whole field. Secondly water can only be used in areas where water is available easily. Spray Irrigation Water is released in fields through spray guns. One end of the hose pipe is attached to spray gun and the other end to the water source. The advantage here is that the water is used efficiently but it requires efficient and complex machinery. Water is also lost due to evaporation. Sprinkler irrigation Sprinklers are set up in the fields and water is supplied by hoses from the pipes. There is no loss of water by seepage or evaporations water is supplied through pipes which are not exposed to the sun. Judicious use of water. The flow of water is customized to be beneficial to crops. Water is provided directly to the roots. 7 Drip irrigation: Which have small holes .Water keeps dripping through these holes constatnly. Water is taken directly to the roots of the plants through plastic tubes Bamboo Irrigation: Is followed in Meghalaya. It taps stream water using bamboo pipes. Water is transported via these bamboo pipes. CONSERVATION OF WATER 30. Why is there a need to conserve water? The growth of population has led to water scarcity. Deforestation has led to droughts and reduced rainfall. Much of the water is being used for cultivation. Water is also requirdfor industries. Due to uneven or erratic rainfall. 31. What is rain water harvesting? It is understanding the value of rainwater and to make optimum use of rainwater at the place where it falls. The rain water collected can be directly stored or can be recharged into the ground water. 32. Give the regional names of rainwater harvesting systems. Khatris or Kuls in Himachal Johads in central India. Zing in Ladakh. 33. What is watershed Management/ It refers to the efficient management and conservation of both surface and ground water. 8 It prevents runoff and stores runoff water and recharges ground water by various methods such as recharge wells percolation pits 34. Name the program launched by the Central Govt in the field of water shed management. The Hariyali project .It enables rural people to conserve water for irrigation, drinking, fisheries and afforestation Water shed Management ******************************************************************* 9

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