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CBSE Class 12 Board Exam 2015 : Sanskrit Elective

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SET-4 H$moS> Z . Series SSO Code No. amob Z . 49 narjmWu H$moS >H$mo C ma-nwp VH$m Ho$ _wI-n >na Ad ` {bIo & Roll No. Candidates must write the Code on the title page of the answer-book. H $n`m Om M H$a b| {H$ Bg Z-n _o _w{ V n > Z-n _| Xm{hZo hmW H$s Amoa {XE JE H$moS >Z ~a H$mo N>m C ma-nwp VH$m Ho$ _wI-n > > na {bI| & H $n`m Om M H$a b| {H$ Bg Z-n _| >12 Z h & H $n`m Z H$m C ma {bIZm ew $ H$aZo go nhbo, Z H$m H $_m H$ Ad ` {bI| & Bg Z-n H$mo n T>Zo Ho$ {bE 15 {_ZQ >H$m g_` {X`m J`m h & Z-n H$m {dVaU nydm _| 10.15 ~Oo {H$`m OmEJm & 10.15 ~Oo go 10.30 ~Oo VH$ N>m Ho$db Z-n H$mo n T>|Jo Am a Bg Ad{Y Ho$ Xm amZ do C ma-nwp VH$m na H$moB C ma Zht {bI|Jo & Please check that this question paper contains 12 printed pages. Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate. Please check that this question paper contains 12 questions. Please write down the Serial Number of the question before attempting it. 15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period. 12 h & g H $V_ (Eop N>H$_ ) SANSKRIT (Elective) g_`mo : hmoam `_ {ZYm [aV g_` : 3 K Q>o nyUm >m : 100 A{YH$V_ A H$ : 100 Time allowed : 3 hours 49 Maximum Marks : 100 1 P.T.O. {ZX}em : {ZX}e : Instructions : g Ho$Vm^mdo gd}fm ZmZm_w mam{U, g H $VoZ d boIZr`m{Z & Ohm g Ho$V Z hmo, dhm g^r Zm| Ho$ C ma g H $V _| hr {bI| & Answer all questions in Sanskrit, unless instructions are given otherwise. Ap _Z Zn o M dma I S>m gp V & Bg Z-n _| Mma I S> h & There are four sections in this question paper. I S> H$ An{R>Vm e Ad~moYZ_ (An{R>Vm e Ad~moYZ) SECTION A (Unseen Reading Comprehension) I S> I g H $VoZ aMZm _H$boIZ_ (g H $V _| aMZm _H$ boIZ) SECTION B (Writing Skills in Sanskrit) I S> J n{R>Vm e Ad~moYZ_ g H $Vgm{h ` ` n[aM` M (n{R>Vm e Ad~moYZ Ed g H $V gm{h ` n[aM`) SECTION C 15 A >m 15 A >m 40+10=50 A >m 20 A >m (Reading Comprehension and Introduction to History of Sanskrit Literature) I S> K N> Xmo@b >mam (N> X Ed Ab >ma) SECTION D (Metres and Figures of Speech) 49 2 I S > H$ (SECTION A) An{R>Vm e Ad~moYZ_ An{R>Vm e Ad~moYZ Unseen Reading Comprehension 1. 15 A >m AYmo{b{IV_ AZw N>oX ` n{R> dm X mmZ ZmZ g H $VoZ C maV : {Z Z{b{IV XmoZm| AZw N>oXm| H$mo n T>H$a {XE JE Zm| Ho$ C ma g H $V _| Xr{OE : Read the following two passages and answer the given questions in Sanskrit : (H$) W_ AZw N>oX gVV_ A `mg H $ dm Hw$ d { mfw {dO` m ` ew {M moZ Am _Xoe {V AJ ogaU_od Am `mp _H$mo WmZ ` gw T> gmonmZ_ Ap V & Am _Z: AZwg YmZoZ dH$s` ` dm^m{dH$ ` gmjm H$ma Ed ~ mh `m: p W{V: H$ `Vo & Ed M `{ $: ^d{V n[anyUm & Efm CXm Vm p W{V: nam^{ $: H$ `Vo & Zm (A) EH$nXoZ C maV & EH$ e X _| C ma Xr{OE & Answer in one word. (i) `{ $: H$s er ^d{V ? (ii) Ap V B{V {H $`m`m: H$V nX 1 2 {H$_ 2=1 ? (~) nyU dm `oZ C maV & nyU dm ` _| C ma Xr{OE & Answer in a complete sentence. nam^{ $: H$m H$ `Vo ? (g) `Wm{ZX}e_ C maV & `Wm{ZX}e C ma Xr{OE & 1 Answer as directed. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 49 2 {e{Wb_ A ` H$: n`m `: A `w $: ? namO`_ A ` {dbmo_nX {H$_ ? gmonmZ_ A ` {deofU {H$_ ? `{ $: A ` H $Vo H$m {H $`m A `w $m ? 3 2 4=2 P.T.O. (I) { Vr` AZw N>oX dm{_{ddoH$mZ XoZ H${WV_ ^`oZ X :Im{Z AmJ N>p V, ^`oZ _ `w: ^d{V ^`oZ Ed M Xmofm: C n Vo & ^`a{hV M[aV Vw {dn mm A{n _mJ Xe Z H$amo{V & ^`_ Ap V naV Vm & `Wm namYrZ: dV : ^{dVw nrS> Vo VW d ^`J V: mUr _Z{g `{WV: ^d{V & ^`oZ Or{dZ: OZm: EH$m{H${Z Am _mZ gmh{gZ H$W`p V, na `Xm Amd `H$Vm ^d{V gmhg Xe Z ` VXm BV VV: n `p V, _m Zm: dm ^dp V & Vofm _Z{g nm Z:nw `oZ Om` Vo {d{dYm: Zm: & Vo Am _mZ {Z Xp V & `Xm d` {~^r_: VXm _ `mo: AZw^d Hw$_ :, `Xm M gmhg Om`Vo _Z{g VXm Z Ho$db d`_ AmZp XVm ^dm_: na gdm : Cnb Yr: b Yw j_m_ho & `mdX d` ^{d `mX ^rVm: VmdX dV _mZ `W Hw$_ : & AV: ^`o@{n `o H$_ R>m: Vo Ed H$ ` Vo gmh{gH$m: & Zm (A) EH$nXoZ C maV & EH$ e X _| C ma Xr{OE & Answer in one word. 1 2=2 (i) Ho$ Am _mZ gmh{gH $ H$W`p V (ii) d` H$m b Yw j_m_ho ? (~) nyU dm `oZ C maV & nyU dm ` _| C ma Xr{OE & ? Answer in a complete sentence. 2 1=2 ^`oZ qH$ qH$ Om`Vo ? (g) `Wm{ZX}e_ C maV & `Wm{ZX}e C ma Xr{OE & Answer as directed. 1 4=4 Om` Vo A ` H$: n`m `: A `w $: ? (ii) {Z Xp V A ` H$V nX {H$_ ? (iii) OZm: A ` H $Vo H$m {H $`m A `w $m ? (iv) M[aV_ A ` {deofU {H$_ ? (X) A ` AZw N>oX ` H $Vo Cn`w $ erf H $ g H $VoZ {bIV & Bg AZw N>oX Ho$ {bE Cn`w $ erf H$ g H $V _| {b{IE & (i) Write a suitable title for this passage in Sanskrit. 49 4 2 I S > I (SECTION B) g H $VoZ aMZm _H$boIZ_ g H $V _| aMZm _H$ boIZ Writing Skills in Sanskrit 2. 15 A >m _ OyfmV C{MVg >oVmZ J hr dm AYmo{b{IVm H$Wm nya{` dm nwZ {bIV : _ Oyfm go C{MV g >oV boH$a {Z Z{b{IV H$Wm H$mo nyam H$a {b{IE : Complete and rewrite the following story, with the help of the words given in the box below : 1 10=10 H$Wm dm{_Zmo am_H $ Una_h g ` (i) ___________ EH$mo `moJr V {V B `m bw: A^dV > & EH$Xm g dm{_Z_ AY: H$Vw _ > V nm d} J dm >(ii) _____________ {H$_p V H$mo@{n M_ H$mamo ^d nm d} ? am_H $ Umo@dXV Ah Vw (iii) ______________ mUr & `moJr H${WVdmZ > ^dmZ > Obmon[a (iv) ______________ e Zmo{V {H$_ > ? Obo@MbZ > _m {V: A{n (v) _______________ Ab >`V & AVmo ^dmZ (vi) ___________ Obmon[a Mb & am_H $ U: `dXV Zmh EVV H$Vw _ j_: & na_o da EVX Zm{Xe{V V H$W (vii) _____________ B_ l_ H$[a `m{_ & `moJr C daoU `~ drV A Q>mXedfm {U Vn: V dm M_ H$ma{__ b YdmZ Ah_ & `mo{JZ: (viii) _____________ lw dm dm_r `wXVaV , ^dmZ A Q>mXedfm {U OrdZ d Wm AH$amoV , Ah Vw Zm{dHo$Z (ix) ___________ J Jm`m: nma J N>m{_ & qH$ ^dV: A Q>mXedfm Um_ CnmO Z Zm{dH$ ` nU `mX A{YH $ Ap V ? dm{_Zmo dMm {g lw dm `moJr (x) ___________ g OmV: & _ Oyfm M{bVw_ , g_w _ , A~ drV , nU `oZ, {Z Va:, n[ad{V Vw_ , Jdm}{ $_ , J m`m:, gm_m `:, `m `m & 3. _ OyfmV nXm{Z {M dm {Zdm MZ_ B{V {df`_ A{YH $ ` n M dm `m{Z g H $VoZ {bIV & _ Oyfm go nX MwZH$a MwZmd Bg {df` na g H $V _| nm M dm ` {b{IE & Write five sentences in Sanskrit describing Election with the help of the words given in the box below. 1 5=5 _ Oyfm ^maVo, JUV _ , amOZr{V Umbr, {Zdm {MV:, ^d{V, am Q >_ , Mmb`{V, YmZ_ r, bmoH$g^m`m:, am `g^m`m:, _ZmoZrV:, gdm {YH$g `m_ , Hw$d p V, `moJ_ , _Vm{YH$ma `, AY g `mV:, A{YH$_ & 49 5 P.T.O. I S > J (SECTION C) n{R>Vm e Ad~moYZ_ g H $Vgm{h ` ` n[aM` M n{R>Vm e Ad~moYZ Ed g H $V gm{h ` n[aM` Reading Comprehension and Introduction to History of Sanskrit Literature 4. 40+10=50 A >m AYmo{b{IV n , J m e , ZmQ >`m e M n{R> dm X m ZmZ g H $VoZ C maV : {Z Z{b{IV n , J m e Ed ZmQ >`m e H$mo n T>H$a {XE JE Zm| Ho$ C ma g H $V _| Xr{OE : Read the following poetry, prose and drama passages and answer the given questions in Sanskrit : (H$) n _ nmnm{ dma`{V `moO`Vo {hVm` Jw {ZJyh{V JwUmZ H$Q>rH$amo{V & AmnX JV M Z Ohm{V XXm{V H$mbo gp _ bjU{_X dXp V g V: && Zm (A) EH$nXoZ C maV & EH$ e X _| C ma Xr{OE & 1 Answer in one word. (i) qH$ {hVm` `moO`Vo ? (ii) gIm H$mZ H$Q>rH$amo{V ? 2 2=1 (~) nyU dm `oZ C maV & nyU dm ` _| C ma Xr{OE & Answer in a complete sentence. 2 g V: gp _ bjU qH$ dXp V ? (g) `Wm{ZX}e_ C maV & `Wm{ZX}e C ma Xr{OE & 1 2=2 Answer as directed. (i) (ii) 49 H$Q>rH$amo{V A ` H$V nX {H$_ nw `mV A ` {dbmo_nX {H$_ ? 6 ? (I) J m e _mgmo@`_mfmT>:, Ap V M gm` g_`:, A V {OJ{_fw: ^JdmZ ^m H$a:, A Udm[admhmZm_ A ` Va {d Q>: & H$b{d m MmQ>H $a V : n[anyU}fw ZrS>ofw {V{ZdV Vo & dZm{Z {VjU_{YH$m{YH$m `m_bVm H$b`p V & AW AH$ _mV n[aVmo _oK_mbm nd VloUrd mX a^yV & AW ^`mZH$mH$mam (am{ :) g_ V JJZVb n` N>XrV & Zm (A) EH$nXoZ C maV & EH$ e X _| C ma Xr{OE & 1 Answer in one word. (i) (ii) 2 ZrS>m: H $: n[anyUm : AmgZ ? H$m{Z `m_bVm H$b`p V ? 2=1 (~) nyU dm `oZ C maV & nyU dm ` _| C ma Xr{OE & Answer in a complete sentence. AH$ _mV H$m mX a^yV 2 ? (g) `Wm{ZX}e_ C maV & `Wm{ZX}e C ma Xr{OE & 1 2=2 Answer as directed. (i) (ii) (J) 49 ~{h: A ` {dbmo_nX {H$_ ? {d Q>: A ` H$V nX {H$_ ? ZmQ >`m e bd (g n h_m _JV_ ) A d_oY B{V Zm_ {d d{dO{`Zm j{ `mUm_yO db: gd j n[a^mdr _hmZ C H$f {ZH$f: & (Zon `o) `mo@`_ d: nVmHo$`_Wdm draKmofUm & g VbmoH $H$dra ` XeH$ R>Hw$b{ f: && bd ~Q>d bd (gJd _ ) Ahmo g XrnZm `jam{U & {H$_w `Vo ? mk: Ibw Hw$_ma: & ^mo: ^mo: & Vp H$_j{ `m n {Wdr (Zon `o) ao ao _hmamO {V H$: j{ `: ? 7 ? `Xod_wX Kmo `Vo ? P.T.O. Zm (A) EH$nXoZ C maV & EH$ e X _| C ma Xr{OE & 1 Answer in one word. (i) _hmZ C H$f {ZH$f: H$: ? (ii) Hw$_ma: H$s e: ? 2 2=1 (~) nyU dm `oZ C maV & nyU dm ` _| C ma Xr{OE & Answer in a complete sentence. 2 draKmofUm H$ ` Ap V ? (g) `Wm{ZX}e_ C maV & `Wm{ZX}e C ma Xr{OE & 1 2=2 Answer as directed. (i) (ii) 5. Aj{ `m H$m ? amdU: A ` H$: n`m `: ? e XmWm Z _ob{` dm {bIV & e Xm| H$m AWm] go {_bmZ H$s{OE Ed {b{IE & Match the words with their meanings and rewrite the same. e Xm (A) E{h (~) {Ze ` (g) H$m VwH$_ (X) Vmo{fV: & 6. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) AWm gm{XV: AmJ N> lw dm Am M` _ & 2 4=2 aoIm{ >VnXm{Z AmY ` Z{Z_m U Hw$ V & aoIm{ >V nXm| Ho$ AmYma na Z-{Z_m U H$s{OE & Frame questions on the basis of underlined words. 49 1 (i) EVXod gw Xmo bjU_ & (ii) {ep n{^: _Zmoha: _ S>n: H$m[aV: & (iii) {dX fm H$m` : ` Zmo _hmZ & (iv) g {g{ _mp WVm OZH$mX`: & 8 1 4=4 7. AYmo{b{IV^mdmW `mo [a $ WmZny{V _ OyfmnXghm`V`m Hw$ V : {Z Z{b{IV XmoZm| ^mdmWm] _| _ Oyfm _| {XE JE e Xm| H$s ghm`Vm go [a $ WmZm| H$s ny{V H$s{OE : Fill in the blanks in the following two explanations with the help of the 1 words given in the box : 12=6 2 (A) Z H$_ Um_Zma ^m H$ ` nw fmo@ ZwVo & Z M g `gZmXod {gq g_{YJ N>{V && ^mdmW `mo OZ: nyU V`m (i) ___________ H$Vw Z (ii) ____________ `mo dm {Z \$bVm (iii) ___________ _ dm H$_ H$amo{V Ed Z, EVm (iv) ______________ Ed OrdZo (v) _____________ A{n g\$bVm Z (vi) ____________ & (~) Cnm{O VmZm {d mmZm `mJ Ed {h ajU_ & VQ>mH$moXag WmZm nardmh Bdm ^gm_ && ^mdmW `Wm H$p _Z A{n (i) _______________ Ob gr Z: (ii) ______________ ^d{V V{h (iii) __________________ Ob {Z H$mg{`V ` (iv) _______________ VW d OZ ` (v) _________________ Cnm{O V{d m ` (vi) _____________ Ed A{Zdm` : & _ Oyfm _Z{g, m , Obme`o, `mJ:, OrdZo, V _mV , H$_ , Ama^Vo, H$W_ , A{YJ N>V:, A{YH$_ , ^d{V & 8. AYmo{b{IV`mo bmoH$`mo A d``mo: [a $ WmZny{V Hw$ V : {Z Z{b{IV XmoZm| bmoH$m| Ho$ A d`m| _| [a $ WmZm| H$s ny{V H$s{OE : Fill in the blanks in the following prose-order-renderings of the two 1 1 verses : 1 +1 =3 2 (A) Hw$d odoh H$_m {U {OOr{dfo N>V g_m: & Ed d{` Zm `WoVmo@p V Z H$_ {b `Vo Zao && A d` Bh H$_m {U (i) ____________ Ed eV g_m: {OOr{dfoV & Ed (ii) __________ A `Wm BV: Z Ap V Z (M) Zao H$_ (iii) ___________ & 49 9 2 P.T.O. {Z`V Hw$ H$_ d H$_ `m`mo H$_ U: & eara`m m{n M Vo Z {g `oXH$_ U: && A d` d {Z`V (i) _____________ Hw$ {h (ii) ______________ H$_ `m`: & AH$_ U: M Vo eara`m m A{n Z (iii) ______________ & `Wm{ZX}e_ C maV & `Wm{ZX}e C ma Xr{OE & (~) 9. Answer as directed. (A) H$V nX {H $`mnX M {MZwV & H$Vm Ed {H $`mnX Mw{ZE & Select the subject and the verb. (i) amOm EH$Xm d_Z{g A{M V`V (ii) (~) 1 2 & Ah _mJ} AJ gamo ^dm{_ & {deofUnX {MZwV & {deofU nX Mw{ZE & 1 2=2 Select the adjective. (i) (ii) (g) 4=2 dmbm nyd M S>V_m AmgrV & {hVmYmam{n H$admbmH$mam H y$amH$mam {g m bmoHo$fw & AYmo{b{IVn { $fw aoIm{ >Vgd Zm_nXo H$m `m `w o$ ? {Z Z{b{IV n { $`m| _| aoIm{ >V gd Zm_ nX {H$ZHo$ {bE `w $ h E h ? In the following lines for whom are the underlined pronouns used ? 1 2=2 (i) (ii) (X) Ed {dY`m{n MmZ`m H$W_{n X ddeoZ n[aJ hrVm: & {dH $_oUm@ _mZm mVw o{fV d_ & AYmo{b{IVn { $ `m A nm VWm drHw$d p V B{V nX`mo g_mZmW Ho$ nXo {M dm {bIV : {Z Z{b{IV n { $`m| _| go Wmo S>o VWm drH$maVo h nXm| Ho$ g_mZmW H$ nX MwZH$a {b{IE : Select and write the synonyms of the words A nm: and drHw$d p V 1 2=2 from the following lines : (i) d UVo {h {d_ `H$m[aU_ & (ii) {dabm {h Vofm_wnXo Q>ma: && 49 10 (`) H$ H $ H$W`{V ? H$m Z {H$gH$mo H$h ahm h ? Who is saying this to whom ? (i) (ii) 10. 1 2 An[aUm_mone_mo Xm Umo b _r_X: & A_ b{_d Cn Zp V {d dmg_ & (A) AYmo{b{IVboIH$mZm_ H$ `m{n EH$ ` H$m ` ` Zm_ {bIV {Z Z{b{IV boIH$m| Ho$ {H$gr EH$ H$m ` H$m Zm_ {b{IE : 4=2 : Write the name of any one work of each of the following poets : 1 5=5 Xmam{eH$moh:, ^V h[a:, frHo$emo ^ >mMm` :, ^ma{d:, Ap ~H$mX m `mg: & (~) AYmo{b{IVaMZmZm boIH$mZm Zm_m{Z {bIV : {Z Z{b{IV aMZmAm| Ho$ boIH$m| Ho$ Zm_ {b{IE : Write the names of the authors of the following works : 1 5=5 ~ Ynm[aOmV:, H$mX ~ar, nmfmUr H$ `m, gm X` bhar, Mm X m_ & I S > K (SECTION D) N> Xmo@b >mam N> X Ed Ab >ma Metres and Figures of Speech 11. A >m (A) ZmZ C maV & Zm| Ho$ C ma Xr{OE & Answer the questions. (i) (ii) (~) 1 2=2 am_: A _: B{V bKw: Jw : dm `JU ` d $n {bIV & ? AYmo{b{IVn[a^mfm nya`V : {Z Z{b{IV n[a^mfmAm| H$mo nyam H$s{OE : Complete the following definitions : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 49 10+10=20 1 4=4 `mX ___________ `{X Vm OJm J: & C $m dg V{VbH$m ___________ & OVm Vw d e W_wXr[aV ___________ & ZZ_```wVo` ___________ bmoH $: & 11 P.T.O. (g) AYmo{b{IVn > `mo: qH$$qH$ N> X ? {Z Z{b{IV n { $`m| _| H$m Z H$m Z-gm N> X h ? What is the metre in the following lines ? 1 2=2 n Mm nw N> dh{V {dnwb V YyZmo `O _ & (ii) eara_m oU Zao {V R>Z & (i) (X) EH$ ` N> Xg CXmhaU {bIV : EH$ N> X H$m CXmhaU {b{IE : Write an example of any one of the metres : 2 AZw Qw>n , emX b{dH $s{ S>V_ & 12. (A) H$ `{MXoH$ ` e Xmb >ma ` gmoXmhaU bjU {bIV : {H$gr EH$ e Xmb H$ma H$m gmoXmhaU bjU {b{IE : Write the definition and example of any one of the figures of speech : 3 AZw mg:, bof: & (~) Ho$db_oH$ ` AWm b >ma ` bjU_wXmhaU M {bIV : Ho$db EH$ AWm b >ma H$m bjU Ed CXmhaU {b{IE : Define and illustrate any one of the figures of speech : $nH$_ , AWm Va `mg: & (g) 1 2 2 AYmoX mn `mo: Ab >ma {Z{X eV : {Z Z{b{IV n { $`m| _| Ab >ma H$m {ZX}e H$s{OE : Indicate the figure of speech in the following lines : (i) (ii) (X) 1 1 +1 =3 1 2=2 {ZO {X {dH$g V: gp V g V: {H$` V: & mo r Vo ^dZo M Hy$nIZZ `w _: H$s e: ? AYmo{b{IVn[a^mfm ` nya`V : {Z Z{b{IV XmoZmo n[a^mfmAm| H$mo nyU H$s{OE : Complete the following definitions of the two figures of speech : 1 2=2 (i) g `W} n WJWm `m: ________________ & ______________________________ && (ii) 49 ^do g ^mdZmo ojm ________________ & 12 500

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