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CBSE Class XII 2014 : SANSKRIT (Core)

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---)_ --: ::::-" 22lt Series : OSR/I 5f,{-glkF6r s'5s-Y66 .R ord{c t Candidates must write the Code on the title page olthe answer-book. +{i. ful Roll No. . . . . o s-{d fu ss c5-'rrt lkn gv tz t srt-q,{ i[ srfdi ae{ +1 oth-fss'ts ots'nq{6} wd Efl-gk-fl *.1u-pwffi gT +eia+T iilovqnfi-qdil 16qr+t I qf{ET fcis'sr{{qfil} Etr.IT sFIEETlilksnTYJF's.r+*qcd, Fqqr qlq r r E e{=r-l7 d'!-di +tds isqr qdrn r 10.15 qq t or iocrur Tsr(rr ]+ 10.15 4i 10.30 qq ds Erd #*o vl-t-qz ei Gi 3t{E 3{-qfr{ + qt{H sd{15 gfw+rwottrtrrfiledti o . . o o r ifficqI qqq kqr rrcr t t c-5-rrd i r Please check that this question paper contains 12 printed pages. Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate. Please check that this question paper contains 16 questions. Please write down the Serial Number of the question betbre attempting it. 15 minutes time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period. {W(*fr*,a SANSKRIT (Core) I VUrfsqr: " 1oo 1 etftiaat:ir : loo aqftt:dtzcql fielfrnaca:si+t fMaximwn marks : 100 Timeallowed:jhoursJ fr{sr: : ae.+avd adqi vfiHryffifrr @)* dafrwh qai ss a'#a rd d *r rar s-ga C a?' s?&(r t r Answer the questions in Sanskrit only unless stated otheru'ise. Aqzffi pq? r;n amrrr fl ,rf o-ar_gniffir C frd r fiTfor yqs +dqrq sttgfu1q qq t Answers should be written only in the separate answer-book provided. sqfuq gTaq) E?ar: aagr: Wvvqctlars"ct There are 22n gfu t t four sections in this question paper. I lP.r.(). {9u9: SSection ]IIITT. oTcfudi{r - A ]iI {iqAr rqtticssd\ gfqn r+tre+. *rd; srs6l: 15 Et-+6t: (Sanskrit Writing Skills) 3{qgffiqrs{qn (oqcTff qrs{ul) :T 30 3fg:EFI: (Applied Grammar) Section C Er9: 10 ) (Unseen Reading Comprehension) Section B El-9: sr-{cll{rq (stqkdiqr.- i-e-qltr{ { qrrr r 3rsdqrlFfu-dia ckf,iyr - sffiqlqq) PART I- Reading Comprehension Section D srTrr rr 35 3rs6r: {iq-ilsrlEqql{qc: Cqmqtga{IPd-e'-qfoqqt -qTrnq. PART II t0 srqol: General Introduction to Sanskrit Literature - EITg: 6"(SECTION A) 10 Ag...Er: srqBflilT- orsqts-r\ qqfudsr- swdiq{ Unseen Reading Comprehension t. srqlfukirrflici cbqr tr{a-cfiHrc Ea{rfrTti*?-}rftE-f, , ffirfun {si{T sT q-d-srn-(a lyit +En-{{q.d it tdfuq Read the lollorving passage and answer the given questions in Sanskrit : trgiYt, q ffi srwr+r: *rt+qrs: qrq'a{Tqqr1 wl{{tikr: dcgTslt s<r: ordE yfrf(fii 1{: qSaMTrFEqq tTqlfr r ner( qqnolgreEctE C+. grrd sqft-qrrs qlqrd 6rtid q qr qsfu r kf,hi +dfrqnlpffi sfuflq I 1rrrfl (f,: dEii f,q 3qgrq sr+cq qq ,It trqd qor, "lI{d.Eqqr eotg<r' <rq1 qanfo r,' *rt*qrs: fq-+raqr T*, 3rqr{d srd. sffiq(- "3rd E dk+'t"ii {trq: erfo, usqenign: sdFqEfi-"qirt< sfoflq sr re-q s-*i s-gP{r gfu: vgig r eerrrv q-{rq Eri qrn r" strfuqTvs Rtrrqzi qH Sqdr ,ie] iirlkr.F: q rl e eqsq I r ![FI[: (sD \-sci{ Ttr{d I 1x r c.6Ylqii srRfliss I Ansu,er in one u,ord. (i) Eaqfu qrrr q-sfr (ii) ftkffiH Mor: qq1s@frll z ? (iii) fifdqw: qfrk{q tofiTqifr rq r (iv) +qyrR q-d(qtq"i #&-cTqR t 22tl 4:2 {olqtd{ffird Wtqwit Errqlfuq C9 1x2-2 I I Answer in a complete sentence. (i) (ii) cst {tq-{rurr{ Me.l5-n, fuqplqqqsflfl: I {frqT{: 4d.EUtTfl: <tElexqPlq(? qrnfrtqlqsffa 7x4=4 r fitqTr{srs'f,{{ftq't Answer as directed. (i)'qlffi{ Efr rrffi Hwrq-qfutt (ii)'ftqffr s' Eftt fuqTcEq Fdl.qtd{? (iii) '3{8rq:'gfuq(ss. fumrq 3{itrTff: ? (iv)'e6t' ft w+aPr4** sTnq? CO srldce yA ecT*i Yfr{dt@a frqd w 3r-1-dE + fus tscgn {fr{-rriqf, ii fufuq er-e Write a suitable t t title for this passage in Sanskrit. EF'B: ET (SECTION B) 15 a6..E6I: riq-+{rqflffiffitq {qaru-trooa;r{ Sanskrit Writing Skills 2. I r-SrqE{r6TAcfuiqfr *qqrfllcr: er+dt$flqislrifldq( ,x l0=5 * er+sr w qqsl if ftq' gq srst 4t sdq-d, t fir* et v}r6qa1 qr 66o, with the help of the words given in the box write a letter of Greetings to your friend on t ffi the occasion of Dipevali. q (i) &q lqr tiD _ (iii) _ yrq: I s]. oEfltlrt 3{6( (v) Hqr Sfl?WqIqK: (iv) q{ ir*-a+tq-t (vD qFrfl(vii) <iqqTf,Tqr' r erflt{dsrsq(viiD aH: gc{q: qm qHra{q $rn1 r erd( qfreil-ql: rERUIkt iqi qEFtI 6ziqfugqYlwiqiWqrfu g6 3-dclFl e+rr< (ix) I | s{q-at qq iH 3tilTqr( f,q srlil{flq:, r (x) rr,c. {-*vt:,;.RFM wgfrffi 22lt 1 o*h*fr".ft**nHufr, srsqei,, t ffin', {ftq-e, cfiHfur, ', IP.T.O. 3 qru.rtr{a{I<Hi q-ilq'dql 3rqlkfisdrqi eSoen<i ft-mP{l{If{ Yd{dT sPli ft: f,ou< q-sqq1 ii vtst +t mrcnr t fiTqkfu-f, nTsql it fuff {rit o1 Xft er : } x r0 = 5 6ea1 a} 5t; tutuq: Fill in the blanks of the following shorl story with the help of the words given in the box below and rewrite the same r6stt q-s-m?t: (iv) e+r<: : iii; r [ffr: a'({cltru<I l (v) .- Tr({i (i) ewfr _ v-fffiqqr: (vii) eI{q;m}: (ix) (iii) T,({rqs{nrTHr or1fr 3rnfl+i sFTii (vi) *-ak t{4: l4F{d: q{<r: trtn: tviii) 1 31zi r 1x) I {qsr q, +. dt-q rz(:, 3rTlrq{iq, nw, uSlmor, drcrqq. flgnr1-exjfr -vr+d -r5fr' - erf, qs, eTr+FiA t I : 1x5 5 Efr ftqqq orftFilc'i'i$ta rrqqT it fdfq-d qqi *1 var+ar 6qtqzur:' lqqq +r qoh qi-q r+qo qr*ii it qifqq t With the help of the words given in the box below write a paragraph on 'q11q*rr:' in Sanskrit in five sentences. q-*rqifeflqoq<qimrqnqrqq{qaqr-d5'qtT{R:' t Tqsr S"qq, Si vrflq m:,, gs{r,,.nq:, ETU : TT cisq {*l;tt:, (SECTION qr+, osrfr C) r 30 gG:E6t: er{rgffiqls,{q( qlEIffiqrd6rul Applied Grammar 5. sitrlfrfisf,qTdgfuft-.s-d-Ir(Hiqftr+(lp-5d: qT+ii it teifu-o l-qi 6I HftrdE dfuq : Disjoin Sandhis in the underlined words of the following sentences qk{rqkfu E+, ? frlqfuk( (i) (ii) a-flqfr af,iritrlfiry'{-i (iiD si5fi-q-dffiq: qfrfuc: I (iv; futsfreoair+: (v) 1vi; t t 3rcqqsvz6'I$ g+siq{-{d}qfrffiiffi sTaddfu{t vri: orH Yqiqrqr\ t t : 7x6=6 o. edftfisf,srdg ftrqftrfim fuq-o, : dqr: qwi ti teifo-a scm qdt i- furr kfuq 1x6=6 : Expound the underlined words of the following sentences (i) qro-fisTt3i-dkdq.Ee$rn: Vdrn: qr 1 (ii) {fuT"+ft-+ q(: (iii) @lt-s: qeq#(: elfir+qqqdra: fqR{' qr{irnqfr r r | (vD !-q.iksremT*Eqffi z. | I (iv) qrlmiftefrffiaq (v) : r adfetrigqtdgsMrd-u-ffrffidqlqffiirerftmenafrgr+f, . I x8=8 FIErkfun qrdi it 6lqqt+ sr-<,td ryfr * qrq frfrq e-i{q 6i qtgffi'ft-ff prr+ s"r fi +1fuq, Fill in the blanks in the following sentences by adding suffixes to the roots and words given in the brackets : (i) q-oerqlfrF{. r Flq + qO (iD HEq;a1sryrq_ qffi (iii) eqrfueqs_6{utrqT r r (sd(+ dqe (q + *g + fm1 (iv) vprqqqfrKqr ffitg+r1+ffiI) (v) 31-6c-q-rrft (vi) (IIIFFI{I: jrrFkf: _ (vii) qcerdfrfit: (viii) s. RBII: {sri r gfifuq-fl i( {: _ !q1e$r+ri - I Cs'q + yIFIq) -; E11 f6q fnfs 1 6q 1 amlq r 6srm + aq1 fuqf,r[: ottifenrdg qidg 6{1iuqtc(d: s{Fqfr: frqfufu-o qr+it tf +-dl qii 61 erfufr dfqq ffii vra: nl{tfomqEfiilEk : 5 : I I $orq*: wi: rrwgur+q+rq$7To-qi (u) vetqq-qkrqqfr 1 r srsri[r / 22ll 5 r q{ft, go{' qflq{d/qfrqrf,. (iii) fuqer+olfutirr{qr rdgq: (iv) x : Write the suitable verbs according to the subject in the following sentences (r) (ii) 1 oR 5 I P.T.O. Hqunfr +qrd : I x5=5 ii frrqimfu'dqTdt ffiii +{p{qEqqTt Hsrrrqto] ql&q. Add the appropriate adjectives from the box, with their qualifying nouns in the qdfufi$Ag qrdg q-6q-qqq1. ffiQ. lollowing sentences : qffif{t (r) qq _ (ii) niq_qfu, (iii) (iv) (v) qq cq tffiq rqr sd-q oifr EE{T qE{ I qu'.qurivr+* 3-tn an-+r r _ Bflqcr;il: ffi r I I rrqsr ieqT{, ltlqilri, erftrtfua:, sfler"i, +ffiori r q. qtnfrffiSqT-dgffi R-d-sqTfiileqtrru-gwtmernrfrgrlr: I x 5=5 Mefu-er qr+it d etem tt lqq,rs vlqi ii tvg6 6'rk qt e+rr Ei- ft-n e{rii +1 tfr Sfrq Fill in the blanks using appropriate case-endings feuGq wlth the words given in the : brackets in the lollowing sentences (i) nsti (ii) fih (iii) f,ffiQ safta qq: 3Tt GRrdo sd+iti _ 0rol _av: 1 r eri rrerfu rTqifr I (iv) { (iO -=- (v) : +ivJ1i r r EtUg: ET (SECTION qFT D) 35 sr.SST: -I PART_I cF6diyr-we-dtq qftfivr- iwqlq{ Reading Comprehension 10. q-nfuki qzi Tqiyi, aryiyi q ck r nqqftnqnllq{q-ta r+ro trefrko qa, rrsi{r dp{r qrcqiyT +t qe+'r eq rR 3Trqrfrd vrit trm- vq-a ii {fus : : Read the following poetry, prose and drama passages and answer the questions based on them in Sanskrit : fs.) qq: 3{:|<RFul|{gq{zl, ft{a }+'qffifrqrd1 r q6'rl6qdI,| FilTA, Frrrqffi: mkqrcF. l ![FTT: (S qdcirstr{a I ;x2=r r C6{tqdsrRdfsS r Answer in one word. (i) 3Fl<RrtgllH o: (iD rJq{FqqrA C{) WfqT*{s{rf, s: etk f ffi ? I WiqrfliiEf,{qifqq 1 Answer in a complete sentence. kiiss*)qrqmfr C{I) q,-ilfrtflREircd Tqkpr ? I fiivqunsrr<lfsq r Answer as directed. (i)'fu$ffi'qftrfuqrq<q'Fdqifuqr (ii) 'q{s'fuffiqq-qq'srd I + j 2 (iiD '{T6:'31s5' ffi'? (iv) (9 '3{r-flFrqlt{s q{q' I .qFr' 31;r sfr'r-+4qrq sT+ r{ffi1? I trflivl 'tr n rr rfq r rqqi qo cfu{rfr, ild s-+qc- | 31er Fr rqea*w 9T;tt (q) ii fi{qzi va qffia 1 erq yqri t. {ce-fltqfil n(st fifu +aq t,, sfiFrdfutr-d'r trwr<) srawrqq effiiga.aqlffir {'6 r-r T qr+ki : \rsci{5rrta I I q-+.{rqdgf,{flfsq ,x2=l r Answer in one word. (i) fufirfeni*oq r (iD q-dq-qifrF{. tE: e*rm]flqd: ? 69 Wffiqw-fi r Wiqrqiietrc<lisq 1 r Answer in a complete sentence. $qfiqlas5ft1q6) r 22lt 7 lP.T.O. c{I) qe{fi{t{rqstrff, r frtvrqsnfir{fqs r Answer as directed. (,'rretfo' erst: (ii) '{tqq 31s6 I , E-dqitq? ffi ! ) r I (iiD 'qrq{' ersfii;ffiq-qq z (iv)'ftrq?Tq' qsffiquif6q r I (rr) q{q1 fr'w*q) $ ErftFi{s-q qrc qtk+: $q{q q-cIfKr{ rqn efrqrj {<q{ | qrin ffi+rds, {ildqs{ds q}oF{IqtcTq gqlI{f, {quH5zt<frfl{ls, t @ Cfid EEtqei stflrfrr" n 3r5ffi fsqq I rJurrsfls E 55qs t <rosrd{ qq 9'!I;IT: 1w) \rsci{s{ad l"z=r t \rdqqii Eff{frq r Answer in one word. (i) (ii) ssEfufl{q' 1quftq; r c i fqzi s: a er1vffi 1q; qffiq3-trrd ryter.wrirur{fuv z t r Answer in a complete sentence. C$ src{trssftF{rq: et{{I, q$n: qe{frforqtirrd ? I frivrqsrcf,{{fss t Answer as directed. (iD 'Er$umq srsk*eifuqz I I ) 3rsffifls{? I (i) 'sfuTft'srssiiqifu{? (iiD '{qa{ (ir) 22/l 'fuqnr'' ers 6 qqiq' 1 r 1 8 u. qqfrfuierrq3.r.a t{i{rTsrfi c{=ii I 2+z=4 *rw {fqs l Answer both the questions as directed. (D 'karraq: {r1u5iufu-ur1: t, srs{<rfn;e{. dqtr: qtr: (iD 'E{qlq-+dr+q Bq-sfl u-d'-+. siYr $ ? eeru qfr e-ft', Eqi riFim +'r oi qerqfr z +leS Rq rlS *{ rriil.rt ii t gq rnarl q1 qq+ o-r fufug r Pick out and write the correct one out of the three explanations given of each of the following lines : (sr)'eeiqccfl{ueT(fiiggd.q r qErteri: (i) (i, <frfu elsfr <ft-<reeryqi *isfr qr+q. qq. rrqln qo 6i q qrqfr { T{: Edq: r (iii) C$ sfudw{Pr-c'ir1w, '+W: qqq affi en*fffi I r r' qrErqi, (i) {4:n-flyiffi (iD rlrdkqnTq-ffi I | (iiD qS: eqftis-fl{iffi r qqEr/oR qtlifufun-srrsgwiiqqretq-j{qrq-{dq+: gfuergt. ice-a. I x4-4 ffilud r{+fcS.rCqed s} {.{qr ti F<'rSqqt d.{"t s{g: fufu( Complete the central idea of the given verse with the words given in the box : below and rewrite the same. "3i-{F{. yJqFilrrr*rfrr, aritvfqqfr Ek, srfilqql q 5orer, qa. q-+{ yJTafu rrrsrd: -_ erFTri +d: erkv<r v5<: qr+A E=irrqfr, _ 1 ilil r 1" q gk' qfr:r _, q s qrm+{ 1;gqfr \r{+q _ snerr r cqsr rFI:, qrurd, HfrTTrq. 22lt q+t I lP.T.O. 13. qdfrfuTsr-dt'+-rq{ds666{rrs{vrer: ftmsn$fer iout 36ari 5+: : !"t= o tffifrfig-d qt r-ddt fi ftqrq srazit ii lrqqr +'q-(i t flrdffi m1ft o-t sr<<;n} ga' fufus, The prose order renderings of the following two verses have been given below. Fill in the blanks from the words given in the box and rewrite the same : (Dq. crr{ffi qtqr+d +qs{ ru(sftIorq$+ {Fmri gorri eg t t" "qr{qw{q 1 stEf{: fivqqwe gqlO q+(iur{-- {frq I: gwr+ {fui t - (iD qq. 'ft+n fugd q-ck qni o-d q cc gE<': mtcr r+anr<: ct& 5i nqae ucn*i t t r qi?rq: oX61 i+*n, d(trgguTl-o{i reFnqnim{q-qqqfr I -la5dq-ik EsiIqT EIg, cr{, 3IFR:, ct:, q-*o: lttrE g6(:, <lHurqrsd '*' - eers qrwivmi 'q' - 5n1s qrqit 14. qqlfufis-flqi iaqr: tTqFf,fua 'q" mnr *- qrqivil sI 'EI' I ve erPisq+f,;i Eer qrffilc 51, lx4=4 Rq + eiflffi + RM {rPt+. fr'mn or qr+ii ei 5c' frfisq: Match the following sentences of the column 'm' with the suitable sentences of column ' ' and rewrite the same : (o (D (q) qtuqq (i) 5-dk (ii) T+i (ii) {sri1 (iii) wdr (iii) (iv) get: 22fi I erun' (iv) $FII 10 I I 5. qdfuffig qd5 tqrts-.sdflqrii n{GTTr$R qtffiq if,q( stq fu r : I x4: 4 qr*it tt yrq} +eTi,rTqRqlf{. st"t lasr.frfuq : Select and write the appropriate meanings of the underlined words according to the ffiefoo context : (31) ,,31sra (i) _ qtr*qq.ssd; amrar (ii) ffiq (iii) C$ t" r r rrqfu'{q'l "q<rqftlTr Tfu Ytrd fir.i-{ r' (i) Ttr (ii) q-+{ (iii) eitr-+ Cg) 'lrrtfu+: qtttftiqr l" I (i) (ii) ftrd{q (iii) O lqufr: Brflur: t 'qsqs{Frkiq{f,r (i) sftrir( (ii) rnl (iii) r Trdl I r EIo : Et (SECTION D) 10 erq.or qrt- II PART-II HFITiI:IiT5?rfi IFf, cflrqc: qrqrel{q.ilqrkf,-qft-qq General Introduction to Sanskrit Literature . 16. (er) q"ifufisa'ysiqr+6Tq{frrw.qirqc.{q-Andrcq. fiqfrfuc tt t ffi \16. . sr {RrH ckEq (.'q-d it ftifuq s : Write a brief note on any one of the following in Sanskrit EElfltrql{:, r{Rfu:, lE{trcr(fl: : I qqEr/oR 22n 11 [P.T.O. qlnftfuig c-qsrcEs{qiqr ft-mermfr Xkgt ${: fuuo tTqkfisd it q-qqr &qsi ft1R-6lrdl t ftffi {ril ft1ffr |,ro=s : 6tf{; frfu( : the Fill in the blanks in the following, using the words from the box and rewrite same : (i) rrros eTREi (ii) (iii) (iv) q-qfu era:gqerfusffi erq+t: n-6{oi 59tFFr(C;: s-sFf, (vii) {-filsrss+qdF: (viii) ar$-*q (ix) HERTqRT.FFI (x) qkr sffit 6P4A I rrqfla t FqsI o-q+1, sYr, ar'drn qqt, n"s{, {*{q rtrq' 'ErusEFrarF{' .F'r 6t oftqqfEI*sf,I' ffi riq'tlkqa LyT qr<1' I t ic Poetry in Sanskrit' t2 frffq{f,:' {it{R: t dq Hq-droii ei rtq'o ti fufuq Write any liVe characteristics of 22tl t t Qftffifir+l'rgre-iT 'Er0-s!6pr' t vfrq qqfu t (vi) wir*rt erqlfq-dr, r rrqfr t{: (v) tr* cq) rrqk | --a

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