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CBSE XII Sample / Mock 2012 : GEOGRAPHYwith Answers (Paper I)

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Sample Question Paper-I GEOGRAPHY (Theory) CLASS XII Time : 3 hrs. Max. Marks : 70 General Instructions: 1. There are 26 questions in all. 2. All questions are compulsory. 3. Marks for each question are indicated against it. 4. Question numbers 1 to 10 are very short answer questions carrying 1 mark each. Answer to each of these questions should not exceed 20 words. 5. Question numbers 11 to 20 are short answer questions carrying 3 marks each. Answer to each of these questions should not exceed 80 words. 6. Question numbers 21 to 25 are long answer questions of 5 marks each. Answer to each of these questions should not exceed 150 words. 7. Question no. 26 is related to identification or locating and labelling of geographical features on maps. 8. Outline maps of the World and India provided to you must be attached within your answer book. 9. Use of templates or stencils for drawing outline maps is allowed. Q 1. What is the population size of Class I cities in India? 1 Q 2. Name the two categories of air transport in India. 1 Q 3. Name the headquarters of Northern Railway Zone of India. 1 Q 4. Name the stretch of National Waterway No. 1 of India. 1 Q 5. Which type of pollution causes various diseases related to the respiratory system? 1 Q 6. Give one example each of ferrous and non-ferrous industries. 1 Q 7. Explain the term Quinary Activities. 1 Q 8. Which means of transport is highly suitable for transporting heavy and bulky goods at very low cost over long distances between continents. Q 9. 1 Explain the most important feature of the pipeline constructed from Naharkatia oil field to Barauni. 1 79 Q 10. Which one of the following waterways has drastically reduced the oceanic distance between India & Europe:- (i) The Rhine waterway; (ii) The Cape of Good Hope Searoute; (iii) Suez Canal and (iv) Panama canal. 1 Q 11. Make the correct pairs of each item of List I by selecting the appropriate word from List II List I : Fields of Human Geography 1.1 Social Geography, 1.2 Political Geography and 1.3 Economic Geopraphy List II : Disciplines of Social Science A. Urban Studies and Planning, B. Agricultural Sciences, C. Demography, D. History and E. Military Science. 3x1=3 Q 12. State any three characteristics of clustered rural settlements in India. 3x1=3 Q 13. Describe three major problems associated with urban waste disposal in India. 3x1=3 Q 14. Distinguish between the Dryland farming and Wetland farming in India by explaining three distinguishing features of each. 3x1=3 Q 15. Explain the meaning of water quality. Why is the quality of water in India deteriorating? Give any two reasons. 1+2=3 Q 16. Explain any three important measures initiated under the new Industrial Policy of India announced in 1991. 3x1=3 Q 17. 80 (17.1) Name the transcontinental railway line shown in the above map. (17.2) How has this railway line helped in the economic development of the region? Explain two points. 1+2=3 For Blind Candidates only in lieu of Question 17 (17.1) Name the Trans Continental railway of Canada. (17.2) Explain any two points regarding the economic importance of this railway line for the country. 1+2=3 Q 18. Study the given table and answer the following questions. Percentage of net irrigated area to total by wells and tube-wells State Percentage Gujarat 86.6 Rajasthan 77.2 Madhya Pradesh 66.5 Maharashtra 65 Uttar Pradesh 58.21 West Bengal 57.16 Tamil Nadu 54.7 (18.1) Name the state which has the highest percentage of irrigated area by wells & tube-wells. Also give the reason for the same. (18.2) Which state has the lowest percentage of area irrigated by wells and tube-wells? Also give the main reasons for the same. 1 +1 =3 Q 19. Study the given map showing areas of extensive commercial grain farming in the world. Write in your answer book the correct names of grasslands associated with commerical Grain Farming in areas A, B and C marked in the map. 1+1+1=3 81 For Blind Candidates only in lieu of question No. 19 Name the grasslands assoicated with commerical grain farming in North America, Africa and Australia 3x1=3 Q 20. Study the diagram given below and answer the questions that follow. 82 (20.1) In which year is the gap between exports and imports least? How much is the deficit in our foreign trade in this year? (20.2) Which year shows the highest deficit in our foreign trade? Give its value. (20.3) What is the main reason behind an increase in our trade deficit? 1+1+1=3 For Blind Candidates only in lieu of question No. 20 Answer the following questions (20.1) What is International Trade? (20.2) Give the meaning of Trade deficit. (20.3) What is the main reason behind an increase in India s trade deficit? 3x1=3 Q. 21 What is the Human Development? Describe in brief the four approaches of Human Development. 1+4=5 Q. 22 Define the term trade . State four characteristics of Rural Marketing Centres. 1+4=5 Q. 23 Explain any five advantages of water transport in the world. 5x1=5 Q. 24 Rural settlements in the world are affected by several factors . Support this statement with five suitable examples. 5x1=5 Q.25 Explain any five economic consequences associated with migration in India. 5x1=5 Q. 26 (26.1) In the given outline political map of the World, four features are shown by A, B, C, D. Identify the features with the help of the information given below and write their correct names on the lines marked in the map. A. Mega City B. Largest region of dairy farming. C. Western terminal city of Australian Trans Continental Railway. D. An important industrial centre. 4x =2 83 (26.2) Locate and label the following on the given outline politicial map of India. (i) The state having the highest percentage of population below the poverty line. (ii) The state leading in coffee production. (iii) The software technology park in Uttaranchal. 84 3x1 = 3 Q. No. (26.2) 85 For Blind Candiates only in lieu of question 26 Answer the following questions : (1) Name the western terminal station of Australian Trans Continental Railway. (2) Name any one Mega city of Japan (3) A state in India having the highest percentage of population below the poverty line. (4) A state in India leading in coffee production. (5) The software technology park in Uttaranchal. 86 5x1=5 Sample Question Paper-I GEOGRAPHY CLASS XII Marking Scheme Time : 3 hrs. Max. Marks : 70 Note : Page numbers of NCERT Text bookes (TBI for units 1 to 6 and TB II for units 7 to 12) are given after the answer of each question for its verification. Question No: Outline of Answers 1. 100,000 and more 1 Population Size of Class I cities Value Points (TB II pg 37) 2. Two categories of air transport in India : (i) National (Indian Airlines/Indian) (ii) International (Air India International + =1 (TB II pg 121) 3. HQ. of Northern Railway Zone of India : New Delhi 1 (TB II pg 118) 4. Name of the National Waterway No. I of India : Allahabad-Haldia Stretch 1 (TB II pg 120) 5. Air Pollution 1 (TB II pg 137) 6. (a) Ferrous Industry : Iron and Steel Industry. (b) Non-ferrous industry : Copper/Aluminium industry. (TB I Pg 48) + =1 7. Quinary Activities : The highest level of decision makers or policy makers perform quinary activities. (eg. special skills of senior business executives, government officials, research scientists, legal and financial consulants) (TBI pg 62) 87 1 Question No: 8. Outline of answers Value Points Water/Ocean transport. 1 (TB I pg 72) 9. Asia s first cross country pipeline 1 (TB II pg 122) 10. Suez Canal 1 (TB I pg 74) 11. 1.1 Social Geography D. History 1.2 Political Geography E. Military Science 1.3 Economic Geography B. Agricultural Sciences 1+1+1 = 3 (TB I pg 6) 12. Characteristies of Clustered Rural Settlement in India: (i) It is a compact or closely built up area of houses. (ii) The general living area is distinct and separated from the surrounding farms, barns & pastures. (iii) The closely built up area and intervening streets present some recognisable pattern or geometric shape i.e. rectrangular, radial, linear etc. (iv) Generally found in fertile alluvial plains and north-eastern states. (v) Sometimes people live in compact settlements for security reasons e.g. in Bundelkhand region of central India & Nagaland. (vi) Scarcity of water also necessitates compact settlement for maximum use of water resources e.g. in Rajasthan. (Any three points) 3x1=3 (TB II pg 33) 13. Problems associated with Urban Waste Disposal in India (i) The enormous growth in the quantity of wastes generated from various sources is due to the fast growing population and consequent poor sanitary conditions and foul air. (ii) Solid waste includes old and used articles, small pieces of metals, broken glassware, plastic containers/polythene bags, ashes, floppies, CDs etc. dumped at different places. 88 (iii) The household wastes is disposed off either on public lands or on private contractors sites. (iv) The solid wastes of industrial units are collected and disposed off through public municipal facilities at low lying public grounds (land fill areas) (v) In most towns and cities in the country 30 to 50 per cent of the waste generated are left uncollected on streets and open spaces between houses and wastelands leading to serious health hazards. (vi) Any other relevant point. (Any three points) 3x1=3 (TB II pg. 138, 139) 14. Dryland farming (i) Wetland farming Largely confined to regions having (i) Rainfall more than soil moisture require annual rainfall less than 75 cms. ment of plants in rainy season. (ii) Hardy and drought resistant crops e.g. rice, are grown e.g. ragi, bajra, moong, gram & fodder (ii) Water intensive crops are grown jute, sugarcane also aquaculture is practised in the fresh water bodies. (iii) Measures for moisture conservation (iii) Region may face problems of and rain water harvesting are adopted floods and soil erosion (Three matching points of each column) (TB II pg 45) 3x1=3 15. (a) Water quality refers to : Purity of water or water without unwanted foreign substances. (1 mark) (b) Water quality in India is deteriorating due to the presence of following foreign matters which make it unfit for human use and affect aquatic life. (i) micro organisms; (ii) chemicals; (iii) industrial water and (iv) other urban waste material-sewerage, garbage etc. (Any two points, 2x1=2 marks) (TB II pg 65) 1+2=3 89 16. Important measures initiated under the new Industrial Policy of India 1991 (i) abolition of industrial licensing; (ii) free entry to foreign technology; (iii) foreign investment policy; (iv) access to capital market; (v) open trade; (vi) abolition of phased manufacturing programme and (vii) liberalised industrial location programme. (Any three points) 3x1=3 (TB II pg 96) 17. (17.1) Name of the railway line : Trans-Canadian Railway. (1 mark) (17.2) Helped in the economic development : (i) It connects Quebec-Montreal Industrial Region (ii) It connects the wheat belt of the Prairie Region (iii) It connects the Conniferous forest region of Canada. (iv) This railway line connects with one of the important waterways of the world (st. Lawrence waterway) (v) This railway line is an important economic artery of Canada and wheat and meat are the important exports on this route. (Any two points 2x1=2 marks) (TBI, pg 70-71) 1+2 = 3 For Blind Candidates Only Ans. Same as above 1+2=3 18. (18.1) (i) State with highest percentage of irrigated area under wells & tube-wells Gujarat (ii) Reason : Region receives low rainfall/the terrain is suitable for construction of wells and tube-wells. ( +1=1 marks) (18.2) (i) State with the lowest percentage of area irrigated by wells and tubewells : Tamil Nadu 90 (ii) Reason : Terrain not suitable for constructing wells and Tube-wells/Region is made up of hard igenous and metamorphic rocks (hard rocks). ( +1=1 marks) 1 +1 =3 (TB II pg 65) 19. Names of the Grasslands are: A. Downs (Australia) B. Velds (South Africa) C. Prairies (USA and Canada) 1+1+1=3 (TB I pg 38) For Blind Candidates only Ans. Same as above 3x1 = 3 20. (20.1) (a) Least gap between export and import is in 2000-2001 (b) Deficit in foreign trade was Rs. 500000 million ( + =1 mark) (20.2) (a) Highest deficit in foreign trade is in year 2003-2004 (b) Value of deficit 37,000-30,000= Rs. 700000 million ( + =1 mark) (20.3) Reason for trade deficit : Price rise of crude petroleum in the international market as it is the major import item of India (TB II pg 125) (1 mark) 1+1+1=3 For Blind Candidates only in lieu of question 20 (20.1) Exchange of goods and services between two countries is international trade. (20.2) When the imports of a country exceeds its export it is called trade deficit. (20.3) Ans. same as above 3x1 = 3 91 21. (a) Human Development enlarge s peoples choices and improves their lives. (1 mark) (b) Four Important Approaches to Human Development (1) The Income Approach (2) The Welfare Approach (3) Basic Needs Approach (4) Capability Approach (1) The Incoem Approach : Oldest approach. Higher the level of income, the higher is the level of human development. (2) The Welfare Approach : Level of human development can be increased by maximising expenditure on welfare. (3) Basic Needs Approach : Six basic needs i.e. health, education, food, water supply, sanitation and housing were identified. (4) Capability Approach : Building human capabilities in the areas of health, education and access to resources. (4x1=4 marks) (TB I pg. 26) 1+4=5 22. (a) Trade is buying and selling of items produced elsewhere. (1 marks) (b) Four characteristics of Rural Marketing Centres: (1) They cater to nereby settlements (2) They are local collecting and distributing centres (3) They have mandis (wholesale markets) and also retailing areas. (3) (4) Here personal and professional services are not well-developed. (5) Any other relevant point (any 4 pts. 4 marks) (TB 1 Pg 57) 1+4=5 23. Advantages of Water Transport (1) Doesn t require route construction; (2) Oceans are linked; (3) Cheapest means of transport; (4) Energy cost in lower 92 (5) Highly suitable for transporting heavy and bulky material (6) Any other relevant point (Any five points with explaination) 5x1=5 (TB I pg. 71 to 72) 24. Factors affecting Rural settlement are : (1) Water supply (2) Land (3) Upland (4) Building material (5) Defence Explanation with suitable examples (TB I pg. 92, 93) 5x1=5 25. Economic Consequences of Migration in India (i) People migrate from place of low opportunity and low safety to the place of higher opportunity and better safety. This creates benefit and problems for the areas, people migrate from and migrate to. (ii) Economic Consequences A major benefit for the source region is the remittance/money sent by migrants, particularly foreign exchange from international migrants. (iii) The money remitted by migrants plays an important role in the growth of economy of the source region. It is used for food, repayment of debts, treatment, marriages, children s education, agricultural inputs, construction of houses, etc. (iv) Migration from rural areas of east U.P., Bihar, M.P., Orissa to rural areas of Punjab, Haryana & western Uttar Pradesh has helped in the sucess of green revolution in these areas. (v) Unregulated migration to urban-metropolitan areas has resulted in overcrowding and pressure on infrastructure. (vi) Development of Slums in industrially developed states of Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Delhi is a negative consequence of unregulated migration within the country particularly from rural to urban. 93 (vii) Any other relevant point. (Any five points) 5x1=5 (TB II pg 20) (26.1) See answers on World map attached 4x =2 (26.2) See answer on map of India attached. 3x1=3 For Blind Candidates only in lieu of question 26 Answers : (1) Perth (2) Tokyo/Osaks (3) Orissa (4) Karnataka (5) Dehradun 5x1=5 94 95 Ans. Q.(26.1) Ans. Q.(26.2) 96 Subjects: Geography Sl.No. of Question Unit 1 U-8 SAMPLE QUESTION PAPERS I Class XII QUESTION-WISE ANALYSIS Form Marks Estimated of Allotted Time Ques. in Minutes VSA 1 2 min 2 U-10 VSA 1 ,, 3 U-10 VSA 1 ,, 4 U-10 VSA 1 ,, 5 U-11 VSA 1 ,, 6 U-3 VSA 1 ,, 7 U-3 VSA 1 ,, 8 U-4 VSA 1 ,, 9 U-10 VSA 1 ,, 10 U-4 VSA 1 ,, 11 U-1 SA 3 7 min 12 U-8 SA 3 ,, 13 U-11 SA 3 ,, 14 U-9 SA 3 ,, 15 U-9 SA 3 ,, 16 U-9 SA 3 ,, 17 U-4 SA 3 ,, 18 U-9 SA 3 ,, 19 U-3 SA 3 ,, 20 U-10 SA 3 ,, 21 U-2 LA 5 11 min 22 U-3 LA 5 ,, 23 U-4 LA 5 ,, 24 U-5 LA 5 ,, 25 U-7 LA 5 ,, 26.1 U-6 Map 2 7 26.2 U-12 Map 3 8 Estimated Difficulty Level of Questions A Difficult Easy 20% = 14 marks B Average AV 60% = 42 C Easy Diffcult 20% = 14 97 Max Marks 70 (Year of Exam 2008) Estimated Difficulty level C C C B B C B B B B A B B B B B A A B B B B C B C A A Remarks BLUE PRINT SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER II CLASS XII Max. Marks : 70 Subject : Geography (Theory) Part A Book 1 : Fundamentals of Human Geography (NCERT Publication) Form of Q. Mark Unit 1. Human Geography: Nature & Scope (ch. 1) 2. People (ch.2 to 4) 3. Human Activities (ch.5to7) 4. Transport, Communication & Trade (ch.8 & 9) 5. Human Settlements (ch. 10) 6. Map WorkWorld Map Based on units (1 to 5) 7. People (ch. 1, 2 & 3) 8. Human Settlements (ch. 4) 9. Resources & Development 12(4) (ch. 5 to 9) 10. Transport, Communication & Trade (ch. 10 & 11) 11. Geographical Perspective on Selected Issues & Problems (ch. 12) 12. Map WorkMap of India [relating to units 7 to 11] (3) Sub-Total (A&B) Grand Total Total Long Answer Short Answer Very Short Answer Map Q. 5 3 1 2 3(1) Total of Unit 5(1) 5(1) 3(1) 2(2) 3(1) 5(1) 10(4) 5(1) 3(1) 2(2) 10(4) 5(1) 5(1) 2(1) 5(1) 2(1) 5(1) 3(1) 1(1) 4(2) 12(4) 12(4) 3(1) 4(4) 7(5) 3(1) 1(1) 4(2) 3(-) 25(5) 30(10) 70(26) 10(10) 3(-) 5(1) 70(26) Note: 1. Fiqures given within brackets indicate number of questions and outside the brackets, their total marks. 98

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