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CBSE XII Sample / Mock 2011 : POLITICAL SCIENCE with Answers (2 Sample Papers)

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POLITICAL SCIENCE CODE NO (028) DESIGN OF QUESTION PAPER SUBJECT : Political Science Max. Marks : 100 CLASS XII 1. Weightage to form of questions Form of Question No. of Questions Marks of each question Total Marks Long Answer (LA) 5 6 30 55 minutes Short Answer (SA) 10 4 40 70 minutes Very Short Answer (VSA) II 10 2 20 30 minutes Very Short Answer (VSA) I 10 1 10 10 minutes 100 165 minutes + 15 minutes for revision 35 2. Estimated Time (in minutes) Weightage of content Part I : Contemporary World Politics Unit Chapter Marks 1 Cold War Era in World Politics 2 Disintegration of the Second World and the Collapse of Bipolarity 3 US Dominance in World Politics 4 Alternative Centres of Economic and Political Power 5 South Asia in the Post-Cold War Era 6 International Organisations in a Unipolar World 7 Security in Contemporary World 8 Environment and Natural Resources 9 Globalisation and its Critics } } } } 14 16 10 10 Politics in India since Independence 10 Era of One-Party Dominance 11 Nation-Building and its Problems 12 Politics of Planned Development } 53 16 13 India s External Relations 14. Challenges to and Restoration of Congress System 15. Crisis of the Constitutional Order 16. Regional Aspiration and Conflicts 17. Rise of New Social Movements 18. Recent Developments in Indian Politics 3. 6 } } 12 16 Weightage of Difficulty Level Estimated difficult level Percentage Difficult 20% Average 50% Easy 30% 4. Scheme of Options : Internal Choice to be provided in all Long Answer Questions of 6 marks each. 5. In order to assess different mental abilities of learners, question paper is likely to include questions based on passages, visuals such as maps, cartoons, etc. No factual question will be asked on the information given in the plus (+) boxes in the textbooks. 54 BLUE PRINT Subject : Political Science Max. Marks : 100 marks Unit Content/Form of Question Set I and II Long Answer (6 marks) Short Answer (4 marks) Very Short Answer-II (2 marks) Very Short Answer-I 1 (mark) Total 6(1) 4(1) 2(2) 14(4) 4(3) 2(1) 1(2) 16(6) 4(1) 2(2) 1(2) 10(5) 6(1) 4(1) 10(2) 6(1) 4(1) 2(2) 1(2) 16(6) 4(1) 2(1) 6(2) VII. 14. Challenges to and Restoration of Congress System 15. Crisis of the Constitutional Order 6(1) 4(1) 1(2) 12(4) VIII. 16. Regional Aspirations Conflicts 17. Rise of New Social Movements 18. Recent Developments in Indian Politics 6(1) 4(1) 2(2) 1(2) 16(6) 30(5) 40(10) 20(10) 10(10) 100(35) Contemporary World Politics I. 1. Cold War Era in World Politics 2. Disintegration of the Second World and the Collapse of Bipolarity II. 3. US Domination in World Politics 4. Alternative Centres of Economic and Political Power 5. South Asia in the Post-Cold War Era III. 6. International Organisation in Unipolar World 7. Security in Contemporary World 55 IV . 8. Environment and Natural Resources 9. Globalisation and its Critics Politics in India since Independence V . 10. Nation-Building and its Problems 11. Era of One Party Dominance 12. Politics of Planned Development VI. 13. India s External Relations Total Figures outside the brackets show marks. Figures inside the bracket show number of questions. LA 5 Questions 6 marks each SA 10 Questions 4 marks each VSA II 10 questions 2 marks each VSA I 10 questions 1 mark each SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER I POLITICAL SCIENCE CLASS-XII Max. Marks : 100 Time Allowed : 3 Hours General Instructions 1. All questions are compulsory. 2. Question Nos. 1-10 are of 1 mark each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 20 words each. 3. Question Nos. 11-20 are of 2 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 40 words each. 4. Question Nos. 21-30 are of 4 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 100 words each. 5. Question Nos. 31-35 are of 6 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 150 words each. 1. Which event does 9/11 refer to in the context of contemporary world politics? 1 2. Fill in the blanks: The origin of the European Union can be traced to the Plan sponsored by the to support the European countries to recover from the Second World War. 1 3. Correct and rewrite the following: The UN Security Council has seven permanent members. A majority of the permanent members can veto any decision of the Security Council. 1 4. State the full form of CTBT. 1 5. What was the most important recommendation of the States Reorganisation Commission? 1 6. What is meant by Planned Development? 1 7. Name the two leaders who were known for the following two slogans: (a) Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan; (b) Garibi Hatao 8. Match the following four leaders with their parties just before the Lok Sabha elections held in 1977 (a) Charan Singh (i) Congress for Democracy 56 1 (b) D. K. Barooah (ii) Bharatiya Lok dal (c) Jagjivan Ram (iii) Congress (R) (d) Morarji Desai (iv) Congress (O) 1 9. Correct and rewrite the following: The Assam Movement was led by religious leaders who demanded the expulsion of non-Hindus from Assam 1 10. Fill in the blanks: A movement called protested against the building of dam on river Narmada. 1 11. Identify two arenas of the Cold War with one example each. 2 12. Identify the four countries marked A, B, C and D in the enclosed map given below with Ukraine, Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan. 2 (A) (B) (C) (D) 13. State any two differences between the economic policies followed by China before and after 1978. 2 14. Give two suggestions for the reform of the structures and processes of the United Nations. 2 57 15. State the two differences between the security challenges facing the newly independent countries of Asia and Africa and the security challenges in Europe. 2 16. State any two challenges that India faced at the time of Independence. 2 17. Name the original states from which the following states were carved out: (a) Meghalaya; (b) Gujarat 2 18. Arrange the following events in the correct chronological sequence, from the earliest to the latest. (a) First Nuclear Test conducted by India. (b) Twenty year Treaty of Peace and Friendship between India and Soviet Union. (c) The Tashkent Agreement between India and Pakistan (d) The Panchsheel declaration by India and China 2 19. State any two characteristics of non-party movements. 2 20. Identify one similarity and one difference between the crisis in Punjab and Assam during the 1980s. 2 21. Why did the two superpowers need smaller allies during the Cold War? Give any four reasons. 1x4 22. What does US hegemony mean in today s world? Mention any two constrains that operate on the US hegemony. 2+2 23. What according to you is the message of the following cartoon? What do the two wheels in this bicycle represent? 2+2 58 24. The Indian Prime Minister is to visit China and you have been asked to prepare a very brief note for him. Write one point each on the Indian and Chinese position on the boarder dispute and economic cooperation. 2+2 25. What are the four components of the traditional notion of security from external threats? Give one example of each. 1x4 26. What is meant by Global Commons ? Suggest two steps for protection of Global Commons. 2+2 27. Identify the four princely states marked in the map given below as A, B, C and D. Mention the major problem faced in the integration of any one of these states into the Indian union. 2+2 59 28. Explain any two aspects of India s nuclear policy. 2+2 29. Was the Congress split in 1969 avoidable? If the split had not taken place, how could it have influenced the course of events in the 1970s? 2+2 30. What have been the major trends in the electoral performance of the Congress and the BJP since 1989? 2+2 31. Suppose the Cold War had not taken place and there were several major powers at the end of the Second World War. How would that situation have affected India s foreign policy? Identify any three aspects or regions and imagine the difference. 2+2+2 OR Suppose the Soviet Union had not disintegrated and the world was still as bipolar as it was in mid-1980s. How would it have affected the developments in the last two decades? Identify any three regions or domains and the developments that may not have taken place in that kind of a world. 2+2+2 32. Read this extract from the Rio Declaration and answer the following questions: States shall cooperate in the spirit of global partnership to conserve, protect and restore the health and integrity of the earth s ecosystem. In view of the different contributions of the global environmental degradation, states have common but differentiated responsibilities. (a) Give two examples of the ecosystem being talked about here. (b) Which part of the world has greater responsibility for environmental protection? And why? (c) To what extent was this spirit followed by the states in their action since the Rio Summit? 2+2+2 OR Read this passage and answer the following questions: If globalisation is about the flows of ideas, capital, commodities, and people, it is perhaps logical to ask if there is anything novel about this phenomenon. Globalisation in terms of these four flows has taken place through much of human history. However, those who argue that there is something distinct about contemporary globalisation point out that it is the scale and speed of these flows that account for the uniqueness of globalisation. (a) Give an example of each of these four flows that distinguishes globalisation from similar flows in earlier times. (b) Can we conclude from this way of looking at globalisation that it is essentially economic and always positive? Give examples to support your position. 60 4+2 33. How was the one party dominant system in India different from similar systems elsewhere? Did the dominance of one party mean that India was not really a democracy? Give reasons to support your answer. 3+3 OR What was the green revolution? Which areas did it affect most? Mention two positive and two negative consequences of the green revolution. 1+1++2+2 34. Argue for or against one of the following proposition: The Emergency showed that the foundations of constitutional democracy are very weak in our country. 6 OR Indira Gandhi was left with no option except to impose Emergency. 6 35. Read this passage and answer the following questions: India adopted a democratic approach to the question of diversity. Democracy allows the political expressions of regional aspirations and does not look upon them as anti-national. Besides, democratic politics allows parties and groups to address the people on the basis of their regional identity, aspiration and specific regional problems. Thus, in the course of democratic politics, regional aspirations get strengthened. At the same time, democratic politics also means that regional issues and problems will receive adequate attention and accommodation in the policy making process. (a) In which way was the Indian approach different from the one followed in many European democracies? (b) Does it mean that regionalism is good for Indian democracy? (c) Substantiate the argument of this passage with the example of Tamil Nadu or Punjab. 2+2+2 OR Read this passage and answer the following questions: Even as political parties act within the sphere of a given consensus, political movements and organisations are simultaneously identifying new forms, visions and pathways of development. Issues like poverty, displacement, minimum wages, livelihood and social security are being put on the political agenda by peoples movements, reminding the state of its responsibility. (a) What is the consensus mentioned in this passage? (b) What is the relationship between political parties and movements in contemporary India? (c) Substantiate the point made in this passage with the example of any popular movement. 61 2+2+2 MARKING SCHEME SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER I POLITICAL SCIENCE CLASS XII Max. Marks : 100 Time allowed : 3 Hrs. 1 9/11 refers to the terrorist attacks in the USA on September 11, 2001. 2 Fill in the blanks : The origins of the European Union can be traced to the Marshall Plan sponsored by the USA to support the European countries to recover from the Second World War. 1 1 3 The UN Security Council has five permanent members. Any one of the permanent members can veto any decision of the Security Council. 4 Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. 1 5 The States Reorganization Commission recommended the creation of states in India on the basis of different languages. 1 Without overcoming the challenges i.e. poverty alleviation and social and economic redistribution, growth and material progress is not possible. For development, therefore, a design or plan was the basic requirement. 1 6 7 Leaders known by the slogans are : Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan Lal Bahadur Shastri. Garibi Hatao Indira Gandhi. 8 + Match the following : (a) (ii) (b) (iii) (c) (i) (d) (iv) 9 x 4 =1 The Assam Movement was led by AASU leaders who demanded the expulsion of foreigners from Assam. 62 1 10 Fill in the blanks : + =1 A movement called Narmada Bachao Andolan protested against the building of Sardar Sarovar Project. 11 Identify two arenas of the Cold War with one example of each. 2 1. North Korea (supported by the USSR) versus South Korea (supported by the USA). 2. North Vietnam (supported by the USSR) Vs South Vietnam (supported by the USA). 3. Afghanistan (rival factions supported by the US and USSR). 4. Europe (NATO led by the USA) versus Warsaw Pact led by the USSR. (Any two) 12 A : Russia, B : Ukraine, C : Kazakstan, D : Azerbaijan. 13 State any two differences between the economic policies followed by China before and after 1978. 2 (i) Closed/command economy before 1978; open door policy/market economy after 1978. (ii) Less foreign trade and investment before 1978; more foreign trade and investment after 1978. (iii) Economic linkages primarily with communist countries before 1978; economic linkages with capitalist countries such as the USA and Japan after 1978. (iv) Any other relevant point. (Any two) 14 Give two suggestions for the reform of the structures and processes of the United Nations. 2 1. The UN Security Council should be expanded. 2. More powers and resources should be provided to the UN Peacekeeping missions. 3. Any other 15 State the two differences between the security challenges facing the newly independent countries of Asia and Africa and the security challenges in Europe. 63 2 1. The newly independent countries of Asia and Africa have military conflicts with neighbours over unsettled borders. 2. These countries face mostly internal security challenges. 16 (a) Displacement and rehabilitation as an outcome of partition. 1+1=2 (b) Diversity of language, culture and religion etc. (c) To evolve effective policies for eradication of poverty. (Any two) 17 (a) (b) 1+1 =2 Assam Maharashtra 18 Arrange the following in the correct chronological sequence : (1) (d) (2) (3) (b) (4) x4=2 (a) 19 Characteristics of non-party movements. 1+1 They are led by voluntary sector organisations. They do not involve political parties. They do not contest elections. They encourage direct and active participation by people in solving local issues (Any two) 20 Both in Punjab and Assam crisis, the common factor was responding to regional aspirations as well as finding solution through democratic negotiations. 1+1=2 The uncommon aspect in both of these was that in the Punjab crisis the focus was on the demand of political autonomy for the region whereas in the Assam crisis the movement was against outsiders i.e. from Bangla Desh. 21 The two superpowers needed smaller allies due to following reasons : 1. Vital natural resources such as oil, gas and minerals 2. Territories, which could be used as military bases 3. Locations, which could be used for spying 4. Economic support from small allies by way of providing troops and materials 5. Ideological support from small allies in terms of loyalty to rival ideas. (Any four) 64 1x4 22 What does US hegemony mean in today s world? Mention any two constraints that operate on the US hegemony. 2+2 The USA is the sole superpower now. It has the economic and military means to intervene in any part of the world. The constraints are 1. System of separation of powers among the three organs of the American government 2. the open nature of American society and political culture 3. NATO 23 What according to you is the message of the following cartoon? What do the two wheels in the bicycle represent? A: The cartoon shows the economic transformation of communist China. China exports a large number of low-cost products to the capitalist Western countries and Japan. While the front wheel represents the Communist symbol of hammer and sickle, the rear wheel represents the Capitalist symbol of dollar. Both are coexisting in China now. 24 The Indian Prime Minister is to visit China and you have been asked to prepare a very brief note for him. Write one point each on the Indian and chinese positions on the border dispute and economic cooperation. 2+2 A: 1. India : China should accept the entire Arunachal Pradesh as the territory of India. 2. China : India should give up its claims on the Aksai Chin area. 3. India : More cross-border trade points should be opened. 4. China : More sectors of Indian economy have to be opened for the Chinese investment. (Any other points) 25 What are the four components of the traditional notion of security from external threats? Give one example of each. A: The four components are : 1. Deterrence : to prevent war, e.g. the nuclear deterrence policy of the two superpowers during the Cold War. 65 1x4 2. Defence : to limit or end war, e.g. training of national armed forces to face threats from abroad. 3. Balance of Power : Maintaining a favourable balance of power vis-a-vis others, particularly in the military sector e.g. Arms purchases by India and Pakistan from abroad for military modernization. 4. Alliance-building: Forming a coalition with others to increase one s own power e.g. the NATO established by the USA and the Warsaw Pact created by the USSR. 26 What is meant by Global Commons ? Suggest two steps for protection of global commons. 2+2 A: Global Commons are areas of the world located outside the exclusive jurisdiction of any one state. So they require common governance by the global community. For example, the earth s atmosphere, the ocean floor, Antarctica, Arctic Polar Regions and outer space. 1. activities in these areas should be restricted to scientific research and commercial exploitation should not be allowed. 2. the advanced countries such as the Western countries and Japan should provide environment-friendly technologies to the developing countries to prevent environmental degradation. 27 The candidates have to write the names of Hyderabad, Manipur, Junagarh and J&K against A,B,C,D marked in the Blank Map. The candidates should also mention about the problem faced in the integration of any one of these states into the Indian Union. 1x4=4 28 Permanent members of the Security Council (after Communist China s conducting nuclear tests in 1969) imposed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) of 1968 on the rest of the world. India termed it as discriminatory and refused to sign the same. 2+2=4 In May 1974 India undertook its first nuclear explosion. India, however called it as peaceful explosion and always argued using atomic power for peaceful purposes. India later conducted a series of nuclear tests in May 1998 demonstrating the capacity to use nuclear energy for military purposes. The international 66 community was critical and imposed sanctions. India s nuclear doctrine of credible minimum nuclear deterance professed no first use . India reitrated its commitment to global, variable and non-discriminatory nuclear disarmament leading to a nuclear weapon free world. (Any two) 29 Looking at the events which followed the elections of 1967 it appears that the split in 1969 was not avoidable. Those from the organisational wing, who had played a role in making Indira Gandhi the Prime Minister, after the death of Lal Bahadur Shastri were sure that she will be playing as a tool in their hands. Indira Gandhi came out with a 10 point programme which was appreciated by the left parties and the DMK. When President Zakir Hussain died the prominent leaders of the party proposed the candidature of Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy without even consulting Smt. Gandhi. She and her supporters favoured V.V. Giri and did not even bother about the whip. Hence, whatever happened, i.e. election of V.V. Giri as the President strengthened Smt. Gandhi and she nationalised 14 Banks and stopped privy purses ofthe Princes. She even coined the slogan Garibi Hatao and in 1971 elections returned to the Lok Sabha with a solid majority. Had the split not taken place all these progressive measures might not have seen the light of the day. The split, therefore, was not avoidable. The events proved that they were in the interest of the people of India. 30 After 1989 the trends in the electoral performance relating to the formation of government by Congress and BJP can be visualised as follows : In the elections of 1989 Congress secured only 197 seats and decided to sit in the opposition. The National Front, an alliance of Janta Dal was supported by the Left and BJP from outside and it formed the government. In 1991 elections due to the assassination of Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, Congress emerged as the single largest party and under the leadership of Narsimha Rao it formed the government. It had the support of AIADMK. In 1996, the Left continued to support the non-Congress Government. The Congress supported the government as the Left and Congress 67 2+2=4 wanted to keep the BJP out of power. The single largest party, BJP was invited to form the government but most other parties were opposed to it. BJP could not secure majority in the Lok Sabha. H.D. Deve Gowda with the support of Congress formed a United Front and renamed the Prime Minister for appropriately 11 months. Similarly, I.K. Gujral with the support of Congress formed another United Front and became the Prime Minister for one year. From March 1998 to October 1999 and October 1999 to May 2004 BJP and others like minded parties joined hand and formed N.D.A. Government, but the regional parties were always asking for their share of meat for the support extended. In the elections of May 2004 the Congress with the support of a number of political parties formed UPA government. It received the support of Left parties from outside. Since 1989 to 2007, there have been nine governments at the centre, in the form of either coalition governments or minority governments with the support of other parties who joined the government or extended support from outside. It indicates a trend towards coalition governments. Another trend has been seen i.e. emergence of regional parties which have started playing an important role in the running of the government. 31 If the Cold War had not taken place and there were several major powers, it would have affected our foreign policy in the following manners:(i) NAM India would have adopted an independent foreign policy instead of remaining non-aligned. India would have joined hands with many like minded major powers for mutual benefit in various fields. (ii) Military Power : Since the rivlary between many major powers would have increased hatred and enimity. India would have been compelled to join the arms race to become a strong nation to defend its independence and sovereignity. (iii) India would have become a super power in Asia because of her large territory, human resource and strategic location. (iv) Any other relevant point. (Any three) 68 2+2+2 OR Had the Soviet Union not disintegrated, it would have definitely affected the developments in the last 20 years in the following manner : (i) Cold War confrontations would not have ended and United States would not have become the only super power of the world. (ii) Accumulation of nuclear weapons would have continued endlessly. (iii) Third World War The world would have headed towards a III World War which could be much more devastating and destructive may be the end of human race on earth. (iv) Most of the countries which were part of earstwhile USSR would have never got independence. (v) Most of the former Soviet Republics which are passing through conflicts and Civil Wars, would not have gone through this agony. (vi) USA, the only super power left, would not have dared attack Afganistan and Iraq. (vii) Many international problems like terrorism, neo-colonialism etc. would have been jointly tackled by both the super powers. (viii)(Any other relevant point). (Any three) 32 A. (i) Climatic change (ii) Bio-diversity (iii) Forestry (iv) Global Commons like earth s atmosphere, the ocean floor, Antarctica and outer space (v) Ozone depletion and global warming. (vi) Relationship between economic development and environmental management. (any two) B. The developed countries have greater responsibility for environmental protection because much of the ecological degradation in the world is the product of their industrial development. C. Since the Rio - summit, most of the States are making efforts to protect the environment and work on other global ecological problems depending upon their resources. With more awareness about the ecological degradation, a lot has been done, but much more also needs to be done. 69 2+2+2 OR (A) (i) The flow of ideas today is taking place at a very rapid speed through technological advancement in printing and other electronic media, especially the computer. (ii) with advancement in technology and means of communication, the flow of capital has also multiplied. Now most of the developed countries are investing their capital in other countires by establishing their industrial units. This gives a boost to the economy of both the countries. (iii) The flow of commodities from one country to the other has become very easy and quick due to advancement of means of transport, communication and liberalisation. For example, Chinese goods have flooded the markets all over the world. (iv) Flow of people from one State to another has become a common feature these days. For example, the technocrats of India are in great demand outside such as USA and other countries. (v) Yes, Globalization is mainly due to economic reasons. Behind most of the activities flow of ideas, capital, people and goods. The purpose is to gain economically. For example, establishing big industrial units as joint ventures, employment to technocrats and other personnel, transfer of technology, open market for goods etc. are all prominent economic activities. 33 Some examples of the one party dominant system from around the world. No. The dominance of one party did not mean that India was really not a democracy. Although, the Congress Party dominated the electoral arena, the Indian political system is democratic for the following reasons :1. Open nature of the Indian Political system. 2. Role of the Congress Party during the freedom struggle. 3. The characteristics of the Congress Party Political support base. 4. Presence of other political parties in the system. 5. Electoral system free and fair elections. 70 2+2+2=6 OR To overcome the prevailing food crisis, the government adopted a new strategy for agriculture in order to ensure food sufficiency. It was decided to put greater resources like high-yielding variety seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and better irrigation and highly subsidized prices. This helped in increasing production in a very short period. This was the Green Revolution which made India self-sufficient in food grains. Positive aspects :a) Some regions like Punjab, Haryana and Western Uttar Pradesh became agriculturally prosperous. b) It led to the rise of middle peasant section farmers with medium sized holdings who benefitted from the changes. c) It raised the availability of latest technology, good equipments, easy loans and various other facilities. Negative aspects : a) It increased polarisation between classes and regions. Punjab, Haryana and Western U.P. became prosperous while other regions remained backward. b) Also the stark contrast between the landlords and poor peasantry produced conditions favourable for left wing organizations to organize poor peasants so that they become their vote Banks. 34 Arguments for 1. The confrontational relationship between the government and opposition, 2. Lack of harmony between the Parliament/Prime Minister and the Supreme Court. 3. The ease with which the emergency was imposed by the Prime Minister no consultation with the cabinet. 4. Constitutional battle over the jurisdiction of the Parliament and the judiciary - conflicting interpretations of the constitution, 5. Misuse of emergency provisions - preventive detention, press censureship, 71 6. Inability of judiciary to protect civil liberties, 7. Interference of Sanjay Gandhi in the functioning of Govt. Arguments against 1. Open and democratic nature of the Indian Political system. 2. Emergency was an extraordinary response to extraordinary crisis, 3. Emergency lasted for less than two years - back to normal democratic functioning. 4. Opposition to the emergency measures, 5. Free and fair elections in 1977 - massive verdict against the Congress Party. 6. Constitutional amendments to remove ambiguities regarding the emergency provisions. OR Indira Gandhi had no option except to impose emergency as 1. She felt that frequent agitation and strikes by Opposition are not good for democracy. 2. She felt that opposition was not allowing the Govt. to function in normal manner -leading to political instability, 3. She felt that the judiciary was acting as a hurdle to her govt. 4. She alleged that subversive forces were not allowing her govt. to implement the progressive programs, for example, 20 point program, 5. She alleged that subversive forces were attempting to overthrow her government through extra constitutional means. No need to impose emergency 1. Popular struggle against the government - a legacy of our national struggle for freedom. 2. The Bihar and Gujarat movements were mostly non-violent. Very few cases registered against the detainees. 3. Law and order situation was mostly normal. Emergency was an overreaction on the part of government. 4. There was no threat to the unity and integrity of the nation. 5. Indira Gandhi misused an extraordinary constitutional provision meant for saving the nation to remain in power. 72 35 (a) Cultural diversity is not a threat to the nation. Accommodative approach towards regional demands. Page 149-150 (b) Yes, regionalism is good for Indian democracy. Regional movements highlight regional problems so regional aspirations are accommodated in the national policy making process. (c) Tamil Nadu (See page 152-153), Panjab (See page 158-159) The regional movement in Tamil Nadu wish to preserve the cultural identity of Tamil and promote Tamil language - Anti Hindi agitation of 1965. Punjab: Anandpur Saheb Resolution OR (a) Consensus on 4 elements among political parties - Page 190-192. The four elements are new economic policy, acceptance of the political and social claims of the OBCs, Acceptance of the role of State level parties in governance of the country and emphasis on pragmatic considerations rather than ideological agreements. (b) A week relationship exists between political parties and popular movements in contemporary India. Popular movements are usually non-party movements led by voluntary organisations. They are outside party politics. They hope that direct participation by people would be more effective in resolving local issues than political parties. (c) Chipko movement (Page 129-130). Dalit Panther (Page 132 - 134) Bhartiya Kissam Union (BKU) - 134 -135 National Fish Workers Forum Page 136 Anti Arrac Movement Page 137-138 Narmada Bachao Andolan Page 140 -142 Right to Information Act 144 Examples relating to above popular movements (anyone) 73 Sample Question Paper 1: Question-wise Analysis Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Marks 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 Form of Question VSA-I VSA-I VSA-I VSA-I VSA-I VSA-I VSA-I VSA-I VSA-I VSA-I VSA-II VSA-II Map VSA-II VSA-II VSA-II VSA-II VSA-II VSA-II VSA-II VSA-II SA SA SA Visual SA SA SA SA Map SA SA SA LA LA LA LA LA 74 Content Unit Group II II III III V V VII VII VIII VIII I I II III III V V VI VII VIII I II II II III IV V VI VII VIII I IV V VII VIII Estimated Difficulty Level Easy Average Easy Easy Average Difficult Easy Difficult Easy Easy Easy Average Average Easy Average Easy Easy Easy Average Average Easy Average Difficult Average Difficult Average Average Easy Difficult Average Difficult Average Easy Average Average SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER II POLITICAL SCIENCE CLASS-XII Max. Marks : 100 Time Allowed : 3 Hours General Instructions 1. All questions are compulsory. 2. Question Nos. 1-10 are of 1 mark each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 20 words each. 3. Question Nos. 11-20 are of 2 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 40 words each. 4. Question Nos. 21-30 are of 4 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 100 words each. 5. Question Nos. 31-35 are of 6 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 150 words each. 1 Correct the following sentence : 1 ASEAN stands for Association of South East African Nations. 2 Fill in the blanks : + Bangladesh was a part of Pakistan from the year ___________ to ____. 3 Why do people migrate? Mention any one reason. 1 4 What is the role of W.T.O.? 1 5 Mention the main objective of Second Five Year Plan. 1 6 Correct the following sentence and re-write: The issue of Jammu and Kashmir was resolved after a plebiscite which confirmed people s desire to join India. 7 Which were the two major challenges the country faced during Lal Bahadur Shastri s brief Prime Ministership? 1 + 8 What is the meaning of defection? 1 9 What was the Anti-Arrac Movement? 1 10 Menion any one factor that leads to regionalism. 75 1 11 After the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991, in which two ways has India benefitted by continuing her friendship with Russia? 1+1 12 Identify the two founding fathers of NAM from amongst the following: a) Yasser Arafat (b) Nelson Mandela (c) Dr. Sukarno d) Marshal Tito. 13 Explain any two causes that led to the formation of European Union. 14 Mention the full form of (a) SAFTA and (b) SAARC. What was the basic reason for the formation of SAARC? 1+1 + +1 15 What is meant by Human Security? 2 16 Mention any two ideologies of Bhartiya Jan Sangh. 2 17 What is Reorganisation of States? When did it take place? 1+1 18 Mention any two major objectives of Nehru s Foreign Policy. 1+1 19 State any two lessons from regional movements in India. 1+1 20 List any two recommendations of the Mandal Commission. 2 21 The Non-aligned Movement came into being as an institutional pragmatic response to an era of dangerous rivalry in global affairs. The over-reaching doctrine was that those, who were not super powers or their associates were not entitled to real choices. Our leaders, however, resisted that impulsion and refused to join either of the camps, opting for neutrality as they established the Non-aligned Movement. Read the above passage and answer the following questions: a) Name the global rivalry to which the passage refers to. b) Name the two super powers which were in conflict. c) Mention any two reasons why India decided to join the Non-aligned Movement. 22 Describe any four basic objectives of the ASEAN. 76 1 + 2 1x4 23 Observe the above cartoon and answer the following : 1+1+2 a) Name the two leaders. b) Imagine any two problems they might be discussing. c) Mention the outcome of their discussion. 24 25 26 Explain any two reasons which make India s claim stronger for a permanent membership of the Security Council. 2+2 U.N. is an indispensable organisation . Do you agree? Give any two arguments in support of your answer. 2+2 Explain any two criticisms of globalisation. 2+2 27 77 Look at the above clipping of the Hindustan Times. You will agree that the agricultural conditions of India went from bad to worse in 1960s. In the light of this answer the following questions : a) How did India solve her problem of food shortage? b) 2+2 Is India now sufficient in food production? State the reason for your answers. 28 Study the map given above and answer the following questions: a) Did the Congress maintain the increase in the members in these elections b) Which political party continued to gain seats in all the elections? c) Name the political parties which contested only two of the three elections. 78 1+1+2 29 The era of coalition started in 1977 at the Central Government level and has come to stay in a big way . Explain. 4 30 What is meant by popular movements? Explain the party-based and no-party based movements. 2+1+1 31 India should give up its policy of Non-alignment and align with the United States. Do you agree? Give any three arguments in support of your answer. 2+2+2 OR The transition from Communism to Capitalism was not a smooth one . Comment. 32 Explain the increase and decrease in the role of the state activities in the developing countries due to globalisation. 6 2+2+2 OR Pursuing economic development without causing further damage to the global environment is a major challenge before the States. Suggest any three measures to overcome this problem. 33 List any three factors that helped the Congress to continue to dominate the Indian political scenario for almost three decades after independence. 2+2+2 OR Opposition plays a significant role in a democracy. Did the opposition, in the era of one party dominance, perform its role of highlighting the acts of ommission and commission of the government? Support your answer by giving any three arguments. 34 Analyse any three lessons that were learnt from the Emergency declared in India on 25th June, 1975. 2+2+2 2+2+2 OR Explain any three main outcomes of Lok Sabha elections of 1977. 35 In the midst of severe competition and many conflicts, a consensus appears to have emerged among most of the political parties . In the light of the above statement highlight any three points of consensus. 2+2+2 2+2+2 OR Even after six decades of independence certain issues pertaining to national integration are yet to be resolved . In the light of this statement, explain any three unresolved issues. 79 2+2+2 MARKING SCHEME SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER II POLITICAL SCIENCE CLASS XII 1 Association of South East ASIAN Nations 1 2 Bangladesh was a part of Pakistan from the year 1947 to 1971. 3 People migrate: + (a) In search of better economic opportunities. (b) In case of natural disasters. Political procecution. (Any one) 1 4 World Trade Organization sets the rules for global trade and regulates them. 1 5 The main stress of the Second Five Year Plan was on heavy industries. 1 6 Correct the following sentence : The issue of Jammu and Kashmir was not resolved after a plebicite since no plebicite was held OR The issue of Junagarh was resolved after a plebicite which confirmed people s desire to join India. 7 (a) Whether India s democratic experiment will survive after Nehru. + (b) Serious food crisis presented a grave challenge. (c) The economic implications of the war with China was another challenge. (Any two) 8 Defection means an elected representative leaves the party on whose symbol he/she was elected and joins another party. 1 9 This movement took shape in the rural areas of the Southern State of Andhra Pradesh. In this movement the women demanded a ban on the sale of alchohal in their neighbourhood. 1 80 10 (a) Regional aspirations lead to regionalism. 1 (b) Neglect of a specific part of the State leads to regionalism. (c) Regional imbalances in economic development contributes to regionalism. (Any two) 11 (c) India received support of Russia over Kargil. 1+1=2 (d) Supply of raw material by Russia to India for energy. (e) Russia shared concern related to international terrorism. (f) Russia provided technical assistance to steel plants in Bhilai, Bokaro etc. (Any two) 12 (a) Dr. Sukarno (b) Marshal Tito 1+1=2 13 (a) The collapse of the Soviet block enchanced in the formation of the European Union. 1+1=2 (b) The desire to have a common foreign and security policy and the creation of a single currency played a positive role in the formation of the European Union. (c) In order to have an emphatic and assertive economic, political and diplomatic influence. (Any two) 14 (a) SAFTA : South Asian Free Trade Agreement. + +1 (b) SAARC : South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation. (c) SAARC was established by the States of South Asia in order to recognize the importance of co-operation and friendly relationship among themselves. 15 The idea of global security emerged in the 1990 s in response to the global nature of threats such as global warning, international terrorism, health etc. It is really very difficult for any one country to solve such problems alone. 16 Ideologies of Bhartiya Jana Sangh were : 2 1+1=2 (i) Emphasised on one country, one culture and one nation. 81 (ii) A re-union of India and Pakistan into Akhand Bharat. (iii) Replace English with Hindi as the official language. (Any two) 17 The process of nation building did not come to an end with partition and integration of Princely States. In order to draw internal boundaries the Central Government apointed a State Reorganization Commission in 1953. The Commission in its report accepted that the boundaries of the state should reflect the boundaries of different languages. On the basis of the report the State Reorganisation Act was passed in 1956. As a result 14 States and 6 Union Territories were created. 1+1=2 18 Objectives of Nehru s foreign policy 1+1=2 (a) Not to join any of the power-blocks. (b) To preserve the hard-earned sovereignty. (c) To protect territorial integrity. (d) To promote rapid economic development. 19 (Any two) Regional movements are a normal part of democratic politics. 1+1 The appropriate way to respond to regional movements is through democratic negotiations and not through suppression. Groups and parties from the region need to be given a share in power at the State level and also in the national level decision-making. Regional imbalances in economic development contribute to the feelings of regional discrimination and inter-regional migration. 20 Recommendations of Mandal Commission : (a) Reservation of 27% seats in educational institutions and government jobs for backward classes. (b) It recommended land reforms to improve the condition of the Other Backward Classes. (c) Backward Classes should be understood to mean backward castes , 82 1+1=2 since many castes other than the Scheduled Castes were treated as low in the caste hierarchy. (Any two) 21 (a) The global rivalry refer to arms race among the super powers and their allies. (b) The two super powers refer to United States of America and the Soviet Union. (c) India a peace loving nation had always a perception of a peaceful world and hence joined non-aligned group of nations. India wanted to keep away from military alliances and hence chose the best path of keeping aloof from the racers of arms and ammunition. 22 The basic objectives of ASEAN are : (i) 1x4=4 To accelerate economic growth. (ii) To promote regional peace and stability based on the principles of U.N. Charter. (iii) The respect for national sovereignity is critical to the functioning of ASEAN. (iv) To create a common market and production base within ASEAN States. (v) To encourage negotiations over conflicts in the region. (Any four) 23 (i) The two leaders are General Musharaff and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. (ii) How to improve man to man relationship between both the countries. (iii) How to do away with the Visa formalities between the two nations. (iv) After discussing the various aspects of the above problems, it was decided to have a positive stance To arrange a Secretary level meeting of both the nations. To consider the report of the Secretary level meeting, the ministerial level meeting be held. 83 1+1/2 + +2 If the ministers of both the nations approve, a meeting of the two heads of the government be arranged to finalize and formalize the decision for implementation. 24 India s claim for a permanent seat at the Security Council : 2+2 (a) India is the World s largest democracy. (b) India has been a very active participant of UN s peace initiatives. (c) India has been very regular in financial contributions and did not falter in its payments. (Any two) 25 Yes, U.N. is regarded as the most important international organization Reasons : 2+2=4 (a) It is indispensable and represents the great hope of humanity for peace and progress. (b) As an international organisation the U.N. helps countries co-operate to make better living conditions. (c) It helps members states resolve their problems peacefully. (Any two) 26 Criticisms of globalization : 2+2 (a) Contemporary globalization represents a phase of global capitalism that helps making the rich richer and the poor poorer. (b) The globalisation in political terms is weakening the state. (c) Culturally, the traditional culture will be harmed and people will lose their old age old values and ways. (Any two. Any other relevant criticism) 27 (a) By importing foodgrains from various countries. (b) Yes, due to the Green Revolution India is now exporting its surplus production. 28 (i) No. (ii) Communist Party of India (CPI). (iii) Praja Socialist Party (PSP) and Ganatantra Parishad (GP). 84 2+2=4 29 For the first time at the national level the coalition government was formed in 1977. Gradually since 1989 in all the nine governments which were formed under the leadership of V.P. Singh (National Front); Chandrashekher (Section of National Front led by Samajwadi Party) and supported by Congress; Narasimha Rao (Congress supported by AIADMK); A.B. Vajpayee (B.J.P. Minority Government); H.D. Deve Gowda (U.F. supported by Congress); I.K. Gujral (U.F. supported by Congress); A.B. Vajpayee (N.D.A. led by BJP) and Manmohan Singh (UPA supported by Leftist Parties supporting from outside) clearly show that coalitions/minority governments have come to stay in India. NDA was formed under the leadership of Shri A.B. Bajpai in coalition with 13 parties. This coalition ruled over the country for complete 5 years tenurse. However, during this period there were quite a few ups and downs. 4 Shri Man Mohan Singh in the election of 2004, formed the UPA coalition government supported by the Left parties from outside. Even the UPA government on certain occasions due to various reasons was shaken. 30 When diverse social groups such as women, students, dalits, farmers etc. are not satisfied with the attitude of the government, they come together under the banner of various social organisations and voice their demands. This gives rise to the popular movements. There are two kinds of popular movements : (a) Party based movements are those which are spearheaded and supported by political parties. (b) On the other hand, in the non-party movements, politically active group lose faith in the democratic institutions and electoral politics. They step out side the party politics and emerge themselves in mass mobilisation for registering their demands and protests. 31 No, I do not agree (i) 2+2+2 Students here need to refer to India s experience under foreign domination of Britain. How NAM was an assertion of its independence and has resolved its interests. India could not be bullied or taken for 85 granted. All these were relevant even in the cold war era. In fact now alternate centres of power are emerging. (ii) NAM is still relevant to democratise the world order. It gives a collective voice to the Third World countries to put their point across in this era of World Trade Organization and globalization. (iii) Non-aligned is not to be taken as neutrality. The member countries worked to prevent wars between countries and tried to end wars by playing a constructive role wherever they had broken out. OR The transition from Communism to Capitalism was not smooth as : (i) It brought ruin to the economies and disaster upon the people of the entire region. (ii) 90% of the state-controlled industries were sold to private individuals and companies. (iii) The value of the rouble declined, inflation was high and people lost their savings. (iv) Old system of social welfare was destroyed and large sections of people were pushed into poverty. (v) The construction of democratic institutions was not given the same attention and priority as the demands of the economy changed. (Any three) 32 This is just a sample answer : 2x3=6 (a) It generates greater economic growth and well being for larger sections of population. This impact of globalization is the most important from India s point of view. More and more of foreign investment with the coming of more multinational companies have strengthened Indian economy giving rise to generation of greater economic growth and well being for larger sections of the population of the third world countries. (b) Power of the State has increased due to enhanced technology. This impact is also important from India s point of view because the spread of internet and computer related services has brought quite a number 86 of developing countries in the fore front in the world market. Increasing demand of computer engineers is an ample proof of it. (c) Globalization has led to flow of ideas across national boundaries. What is important is, that in different parts of the world, the interconnections are now feasible. Events taking place in one part leave an impact on other parts. Natural calamities like Tsunami, bird flue are no longer confined to any particular nation. The idea of transparency in grievances has left a mark on the developing countries. (or any other relevant point) OR Pursuing economic development without damaging global environment : Suggested measures (a) Reduce green house gas emissions. (b) Use of cleaner fuels for vehicles. (c) Encourage use of renewable energy. (d) Use of environmentally sound technology. (e) Ban on forest clearing and encouraging afforestation. To be explained. (Any three or any other relevant measure) 33 Factors for domination of political sessions by the Congress : Provided able leadership to the Indian masses from 1885-1947 Whole-heartedly fought for India s independence and did not worry about the sacrifices. Indian masses were totally impressed by the Congress Party s role. Mahatma Gandhi lived like an ordinary Indian and propagated ideologies of truth, non-violence, swaraj, trusteeship which the people of India thoroughly appreciated. The Congress after India s independence, not only tried to solve the problems but also faced the challenges before the nation. All the above factors forced Indians to elect Congress Party again and again. (Any three) (to be briefly explained) 87 2x3=6 OR It has correctly been pointed out that in every democratic set up opposition is not only necessary but essential. However, the scenario of India in the 1st and the 2nd decade after independence the Congress which inherited the legacy of the national movement won the elections in 1952, 1957 and 1962 by winning 364, 371 and 361 seats in the Lok Sabha. The opposition parties could not even win over 25% of the seats and many of them were earlier members of the Congress Party and they did not unite to act as a strong opposition. Theirs was a divided house. Arguments in support of opposition : 1. The opposition played a crucial role in maintaining the democratic characters of the system and offered principled criticism on the policies and practices of the ruling party. 2. Gradually, these opposition parties became popular and they constantally pressurised and criticised, censured and influenced the ruling party. 3. on different occasions the ruling party used to give due credit to the fluent speaches of the leader of the opposition. Prime Minister Nehru used to call the leaders of the opposition parties and seek their cooperation for solving national problems. 34 Lessons learnt from the emergency : (i) 2x3=6 It is extremely difficult to do away with democracy in India. (ii) It brought out some ambiguities regarding the emergency provision, which have been rectified since then. (iii) It made the people aware and alerts regarding the value of civil liberties. Courts also became active in protecting civil liberties. OR Major outcomes of the 1977 elections : (i) The Janata Party was formed out of a combination of parties. The leadership of Jayaprakash Narayan was accepted. Under the leadership of Jagjivan Ram, some Congress leaders formed the Congress for Democracy which later merged with the Janata Party. The Janata Party called this election as a referendum on the emeregency. 88 (ii) The Congress won only 154 seats in the Lok Sabha. Its share of popular votes fell to less than 35%. The Janata Party and its allies won 330 out of 542 seats. Congress lost from every constitutency in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi and Haryana. It was a very bigh felt to Congress. (iii) The opposition realised that if non-Congress votes are not divided, they will be able to continue enjoying power. 35 Three elements of consensus are : 2x3=6 (a) A consensus on economic policies : while some are opposed to the changes, majority of the parties agree and support these policies. (b) Most parties accept the political and social claims of the backward classes. Most parties support reservations in education, employment and share of power. (c) The growing role of State level parties, and their growing role in governance of the country. State level parties are playing a central role in the country s politics. (d) In this era of coalition politics, ideology has taken a back seat. Political alliances are based on power sharing arrangements rather than ideological considerations e.g. many members parties of NDA did not agree with Hindutva , yet they formed an alliance with the BJP. (Any three) OR It has been rightly said that quite a few issues relating to the national integration have not been resolved even after 60 years of independence. These are (a) The issue of reservations for women, Backward classes. (b) The citizens don t feel shy of destroying national property. (c) The leadership has not been able to provide food and shelter to majority of the people. (d) Demand for the creation of more States. (e) No doubt judicial activism has come up but speedy justice has not yet seen the light of the day. (to be briefly explained.) (f) The challenges of poverty; illiteracy, communalism, regionalism, castism have not been tackled. 89 Sample Question Paper II: Question-wise Analysis Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Easy Average Difficult Total Marks 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 Form of Question VSA-I VSA-I VSA-I VSA-I VSA-I VSA-I VSA-I VSA-I VSA-I VSA-I VSA-II VSA-II Map VSA-II VSA-II VSA-II VSA-II VSA-II VSA-II VSA-II VSA-II SA SA SA Visual SA SA SA SA Map SA SA SA LA LA LA LA LA = 30 = 50 = 20 =100 90 Content Unit Group II II III III V V VII VII VIII VIII I I II III III V V VI VIII VIII I II II II III IV V VI VII VIII I IV V VII VIII Estimated Difficulty Level Easy Easy Average Easy Easy Average Easy Easy Easy Easy Easy Easy Average Difficult Easy Easy Easy Average Average Average Difficult Average Easy Average Easy Average Easy Difficult Difficult Average Average Average Average Average Difficult

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