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CBSE XII Sample / Mock 2010 : PHYSICS with Answers (3 Sample Papers)

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DESIGN OF THE QUESTION PAPER PHYSICS - CLASS XII Time : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 70 The weightage of the distribution of marks over different dimensions of the question paper shall be as follows: A. Weightage to content/ subject units Unit Electrostatics Current Electricity Magnetic Effect of Current & Magnetism Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating current Electromagnetic Waves Optics Dual Nature of Matter Atoms and Nuclei Electronic Devices Communication Systems Total Marks 08 07 08 08 03 14 04 06 07 05 70 B. Weightage to form of questions S.No. Form of Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. Long Answer Type (LA) Short Answer (SA I) Short Answer (SA II) Very Short Answer (VSA) TOTAL Marks for each Question 5 3 2 1 - No. of Questions 3 09 10 08 30 Total Marks 15 27 20 08 70 C. Scheme of Options 1. There will be no overall option. 2. Internal choices (either / or type) on a very selective basis has been given in five questions. This internal choice is given in any one question of 2 marks, any one question of 3 marks and all three questions of 5 marks weightage. D. A Weightage of about 15 marks in total, has been assigned to numericals E. Weightage to difficulty level of questions. S.No. Estimated difficlty level Percentage 1. Easy 15 2. Average 70 3. Difficult 15 A weightage of 20% has been assigned to questions which test higher order thinking skills of students. (74) Class XII Physics BLUE-PRINT I S.NO. UNIT SA I (2 Marks) SAII (3 Marks) LA (5 Marks) TOTAL 1. Electrostatics - 2 (1) 6 (2) - 8 (3) 2. Current Electricity - 4(2) 3(1) - 7(3) 3. Magnetic effect of Current and Magnetism 1(1) 2(1) - 5(1) 8(3) 4. Electromagnetic Induction & Alternating currents 2(2) - 6(2) - 8(4) 5. Electromagnetic Waves 1(1) 2(1) - - 3(2) 6. Optics 1(1) 2(1) 6(2) 5(1) 14(5) 7. Dual nature of Matter - 4(2) - - 4(2) 8. Atoms and Nuclei 1(1) 2(1) 3(1) - 6(3) 9. Electronic Devices 2(2) - - 5(1) 7(3) 10. Communication systems - 2(1) 3(1) - 5(2) 8(8) 20(10) 27(9) 15(3) 70(30) (75) VSA (1 Marks) Total SAMPLE PAPER I XII - PHYSICS Time : Three Hours (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Max. Marks : 70 General Instructions All questions are compulsory. There are 30 questions in total. Questions 1 to 8 carry one mark each, questions 9 to 18 carry two marks each, questions 19 to 27 carry three marks each and questions 28 to 30 carry five marks each. There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in one question of two marks, one question of three marks and all three questions of five marks each. You have to attempt only one of the given choices in such questions. Use of calculators is not permitted. You may use the following physical constants wherever necessary : c h e o = = = = 3 x 108ms-1 6.6 x 10-34Js 1.6 x 10-19 C 4 x 10 7 T m A 1 Boltzmann constant k = 1.38 x 1023 JK-1 Avogadro s number NA = 6.023 x 1023/mole Mass of neutron mn = 1.6 x 10-27 kg 1. Two identical charged particles moving with same speed enter a region of uniform magnetic field. If one of these enters normal to the field direction and the other enters along a direction at 300 with the field, what would be the ratio of their angular frequencies? 2. Why does a metallic piece become very hot when it is surrounded by a coil carrying high frequency alternating current? 3. How is a sample of an n-type semiconductor electrically neutral though it has an excess of negative charge carriers? 4. Name the characteristics of electromagnetic waves that (i) increases (ii) remains constant in the electromagnetic spectrum as one moves from radiowave region towards ultravoilet region. 5. How would the angular separation of interference fringes in young s double slit experiment change when the distance of separation between the slits and the screen is doubled? 6. Calculate the ratio of energies of photons produced due to transition of electron of hydrogen atom from its, (i) Second permitted energy level to the first level, and (ii) Highest permitted energy level to the second permitted level 7. Give expression for the average value of the a c voltage V = V0 Sin t (76) over the time interval t = 0 and t = 8. How is the band gap, Eg, of a photo diode related to the maximum wavelength, 9. Keeping the voltage of the the charging source constant, what would be the percentage change in the energy stored in a parallel plate capacitor if the separation between its plates were to be decreased by 10%? 10. Explain how the average velocity of free electrons in a metal at constant temperature, in an electric field, remain constant even though the electrons are being constantly accelarated by this electric field? 11. How is the resolving power of a microscope affected when, (i) the wavelength of illuminating radiations is decreased? (ii) the diameter of the objective lens is decreased? Justify your answer. 12. What is the basic difference between the atom or molecule of a diamagnetic and a paramagnetic material? Why are elements with even atomic number more likely to be diamagnetic? 13. Why are infrared radiations referred to as heat waves also? Name the radiations which are next to these radiations in electromagnetic specturm having (i) Shorter wavelength. (ii) Longer wavelength. 14. The following data was recorded for values of object distance and the corresponding values of image distance in the experiment on study of real image formation by a convex lens of power +5D. One of these observations is incorrect. Indentify this observation and give reason for your choice: S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 m , that can be detected by it? Object distance (cm) 30 35 45 50 55 Image distance (cm) 15. 25 97 61 37 35 32 30 Two students X and Y perform an experiment on potentiometer separately using the circuit diagram shown here. (77) Keeping other things unchanged (i) X increases the value of distance R (ii) Y decreases the value of resistance S in the set up. How would these changes affect the position of null point in each case and why? 16. The following table gives the values of work function for a few photo sensitive metals S.No. Metal Work Function (eV) 1. Na 1.92 2. K 2.15 3. Mo 4.17 If each of these metals is exposed to radiations of wavelength 300 nm, which of them will not emit photo electrons and why? OR By how much would the stopping potential for a given photosensitive surface go up if the frequency of the incident radiations were to be increased from 4 x 1015 Hz to 8 x 1015 Hz? Given h = 6.4 x 10-34 J-s, e = 1.6 x 10-19 C and c = 3 x 108 ms-1 17. Prove that the instantaneous rate of change of the activity of a radioactive substance is inversely proportional to the square of its half life. 18. What does the term LOS communication mean? Name the types of waves that are used for this communication. Which of the two-height of transmitting antenna and height of receiving antenna - can affect the range over which this mode of communication remains effective? 19. The following data was obtained for the dependence of the magnitude of electric field, with distance, from a reference point O, within the charge distribution in the shaded region. (i) Identify the charge distrubution and justify your answer. (ii) If the potential due to this charge distribution, has a value V at the point A, what is its value at the point (78) ? 3 20. A charge Q located at a point is in equilibrium under the combined electric field of three charges q1,q2, q3. If the charges q1, q2 are located at points of q1,q2, 21. and respectively, find the direction of the force on Q, due to q3 in terms . 3 , are arranged in m rows each containing n cells connected 12 cells, each of emf 1.5V and internal resistance in series, as shown. Calculate the values of n and m for which this combination would send maximum current through an external resistance of . OR For the circuit shown here, calculate the potential difference between points B and D 3 22. A beam of light of wavelength 400 nm is incident normally on a right angled prism as shown. It is observed that the light just grazes along the surface AC after falling on it. Given that the refractive index of the material of the prism varies with the wavelength as per the relation calculate the value of b and the refractive index of the prism material for a wavelength [(Given = Sin-1 (0.625)] (79) . 3 23. Three students X, Y, and Z performed an experiment for studying the variation of alternating currents with angular frequency in a series LCR circuit and obtained the graphs shown below. They all used a.c. sources of the same r. m. s. value and inductances of the same value. What can we (qualitatively) conclude about the (i) capacitance value (ii) resistance values used by them? In which case will the quality factor be maximum? What can we conclude about nature of the impendance of the set up at frequency wo? 3 24. An equiconvex lens with radii of curvature of magnitude r each, is put over a liquid layer poured on top of a plane mirror. A small needle, with its tip on the principal axis of the lens, is moved along the axis until its inverted real image conicides with the needle itself. The distance of the needle from the lens is measured to be a . On removing the liquid layer and repeating the expriment the distance is found to be b . Given that two values of distances measured represent the focal length values in the two cases, obtain a formula for the refractive index of the liquid. 3 (80) 25. A circular coil having 20 turns, each of radius 8 cm, is rotating about its vertical diameter with an angular speed of 50 radian s-1 in a uniform horizontal magnetic field of magnitude 30 mT. Obtain the maximum average and r. m. s. values of the emf indued in the coil. If the coil forms a closed loop of resistance , how much power is dissipased as heat in it? 3 26. The nucles of an atom of , initially at rest, decays by emitting an -particle as per the equation It is given that the binding energies per nucleon of the parent and the daughter nuclei are 7.8 MeV and 7.835 MeV respectively and that of -particle ia 7.07MeV/nucleon. Assuming the daughter nucleus to be formed in the unexcited state and neglecting its share in the energy of the reaction, calculate the speed of the emitted -particle. Take mass of -particle to be 6.68 x 10-27 kg. 3 27. Define the term modulation index for an AM wave. What would be the modulation index for an AM wave for which the maximum amplitude is a while the minimum amplitude is b ? 3 28. respectively are placed in horizontal plane with their centres Two circular coils X and Y having radii R and coinciding with each other. Coil X has a current I flowing through it in the clockwise sense. What must be the current in coil Y to make the total magnetic field at the common centre of the two coils, zero? With the same currents flowing in the two coils, if the coil Y is now lifted vertically upwards through a distance R, what would be the net magnetic field at the centre of coil Y? OR A straight thick long wire of uniform cross section of radius a is carrying a steady current I. Use Ampere s circuital law to obtain a relation showing the variation of the magnetic field (Br) inside and outside the wire with distance r, ( ) and ( ) of the field point from the centre of its cross section. Plot a graph showing the nature of this variation. Calculate the ratio of magnetic field at a point above the surface of the wire to that at a point below its sruface. What is the maximum value of the field of this wire? 29. 5 State the principle which helps us to determine the shape of the wavefront at a later time from its given shape at any time. Apply this principle to (i) Show that a spherical/ plane wavefront contiunes to propagate forward as a spherical/plane wave front. (ii) Derive Snell s law of refraction by drawing the refracted wavefront corresponding to a plane wavefront incident on the boundary separating a rarer medium from a denser medium. 5 OR What do we understand by polarization of a wave? How does this phenomenon help us to decide whether a (81) given wave is transverse or longitudinal in nature? Light from an ordinary source (say a sodium lamp) is passed through a polaroid sheet P1 .The transmitted light is then made to pass through a second polaroid sheet P2 which can be rotated so that the angle ( ) between the two polaroid sheets varies from O0 to 90o. Show graphically the variation of the intensity of light, transmitted by P1 and P2, as a fuction of the angle . Take the incident beam intensity as I0. Why does the light from a clear blue portion of the sky, show a rise and fall of intensity when viewed through a polaroid which is rotated? 5 30. A student has to study the input and output characteristics of a n-p-n silicon transister in the Common Emitter configuration. What kind of a circuit arrangement should she use for this purpose? Draw the typical shape of input characteristics likely to be obtained by her. What do we understand by the cut off, active and saturation states of the transistor? In which of these states does the transistor not remain when being used as a switch? OR Input signals A and B are applied to the input terminals of the dotted box set-up shown here. Let Y be the final output signal from the box. Draw the wave forms of the signals labelled as C1 and C2 within the box, giving (in brief) the reasons for getting these wave forms. Hence draw the wave form of the final output signal Y. Give reasons for your choice. What can we state (in words) as the relation between the final output signal Y and the input signals A and B ? (82) (83) MARKING SCHEME - I PHYSICS CLASS - XII Q. No. Value Points Marks 1. 1:1 1 2. Large induced current produced due to electromagnetic induction heats up the metallic piece. 1 3. The charge of the excess charge carriers gets balanced by an equal and opposite charge of the ionized cores in the lattice 1 4. (i) Frequency (ii) Speed in free space 5. 6. 1/2 each No effect (or the angular separation remains the same) 1 We have Ratio = 7. 8. We have or 9. (84) Q. No. 10. Value Points Marks We have = zero (Random nature of motion and collisions) = constant as , the average time between collisions, remains contant under constant temprature conditions 11. (i) It increases (ii) It decreases (iii) Justification + + 12. The atom/molecule of a diamagnetic material has zero net magnetic moment. For a paramagnetic material it is not so. 1 With an even atomic number, the electrons in an atom of an element can pair off , which can makes the net magnetic moment of each pair as zero. This makes the element more likely to be diamagnetic. 1 13. Infrared radiations get readily absorbed by water molecules in most materials. This increases their thermal motion and heats them up. 1 (i) visible light (ii) Microwaves + 14. Focal length of the lens Obervation at S-No-3 is incorrect This observation is incorrect because for an object distance lying between f and 2f, the image distance has to be more than 2f. 1 15. For student X, the null point would shift towards right (i.e. towards B) [Increase in R decreases the potential gradient. Hence a greater length of wire would be needed for balancing the same emf.] For student Y, the null point would shift towards left (ie. toward A) [A decrease of S would decrease the terminal p.d.V across the unknown battery ( V = E - ir and increases as S decreases] and hence a smaller length (for the same potential gradient) would be needed for balancing it] 16. 1 Energy of a photon of the incident radiation (85) Q. No. Value Points Marks 1 This being less than the work function of Mo, there would be no photo-emission from Mo. OR 1 17. Instantaneous Activity 18. LOS line of sight Waves used space waves It is both - the height of transmitting antenna as well as the height of the receiving antenna that affects the range of the mode of communication. 1 19. We observe that the field magnitude (i) Varies as the inverse cube of the distance of the field point along one line. (ii) Has a magnitude half of its magnitude (at an equidistant point) on the line perperdicular to this line. These properties tell us that the given charge distribution is a (small) electric dipole centered at the reference point O. The point A is an equatorial points for the given dipole. Hence potential of AI = zero. 1 (86) Q. No. 20. Value Points We have Marks For equilibrium, we must have or Hence The direction of is given by the direction of the vector 1 21. The equivalent internal resistance of each row of n cells in series = nr. The net equivalent internal resistance of the combination = Net equivalent emf of the combination = n x E (E = emf of one cell) Current drawn by R For maximum current, the denominator should be minimum. This happens when, 1 (87) Q. No. Value Points Marks 1 OR We can draw the circuit explicitly as shown. The current distribution can be taken as shown. Applying Kirchoff s second law to loops BADB and DCBD, respectively, we get the equations: - 2I1 + 2 - 1 - 1x I1 - 2I2 = 0 or 3 I1+ 2 I2 = 1 and, -3(I1- I2) + 3 - 1- 1 x (I1- I2) + 2 I2 = 0 or 4 I1- 6 I1 = 2 Solving, we get I1 = 1 and I2 = P.D. between B and D (Point B is at a higher potential w. r. t. point D) 22. The ray must fall on the surface AC at just the critical angle, Hence = c . The angle of incidence at the face AC equals 1 The refractive index for =5000 A0 is given by (88) Q. No. Value Points Marks 23. (i) We have C1 = C2 = C3 Resonant frequency is same for all three and we are given that L has same value for all (ii) We have R1<R2<R3 Band width for X< Bandwidth for Y< Bandwidth for Z Max.current for X>Max. current for Y> Max.current for Z Student X has the maximum value for the quality factor because the bandwidth is least in this case. The impedance at the resonant frequency 24. is purely resistive is nature. The liquid layer can be regarded as forming a plane concave lens.The first value ( ) of the measured distance is, therefore, the focal length of the combination of the given lens and the liquid lens. The second value ( ) represents the focal length of the lens itself. Hence, if f = 16 is the focal length of the liquid lens, we have or But, 1 , 25. When the normal to the plane of the coil makes an angle with it is with the direction of the magtnetic field, the flux linked Average Emf = Average of Sin over a cycle = Zero rms value of Emf = (89) Q. No. Value Points Marks Power dissipated = 26. Total B.E. of parent Nucleus = 7.8 x 235 MeV = 1833MeV = 7.835 x 231 MeV = 1809.9MeV = 7.07 x 4 MeV = 28.28 MeV Total B.E. of daughter nucleus Total B.E. of -particle Increase in B.E. after the reaction = [(180.9+28.28) - (1833)]MeV = 5.18 MeV This is the energy released in the reaction, since it assumed to be taken up totally by the mv2 = 5.18 x 1.6 x 10-13 J -particle, 27. The modulation index ( ) for an AM wave equals the ratio of the peak value of the modulating signal (Am) to the peak value of the carrier wave (Ac ) Given that 1 28. We have (90) Q. No. Value Points Marks The coil Y must carry this current in the anticlock wise sense. When the coil Y is lifted through a distance R, its centre becomes an axial point for coil X. Hence 1 Also Magnitude of net field = 1 This net field is in the direction of the field due to the coil Y, i.e; perpendicular to its plane and directed vertically upwards. 1 OR Consider a closed path of radius r inside the cross section of the wire. The current enclosed by this path is By Ampere s circuital law, or 1 Outside the wire, the field of the wire is given by The relevant graph is, therefore, as shown. (91) Q. No. Value Points Marks 1 If B1 and B2, denote respectively, the values of the magnetic field at points above and below the surface of the wire, we have The maximum value of the field is at r = a. we have 29. Statement of Huygen s Principle 1 Diagram showing the propagation of a spherical wavefront as a spherical wavefront. Diagram showing the propagation of a plane wavefront as a plane wavefront Diagram showing the incident and refracted wavefronts. Derivation of Snell s law of refraction OR Meaning of the term polarization 1 Polarization is possible only with transverse waves and not with longitudinal waves Incident Intensity = Io , (92) Q. No. Value Points Through P1 Marks 1 The light passing through P1 remains constant The light passing through P2 varies with as per the relation, I2 = I1cos2 The light coming from a clear portion of the sky is nothing but sunlight that has changed its direction due to scattering by molecules in the earth s atmosphere. This scattered light is polarised. It, therefore, shows a variation in intensity when viewed through a polaroid on rotation. 2 Through P2 30. Circuit diagram for drawing the input and output characteristics. 1 Typical shape of the input characteristics. (93) Q. No. Value Points Marks Cut off Stage : When the input voltage is less than a minimum value ( 0.6V for Si), there is no current flow in the input or output sides of the transistor. The transistor is then said to be in its cut-off stage. 1 Active Stage : This is the stage of the transistor when the input is greater than about 0.6 V and there is some current in the output path. 1 Saturation stage : With increase in the input voltage beyond a certain value, the output voltage decreases and becomes almost constant at a near to zero value. The transistor is then said to be in the saturation state. 1 The Transistor does not remain in the active stage when it is being used as a switch. OR The output C1 is the output of an AND gate having and B as its two inputs. The output C2 is the output of an AND gate having A and (94) as its two inputs. The output Y is the output of an OR gate having C1 and C2 as its two inputs. Using the truth tables for AND and OR gates, we can or therefore get the wave forms shown for C1, C2 and Y. 1 1 1 Looking at the shapes of A, B and Y, we can say that : (1) The output Y is low when both A and B are high. (2) The output Y is high when one of the input signals is high while the other is low. (95) BLUE-PRINT II XII Physics UNIT VSA (1 Mark) SA I (2 Marks) SA II (3Marks) LA (5 Marks) 1. Electrostatics 1(1) 4(2) 3(1) - 8(4) 2. Current Electricity - 2(1) - 5(1) 7(2) 3. Magnetic Effect of current and magnetism 1(1) 2(1) - 5(1) 8(3) 4. Electromagnetic Induction & Alternative Currents 1(1) 4(2) 3(1) - 8(4) 5. Electromagnetic waves 1(1) 2(1) - - 3(2) 6. Optics 1(1) 2(1) 6(2) 5(1) 14(5) 7. Dual Nature of Matter 1(1) - 3(1) - 4(2) 8. Atoms and Nuclei 1(1) 2(1) 3(1) - 6(3) 9. Electronic Devices 1(1) - 6(2) - 7(3) 10 Communication systems - 2(1) 3(1) - 5(2) Total 8(8) 20(10) 27(9) 15(3) 70(30) (96) S.No. Total SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER -II XII - PHYSICS Time : 3 Hours (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Max.Marks : 70 General Instructions All questions are compulsory. There are 30 questions in total. Questions 1 to 8 carry one mark each, questions 9 to 18 carry two marks each, questions 19 to 27 carry three marks each and questions 28 to 30 carry five marks each. There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in one question of two marks, one question of three marks and all three questions of five marks each. You have to attempt only one of the given choices in such questions. Use of calculators is not permitted. You may use the following physical constants wherever necessary : c h e = = = = Boltzmann constant Avogadro s number Mass of neutron Mass of electron 3 x 108ms-1 6.6 x 10-34Js 1.6 x 10-19 C 4 x 10 7 T m A 1 k = 1.38 x 1023 JK-1 NA = 6.023 x 1023/mole mn = 1.6 x 10-27 kg me = 9 x 10-31 kg o 1. What is the angle between the directions of electric field at any (i) axial point and (ii) equitorial point due to an electric dipole? 1 2. A (hypothetical) bar magnet (AB) is cut into two equal parts. One part is now kept over the other, so that pole C2 is above C1. If M is the magnetic moment of the original magnet, what would be the magnetic moment of the combination so formed? 1 A 3. C1 C2 B A rectangular wire frame, shown below, is placed in a uniform magnetic field directed upward and normal to the plane of the paper. The part AB is connected to a spring. The spring is stretched and released when the wire AB has come to the position (t=0). How would the induced emf vary with time? Neglect damping 1 (97) 4. From the following, identify the electromagnetic waves having the (i) Maximum (ii) Minimum frequency. (i) Radio waves (ii) Gamma-rays (iii) Visible light (iv) Microwaves (v) Ultraviolet rays, and (vi) Infrared rays. 5. A partially plane polarised beam of light is passed through a polaroid. Show graphically the variation of the transmitted light intensity with angle of rotation of the polaroid. 6. The given graphs show the variation of photo electric current (I) with the applied voltage (V) for two different materials and for two different intensities of the incident radiations. Identify the pairs of curves that correspond to different materials but same intensity of incident radiations. 7. Four nuclei of an element fuse together to form a heavier nucleus. If the process is accompanied by release of energy, which of the two - the parent or the daughter nucleus would have a higher binding energy/nucleon? 8. Zener diodes have higher dopant densities as compared to ordinary p-n junction diodes. How does it affect the (i) Width of the depletion layer? 9. 1 (ii) Junction field? Four point charges are placed at the four corners of a square in the two ways (i) and (ii) as shown below. Will the (i) electric field (ii) Electric potential, at the centre of the square, be the same or different in the two configrations and why? (i) (98) (ii) 10. The I-V characteristics of a resistor are observed to deviate from a straight line for higher values of current as shown below. Why? 11. A charged particle moving with a uniform velocity and enters a region where uniform electric and magnetic fields are present. It passes through the region without any change in its velocity. What can we conclude about the (i) Relative directions of (ii) Magnitudes of 12. and , , and ? ? Figure shows two long cooxial solenoids, each of length L . The outer soleniod has an area of cross-section A and number of turns/ length n1 . The corresponding values for the inner solenoid are A2 and n2. Write the expression for self inductance L1, L2 of the two coils and their mutual inductance M. Hence show that M< 13. . Two indentical plane metallic surfaces A and B are kept parallel to each other in air separated by a distance of 1.0 cm as shown in the figure. (99) Surface A is given a positive potential of 10V and the outer surface of B is earthed. (i) What is the magnitude and direction of the uniform electric field between points Y and Z? (ii) What is the work done in moving a charge of 20 C from point X and point Y? 14. In the circuit shown below, R represents an electric bulb. If the frequency of the supply is doubled, how should the values of C and L be changed so that the glow in the bulb remains unchanged? OR An air cored coil L and a bulb B are connected in series to the ac mains as shows in the given figure : The bulb glows with some brightness. How would the glow of the bulb change if an iron rod were inserted in the coil? Give reasons in support of your answer. 2 15. 16. Experimental observations have shown that X-rays (i) travel in vaccum with a speed of 3 x 108 ms-1, (ii) exhibit the phenomenon of diffraction and can the polarized. What conclusion can be drawn about the nature of X-rays from each of these observations? Write the relation between the angle of incidence (i), the angle of emergence (e), the angle of prism (A) and the and angle of deviation ( ) for rays undergoing refraction through a prism. What is the relation between for rays undergoing minimum deviation? Using this relation, write the expression for the refractive index ( ) of the material of a prism in terms of 17. 2 A radioactive material is reduced to and the angle of minimum deviation ( ) 2 of its original amount in 4 days. How much material should one begin with so that 4 x 10-3 kg of the material is left after 6 days. 2 18. Distinguish between point to point and broadcast communication modes. Give one example of each. 2 19. In a double slit interference experiment, the two coherent beams have slightly different intensities I and . Show that the resultant intensity at the maxima is nearly 4I while that at the minima is nearly . 3 (100) 20. An electric dipole of dipole moment torque is placed in a uniform electric field . Write the expression for the experienced by the dipole. Identify two pairs of perpendicular vectors in the expression. Show diagramatically the orientation of the dipole in the field for which the torque is (i) Maximum (ii) Half the maximum value (iii) Zero. OR Two capacitors with capacity C1 and C2 are charged to potential V1 and V2 respectively and then connected in parallel. Calculate the common potential across the combination, the charge on each capacitor, the electrostatic energy stored in the system and the change in the electrostatic energy from its initial value. 3 21. Using a suitable combination from a NOR, an OR and a NOT gate, draw circuits to obtain the truth table given below: 3 (i) (ii) 22. Which two main considerations are kept in mind while designing the objective of an astronomical telescope? Obtain an expression for the angular magnifying power and the length of the tube of an astronomical telescope in its normal adjustment position. 3 23. Calculate the de-Broglie wavelength of (i) an electron (in the hydrogen atom) moving with a speed of of the speed of light in vacuum and (ii) a ball of radius 5mm and mass 3 x 10-2 kg. moving with a speed of 100ms-1. Hence show that the wave nature of matter is important at the atomic level but is not really relevant at the macroscopic level. 3 24. Show that during the charging of a parallel plate capacitor, the rate of change of charge on each plate equals times the rate of change of electric flux 25. linked with it. What is the name given to the term ? 3 The spectrum of a star in the visible and the ultraviolet region was observed and the wavelength of some of the lines that could be identified were found to be : . (101) Which of these lines cannot belong to hydrogen atom spectrum? (Given Rydberg constant R = 1.03 X 107m-1 and . Support your answer with suitable calculations. 26. 3 What is space wave propagation? Which two communication methods make use of this mode of propagation? If the sum of the heights of transmitting and receiving antennae in line of sight of communication is fixed at h, show that the range is maximum when the two antennae have a height each. 27. Draw the transfer characteristics of a base biased transistor in its common emitter configuration. Explain briefly the meaning of the term active region in these characteristics. For what practical use, do we use the transistor in this active region ? 28. A cell of unkonown emf E and internal resistance r, two unknown resistances R1 and R2 (R2>R1) and a perfect ammeter are given. The current in the circuit is measured in five different situations : (i) Without any external resistance in the curcuit, (ii) With resistance R1 only, (iii) With resistance R2 only, (iv) With both R1 and R2 used in series combination and (v) With R1 and R2 used in parallel combination. The current obtained in the five cases are 0.42A, 0.6A, 1.05A, 1.4A, and 4.2A, but not necessarily in that order. Identify the currents in the five cases listed above and calculate E, r,, R1 and R2. OR Describe the formula for the equivalent EMF and internal resistance for the parallel combination of two cells with EMF E1 and E2 and internal resistances r1 and r2 respectively. What is the corresponding formula for the series combination? Two cells of EMF 1V, 2V and internal resistances 2 and 1 respectively are connected in (i) series, (ii) parallel. What should be the external resistance in the circuit so that the current through the resistance be the same in the two cases? In which case more heat is generated in the cells ? 5 29. (i) Describe an expression for the magnetic field at a point on the axis of a current carrying circular loop. (ii) Two coaxial circular loops L1 and L2 of radii 3cm and 4cm are placed as shown. What should be the magnitude and direction of the current in the loop L2 so that the net magnetic field at the point O be zero? OR (i) What is the relationship between the current and the magnetic moment of a current carrying circular loop? Use the expression to derive the relation between the magnetic moment of an electron moving in a circle and its related angular momentum? (ii) A muon is a particle that has the same charge as an electron but is 200 times heavier than it. If we had an atom in which the muon revolves around a proton instead of an electron, what would be the magnetic moment of the (102) muon in the ground state of such an atom? 30. (i) Derive the mirror formula which gives the relation between f, v and u. What is the corresponding formula for a thin lens? (ii) Calculate the distance d, so that a real image of an object at O, 15cm in front of a convex lens of focal length 10cm be formed at the same point O. The radius of curvature of the mirror is 20cm. Will the image be inverted or eract? OR (i) Using the relation for refraction at a single spherical refracting surface, derive the lens maker s formula. (ii) In the accompanying diagram, the direct image formed by the lens (f = 10cm) of an object placed of O and that formed after reflection from the spherical mirror are formed at the same point . What is the radius of curvature of the mirror? (103) MARKING SCHEME SAMPLE PAPER - II PHYSICS Q.No Value Points Marks 1. 1800 or antiparallel 1 2. Nearly Zero or Zero 1 3. Sinusoidal Variation 1 OR 4. (i) Maximum (ii) Minimum - -rays Radiowaves 5. 1 6. 7. 8. (1, 3) (2, 4) The daughter element (release of energy is accompanied by an increase of B.E) 2 (i) Depletion layer width decreases. (ii) Junction field becomes very high (104) Q.No Value Points Marks 9. (i) Potential is same (=zero) in both cases (ii) Electric field is different in the two cases. (iii) Correct explanation + 10. For higher values of current, we observe that the current value for a given voltage is less than given by Ohm s law. This means that R has increased for higher values of current. 1 The increase of R is because of the increase in temperature of the resistor at higher values of the current. 1 11. is not parallel or antiparallel to 12. 1 13. (i) Its direction is from higher potential to lower potential point, i.e. from Y to Z (ii) The surface of a charged metal plate is an equipotential. X and Y are at the same potential. (105) Q.No Value Points Marks Work done in moving a charge in an elecrtic field = Work done in moving 14. from X to Y = For same current value, the total impedance must remain same must remain same. Thus L and C must both be halved simultaneously. +1 OR The glow of the bulb will decrease As the iron rod is inserted in the coil, its inductance increases. As inductance incresases, its reactance also increases resulting in an increase in the impedance of the circuit. + As a result, the current in the circuit and hence the glow of the bulb will decrease. 15. . (i) X-rays are e.m. waves (ii) X-rays are transverse in nature 1 1 16. For minimum deviation For minimum deviation, we also have 17. Reduction factor = in 4 days. Hence Half life = 1 day 1 For 6 days reduction factor would be Original amount = (106) Q.No 18. Value Points Marks Broad cast mode : Large number of receivers linked to a single transmitter Example : Radio 19. Point to Point : Communication over a link between a single transmitter and receiver Example : Telephone The two amplitudes are 1 Intensity at minima and intensity at maxima 20. Two Pairs : + (i) (ii) or (iii) or + OR 1 Charges : Energy stored = (107) Q.No Value Points Marks Change in energy stored 1 21. Output not symmetric for A, B = (0, 1) and (1,0) NOT gate in one input. NOR gate (i) has three zeros 1 Thus 1 (ii) has three one s OR gate Thus 22. 1 The two main considerations (i) Large light gathering power (ii) Higher resolution (resolving power) [Both these requirements are met better when an objective of large focal length as well as large aperture is used] Ray diagram for normal adjustment. Derivation of the expression for angular magnifying power 1 Derivation of the expression for the length of the telescope tube 23. size of atom, <<size of ball 1 24. (108) Q.No Value Points The term Marks is known as displacement current This term has been used to modify and generalize Ampere s Circuital law. 25. Let us take n2 = 1 (Lyman series of hydrogen spectrum) Here can take values (Corresponding to n1 = 2, 3, 4, -------------- ) , 1091Ao, 1034.6 Ao, ----------------------970Ao Let us next take n2 = 2 (Balmer series of hydrogen spectrum) (Coresponding to n1 = 3, 4, 5--------------) o Possible values of are 6984A , 5173. 3Ao, 4619Ao, -------3880Ao Hence spectrum. 26. of the given lines, cannot belong to the hydrogen atom Space wave : A space wave travels in a straight line from the transmitting antenna to the receiving antenna : 1 Two ways : Line of sight communication and satellite communication] We have 1 27. Transfer characteristics Brief discussion of active region 1 1 (109) Q.No Value Points Marks we operate the transistor in the active region for using it as an amplifier 28. Total resistance in the five cases are : 1 or in increasing order The correct order of values of I are : 4.2A, 1.4A, 1.05 A, 0.6 A and 0.42 A Also 1 Solve first four to obtain, E = 4.2V, r = 1 , R1 = 3 , R2 = 6 4x OR (i) Derivation for parallel combination : 2 1 =2 2 (ii) Series combination formula : (iii) Numerical 29. (i) Derivation (ii) Numerical 3 2 (110) Thus I2 = Current in opposite sense to that in L1 1 OR (i) Relationship (ii) Derivation 2 1 1 30. (i) Derivation of formula 2 Then lens formula (ii) Numerical Distance of this image from the mirror must be 20 cm [ For image to from at O, mirror must reverse the light d = (30 + 20) cm = 50 cm) The final image is inverted. OR Statement of formula for single surface (i) Derivation : 2 (ii) Numerical 1 1 (111) BLUE PRINT - III XII - PHYSICS Topic VSA SA I SA II LA ( 1 mark) ( 2 marks) ( 3 marks) ( 5 marks) 1(1) 2(1) - 5(1) 8(3) - 4(2) 3(1) - 7(3) Magnetic effect & Magnetism 1(1) 2(1) - 5(1) 8(3) Electromagnetic induction & 1(1) 4(2) 3(1) - 8(4) Electromagnetic Waves 1(1) 2(1) - - 3(2) Optics 1(1) 2(1) 6(2) 5(1) 14(5) Dual Nature of Matter 1(1) - 3(1) - 4(2) - - 6 (2) - 6(2) 2(2) 2(1) 3(1) - 7(4) - 2(1) 3(1) - 5(2) 8(8) 20(10) 27(9) 15(3) 70(30) Electrostatics Current Electricity Total Alternating currents (112) Atoms & Nuclei Electronic Devices Communication Systems Total SAMPLE PAPER III XII - PHYSICS Time : Three Hours (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Max. Marks : 70 General Instructions : All questions are compulsory. There are 30 questions in total. Questions 1 to 8 carry one mark each, questions 9 to 18 carry two marks each, questions 19 to 27 carry three marks each and questions 28 to 30 carry five marks each. There is no over all choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in one question of two marks, one question of three marks and all three questions of five marks each. You have to attempt only one of the given choices in such questions. Use of calculators is not permitted. You may use the following physical constants wherever necessary : c h e = = = 3 x 108ms-1 6.6 x 10-34Js 1.6 x 10-19 C = 1. Boltzmann constant k = 1.38 x 1023 JK-1 Avogadro s number NA = 6.023 x 1023/mole Mass of neutron mn = 1.6 x 10-27 kg Mass of electron me = 9 x 10 31 kg The graph shown here, shows the variation of the total energy (E) stored in a capacitor against the value of the capacitance(C) itself. Which of the two - the charge on the capacitor or the potential used to charge it is kept constant for this graph? 1 2. An - particle and a proton are moving in the plane of the paper in a region where there is a unifom magentic field ( ) directed normal to the plane of the paper. If the two particles have equal linear momenta, what will be the ratio of the radii of their trajectories in the field? 1 3. State the condition under which a microwave oven heats up a food item containing water molecules most efficiently. 1 (113) 4. An electrical element X, when connected to an alternating voltage source, has the current through it leading the voltage by 5. radii. Identify X and write an expression for its reactance. A double convex lens, made from a material of refractive index where 1 , is immersed is a liquid of refractive index . What change, if any, would occur in the nature of the lens? 1 6. The de Broglie wavelengths, associated with a proton and a neutron, are found to be equal. Which of the two has a higher value for kinetic energy? 1 7. Carbon and silicon are known to have similar lattice structures. However, the four bonding electrons of carbon are present in second orbit while those of silicon are present in its third orbit. How does this difference result in a difference in their electrical conductivities? 1 8. An unknown input (A) and the input (B) shown here, are used as the two inputs in a NAND gate. The output Y, has the form shown below. Identify the intervals over which the input A must be low . 1 9. The two graphs drawn below, show the variation of electrostatic potential (V) with point from the point charge) for two point charges q1 and q2. (114) (r being distance of the field (i) What are the signs of the two charges? (ii) Which of the two charges has a larger magnitude and why? 10. 2 Calculate the temperature at which the resistance of a conductor becomes 20% more than its resistance at 270C. The value of the temperature coefficient of resistance of the conductor is 11. . 2 A student records the following data for the magnitudes (B) of the magnetic field at axial points at different distances x from the centre of a circular coil of radius a carrying a current I. Verify (for any two) that these observations are in good agreement with the expected theoratical variation of B with x. x=0 x=a x = 2a x = 3a 2 12. An armature coil consists of 20 turns of wire, each of area A = 0.09m2 and total resistance 15.0 megnetic field of 0.5T at a constant frequency of . Calculate the value of (i) maximum (ii) average induced emf produced in the coil 13. . It rotates in a 2 Two cells of emf E1 and E2 have internal resistance r1 and r2. Deduce an expression for equivalent emf of their parallel combination. OR A cell of emf (E) and internal resistance (r) is connected across a variable external resistance (R). Plot graphs to show variation of (115) (i) E with R , (ii) Terminal p.d. of the cell (V) with R 14. 2 Fig. shows a light bulb (B) and iron cored inductor connected to a DC battery through a switch (S). 2 (i) What will one observe when switch (S) is closed? (ii) How will the glow of the bulb change when the battery is replaced by an ac source of rms voltage equal to the voltage of DC battery? Justify your answer in each case. 15. Electromagnetic radiations with wavelength (i) are used to kill germs in water purifiers. (ii) 2 are used in TV communication systems (iii) play an important role in maintaining the earth s warmth. Name the part of electromagnetic spectrum to which these radiations belong. Arrange these wavelengths in decreasing order of their magnitude. 16. What do the terms depletion region and barrier potential mean for a p-n junction? 17. We do not choose to transmit an audio signal by just directly converting it to an e.m. wave of the same frequency. Give two reasons for the same. 2 18. Light of wavelength 550 nm. is incident as parallel beam on a slit of width 0.1mm. Find the angular width and the linear width of the principal maxima in the resulting diffraction pattern on a screen kept at a distance of 1.1m from the slit. Which of these widths would not change if the screen were moved to a distance of 2.2m from the slit? 2 19. The given figure shows the experimental set up of a metre bridge. The null point is found to be 60cm away from the end A with X and Y in position as shown. (116) 2 When a resistance of 15 is connected in series with Y , the null point is found to shift by 10cm towards the end A of the wire. Find the position of null point if a resistance of 3 O were connected in parallel with Y . 3 OR Why is a potentiometer preferred over a voltmeter for determining the emf of a cell? Two cells of Emf E1 and E2 are connected together in two ways shown here. The balance points in a given potentiometer experiment for these two combinations of cells are found to be at 351.0cm and 70.2cm respectively. Calculate the ratio of the Emfs of the two cells. 20. When a circuit element X is connected across an a.c. source, a current of A flows through it and this current is in phase with the applied voltage. When another element Y is connected across the same a.c. source, the same current flows in the cricuit but it leads the voltage by radians. (i) Name the circuit elements X and Y. (ii) Find the current that flows in the circuit when the series combination of X and Y is connected across the same a.c. voltage. (iii) Plot a graph showing variation of the net impedance of this series combination of X and Y as a function of the angular frequency of the applied voltage. 3 21. Give reasons for the following : (a) Astronomers prefer to use telescopes with large objective diameters to observe astronomical objects. (b) Two identical but independent monochromatic sources of light cannot be coherent. (c) The value of the Brewster angle for a transparent medium is different for lights of different colours. 22. The given graphs show the variation of the stopping potential Vs with the frequency ( for two different photosensitive materials M1 and M2. (117) 3 ) of the incident radiations (i) What are the values of work functions for M1 and M2 ? (ii) The values of the stopping potential for M1 and M2 for a frequency of the incident radiations are V1 and V2 respectively. Show that the slope of the lines equals 3 23. What is a wavefront? Distinguish between a plane wavefront and a spherical wavefront. Explain with the help of a diagram, the refraction of a plane wavefront at a plane surface using Huygen s construction. 3 24. Define the term Activity of a radioactive substance. State its SI unit. Two different radioactive elements with half lives T1 and T2 have N1 and N2 (undecayed) atoms respectively present at a given instant. Determine the ratio of their activities at this instant. 3 25. (a) Draw the block diagram of a communication system. (b) What is meant by detection of a modulated carrier wave? Describe briefly the essential steps for detection. 3 26. The given circuit diagram shows a transistor configuration along with its output characteristics. Identify (i) the type of transistor used and (ii) the transistor configuration employed. (118) Use these graphs to obtain the approximate value of current amplication factor for the transistor at . 27. 3 State Bohr s postulate for the permitted orbits for the electron in a hydrogen atom. Use this postulate to prove that the circumference of the nth permitted orbit for the electron can contain exactly n wave lengths of the deBroglie wavelength associated with the electron in that orbit. 3 28. Obtain an expression for the capacitance of a parallel plate (air)capacitor. The given figure shows a network of five capacitors connected to a 100V supply. Calculate the total charge and energy stored in the network. OR Use Gauss s law to obtain an expression for the electric field due to an infinitely long straight uniformly charged wire. Electric field in the above figure is directed along + X direction and given by Ex = 5Ax + 2B, where E is in NC-1 and x is in metre, A and B are constants with dimensions Talking (i) the electric flux through the cube. (ii) net charge enclosed within the cube. (119) and B = 5NC-1 calculate. 5 29. (a) Draw the labelled diagram of moving coil galvanometer. Prove that in a radial magnetic field, the deflection of the coil is directly proportional to the current flowing in the coil. (b) A galvanometer can be converted into a voltmeter to measure up to (i) V volts by connecting a resistance R1 in series with coil. (ii) volts by connecting a resistance R2 in series with its coil Find the resistance (R), in terms of R1 and R2 required to convert it into a voltmeter that can read up to 2V volts. OR (a) Draw diagrams to depict the behaviour of magnetic field lines near a bar of: (i) copper (ii)Aluminium (iii) Mercury, cooled to a very low temperature (4.2K) times its horizontal component. If (b) The vertical component of the earth s agnetic field at a given place in total intensity of earth s magnetic field at the place is 0.4 G find the value of : (i) angle of dip (ii) the horizontal component of earth s magnetic field. 30. (a) Draw a ray diagram to show the refraction of light through a glass prism. Hence obtain the relation for the angle of deviation in terms of the angle of incidence, angle of emergence and the angle of the prism. (b) A right angled isosceles glass prism is made from glass of refractive index 1.5. Show that a ray of light incident normally on (i) one of the equal sides of this prism is deviated through 900 (ii) the hypotenuse of this prism is deviated through 1800 OR (a) With the help of a labelled ray diagram, show the image formation by a compound microscope. Derive an expression for its magnifying power. (b) How does the resolving power of a compound microscope get affected on (i) decreasing the diameter of its objective? (ii) increasing the focal length of its objective? (120) MARKING SCHEME PAPER III PHYSICS XII Q.No. Value Points Marks 1. (The graph is showing ), Hence Q the charge on capacitors is kept constant 2. 3. The frequency of the microwaves should match the resonant frequency of the water molecules in the food. 1 4. X is a pure capacitor Impedance = 5. , the lens would now behave like a diverging (concave) lens. 6. The proton will have a higher K.E. (mass of proton is slightly less than that of the neutron) 7. The ionisation energy of silicon gets (considerably) reduced compared to that of carbon. Silicon (a semi-conductor), therefore, becomes a (much) better conductor of electricity than carbon (an insulator) + 8. 9. + + (i) q1 is a negative charge and q2 is a positive charge. (ii) (121) Slope of the V v/s graph is Since the slope of the graph for q1 has a larger magnitude, has the larger magnitude of the two. 10. T = 1300 K 11. Thus the given values are in good agreement with the theoratically expected values. 12. = 270 V Eaverage = Zero. 13. (122) Comparing with V = Eeq - I req , We get OR (i) (ii) 1 14. (i) The glow gradually increases till it becomes maximum Reasons : There is a back (induced) emf in the inductor when the current is growing and this delays the growth of current to its final steady value. (ii) The glow will decrease Reasons : The impedance of circuit will increase due to the presence of the inductive reactance of the circuit. 15. (i) UV rays (ii) (UHF) radio waves (iii) Infrared waves 3 x = 1 16. Meaning/Definition of Depletion region Barrier Potential 17. 1 1 Reasons : (i) Size of antenna (ii) Effective power radiated by the antenna (123) (iii) Mixing up of different signals (Any two reasons with justification) 18. 1+1 Linear width =D = 6.05 mm The angular width would not change. 19. solving, we get , For the parallel connection OR The Emf of a cell equals the p.d. between its terminals when it is in an open circuit i.e. not supplying any current. A voltmeter measures p.d. (and not e. m. f.) as it draws a (small) current for its working. The potentiometer draws no (net) current (form the cell) at the balance point. So the cell can be treated as if it were in an open circuit.1 (124) 20. a resistor A capacitor (iii) Net Impedance 21. 1 (i) Because such telescopes (a) have high resolving power (b) produce brighter images (ii) Two identical but independent light sources cannot produce light waves continuously either in the same phase or having a constant phase difference beteen them. 1 (iii) Brewster angle (Ip) is given by depends upon the wavelength ( ) of the incident light. Hence ip will be different for different colours of light. 22. Work functions (i) For (ii) For M1 (125) Similarly, For M2 Slope of either line 23. Continuous locus of all the particles of a medium which are vibrating in the same phase in called a wavefront. 1 (a) Difference 1 (b) Correct explanation with diagram 1 24. The activity of a radioactive element at any instant, equals its rate of decay at that instant. Its SI unit is Becquerel (Bq) (= 1 decay per second) Activity R = 1 25. (i) 1 (ii) Detection is the process of recovering the modulating (or information) signal from the modulated carrier wave. 1 The essential steps followed in the process of detection are (i) The AM input wave is passed through a rectifier to obtain its rectified waveform. (ii) The rectified wave is passed through an envelope detector which retrieves the message signal as the envelope of the rectified wave. 26. (i) n - p -n tranistor. (ii) Common emitter (iii) Considering characterstics for (126) 1 = 150 27. The permitted stationary orbits for the electron in a hydrogen atom are those for which the angular momentum of the electron is an integral multiple of 1 But the associated de Broglie wavelength for electron in its nth orbit Hence or circumference of ntn permitted orbit = n x de Broglie wavelength associated with the electron in the nth orbit. 28. Derivation of expression for capacitance C = 2 Net capacitance = 1 Energy stored (W) = Charge = 0.02 J q = CV OR Derivation of Diagram 1 E = 5Ax + 2 B = 50 x + 10 Electric flux through the face with point M on it similarly, flux through the face having point N on it. (127) (Flux through all other faces will be Zero) Total flux through the cube + (ii) 29. (a) Labelled diagram of moving coil galvanometer Deflecting torque on the coil = NI BA sin 1 In radial magnetic field = 900 Deflecting torque = NIA B Counter torque provided by the spring = K In equilibrium K = NIAB The quantity in bracket is constant and On comparison OR We know that (i) copper is diamagnetic (ii) Aluminium is paramagnetic and (iii) mercury (cooled to 4.2 k) is perfect diamagnetic. Hence the behaviour of field lines is as shown here (128) (i) (b) (i) tan (ii) = (iii) (ii) Horizontal Component = 30. (a) Ray diagram 1 Proving getting the relation (b) Calculating the critical angle for glass Drawing the ray diagram for case (i) Drawing the ray diagram for case (ii) 1 1 OR (a) Labelled ray diagram 1 Derivation 2 (b) Resolving power of microscope (i) Decreasing diameter of objective will decrease Hence R P will decrease 1 (ii) No effect 1 (129)

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