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fi Series : OSR/I *]*,. s6nn, iirTi. q{qEwirffi Roll No. ffir-9fiffir *{e, r Candidates must write the Code on the title page of the answer-book. o o o r o ![ttqt dq ffi d fu'eq lrFr-rrir { grrfi qiq ErF+ rrq *t o o o $qfr gsa 11 t r +t eilt fqqrrq*ts;rrqr *l ur* rtrcgfir+t *{e-gua.n d f+'Vq nFT-rEr { SO lrrq t ffi r r StrrfilrFtmvrrfrsqrvS66T++qtrd, svtclmqia^ wflqftrd I gt wT-rH st q6+ + fdq 15 tne EFI TFrq flqqrrqr er fuarur Wlq{ ii to.ts qi flq,,qr !ilr+'n r 10.15 Tq t 10.30 ql a*"or* *m qsT-wr qtn et'{ qs erqftr + qkH t s+r- yfiffirwettrirqaTfndi o r { s{q-rl:t r Please check that this question paper contains 11 printed pages. Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate. Please check that this question paper contains 30 questions. Please write down the Serial Number of the question before attempting it. 15 minutes time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be disfibuted at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m,, the students will only read the question paper and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period. Tqrq;Tfr{m@O CHEMISTRY (Theory) fuiffuerrt : 3 qv*j Timeallowed:3hours yafuw etq :70 I t MaximumMarks:7O snrr<r+qYr. (i) wtlsw efqqzii (ii) vw-d@rl da aaerfr ag-rafuvwt tv-dqsw #ftryr ;ra& r (iii) wld@rg *ra aoag-sadqsw* rsa* frw*fu2 r erqr* I (iv) sw-iqrlg tzr aqq1ag-mt+r'w t rv-dqvw #frrq's eiqt r (v) sw-(i@rza *ro qlt-rmfrqvwt rs'dqs?a#ftzq's tiqt r (vi) qrqwffiqstrdfuTfuitwyqfu *1 7 ffeyda<i *vqlrql aryqfu aaf* I lP.T.O. General Instructions : (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii) Question numbers I to I are very short-answer questions and carry I mark each. (iii) Question numbers 9 to 18 are short-answer questions and carry 2 marks each. (iv) Question numbers 19 to 27 are also short-answer questions and carry i marks each. (v) Question numbers 28 to 30 are long-answer questions and carry 5 mnrks each. (vi) Use Log Tables, if necessary. Use of calculators is not allowed. 1.'qfl i[ iH' eik'tm i[ srfr' ]FFR *' qqer+t s'r gs-ttsgqrflur {H r Give one example each of 'oil in water' and 'water in oil' emulsion. 2. foqfaaWns*qiw*sirg.t*ir{stHfu+Hqiq+ qqq'{*,,srnrq}rfuqrqmrt? Which reducing agent is employed to get copper from the leached low grade copper ore ? 3. frTq ffi { t s}t {T ifr{q^eTr+ 6tdr t eilr wif r [Co(NH3)6]3* oi{ [co(en)r]3+ Which of the following is more stable complex and why [Co(NH)6]3+ and [Co(en)r]3+ 4. rq dFIfi.Hr IUPAC {-IT ImK+ : cHr-cH-cHr-COOH I OH Write the IUPAC name of the compound. cHr-cH-cHr-COOH I OH 5. Eq oTrq tqti 6*rn-emuHiy + t st{ rn qftrm'qru{vflE t r s-qr{dtr{'ffi efu p-qr{irftrilH Which of the following isomers is more volatile o-nitrophenol or p-nitrophenol 6. vrrwrur$ ( HrEqi-dtfir) kmr{ What are isotonic solutions 56tUt ? ? xr di t' r : ? 1 7. fiffi dffi q+ qr+{ Tr* C6H5NH2, *'mc d q-cftqa 61m (c2Hr2NH eftr crHrNtt, goqvfr-dnr : Arrange the following compounds in increasing order of solubility in water : c6HsNH2, (C2H,2NH, C2H5NH2 8. d +qi st'il ii + frt{ qI EreT ii ffi t}or tt Which of the two components of starch is water soluble 9. qT etr + x 10{ cm ffi #t qrqrqruJu'qqrrmqfimitrdqfrH t ll.2 gcm-3 (Na = 6'022 x 1023 ff ? or qir.Htf f.c.c. afl?rcr rqrf,r t I { HEr 2 fr6-t; An element with density tl.2 gcm-3 forms Calculate the atomic mass of the element. a f.c.c. lattice with edge length of 4 x 10-8 cm. (Given : No = 6.022x 1023 mol-l) 10. qfi M rr{ q+*qr Fapi A+ B- A+ BB-OB-A+BA+B-A+0A+ B- A+ B- A+ (i) (ii1 q,r flTfrq{q H'{ sTri {& q+ eq+f *ffi{ ffi : 2 A+ B_ qH B{rer*. GmaArft*o dq tqqqT qrer *'qnor P*,w *'qqo tr{ fu Fnr wfltt qgdl t ? Es fu m Enr (ii) Es iq +{ tx-w) HT fus r+n*'silqk*.qEr{ tfir qiq Pqqr+ t tr t Examine the given defective crystal A+ B- A+ BB-OB-A+B_ A+B-A+0A+ B- A+ B- A+ A+ B- Answer the following questions (i) (ii) (iii) $fltfi : What type of stoichiometric defect is shown by the crystal How is the density of the crystal affected by this defect What type of ionic substances show such defect 3 ? ? ? IP.T.O. n. qMmfr ftiH fu' oir"re rqqn = dtrr +'q\Fffi ft1 fuir+ qifir En+ fu'Es*-f6qi-qrrf o.+s K *t EF+ E+ qrA' r (r! = s.tzKkg 256 g rTHr 6t 75 g ffi{ futr. 2 Calculate the mass of compound (molar mass = 256 gmol-l) to be dissolved in 75 benzene to lower its freezing point by 0.48 K (& = 5.tZ K kg mol-l). t2. qra ernlt fl{dq{ q+ qftqr$ sil{{s*l*tttrofuqtsdr fttrd { gof r Define an ideal solution and write one of its characteristics. I 3. aflItrqr *' *q (order) ett E{r*t srTurErfi (molecularity) + s}'t q} Qr.ffi ftfui t 2 Write two differences between 'order of reaction' and 'molecularity of reaction'. 14. urEeif (i) *.yilqr *t =f* FTrr frfriqi *. e+nrcfc frqq flfifis+ ' (*) qftFhn frfrT (i0 altffifrfti Outline the principles behind the refining of metals by the following methods Zone refining method (i) (ii) 15. : Chromatographicmethod ga q-ssfipn{r+dr{"if e} Trr (i) CarPr+ HrO -> (ii) Cu + HrSOo{utO -> *t : g[?rdlT fiTE{ (i) q\trs q*it qi y+*- qrq ffi eripn anafuro E1k+ '1w EEfr g* err**r M-s{ drHI (ii) H2O, H2S, HrSe dturTe -v6* HF, HC/, Hsr tdet w{sr g$ enm Complete the following chemical equations (i) (i0 : HqHr srEqr : C\Pz+ HrO -+ Cu + HrSOo(conc.) -+ OR Arrange the following in the order of property indicated against each set : (i) HF, HCr, HBr, HI - increasing bond dissociation enthalpy. (ii) H2O, H2S, HrSe, HrTe - increasing acidic character. 16. ri+"r 1cr(xg 3)4ct2i+ sT rupAC qrq tt fud r 16 flsq mnr +t rmtErqErff (isomerism) ftrcrdr Write the IUPAC name of the complex [Cr(NH)aCl21+. What type of isomerism does it exhibit ? L7 . (i) (ii) fua gr t qir qr tka nnBr (a) Frrr ftxftrqt (i) t Gil{ erRr*.+{ s*z orF+fuur tar t z i-ifl{ststiT a; { s*t *r s*z { t z qt{ rft Brfth.qr at fr t (a) kqrg Et wrerlT (inversion) (b) iftr+fiwr(Racemisation) Which alkyl halide from the following pair is chiral and undergoes faster S*2 nA \n reaction ? Brl (ii) (a) (i) (ii) (b) Out of S*1 and S*2, which reaction occurs with (a) (b) 18. frq { Br t Inversionofconfiguration Racemisation ur+o srfi{hqr if xgq o_ou qtritd so%, 31q1q6t O-cHz-cH:cH'+1*' i{{fir M : ffi' Draw the structure of major monohalo product in each of the following reactions (i) (ii) O-ou GcHz s9c4 : ' - CH: CH2 + HBr 19. (a) steisfu{r erftNilqur rdrfr *. ffi fed Peroxide' ulq qruT q{ Nt + qftNilsrur + fu+ qqio.{ur r (b) ffitrk+.ria +t r'* te{iqffi kri (c) r+1Fr-d srcrsTr + m."it *^ snqn q{ {dkd (associated) qEt-ifl?rs ek W+rrTq +fl?rg inq6-qs'Bqrflsr{ffi r (a) In reference to Freundlich adsorption isotherm write the expression for r 3 adsorption of gases on solids in the form of an equation. O) (c) S6lUt Write an important characteristic of lyophilic sols. Based on type of particles of dispersed phase, give one example each of associated colloid and multimolecular colloid. s tp.T.O. 20. (a) frq qq.Sf st d'r*rdt tfisn (i) (i0 qfrH 3 : XeOFo H2so4 (b) Y+fr srcst{s ak mm srstq + {'{ffnffi ,tE s'r rqa nfrH (a) Draw the structures of the following molecules (i) XeOFo (ii) H2so4 (b) Write the structural difference between white phosphorus and red phosphorus. r : 2t. flqr{+'ERor (0 PC/3 (ii) frfiri 3 : HC/ st er*n eCl, qftm-stiiqW (covalent) t I t erF{hqT *i .R elt t Feclrq{f,r t Fec/, roT (iii) e*ilq wl it i o-o *sarqrEqr qq1a fi et-fr t r I Account for the following (i) (ii) PC/, is more covalent than PC/r. Iron on reaction with HC/ forms FeClrand not FeC/r. (iii) 22. fury : The two O-O bond lengths in the ozone molecule are equal. qs6 srq{qr ii sorcl, *'qqq mq *'ar*q fue{ sOrC/r(e)---+ itFrrr gfi5} ,{Iqt 6g : 3 SO2(g) + C/2(B) rqTTT IITrt/s-1 Ftraqrqrdqrilrgfr 1 0 2 r00 0.4 0.7 +rflFniq,,qfi$ftrd+tH (1og 4 = r 0.6021, log 2 = 0.3010) The following data were obtained during the SO2C/2 at a constant volume : SOrC/r(S) ---+ SO2( 91 frst + Cl2G) Experiment Time/s-1 Total pressure/atm 1 0 0.4 2 100 0.7 Calculate the rate constant. (Given : log 4 = 0.6021, log 2 = 0.3010) 6 order thermal decomposition of 23. (i) edqq Hqq +H gi qrd Tfi-qdi eB q"frib En+ (ii) fftRhfrwrdlt rqs tstrcrq{H (iii) Wq (asparrame) mr sq+q *'qi sqrcrur {H r Fil Arrd dGsFii ortr$Efui tro'rftflqm t (i) (ii) Why is use of aspartame limited to cold foods and soft drinks (i) F*q frErirr 3 Give two examples of macromolecules that are chosen as drug targets. *t +.+ t rm qT sienq{ (night-blindness) ei qrar (ii) s{T qTr isr qrq {frrt} qi +{f, ptta };gMcrs (iii) HI t s{fi{Prqr ERr <T+tq qintrt (i) (ii) (iii) 25. r What are antiseptics ? Give an example. (iii) 24. r ? n-t*ilq q?n t I q6 flsqr tt fre-or t ? tt r r6ts *t {rfir } qry*1 il wr 3 Deficiency of which vitamin causes night-blindness ? Name the base that is found in nucleotide of RNA only. Glucose on reaction with structure of glucose ? HI gives n-hexane. What does it suggest about the + &ii w +s'Hrr qr+ *'sqrfr, \rs'q'd + BTrt + T6 fiTUiq fuqr t*,'q6 ialril si qkflERuT eil{ q${r tfr qr + ftif + gqtTlq t qt{d qtt r Eu rSqqr q+ erftrs. ulTI* "FTrfisr ffir+ + fu+ sdl'+ ESt q. if *'qrq flqffir{ +d H oilr Edli qM H qdt, eqq qA dt r qct urit + yur tsqr fu q5r r* fti 5-sr-rqTtf etk Miza {fit { $rrs + gtkotrs++Hq6teTrfir*.+q?if q,rfult-rfi r raTrftar Btrttfi i{Hrs,, *1 qr+-r fiTq wqi (0 orii rro wr rt (ii) ffi Erdrq rri {g?rqr NFftqg (iii) wt dd*q {wr * srr t 3 : ? Hr d+ S r q+*rtroe+etur (condensation) t t r erqqr {im-ir{ (addition) frfrq{ t After the ban on plastic bags, students of one school decided to make the people aware of the harmful effects of plastic bags on environment and Yamuna River. To make the awareness more impactful, they organized rally by joining hands with other schools and distributed paper bags to vegetable vendors, shopkeepers and departmental stores. All students pledged not to use polythene bags in future to save Yamuna River. ' (i) (ii) (iii) 56lut After reading the above passage, answer the following questions What values are shown by the students : ? What are biodegradable polymers ? Give one example. Is polythene a condensation or an addition polymer ? 7 !P.T.O. 26. (a) frq srftfuqr +t ffdEfu ffi 3 : cH3cH2oH IrBr , cHrcHrBr + Hro (b) ltq{-&m srfuf*qr+ffisfrq.{urfod (a) Write the mechanism of the following reaction r : cH3cH2oH HBr , cHrCHrBr + Hro (b) Write the equation involved in Reimer-Tiemann reaction. 27. frrr srflTlmqrcTi*'A, B silcc*tffiqdrt+. (i) cHrnrI$eLiA&,nffic (ii) cH3cooH+L o Brr+KoHr, CHC/r+NaoH A ETSr{T fql{qfig+{er$Hqr(,t t (i) rrtnffimrtFr*rtt, (ii) q+iEq,,oIRttF'I*ffi{, (iii) tFffihmr N-ffi{'qqqr{sii, 6uq TrsRF{s' {rmqrror ffi r; Give the structures of A, B and C in the following reactions (i) cHrBr KCN>R LilHor"ffi" --r --^; B CHC/.+NaOH -^^--3'^'--^^ (ii) cH3cooH-NH. A Br^+KOH ^+ OR How will you convert the following (i) (ii) (iii) : Nitrobenzene into aniline Ethanoic acid into methanamine AnilineintoN-phenylethanamide (Write the chemical equations involved.) 56lllt .,) : 28. (a) fiTqqqistqfr{rqrtffi: (i) dtrd fu{{qrdffidr (Limiting molar conductivity) 2,3 (ii) tq{t--f, (Fuel cell) (b) q6'{qtrfi.ti{ { 0.1 dFT t;r qr KC, irr fudffi{ qa t r $rfir sftriq 100 o t r qft {S ti{ if 0.02 +m rr qr<ur irr KC/ .wr *i .R smr.s2o o *fir t d o.oz *m rt + KC/ + fudrqr 6t {qtrfiflr sk dffi {qirffir qffii{il dftr+ r 0.1 dil rl rcl kerq;r +t dqre+ar 1.29 x 10-2 Q-r cm-r d* t r SNTET (a) N ii s{qErfrrfr q,{+ +ftr+ ffi Wq?st ffi qs'dm et onqsqqmr &fr t ur iqd [qtra (electrolysis) sT e6eII lmq (b) 298 K q{ fTq to q;r .*1qfimfufr s1H | gu2+ Effi qt Cu : Mg(s) | ug2+10.t M) ll cu2+ (0.01) | cu(s) tf{qr (a) Ei"u = +2.71V, Define the following terms (i) (ii) O) t 1 F = 96500 C mol-l1 : Limiting molar conductivity Fuel cell Resistance of a conductivity cell filled with 0.1 mol L-r KC/ solution is 100 O. KC, solution is If the resistance of the same cell when filled with 0.02 mol 520 d2, calculate the conductivity and molar conductivity of 0.02 mol I;1 KCI solution. The conductivity of 0.1 mol L-l KC/ solution is 1.29 x 10-2 (l-1 cm-I. I;l OR (a) State Faraday's frst law of electrolysis. How much charge in terms of Faraday is required for the reduction of 1 mol of Cu2+ to Cu. O) Calculate emf of the following cell at298K Me(s) | Ms2+(0.1 M) ll Cu2+ (0.01) | Cu(s) [Given Ei"u = +2.71V, I F = 96500 C mol 1] 2s. (a) eilq+tffiret 2,rr (i) Mnort IlMnoo ? (ii) Nqcro+ * NqCrrO, ? O) qrorleri: (i) Fe2* *t 6on tt Mn2* +3 eqqsr st ofrtr-fr d+ { olfrro*ntr t (ii) 3dq'i' *'ten r"r qqi$f { zn* ffi ffi+.{ur fri tffi rrq$ oqd*t (iii) M{Tsilf,c}.n5gii ffi erq Tr(rg.dorit I r r qq{t 56tU1 9 [P.T.O. (i) 3d q,l' *'nq *il q{rfdr r t irtr sl 'nq fu{i qt sTft{$nq nEsES erqrqr( uqd sT flr t r .rr tsr (ii) 3d q{ or q*q qr {iffi'qur srq Eo(M2+[vI) s'r ffinrrs-qFr rEl-fri t etk eii z (iii) cp+ silr Mn3* i[ t qil{ erftrosqo oTrqstsn*.t ekwif z (iv) d++rggqri*'ssntrsrilqkr** +2 effi3qm rrytErffi*'Hyfirct r (v) w{qtfi{q*}Trrft1H: 5 MnOa+8H++5e----+ (a) How do you prepare (, (ii) (b) : IlMnOo from MnO, NarCrrO, from NarCrOo Account for the following (0 (i0 (iii) ? ? : Mn2+ is more stable than Fe2+ towards oxidation to +3 state. The enthalpy of atomization is lowest for Zn in 3d series of the transition elemenis. Actinoid elements show wide range of oxidation states. OR (i) (i0 (iii) (iv) (v) Name the element of 3d transition series which shows maximum number of oxidation states. Why does it show so ? which transition metal of 3d series has positive E"(M2+714) value and why ? Out of Cr3+ and Mn3*, which is a sffonger oxidizing agent and why ? Name a member of the lanthanoid series which is well known to exhibit +2 oxidation state. Complete the following equarion : MnOa+8H++5e---+ 30. (a) rq s{futsqroTt61ryme ftrri (i) (ii) Ctro 2 C6H5CHO + 312 : -H.N_oH H*, qrq . NaOH ----+ (iii) cH3cooH cl2tP O) q)trEii +frEr gii { srf,t Eti *'m > (i) (ii) sre {r$qt{s'Tfti"r ++d-ons$ki;+{+.sirr{ nit+Ft stTsiH{ OPFTT 56tUt 10 ful : (a) w+-*,nqfui' (i) t curcno erftm.fuqrvftm t (i0 ffi,FT +16n { olqtffim erra erftr*-mrfi {FT rtm t (b) B*1 ;1wnt s{fuf{rqrcTf +'ffi ttrflqFffi qtsr,r ffi (i) qriF-tser{ sTrlqgr HCN *'srq s{Frtffir if cHrcocH, r r : (ii) Nm{qr{ (ii1 (a) +M sfirt*ur 213 Write the products of the following reactions : (i) (-)-o +H2N_oH H: \,_J (ii) 2 C6H'CHO + conc. NaOH-> (iio cH3cooH cl2lP (b) > Give simple chemical tests to distinguish between the following pairs of compounds: (i) (ii) Benzaldehyde and Benzoic acid Propanal and hopanone OR (a) Account for the following (i) (ii) (b) : CH3CHO is more reactive than CHTCOCH3 towards reaction with HCN. Carboxylic acid is a stronger acid than phenol. Write the chemical equations to illustrate the following name reactions (i) Wolff-Kishnerreduction (ii) Aldolcondensation (iii) Cannizzaroreaction 56tUt 11 :

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