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Series : OSR/I :::J*" sgnn riil*. wr-gkr#r *.go-gts RolI No. w erqvq fut* r Candidates must write the Code on the title page of the answer-book. o o o o o grFII q?q { md Ertr+ 6rE st e o o sFT-rEr qk { Efqo ys 11 t' r w-g* vr fuii qrr-Er glq if ori{ f*'Vs fs I ?ttrqT srrm vrrftrqqrvJs-av+ + q6*, sgt 6Tm,qiq. wqvqffi r E{t sQq-qr s} q6+ + fldq ts fr;ra q,r {Fr-q fEqrrqr r qw-qr q,r fuarrr Y.ct{t if to.ts qQ qQ ft;qr qd'n r 10.15 sq 10.30 nan. or* *qa ]rq"r-Er fti qfi ofu E .rqftI + qtflq a lrFt-rr:r fqq,nT $ls qEw st or* vm-gfiror *. r t grrrr qfq t t wr-gftr*,r w o o t*.qs *ti sw =rET ftrdri I Please check that this question paper contains 11 printed pages. Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate. Please check that this question paper contains 35 questions. Please write down the Serial Number of the question before attempting it. 15 minutes time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period. nwffif+frm POLITICAL SCIENCE funfuwq :3 q"tl Time allowed: 3 hours t l qfetqdq ai6 : tol I Maximum Marlcs : 100 srql-rrtTtYr: (i) afiswetM* (ii) wq (i@T fur (iii) I- r 10 dq vtfr rr{" (r6ga- d6 # g 1 ffiar vw i@r 11 - 20 ilqr # vw Et-at tw 20 fl6Et d efuq w? dbt rd # * I rsb' erc 40 fl-qi # etftir +df dtzr aTl6T r (iv) wr riqr zr - 30 d'rv?fr wr Err-Err,ri'sl # S 1 y-fia frff r00 yrqi C atfutwT ahrwfaq t (v) wr tiqr sr d 35 v6 srt? wr *-s aH # fi t sAq sf,r rsr fl6d d etfuT wf dhr aTr6q r (vi) wrmqiqs| qqfur rreiler?dt r re#wrarr#ffi yfrffirCfrnbq-I Sgtut 1 lP.T.O. General Instructions : O (ii) All questions are compulsory Question numbers I - 10 are of I mark each. The a.nswers to these questions should not exceed 20 words each. (iii) (vi) questions Question numbers 11 - 20 are of 2 marks each. The answers to these should not exceed 40 words each. questions Question numbers 21 - 30 are of 4 marks each. The answers to these should not exceed 100 words each. jI to 35 are of 6 marks each. The answers to these questions Question numbirs should not exceed 150 words each. book. Question number 30 is based on Map. Write the answer in your answer 9/11 t ftiftrd scnr +{ fr * (iv) (v) 1. r Which incident was related to z. 9lll ? l6-dq fuq Tm+qrE1rh *t en{-q*en + srfr,i-d sTrk+,,q6+q fqqt t +T{'iat +fuqri5ffi qrq oTsrfu'r + t*, dqrT Under which plan did U.S.A. extend financial support for reviving Europe's economy after the Second World War ? 3. {g.ffi trq sT {tff{ {6rqfr'q qiq t ? Who is the present Secretary-General of the United Nations 4. glqn 61qfu{Tqr frfqq ? I Define Security. 5. Tfi{tEi + yns$i s} qrctrq *q it vtrFrd qtdfursrqlrTlefisq Et+ + fuq q+r+-qrrflT+ { ttrdrfisq^ Ttrnr Fil{A t Name the leader who played a historic role in negotiating with the rulers of princely states to join the Indian Union. 6. 6t{ t 6q9fo56 i gen'tvr, \rfi'@d efu \rs'trq *' kqr q{ qo f<qr t Which political party laid emphasis on the idea of one country, one culture and one nation ? 7 . pilerqlTr s.r ffi' erTq T;nq fuT q{ { qrqrqr rrqr r In which year was the fifth general election to Lok Sabha held 8. 1e77 +gilqT { si'}fi atq{rsrq*'gersrq*rgc+qdfqq ? r Mention the main reason for the defeat of Congress Party in the elections of 1977. 9. stls tnzT +fu{T{ +qrqr( si} (sil) Eqr si}s ( ry sT sPdfrftriq ffi fuqT ? l Who represented Congress (O) and Congress (R) after the split of the Congress party 10. orurq { kiftFif *.aoq qt<t6{ or i6e t+q Brd-{qfi srr ft;qr rrqr r which student's group led the anti-foreigner movement in Assam u. vilo W't wr qfimq t ? ? , r What is meant by the Cold War ? tz. dh{d surrcft st fttid M'ffrq 2xl I =2 State any two features of the Soviet Systern. t3. qrfrHsnft+dqfu{q}qoliqt*'q,rar $62q-,ttfiffitr'E3Trqr ? zxt=2 Which two differences between India and China led to an auny conflict 14. ri$ilrrY+kdqmilirif Elq+ca+tPqq t n 1962 ? 4xt=z List any four principal organs of the United Nations. 15. H +dq g orerqr Fqr st Sfrm +,{+ tq *ttw.m+rqnrd gan {&q r Suggest any one effective step which would limit war or violence between countries. 16. serrrnqrBdqqqqqtqfrrrgri*'qps*sil{ sp6qH6eqieq | 2 Differentiate between the main objectives of the First and the Second Five Year Plans. sgtut 3 p.T.O. t7 . qn*q q{ {q fr1 kqrc{nr +1 m6 q} k*wdr ri d rqrrr *1Pqq 2xl=2 t Highlight any two features of the ideology of Bharatiya Jana Sangh. 18. rJa-fifihrdr t qt er$+qlq't t 2 What is meant bY Non-alignment 1,9. ? ffieilRim{*tgedi'rq1$r 2 What was the main demand of Chipko Movement 20. ? dsfleffifl-{Er silrrHE,t+ qr r w*-anrftirT$ffiqrsfis.6lflwrs, 3-d.qdfiqq I I +l=2 Who was the chairperson of Mandal Commission ? State any one recommendation made by him/her. zt. {f-s q't'ft *m61 qnqftonsit or qu{q *1|trc 4xl=4 t Describe any four consequences of Shock Therapy' ZZ. *+ fqq'rq6r{qor wnqds' silryc1-a *lftNFqT fiTHfrfud q{-r} +'ffit{eq (a) {rsqrft qfusa*tffifuq t{r or sfrfrfi{- qmr t t * =nm+it ffi gqt t iul ss+t ffiTwfrfir.t tvit qr i.i sl{r t krd of *Yt re-q'i visr trrar t t s9lul : 1+ I +2=4 Study the cartoon given below carefully and answer the questions that follow (a) The mighty soldier with weapons represents which country o) Why do names of various countries appear on his uniform (c) What important message does the cartoon convey to the World ft ; ftffi1fu6svr+6mffi{ qth{lfiHf +'ft{q, lr{{ (i) *i{q d, qnqur (ii) +rT T{ Hqr frqfuq {qr 22 : ? ? ? fis6 q{t : r HiTTk TdH if er<t ss +ttsrq r Note : The following questions are for Blind candidates only, in lieu of e. No. 22 (i) (ii) : Define hegemony. Differentiate between the hegemony of hard power and the hegemony of soft power 23. qkq'{Sdtwr orF{qrqtr eq+-ffiqiB}sif What is meant by the ASEAN way 59tUt 2+2=4 ? srsdq*1ltrq r 2+2=4 Mention any two of its objectives. tP.T.O. 24. qrro efu Ei'firirT +fr fudK +frttd 5t wsa+iluq 2+2=4 r Explain any two points of conflict between India and Bangladesh. 25. ftrn+ qqfid{r {, {ig.ff qtEst srfr{q'qrifrffiq{-+ +ft{q, {rffi filuh+sr{srsarqqr+qrdffiqnq,qdqtrqFrqifr{q fuit trRT 200s { t fuq.rq 4x1=4 As decided by the member States in 2005, highlight any four steps to make the United Nations more relevant in the changing context. 26. ffirq +ffi qn q|q+fils'qfurdi qr sde qi&re 4xl= r 4 Mention any four political consequences of globalization. 27 . 6kT m.rFil +nt$ Ei HrrT ?rer 6t$ qi 6rftd' q+dmftTqq 2+2=4 t List any two merits and two demerits of the Green Revolution. 28. rrn dFilq, oTrq qnd *t fut{T dlfr ftt i{sqm s'{ rtt r emq stt t qK{ i 6t fut{r +fr tqqrlrf,qrqrqrd+? 4x1=4 Suppose you are looking after the foreign policy of India. Which four values like to integrate into the foreign policy ? will you 29. re71 +E{r?ii{fqTrrrisft*1gffiffidr+sttq}sgqgq6Jfqq t 2+2=4 Explain any two reasons for the popularity of Indira Gandhi during 1971 election. 30. qITiT - vrqfiF*o. cft{cst$ fqq rq qrcd ,r* qtrfir+ + rlsflfuqrl}r *' emm q{ srst rpqFrd wtt *'qrq floftqq (i) tn qdEr sqrc+ qrqlmr t i} qn Frnt +t A, B, c, D ERr eifu'fr fuqr rrqr r q6qn o't*. wr-giffi*,r tf T{+ s& qrs, c;r+t qq qi {qr r vrqe rrq r (i0 leTs il qnkflq {q ii fuim fr} arer rar (iii) 'ffigrtqRr'{" tvrqfr{a{rq I I (iv) T6{rwTfurrr\r*''qE6[uittnarot 59tUt t *i n qr r 4xl=4 tP.T.O. INDIA - por,nlclr, AND AD.rA.cEnr couNTRrEs I In the given political map of India, four places have been marked as A, B, C, D. Identify them with the help of information given below and write their correct names in the answer book, along with their serial numbers and the alphabets concerned. (i) The State associated with Narmada Bachao Aandolan. (ii) The State which merged with the Indian Union in 1975. (ii| The State related to 'Operation Blue Star'. (iv) The State whose one of the important leader was Lal Denga. *a : frrqftrfuT vF +ffi EMr qftnrkit *'laq w{ {qT 30 *-erq qt t : (i) qdrr {qBIi qiqlffi t*u vg-stvfra qf:.ilqqT t qqp6 X , (ii) mfr {q+'22+{qsTirrifafuq t (iii) 'sffis1qq T( (iv) *rT qT ? t*v'tr-n6{qn { 3rtrq { frtftFii +fo6q qrcitr{ wTrqt ? 4x Note : The following question is for Blind candidates only, in lieu of Q. No. 30 : (i) Narmada Bachao Aandolan is related to which multi-purpose project ? (ii) Name the22"d'State of the Indian Union. (iii) What was 'Operation Blue Star' ? (iv) Which non-political orgamzation led an anti-foreigner movement in Assam s9ftlt ? I =4 I I 31. {qrsTfrrsr{driqawr qr r qs+^Sqqerrqerqoiq+1ftrq 3+3=6 t slstaf Rifcrd {q + fffica + ffi +{ q.r"it 6} ssa effi What was Cuban Missile Crisis ? 3x2=6 t Describe its main events. OR Explain any three reasons for the disintegration of the USSR' 32. .qrfr, qrq si?il- i?m ffirif' of erqqnon *t qreqr fttlsrq I w q{ o,d' 3+{ *-$ kqrtrqr, ce 3+3=6 .,r=, ffi6rq$ffi+{m*it*tqrqre.qrflqi6{drfqq t 3 x2=6 Explain the concept of 'common but differentiated responsibilities'. How and where was it emphasized upon ? OR Explain any three benefits of globalization with examples' 33. st A;*q vcsr *} rqs: ti nq yqrid{ qrqtT enFffi *.d *. fuq ffi fufiT qm qwif *' toqr r orqtq * qi Eq fl{Twrirvr sT Em*e *iFqq r 1e56 *'eK *} t*o1 2+2+2=6 qrqfrftqq | e{nd oIsIEn qrf, it qrd e{rq gqlq s,({r+ + ii{q cdrg rrq frfim s-$it HT qdT Efifrg r i g{pq f6g 4+2=6 $qra*.qq-iT{tr What forced the Union Government of India to appoint the States Reorganisation Commission in 1953 ? Mention its two main recommendations. Name any four new States formed after 1956. OR Describe the various steps taken to hold the first general elections in India. How far these elections were successful sgtut ? 9 IP'T'O' t'- 34' ++fl?si'*st feqqr+fdqffiiEn*fudfr Tq sruilsr yfrqTurdftilq | 1e6e 3 3wr.n tqzs i[ q]frm silqkrsrm *'e1g Hh qM +r aeien fr x2 = 6 3x2=6 r Examine the three main reasons responsible for the split in the Congress party during t969. OR Evaluate any three consequences of the emergency imposed 35. in 1975. frqfrfuH e{q?Rrrsr qny+6 q?rrfi *Tqq-f,qr+d. ffi q{Tf *.ffi{*frilq : r+2+3=6 1979 t l98s FIEFwlr 3firq olt+m"qr6frHt'ri+lqdr5Td sriq6i+rsq6 ar rB-qr.r.rr r ersfr Flt'if si {tr qI fu. u+r+-r qgn-* srrdr+ it er*rq ** g* Efi*Ht'if + qq il w rrEril rR q-r rrt qi lqr er lqkfr hril # .6* or v* .rq+ ivr r6t +qr 'rqr d eflfr ersfr srf,r erqtfero Et qTqrfr , Vr. .r,*o qv+ qt * r ersq ;t a", cil{ E}rd S n?frs {HnHi #r q6a + qrqfu.*.*,Tflqt G e}*r,'.t *' i qai +t w+ar i q-a fu erw +'qrdilnt'*d qr6{ +q qrT t .fu-.*d+.i.} at t ffir t airrrt (i) (ii) (iii) t , "* *.t "r*, "t r ii qT6fr Hm +fut5q sriqlmq mr *re sr+ el-d RT6s,r qTq frfuq ersq + dtl el6ft Ht'il 6] qpqrr 6'r+Bttvr + nqrd *+ *t d'r Hi wrt qs e{r<itr{ d t*.{ enfr'+Wt *} rarqr rrrrT sr ? rqzq r tr sTer{t +'qyr*.-if Xfr gu-c *-qrq srft 4 I { *FT il.F. EFrflr qrzT + sq ii E+l(t sthralEqT rd'r s{rrt oifrq qrs + T*r qr .r)r+r{ *s-.g- {rs+ftmpqdT'4 t qao +{_ ffi e;qt ys.e$dq{ sirrd*i +qvr-*.+* { *qt*n q,s Evr*,{ =,,q,r, 'T rivH, fu+{.T sfuarq-Errft{{ d?tq s{i-sie{rcTtisrrarqr rfi{, "t "*"tqgwm{+ uqqrq$l&mr+G t 2+2+2=6 * (i) 'tt-mi*rqrE+l rd'r em+r erfu dri d TcET qr, qs qrfii{r qr er{ ss +1Hq (ii) 'rtq'g qt$-qgd rr-s+ftffifsrdT S r Eqror eqr e{R{qrq t r (iii) gso +'wr*^ ii q-qE ti T& Hi qi qr+eil +i rqr,.n *lkq r t r Read the passage carefully given below and answer the questions that follow : The Assam Movement from 1979 to 19g5 is the best example of such movements against 'outsiders'. The Assamese suspected that there were huge of illegal Bengali Muslim settlers from Bangladesh. They felt that unless lumbe-rs these foreign nationals are detected and deported, the/would reduce the indigenous Assamese into a minority. There were other economic issues too. There was widespread poverty and unemployment in Assam despite the existence of natural resources like oil, tea and coal. It was felt that these were drained out of the State without any commensurate benefit to the people. Name the group that led the movement against outsiders in 1979. Why did the Assamese seek the detection and deportation of the (iii) what were the economic issues taken up as part of the movementoutsiders ? (i) (ii) OR 59tut 10 ? This new challenge came to the force in the 1980s, as the Janata experiment came to an end and there was some political stability at the centre. This decade will be remembered for some major conflicts and accords in the various regions of the counffy, especially in Assam, the Punjab, Mizoram and the developments in Jammu and Kashmir. (i) (ii) Explain the meaning of the phrase 'Janta experiment came to an end.' (iii) Highlight any two developments in Punjab in 1980s. 59tUl 'There was some stability at the centre'. What does it imply l.l ?

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