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ICSE Class X Notes 2019 : English Paper 2 (English Literature) (Jamnabai Narsee School (JNS), Mumbai) Merchant of Venice Q&A

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Formatting page ... Narsee Monjee Bhavan, Narsee Monjee Marg, N.S.Road No. 7, J.V.P.D. Scheme, Vile Parle (W), Mumbai - 400 049, India. +91 22 2618 7575 / 2618 7676 THE MERCHANT OF VENICE ACT 2 SCENE 1 Ref 1 Morocco: Mislike me not for my complexion, The shadow d livery of the burnish d sun, To whom I am a neighbour and near bred. 1. Where does this scene take place? Describe the manner in which the Prince of Morocco enters the scene. 2. Who receives Prince of Morocco and his followers? What is the first statement that Morocco makes and what does he say about his complexion? 3. What test does Morocco suggest should be done to prove his courage? Explain. 4. How does Morocco show the he is proud of his dark skin? 5. What reply does Portia make to Morocco when he sings praises of his complexion? 6. What is Morocco s reaction to Portia s courteous words? What does he request Portia to do? What does he swear by? 7. What acts of bravery is Morocco ready to perform in order to win Portia? 8. Which example does Morocco give to show that the choice of caskets is like a game of dice? Why does he use this illustration? 9. How does Portia now clearly state the terms of the lottery? 10. What wish does the Prince of Morocco make for himself? 1 THE MERCHANT OF VENICE ACT II SCENE 2 Ref. I Gobbo: Master young man, you; I pray you, which is the way to master Jew s? 1. Who is Gobbo ? Who is he speaking to? Whom does he refer as Master Jew ? Where does this scene take place? 2. Just before this what moral predicament was Launcelot in? What did he eventually decide to do? 3. Why was old Gobbo unable to recognize his son? What trick did Launcelot play on old Gobbo? How does Launcelot convince Gobbo that he is indeed his son? 4. What reasons does Launcelot give for deciding to run away from Shylock s service? What does he ask his father to do? Why? 5. How does Bassanio grant Launcelot s suit? How does Launcelot respond? 6. What instruction does Bassanio give, Launcelot, his followers and Leonardo? 7. What is Gratiano s suit to Bassanio? What warning does Bassanio give Gratiano? 8. What assurance does Gratiano give Bassanio? 9. What allowance does Gratiano ask from Bassanio? How does Bassanio respond? 2 THE MERCHANT OF VENICE ACT II SCENE 3 Ref. I Jessica: I am sorry thou wilt leave my father so: Our house is hell, and thou, a merry devil, Didst rob it of some taste of tediousness. 1. Who is Jessica speaking to? Where does this scene take place? 2. Why is Jessica sorry that this person is leaving the service of her father? Explain. 3. Why does Jessica give this person a ducat? 4. Why does Jessica tell this person to do the errand secretly? 5. How does this person address Jessica? 6. What all does he say before parting from Jessica? 7. What does Jessica say to herself when Launcelot has gone? 3 THE MERCHANT OF VENICE ACT II SCENE 4 Ref. I Gratiano: We have not made good preparation. Salarino: We have not spoke us yet of torch-bearers. Salanio: Tis vile, unless it may be quaintly order d And better in my mind, not undertook. 1. Besides Gratiano, Salarino and Salanio who else is present at the scene? Where does this scene take place? 2. What plan does Lorenzo suggest to the others? What are Lorenzo and his friends preparing for? 3. Who are torch bearers? Explain. What comment does Salanio make about the torchbearers? 4. A little later who enters the scene? With what does this person enter? What does he say? 5. What does Lorenzo remark on seeing the letter? 6. Where is Launcelot going? What message does Lorenzo give Launcelot and what does he say? 7. After Salarino and Salanio leave the scene, what question does Gratiano ask Lorenzo? What is Lorenzo s reply? 8. What does Lorenzo say about Shylock and Jessica at the end of the scene? 4 THE MERCHANT OF VENICE ACT II SCENE 5 Ref I Shylock: I am bid forth to supper, Jessica: There are my keys But wherefore should I go? 1. Besides Shylock and Jessica, who else is present at the scene? Where does this scene take place? Where is Shylock bid forth to supper ? 2. What change will Launcelot see when he works for Bassanio, according to Shylock? 3. What reasons does Shylock give for being invited by Bassanio to supper? Why is he not willing to go? Why does he accept the invitation? 4. How does Launcelot mock Shylock s superstitious beliefs? 5. What warning does Shylock give Jessica and why? 6. What does Shylock swear by and why? 7. What does Launcelot whisper to Jessica as he leaves? 8. Why does Shylock refer to Launcelot as Hagar s offspring ? 9. What does Shylock say about Launcelot to Jessica? Why is he glad to send him to Bassanio? 10. What is Shylock s parting instructions to Jessica? 11. What striking remark does Jessica make at the end of the scene? 5 THE MERCHANT OF VENICE ACT II SCENE 6 Ref. I Gratiano: This is the pent-house under which Lorenzo Desired us to make stand. Salarino: His hour is almost past. 1. For whom are Gratiano and Salarino waiting? Where are they waiting and why? Where does this scene take place? From where have they come? How are they dressed? 2. Why is Gratiano surprised that Lorenzo is late? 3. What does Salarino comment and what is his implication? 4. What is Gratiano s maxim? Explain. 5. What different comparisons does Gratiano illustrate to prove the truth of his maxim? 6. Just then, who enters the scene? What does he say to them? 7. Whom does Lorenzo call out to? From where does this person enter? In what manner? 8. What does Jessica say when she comes out? Why? 9. What does Jessica throw down to Lorenzo? What does she say about herself? 10. What does Lorenzo tell Jessica about the part she has to play that night? How does Jessica react on hearing this? What does she say? 11. What does Jessica plan to do before leaving? 12. What does Gratiano say about Jessica? 13. How does Lorenzo praise Jessica? 14. As they leave, whom does Gratiano meet? What does this person tell Gratiano? What is Gratiano s reply? 6 THE MERCHANT OF VENICE ACT II SCENE 7 Ref. I Portia:Go draw aside the curtains, and discover The several caskets to the noble prince. ---Now make your choice. 1. Who is the noble prince? Where does this scene take place? What choice is he about to make? 2. What were the exact words inscribed on each of the caskets? 3. What question does Morocco ask Portia after reading the three inscriptions? What reply does he get? 4. What are Morocco s reasons for rejecting the lead casket? 5. Why does Morocco reject the silver casket? 6. How does Morocco justify the inscription on the gold casket? 7. What arguments does Morocco give when choosing the golden casket? 8. What does Morocco see in the gold casket? 9. What is the writing on the scroll? 10. What was Morocco s reaction after reading the message of the scroll? 11. How does Portia convey her relief at Morocco s departure? 7 THE MERCHANT OF VENICE ACT II SCENE 8 Ref. I Salanio: I think he only loves the world for him. I pray thee, let us go and find him out, And quicken his embraced heaviness With some delight or other. 1. Who is Salanio speaking to? Where does this scene take place? Who does him refer to and what is the cause of this person s embraced heaviness ? 2. Give a detail account of how this person parted from his dear friend Bassanio? 3. At the opening of the scene, what information does Salarino give Salanio? 4. What news does Salanio give Salarino? What information does Salarino add to it? 5. How does Salanio describe Shylock s grief and rage, when he discovers that Jessica has eloped after robbing him, with Lorenzo? What comment does Salarino make? 6. What remark about Antonio does Salanio make? What does this remind Salarino of? 7. What does Salanio suggest they do? What remark about Antonio s nature does Salarino make? 8 THE MERCHANT OF VENICE ACT II SCENE 9 Ref. I Portia:To these injunctions every one doth swear That comes to hazard for my worthless self. Arragon: And so have I address d me. Fortune now To my heart s hope! 1. In what manner did Arragon enter the scene? Why is he here? Where does this scene take place? 2. What does Portia tell Arragon at the beginning, before he makes the choice? 3. What are the three conditions with which Arragon is enjoined by oath ? 4. Why does Arragon reject the lead casket? 5. What are Arragon s reasons for rejecting the gold casket? 6. How does Arragon explain the meaning of the inscription on the silver casket? Why does he choose it eventually? 7. What does he find on opening the silver casket? What is his reaction? 8. What is Portia s response to his reaction? 9. What is written in the scroll? 10. How does Arragon leave? 11. What does Portia say after he departs? What old proverb does Nerissa refer to? 12. Who enters the scene? What information does he give? 13. With what prayer, does Nerissa end the scene? 9

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