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CBSE Class 12 Board Exam 2020 : Economics (Series 3)

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H$moS> Z . Code No. amob Z . 58/3/1 narjmWu H$moS >H$mo C ma-nwp VH$m Ho$ _wI-n >na Ad ` {bIo & Roll No. Candidates must write the Code on the title page of the answer-book. (I) ZmoQ> H $n`m Om M H$a b| {H$ Bg Z-n _o _w{ V n > 15 h & (II) Z-n _| Xm{hZo hmW H$s Amoa {XE JE H$moS >Z ~a H$mo N>m C ma-nwp VH$m Ho$ _wI-n > na {bI| & (III) H $n`m Om M H$a b| {H$ Bg Z-n _| >34 Z h & H $n`m Z H$m C ma {bIZm ew $ H$aZo go nhbo, C ma-nwp VH$m _| Z H$m H $_m H$ Ad ` {bI| & Bg Z-n H$mo n T>Zo Ho$ {bE 15 {_ZQ >H$m g_` {X`m J`m h & Z-n H$m {dVaU nydm _| 10.15 ~Oo {H$`m OmEJm & 10.15 ~Oo go 10.30 ~Oo VH$ N>m Ho$db Z-n H$mo n T>|Jo Am a Bg Ad{Y Ho$ Xm amZ do C ma-nwp VH$m na H$moB C ma Zht {bI|Jo & (IV) (V) NOTE (I) Please check that this question paper contains 15 printed pages. (II) Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate. (III) Please check that this question paper contains 34 questions. (IV) Please write down the Serial Number of the question in the answer-book before attempting it. (V) 15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period. AW em (g mp VH$) ECONOMICS (Theory) {ZYm [aV g_` : 3 K Q>o A{YH$V_ A H$ : 80 Time allowed : 3 hours .58/3/1 Maximum Marks : 80 1 P.T.O. gm_m ` {ZX}e : {Z Z{b{IV {ZX}em| H$mo ~h V gmdYmZr go n{ T>E Am a CZH$m g Vr go nmbZ H$s{OE : (i) Bg Z-n | Xmo I S> h H$ Am a I & g^r Z A{Zdm h & (ii) Z g m 1 go 10 Am a 18 go 27 A{V bKw-C mar H$ma Ho$ Z h , oH$ Z 1 A H$ H$m h & BZH$m C ma EH$ e X m EH$ dm | Xr{OE & (iii) Z g m 11 Am a 12 Am a 28 Am a 29 bKw-C mar H$ma Ho$ Z h , oH$ Z 3 A H$m| H$m h & BZH$m C ma bJ^J 60 go 80 e Xm| | Xr{OE & (iv) Z g m 13 go 15 Am a 30 go 32 ^r bKw-C mar H$ma Ho$ Z h , oH$ Z 4 A H$m| H$m h & BZH$m C ma bJ^J 80 go 100 e Xm| | Xr{OE & (v) Z g m 16 Am a 17 Am a 33 Am a 34 XrK -C mar H$ma Ho$ Z h , oH$ Z 6 A H$m| H$m h & BZH$m C ma bJ^J 100 go 150 e Xm| | Xr{OE & (vi) C ma g {j V VWm q~X dma hmoZo Mm{hE Am a gmW hr Cn`w V e X gr m H$m Wmg ^d nmbZ H$s{OE & (vii) Z-n | H$moB g J {dH$ n Zht h & VWm{n, EH$-EH$ A H$ dmbo Xmo Zm| |, VrZ-VrZ A H$m| dmbo Xmo Zm| |, Mma-Mma A H$m| dmbo Xmo Zm| | Am a N> -N> A H$m| dmbo Xmo Zm| | Am V[aH$ {dH$ n {XE JE h & Eogo Zm| | Ho$db EH$ hr {dH$ n H$m C ma Xr{OE & (viii) BgHo$ A{V[a V, Amd H$VmZwgma, oH$ I S> Am a Z Ho$ gmW Wmo{MV {ZX}e {XE JE h & I S> H$ (g_{ Q> AW em ) 1. 2. 3. {Z Z{b{IV | go H$m Z-gm EH$ J a-H$a amO d m{ V Zht h ? (ghr {dH$ n H$m M Z H$s{OE) (A) d Vw Am a godm H$a (B) ~mhar AZwXmZ (C) bm^m e d bm^ (D) {d{Zdoe {H$gr AW d Wm | Ad \$s{V A Vamb m J | _________ (A{YH$Vm/A nVm) Xem Vm h & (ghr C ma mam [a V WmZ H$s ny{V H$s{OE) C oI H$s{OE {H$, {Z Z{b{IV H$WZ g h m Ag : gaH$mar ~OQ> EH$ dm{f H$ {ddaU h Omo {nN>bo {d mr df Ho$ {bE gaH$ma H$s dm V{dH$ m{ V m| VWm dm V{dH$ ^wJVmZm| H$mo Xem Vm h & .58/3/1 2 1 1 1 General Instructions : Read the following instructions very carefully and strictly follow them : (i) This question paper comprises two sections A and B. All questions are compulsory. (ii) Question numbers 1 10 and 18 27 are very short-answer questions carrying 1 mark each. They are required to be answered in one word or one sentence each. (iii) Question numbers 11 12 and 28 29 are short-answer questions carrying 3 marks each. Answers to them should not normally exceed 60 80 words each. (iv) Question numbers 13 15 and 30 32 are also short-answer questions carrying 4 marks each. Answers to them should not normally exceed 80 100 words each. (v) Question numbers 16 17 and 33 34 are long answer questions carrying 6 marks each. Answers to them should not normally exceed 100 150 words each. (vi) Answers should be brief and to the point. Also the above word limit be adhered to as far as possible. (vii) There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in 2 questions of one mark, 2 questions of three marks, 2 questions of four marks and 2 questions of six marks. Only one of the choices in such questions have to be attempted. (viii) In addition to this, separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary. SECTION A (Macro Economics) 1. 2. 3. Which of the following is not a non-tax revenue receipt ? (Choose the correct alternative) (A) Goods and Services tax (B) External grants (C) Dividends and profits (D) Disinvestment 1 Deflationary gap indicates _________ (excess/deficient) demand in an economy. (Fill in the blank with correct answer) State, whether the following statement is true or false : Government budget is an annual statement showing actual receipts and actual payments of the government for the last fiscal year. .58/3/1 3 1 1 P.T.O. 4. w m Amny{V Ho$ KQ>H$m| Ho$ Zm {b{IE & 1 5. {X {H$gr AW d Wm H$s Kaoby w m {d{Z Xa | d { hmoVr h , Vmo Cg AW d Wm Ho$ {Z m V Ho$ y | _________ hmoZo H$s g ^mdZm h & (ghr C ma mam [a V WmZ H$s ny{V H$s{OE) 1 6. 7. 8. AZ p N>H$ ~oamo OJmar H$m AW {b{IE & AWdm Am gV ~MV d { m (APS) _________ VWm _________ H$m AZwnmV hmoVm h & (ghr C ma mam [a V WmZm| H$s ny{V H$s{OE) C oI H$s{OE {H$, {Z Z{b{IV H$WZ g h m Ag : ^wJVmZ g VwbZ (BOP) | Am{YH$m[aH$ Ama{jV boZXoZm| H$mo g_ OZ _Xm| Ho$ $n | {b m OmVm h & d Ym{ZH$ VabVm AZwnmV Ho$ A VJ V dm{Up `H$ ~ H$m| H$mo Vab n[ag n{ m`m| Ho$ $n | _________ H$m EH$ A e aIZm Amd H$ hmoVm h & (ghr {dH$ n H$m M`Z H$s{OE) (A) Hw$b O m (B) Amd{YH$ O m (C) Hw$b m J d Amd{YH$ O m (D) Mmby O m 9. {dXoer {d{Z_` Xa H$mo n[a^m{fV H$s{OE & 10. mW{ H$ KmQ>m ey hmo gH$Vm h , {X 1 1 1 1 _________ & (ghr {dH$ n mam [a V WmZ H$s ny{V H$s{OE) 1 Mmby ImVm KmQ>o VWm mnma KmQ>o | A Va n Q> H$s{OE & AWdm boIm H$Z AW |, ^wJVmZ g VwbZ (BOP) gX d g Vw{bV ahVm h & m VH$m] mam {XE JE H$WZ H$m g W Z AWdm I S>Z H$s{OE & 3 (A) (B) (C) (D) 11. 1 .58/3/1 amOH$mofr KmQ>m = mO ^wJVmZ amOH$mofr KmQ>m < mO ^wJVmZ amOH$mofr KmQ>m > mO ^wJVmZ amO d KmQ>m < amOH$mofr KmQ>m 4 3 4. Name the components of money supply. 1 5. If the exchange rate of the home currency rises, the value of exports of the economy is likely to ________ . (Fill in the blank with correct answer) 6. State the meaning of Involuntary Unemployment. 1 1 OR Average Propensity to Save (APS) is the ratio of ________ and ________ . (Fill in the blanks with correct answer) 7. State, whether the following statement is true or false : 1 1 The official reserve transactions are taken as the accommodating item in Balance of Payment (BOP). 8. Under Statutory Liquidity Ratio, commercial banks are required to keep a fraction of _________ in the form of liquid assets. (Choose the correct alternative) (A) Total deposits (B) Term deposits (C) Total demand and term deposits (D) Current deposits 9. Define Foreign Exchange Rate . 10. Primary deficit can be zero if _________ . 1 (Fill in the blank with correct alternative) 11. 1 (A) Fiscal deficit = Interest payments (B) Fiscal deficit < Interest payments (C) Fiscal deficit > Interest payments (D) Revenue deficit < Fiscal deficit 1 Distinguish between a Current account deficit and a Trade deficit . 3 OR Balance of Payment (BOP) is always balanced in the accounting sense. Defend or refute the given statement with valid reasons. .58/3/1 5 3 P.T.O. 12. {Z Z{b{IV Am H$ S>m| go (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) 13. (a) amO d {ddaU H$a amO d amO d J a-H$a amO d G Um| H$s dgybr ny OrJV {d{Zdoe mO ^wJVmZ (b) amOH$mofr KmQ>o H$s JUZm H$s{OE : 3 am{e (< H$amo S> |) 1,000 3,821 2,000 135 574 100 1,013 {XE JE {M |, KT A Vamb m X{e V H$aVm h ? Bg n[ap W{V Ho$ g mYmZ Ho$ {bE {H$ ht Xmo amOH$mofr Cnm`m| H$m C oI d MMm H$s{OE & { Q>~m{YV N>m m| Ho$ {bE 14. KmQ>o d 4 : Ad $s{V A Vamb H$m m AW h ? Ad $s{V A Vamb H$s n[ap W{V Ho$ g mYmZ Ho$ {bE {H$ ht Xmo amOH$mofr Cnm m| H$m C oI d MMm H$s{OE & 4 ^maVr [a Od ~ H$ Zo AW d Wm | {JaVr h B m J H$mo ~ T>mdm XoZo Ho$ {bE hmb hr | aonmo Xa | H$ r H$s h & Ho$ r ~ H$ mam CR>mE JE H$X_m| Ho$ Am {M ` H$mo {d Vma go g PmBE & 4 .58/3/1 6 12. From the following data, calculate (a) Revenue deficit and (b) Fiscal deficit : Amount (in < crores) Particulars (i) Tax Revenue 1,000 (ii) Revenue Expenditure 3,821 (iii) Non-tax Revenue 2,000 (iv) Recovery of Loans 135 (v) Capital Expenditure 574 (vi) Disinvestment 100 (vii) Interest Payments 13. 3 1,013 In the given figure, what does the gap KT represent ? State and discuss any two fiscal measures to correct the situation. 4 For Visually Impaired Candidates : 14. What is meant by deflationary gap ? State and discuss any two fiscal measures to correct the situation of deflationary gap. 4 To boost the falling demand in the economy, the Reserve Bank of India recently reduced Repo rate. Elaborate the rationale behind the steps taken by the Central Bank. 4 .58/3/1 7 P.T.O. 15. {Z Z{b{IV Am H$ S>m| go ~m Oma H$s V na gH$b y d { (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) {ddaU y mg Kaoby {~H $s Q>m H$ | n[adV Z {Z m V EH$b Cn moJ C nmXH$ d VwE {Zdb A j H$a (GVAMP) H$s JUZm H$s{OE : 4 am{e (< bmI |) 20 200 ( ) 10 10 120 20 AWdm {H$gr df | EH$ AW d Wm | m { H$ gH$b am Q >r C nmX (GNP) H$m y < 2,500 H$amo S> Wm & Cgr df Ho$ Xm amZ, Xoe Ho$ gH$b am Q >r C nmX (GNP) H$m y {H$gr AmYma df H$s H$s V na < 3,000 H$amo S> Wm & {VeV Ho$ $n | df Ho$ gH$b am Q >r C nmX (GNP) Ad $s{VH$ Ho$ y H$s JUZm H$s{OE & m AmYma df Am a C{ {IV df Ho$ ~rM H$s V Va | d { h B h ? 16. ZrMo {XE JE Am H$ S>m| na AmYm[aV {Z Z{b{IV Zm| Ho$ C ma Xr{OE (i) {Z mo{OV {Zdoe = < 100 H$amo S> (ii) (a) (b) 17. : C = 50 + 0 5 Y Am Ho$ g VwbZ Va H$m {ZYm aU H$s{OE & am Q >r` Am Ho$ g VwbZ Va na ~MV d Cn^moJ H$s JUZm H$s{OE & am Q >r Am Ho$ AmH$bZ | AmZo dmbr, Xmohar JUZm H$s g m H$mo n[a^m{fV H$s{OE & Xmohar JUZm H$s g m Ho$ {ZdmaU Ho$ Xmo { Q>H$moUm| H$s MMm H$s{OE & AWdm {Z Z{b{IV H$mo n[a^m{fV H$s{OE : (a) ny OrJV d VwE (b) gH$b Kaoby C nmX (c) dmh Ma (d) g n{ m VWm C erbVm go m V Am .58/3/1 4 8 3 3 6 6 15. Calculate Gross Value Added at Market Price (GVAMP) from the following data : 4 Amount (in < lakhs) Particulars (i) Depreciation 20 (ii) Domestic Sales 200 (iii) Change in Stock ( ) 10 (iv) Exports 10 (v) Single Use Producer Goods 120 (vi) Net Indirect Taxes 20 OR The value of the Nominal Gross National Product (GNP) of an economy was < 2,500 crores in a particular year. The value of GNP of that country during the same year, evaluated at the price of base year was < 3,000 crores. Calculate the value of GNP deflator of the year in percentage terms. Has the price level risen between the base year and the year under consideration ? 16. Answer the following questions based on the data given below : (i) Planned investment = < 100 crore (ii) (a) (b) 17. 4 C = 50 + 0 5 Y Determine the equilibrium level of income. Calculate the saving and consumption expenditure at equilibrium level of National Income. 3 3 Define the problem of double counting in the estimation of National Income. Discuss two approaches to correct the problem of double counting. 6 OR Define the following : 6 (a) Capital Goods (b) Gross Domestic Product (c) Flow Variables (d) Income from property and entrepreneurship .58/3/1 9 P.T.O. 18. 19. 20. 21. I S> I (^maVr` AW `d Wm H$m {dH$mg) d Vw Am a godm H$a (GST) Ho$ bmJy hmoZo Ho$ n MmV hQ>mE JE H$am| | go EH$ _________ H$a h & (ghr C ma mam [a V WmZ H$s ny{V H$s{OE) Zd ~a, 2016 H$mo nwamZr hm m Jm Yr loUr Ho$ __________ Am a __________ H$a|gr ZmoQ>m| H$mo H$mZyZr $n | Ad Y Kmo{fV H$a {X m J m Wm & (ghr {dH$ n H$m M Z H$s{OE) (A) < 50 Am a < 100 (B) < 500 Am a < 1000 (C) < 500 Am a < 2000 (D) < 500 Am a < 200 {H$gr { V Ho$ {bE A{YH$V ^y{ -YmaU (A{Yn ) H$s gr m H$m {ZYm aU _________ H$hbmVm h & (ghr C ma mam [a V WmZ H$s ny{V H$s{OE) 8 Ho$ r X fU {Z U ~moS> (CPCB) Zo _________ lo{U`m| Ho$ ~ S>o VWm C moJm| H$s nhMmZ X {fV H$aZo dmbo C moJm| Ho$ $n | H$s h & (ghr {dH$ n H$m M Z H$s{OE) (A) (B) (C) (D) 22. 23. 24. 1 1 1 15 17 19 13 JyJb Zo ^maV | 4000 ZmVH$ {d m{W m| H$mo Zm H$ar na aIm h & {X m J m H$WZ Am nMm[aH$ jo H$/AZm nMm[aH$ jo H$ amo OJma go g ~ Y aIVm h & (ghr H$ma Ho$ amo OJma H$m M Z H$s{OE) dV ^maV | nhbm Am mo{JH$ Zr{V Vmd df (A) 1948 (B) 1950 (C) 1954 (D) 1956 ghH$mar {dnUZ H$m AW {b{IE & .58/3/1 1 1 _________ | bmJy {H$ m J m Wm & (ghr {dH$ n H$m M Z H$s{OE) 1 1 10 SECTION B (Indian Economic Development) 18. 19. __________ is one of the taxes eliminated after implementation of Goods and Services Tax (GST). (Fill in the blank with correct answer) _________ and _________ currency notes of old Mahatma Gandhi series were banned as legal tender money on 8th November, 2016. (Choose the correct alternative) (A) < 50 and < 100 (B) (C) (D) 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 1 < 500 and < 1000 < 500 and < 2000 < 500 and < 200 Fixing of maximum land holding (ownership) for an individual is known as ___________ . (Fill in the blank with correct answer) Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has identified ___________ categories of large and medium industries as polluting industries. (Choose the correct alternative) (A) 15 (B) 17 (C) 19 (D) 13 Google in India has hired 4000 graduate students. The given statement deals with formal sector/informal sector employment. (Pick the correct type of employment). The first Industrial Policy Resolution in Independent India was introduced in the year ___________ . (Choose the correct alternative) (A) 1948 (B) 1950 (C) 1954 (D) 1956 State the meaning of Cooperative Marketing. .58/3/1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 P.T.O. 25. _mZd ny Or {Z_m U H$mo n[a^m{fV H$s{OE & AWdm H$m b II | {XE JE g ~ {YV dfm] Ho$ gmW { bmZ H$aHo$ H$m b ghr AZwH $ H$s nhMmZ H$s{OE : 1 I | {XE JE {dH$ nm| Ho$ 1 H$m b I a. b. c. d. H$m b II OZ YZ moOZm ^mdr Cn^moJ m J Am a yZV Amd H$Vm AZw mZZ H$m ~b hm m Jm Yr am Q >r J m rU amo OJma Jma Q>r A{Y{Z {ZY ZVm Ho$ {bE moOZm Am moJ mam J{R>V A Z Xb {Z Z{b{IV | go ghr {dH$ n H$m M Z H$s{OE (A) (B) (C) (D) 26. 27. (i) 2005 (ii) 1962 (iii) 1979 (iv) 2014 : a-(iv), b-(i), c-(ii), d-(iii) a-(iv), b-(ii), c-(i), d-(iii) a-(iv), b-(iii), c-(i), d-(ii) a-(iv), b-(ii), c-(iii), d-(i) H$ yZ H$m AW {b{IE & H$mbmZwH ${ H$ H $ | {Z Z{b{IV KQ>ZmAm| H$mo dp WV H$s{OE VWm ghr {dH$ n H$m M Z H$s{OE : (i) MrZr OZdmXr JUam H$s WmnZm (ii) nm{H$ VmZ H$m {Z m U (iii) ^maV H$s W n Mdfu moOZm (iv) MrZ H$s W n Mdfu moOZm 1 1 {dH$ n : (A) (B) (C) (D) 28. (i), (iv), (ii), (iii) (iii), (ii), (i), (iv) (ii), (i), (iii), (iv) (iv), (iii), (ii), (i) AZm nMm[aH$ jo Ho$ ~Om` Am nMm[aH$ jo | amo OJma H$m g OZ H$aZm Amd H$ h & m VH$m] mam {XE JE H$WZ H$m g W Z m I S>Z H$s{OE & AWdm ^maVr {d wV jo H$ H$s {H$ ht Xmo MwZm {V m| H$m C oI d MMm H$s{OE & .58/3/1 12 3 3 25. Define Human Capital Formation . 1 OR Identify the correct sequence of alternatives given in Column II by matching them with their respective years in Column I : Column I a. b. c. d. 1 Column II Jan Dhan Yojana Task Force on projections of the Minimum Needs and Effective Consumption Demand Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act Study Group formed by the Planning Commission for Poverty (i) 2005 (ii) 1962 (iii) 1979 (iv) 2014 Choose the correct alternative from following : (A) (B) (C) a-(iv), b-(i), c-(ii), d-(iii) a-(iv), b-(ii), c-(i), d-(iii) a-(iv), b-(iii), c-(i), d-(ii) (D) a-(iv), b-(ii), c-(iii), d-(i) 26. State the meaning of Commune . 1 27. Arrange the following events in chronological order and choose the correct alternative : (i) Establishment of People s Republic of China (ii) Creation of Pakistan (iii) First Five-Year Plan of India (iv) First Five-Year Plan of China 1 Alternatives : 28. (A) (i), (iv), (ii), (iii) (B) (iii), (ii), (i), (iv) (C) (ii), (i), (iii), (iv) (D) (iv), (iii), (ii), (i) It is necessary to create employment in the formal sector rather than in the informal sector. Defend or refute the given statement with valid arguments. OR State and discuss any two challenges in the Power sector of India. .58/3/1 13 3 3 P.T.O. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. Am{W H$ g d { | Vrd d { Ad hr nyU V {ZY Z dJ Ho$ { V m| VH$ Yrao-Yrao nh M OmVr h & {XE JE H$WZ H$m _m ` VH$m] g{hV g W Z AWdm I S>Z H$s{OE & H ${f jo Am{W H$ gwYma {H $ m go {VHy$b $n go ^m{dV h Am h & {XE JE H$WZ H$m dU Z H$s{OE & AWdm ^maV H$mo m {d d H$m ~m mnU J V H$hm OmVm h & ^maV H$mo {XE JE Bg Zm Ho$ w H$maUm| H$s MMm H$s{OE & 4 4 ^maV, MrZ d nm{H$ VmZ Zo {d{^ n[aUm m| Ho$ gmW, gmV XeH$m| go A{YH$ H$s {dH$mg nW H$s m m H$s h & _m ` VH$m] Ho$ gmW {XE JE H$WZ H$mo g PmBE & 4 ^maVr AW d Wm Ho$ moOZm C o Ho$ $n | Am -{Z^ aVm Ho$ M Z Ho$ Am {M H$s g jon _| MMm H$s{OE & 4 (a) (b) 34. 3 (a) (b) (a) (b) Jar~r aoIm H$m AW {b{IE & {Z Z{b{IV H$mo n[a^m{fV H$s{OE : (i) n m daU H$s YmaU j Vm (ii) n m daU H$s Ademofr j Vm J m rU ^maV Ho$ {bE C dbm moOZm wI n[adV H$ ahr h & Eogo {H$ ht VrZ nma n[aH$ B YZm| H$m C oI H$s{OE, {OZHo$ moJ H$mo H$ H$aZo H$s {Xem | {gb|S>a {dVaU `moOZm (C dbm moOZm) H$m H$a ahr h & d H$mo R>rH$ H$aZo Ho$ {bE ^maVr dm Umbr H$mo gmd O{ZH$ H$s EH$ e{ Vembr IwamH$ H$s Amd H$Vm h & m VH$m] mam {XE JE H$WZ H$m Am {M {g H$s{OE & AWdm {Z`{_V doVZ^moJr H$_ Mm[a`m| _| _{hbmE H$_ `m| h ? ^maV _| H$m` ~b Ho$ jo r` {dVaU _| hmb H$s d { m`m| H$m {d bofU H$s{OE : amo OJma n {V H$s d { m`m (jo H$), 1993 2012 ( {VeV _|) jo H$ mW{_H$ { Vr`H$ godm .58/3/1 2+4 1993 94 1999 2000 2011 12 64 60.4 48.9 16 15.8 24.3 20 23.8 26.8 14 3+3 3 3 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Rapid increase in economic growth surely trickles down to the people under the absolutely poor category. Defend or refute the given statement with valid arguments. Agriculture sector appears to be adversely affected by the economic reform process. Explain the given statement. OR 3 4 India is often called the Outsourcing Destination of the world. Discuss the prime reasons for this name given to India. 4 India, China and Pakistan have travelled more than seven decades of developmental path with varied results. Explain the given statement with valid arguments. 4 Discuss briefly the rationale behind choosing Self-reliance as a planning objective for the Indian economy. 4 (a) State the meaning of Poverty Line . (b) Define the following : (i) Carrying capacity of environment (ii) Absorptive capacity of environment 2+4 (a) Ujjwala Yojana has been a game changer for rural India. State any three conventional fuels being targeted under the LPG cylinder distribution scheme (Ujjwala Yojana). (b) The Indian Health System needs a stronger dose of public expenditure to cure itself. Justify the given statement with valid arguments. 3+3 OR (a) (b) Why are less women found in regular salaried employment ? Analyse the recent trends in sectoral distribution of workforce in India : Trends in Employment Pattern (Sectorwise), 1993 2012 (in %) 1993 94 1999 2000 2011 12 Primary 64 60.4 48.9 Secondary 16 15.8 24.3 Services 20 23.8 26.8 Sector .58/3/1 3 15 3 P.T.O.

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