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ICSE Class IX Prelims 2025 : Computer Applications (Seventh-Day Adventist Higher Secondary School, Chennai) : prelims

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CLASS : 9 [ICSE] QUESTION -1 SEVENTH - DAY ADVENTIST SCHOOL REVISION EXAMINATION-2025 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS MARKS:100 SECTION - A [ATTEMPT ALL THE QUESTIONS] 1. What is the term that is used to represent hierarchical relationship of generalization? a. Polymorphism b. Encapsulation c. Abstraction d. Inheritance 2. Name the programming technique that implements programs as an organized collection of interactive objects. a. Procedure Oriented Programming b. Modular Programming c. Object Oriented Programming d. None of these 3. What was Java initially called? a Oak b. C c. C++ d. None of these 4. A Virtual Processor that is implemented in software and runs using the capabilities provided by your operating system and computer hardware. a. Byte Code b. Compiler c. Interpreter d. Java Virtual Machine(JVM) 5. Which among the following is a valid class name? a. Simple Interest b. SimpleInterest c. 1SimpleInterest d. Simple@Interest 6. If a method named show( ) is to be invoked using an object ob , which among the following is correct? a. ) b. c. show( ).ob d. None of these 7. Which among the following is not a Token? a. Keywords b. Literals c. Identifiers d. Data Type 8. Which among the following is not a primitive data type? a. int b. float c. String d. Char 9. Which among the following is a relational operator? a. + b. > c. * d. / 10. The member out object of the System class belongs to which class? a. System b. Print c. PrintStream d. Println 11. Which among the following forms of operators works with three operands? a. Unary b. Binary c. Ternary d. None of these 12. Which among the following is used to represent single-line comment? a . // b. /* c. \\ d. <! 13. What value will Math.sqrt(Math.ceil(8.1)) return? a. 9.0 b. 9 c. 3.0 d. 4.0 14. Which among the following function returns the absolute value of a number? a. Math.absoulute( ) b. Math.neutral( ) c. Math.abs( ) d. Math.positive( ) 15. An if statement inside another if statement is called _____________. a. Nested if b. Internal if c. Concentric if d. None of these 16. Which among the following relational operator is used to check for the equality between two quantities ? a. = b. == c. equals d. None of these 17. The conditional statement, can only test for equality, whereas can evaluate any type of Boolean expression. a. if, switch b. switch, if c. while, if d. if, while 18. What is an infinite loop? a. A loop that functions infinitely well b. A loop that runs forever c. A loop that never starts d. A loop that will never function 19. A type of loop when the loop executes atleast once even if the test expression evaluates to true a. For b. while c. do-while d. None of these 20. Which looping process checks the test condition at the end of the loop? a. for b. While c. do-while d. no looping process checks the test condition at the end QUESTION - 2 1. Convert the following segment into equivalence for loop. int i=0; while(i<=20) { System.out.print(i+ ); i++; } 2. Analyze the following program segment and determine how many times the body of loop will be executed x=5; y=50; while(x<=y) { y=y/x; System.out.println(y); } 3. What is the output of the following program: class Second { static void check() { int r, a=50, b=10; r=(a>45) ?a : b; System.out.print(r); }} 4. Rewrite the following program segment using if-else statements instead of the ternary operator. char grade=(mark>=90)? A : (mark>=80)? B : C ; 5. Rewrite the following using Ternary operator if (income < = 10000 ) tax = 0; else tax = 12; 3 2 6. ( + ) /ab 7. Math.ceil(-12.56) 8. State the value a, b and c after the execution of each of the following statements where a=12, b=13 and c=11: b+= --c + ++c + a++ + (b++); 9. What is the result stored in x, after evaluating the following expression? int x = 5; x = x++ *2 + 3 * x; 10. State the two kinds of data types. SECTION - B [60 MARKS] [ATTEMPT ANY 4] QUESTION 3 A library charges a fine for books returned late. Following are the fines: First five days : 40 paise per day. Six to Ten days : 65 paise per day. Above ten days : 80 paise per day. Design a program to calculate the fine assuming that a book is returned N days late. QUESTION 4 A cloth showroom has announced the following festival discounts on the purchase of items, based on the total cost of the items purchased: Total Cost Less than 2000 2001 to 5000 5001 to 10000 Above 10000 Discount (in Percentage) 5% 25% 35% 50% Write a program to input the total cost and compute and display the amount to be paid by the customer after availing the discount. QUESTION 5 Write a program to input an integer and check whether it is Harshad or Niven number or not. A number is said to be harshad if it is divisible by the sum of the digits of that number, Example: 126 => 1+2+6 =9 => 126/9=> remainder is 0 QUESTION 6 Write a menu driven program to find: a. Area of a rectangle, where length and breadth is taken as input.(Area=length *breadth) b. Area of a circle, where radius is taken as input.(Area= 22/7*radius2) QUESTION 7 Write a program to input an integer and check whether it is a magic number or not. A Magic number is such a number whose continous sum of the digits until it forms a single digit is 1. For example [55]=5+5=[10]=1+0=[1] , therefore 55 is a Magic Number. (Remember no loops is to be used). QUESTION 8 Write a program to input the principal, rate and time and find the Simple Interest. Simple Interest = principal*rate*time / 100

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