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CBSE Class XII 2011 : ENGLISH (Elective)

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the Code on answer-book. the write of must page title the I I I I I I I I No. Roll Candidates 28. Code I SOS Series I No. " '1 attempting . before question the of Number Please check that this question paper contains 6 questions. Serial . . the Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate. down . write Please check that this question paper contains 8 printed pages. Please . it. 15 minutes time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer script during this period. , ENGLISH ~ " c ~{~;.;;:~'t...~.: " k~~ ~ (Elective) ' c,c'" ~ ." " 100 Marks: Maximum hours 3 allowed: Time ", ;: . General Instructions : ,;~: . (i) ! QuestionNos. 1 - 4 are compulsory. i .; , either Question 5 or 6. . ~ ~ 1 limit. word given the to Stick point. the to be should answers Your (iii) 28 P.T.D. r .J Attempt o~ (ii) 20 follow: 12 The elephant's trunk is its most intriguing organ. Primarily it is a nose for breathing, it is also a hose pipe capable of sucking and can working flexible Elephants hand. highly a As human a as easily. very useful scent much up as picks almost It is it tool board. blowing liquids when drinking and showering. It can collect dust to blow ,over the body. It serves as a trumpet and a sounding tear up grass, bang the dirt off the roots, and convey it to their mouths with their trunks. The trunk is used by the elephants to select fruits or break off branches. With great ease they can hoist huge logs or pick up small coins, placing both with delicate accuracy. Trunks are used to greet and caress fellow elephants. They can also function as weapons of attack, but in a serious situation an elephant will coil its trunk out of the way - it is too valuable to risk it being and cared domestic for in ancient animals. They Mesopotamia, quickly the tame became source and of most lived lost is found were elephants using elephants and baby taming orphan began Perhaps people time. date of what mists the in At injured. like of our family pets. It is easy to imagine that people found they could ride on them and teach them to obey orders. Even adult elephants quickly can be trained. Elephants have a prominent place in ceremonials in India. their by elephants. more followed and dozens on people, nobles cheering other their and among dignity courtiers family, with Maharajas emphasised their lofty role as they rode in state in lavish howdahs mounted on the backs of big elephants, moving Perhaps the greatest such spectacle was. the annual Dussehra procession in Mysore. The procession is still a major attraction, although it is not quite so splendid in present-day India. 28 2 1 . . - . '-~- '::';:c;ti..-, 'c ' ~ .. II that questions the answer (Reading) and - below given passage the Read (a) 1. A SECTION -- - ~;"!.I~~' i goddess local the . of image an and abolished, been have 1 decorated elephants 1 plants, I are lined up with p~rt take riders IndustrIal of which. .elephants: InauguratIon keep the often At temples parades. and place~. ceremornals rn r ~any ! Hindu In the southern state of Kerala, elephants' can be seen in 1 their backs holding aloft great umbrellas. standing on Nothing compares to exploring the jungle on an elephant, observing other wild animals from close quarters. Guided mainly by the feet of the mahout, the great animal wades through rivers The elephant raises so deep you have to lift your feet to stay dry: trunk above the submarine. command Keeping ,roads have the only been snorkel elephants is no longer of transport. But sake or as a status where country some people symbol. They still to ride in the marriage because they keep may lend heads, off on a common wild in formerly of a above riders' in the forest is easily broken out for a bridegroom were them them for or hire procession to his situation serious a in trunk elephant 2 ? dom~sticated elephants the were How 2 (iv) 1 been trunk the has body human the of organ which With compared? (iii) ~ (ii) such as an attack? t~ ; an How home. (i) bride's the mahout. built does them the domestic means old time's branch from like grass towering its brief ". to breathe, It pushes through and a threatening .ct' surface use its C , What importance do the elephants still have even after the abolition of Maharajas? (vii) 28 very is considered has it although 2 elephant elephants keep still an examples. on two jungle people some do Why become 2 Give the How? Exploring incomparable. (v) (vi) 2 uncommon? Which place is the source of most of our domestic animals? 3 1 P.T.D. "C,r l" : ':'::' ~ : Maharajas is mounted on the star elephant. . ~"tj~~ I , that questions the an~wer and below given poem the Read (b) Pushpa Miss to back 8 Coming follow: she is most popular lady with men also and ladies also. Whatever only now always no. saying never is the good spirit. Miss Pushpa appreciating is showing am I That spirit. do it'. good I will 'Just I asked her to do anything, saying, was she Whenever I or anybody is asking she is always saying yes, ,ii~ and today she is going '.J voyage. bon her wishing are we and to improve her prospect, i speak, to speakers other ask 1 Pushpa 'J up. summing Miss What is the possible .occasion when the speaker makes this speech? spirit? good 1 her shows Pushpa Miss of statement with? Which Wh,o is Miss Pushp.a popular (iii) , (ii) 2 1 (i) afterwards do will and I Now i (iv) What type of person does Miss Pushpa appear to be here? 2 (v) What does the word 'prospect' signify? 1 \ I 28 \ \ 4 . \ ' ""f~". ~- - ,1-"- ~ ., 1 up'. summing do will Pushpa 'Miss Explain: (vi) ! "'i? (g) (f) (d) experiment (b) (a) experts sometimes which has a tried. experts ~x10=5 10 this economic from 150 - 200 words e.g. sometimes !?:Yo omitted comes solve India's in OR rise. price of rigours man' sheet. has been that to ways helpful be empowerment women can far How 'common. The answer word Suggest in about underlined. your one word is the below, the in alongwith a report it after cities. big prepare answer your (Applied SECTIONC - example. word in improvement? social and of saving P.T.D. (h) are made (i) a screen comes that given forms that rage road of evil the reporter, an as done missing evil. growing way (j) errors word the Write line. the a statements. word the and before 10 topic: following the on words 200 - 150 put shown in a one finished Then Experiments university the that Ensure passage they write been has one first in told they a their many how find to essay statement. were what make people \' were is bullfight. students Some Here asked of picture In the When were they \ As a press each account short l seen. had (a) they writing, I (b) Write an Difficulties (a) on number 3. I 2. 5 28 t _.I_~~';-C~- SECTIONB - (Writing) 20 the on Grammar) 10 in each 2 (c) (e) Read the dialogue given below and complete the passage that lx5=5 follows: college I am Love, and -='~- , \ was he shadowes selves 2 shadowes'? unusual than it is she knew, never I which, ring more I feared now, was the 'crucial piece of information' 2 woman? an 1 'her' 'she', made What What even because whose of information, woman piece 1 name 'two similar a wore was Identify produc'd; 1 we our went philosophy? a crucial days, 0=50 the spent, ? 6 ~'}" '\ asked answer forefinger 'love's unforgettable an who we have r~al are the was below right What and further philosophy, her is Who us, which is (A) teacher given that Two What (B) The said to thee in loves here, was read houres (C) 28 city. extracts I will (B) (C) and 4><2=8 three with (A) the and Walking those ?" (e) the Keshav of These This of follow: A Lecture, (ii) college (b) D still Along end Special." Keshav two that Stand house here? (i) other the 1 college. any to the U, of questions is at the to 40+ the (c) Choose late that 7.30 'I' (a) always (a) the come SECTION 4. My on to sorry, Keshav take asked "I J' (d) that late very do you teacher The always are city." "How : you , the Keshav that ?" "Sir, Teacher: it (Literature) : is unforgettable Keshav how - Teacher: "Keshav, in (b) 1 - - . -- P.T.G. in about of equally of the poem, is source Campbell two the are Or, words 100 about in questions following 1 shirked? be jobs natural the to shifted be these can How ? jobs' 'other are What (B) 1 ? jobs' 'natural are What (A) nakedness. our cover to clothes have must we streets, the through walk must we as coals; and fireplaces with houses in bedding ,and beds, have must we sleep, must we as food; provide first must we eat must we As can. which jobs other they to ma~ for all succeeding generations a W. is the relationship superior as questions young John does theme novel of the following th~ that Shakespeare why to Bergman, the consider is the central But c mind? science author's house? family do you think be shirked. -'.,~ 7 Harry audience? according cannot _\,,!::' philosophy, author, his the of can't Why (C) jobs convinced inspiration describe any five the two any Answer (b) natural the indeed Bessie and What, the to important? Lawrence Answer or blood - Milton maker film What in (vi) makes 1 does According (ii) does How (c) What (iii) , Why (iv) (iii) (i) stimulates wall (v) , These '--"""~ 28 (iii) -'.'- ~ " involve others? 2 each: 6><2=12 'Blood' between a believe that science fiction cannot be written? 60 'words each: 4><5=20 (i) What is the dilemma in the dialogue between Krishna and (ii) Arjuna ? Why does mother say to Prakriti that people like monks cannot be befriended by the households? of poets? ? What is the string of varied thoughts that the mark on the or even poetry? _I ; " -.- '~'! ~ ~ human 6. soul the of possessed 6 tiger a about 100 words: novel a is of an enlightened OR 5 question in about Malgudi' for the following Tiger Answer 'A (a) either Attempt Note: 5. being who tells us the story of his life.' roamed through the to in tried else all has that Narayan believes R.K. or nourishment. Explain. the when townspeople the words: seize 60 about in comfort hopelessness of who Man Malgudi', about for myth Tiger 'A state following only for his sport, streets? OR tiger the the exists did Answer How (b) creation popular novel, the his demolish In OR Comment. What, according to the Tiger's Master, is the profound question asked by someone? Why does he call it a profound question. Answer the following in about 100 words: 6 Expert'. Financial wife, and fall of Margayya. (b) in about rise the depict Comment. Answer Expert' Financial 'The novel, the of parts five The OR 'The in a note on the character and role of Margayya's Meenakshi Write novel, (a) the 6. the following 60 words: 4 influence? Pal's Dr. under path a to take Balu wrong 8 3,400 L~ - 28 does How OR Describe Meenakshi's unhappiness after the disappearance of Balu.

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