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H$moS> Z . Series OSR Code No. amob Z . 70 narjmWu H$moS >H$mo C ma-nwp VH$m Ho$ _wI-n >na Ad ` {bIo & Roll No. Candidates must write the Code on the title page of the answer-book. H $n`m Om M H$a b| {H$ Bg Z-n _o _w{ V n > 7 h & Z-n _| Xm{hZo hmW H$s Amoa {XE JE H$moS >Z ~a H$mo N>m C ma-nwp VH$m Ho$ _wI-n > na {bI| & H $n`m Om M H$a b| {H$ Bg Z-n _| >7 Z h & H $n`m Z H$m C ma {bIZm ew $ H$aZo go nhbo, Z H$m H $_m H$ Ad ` {bI| & Bg Z-n H$mo n T>Zo Ho$ {bE 15 {_ZQ >H$m g_` {X`m J`m h & Z-n H$m {dVaU nydm _| 10.15 ~Oo {H$`m OmEJm & 10.15 ~Oo go 10.30 ~Oo VH$ N>m Ho$db Z-n H$mo n T>|Jo Am a Bg Ad{Y Ho$ Xm amZ do C ma-nwp VH$m na H$moB C ma Zht {bI|Jo & Please check that this question paper contains 7 printed pages. Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate. Please check that this question paper contains 7 questions. Please write down the Serial Number of the question before attempting it. 15 minutes time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period. H ${f (g mp VH$) AGRICULTURE (Theory) {ZYm [aV g_` : 3 K Q>o A{YH$V_ A H$ : 70 Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 70 gm_m ` {ZX}e : (i) g^r Z A{Zdm` h & (ii) `oH$ Z Ho$ {bE {ZYm [aV A H$ CgHo$ gm_Zo {bIo h & General Instructions : (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii) 70 Marks for questions are indicated against each of them. 1 P.T.O. 1. (H$) {Q>H$mD$-IoVr H$mo n[a^m{fV H$s{OE & A~ `h BVZr Amd `H$ `m| h ? A{YH$ CnO Ho$ {bE {H$gmZm| mam AnZmB JB Xmo g `-{H $`mAm| H$mo Omo {Q>H$mD$-IoVr na AmYm[aV h , {b{IE & 1+2+2 (I) {Z Z{b{IV na g {j {Q> n{U`m {b{IE : (i) (ii) Jmo~a H$s ImX Ed_ d_u-H$ nmo Q> (iii) IoVr-`mo ` ^y{_ _| AmXe nr.EM. _mZ H$m _h d (iv) gKZ IoVr _| XbhZr`- \$gbm| H$s ^y{_H$m (v) (a) _ Xm Cd aVm Ed_ Cd aH$ ^maV H$s ObmoT> (E `y{d`b) _ XmE Ed _w ` Im m \$gbm| go A{YH$V_ CnO m H$aZo hoVw CZH$m `moJXmZ Define Sustainable Agriculture . Why is it so important now ? Name two sustainable agronomic practices adopted by farmers for more crop yield. (b) Write short notes on the following : (i) Soil fertility and fertilizers (ii) F.Y.M. and Vermi-compost (iii) Importance of ideal pH value in cultivated lands (iv) Role of legume crops in intensive cropping (v) Alluvial soils of India and their role in high productivity of major food-grain crops 70 2 5 2. C mar ^maV _| CJmB OmZo dmbr IoVr \$gbm| _| go {H$ ht Xmo Im m Am a Xmo VobhZr \$gbm| Ho$ Zm_ {b{IE & `oH$ dJ _| go {H$gr EH$ \$gb Ho$ ~mao _| {Z Z-{~ X Am| na ^r OmZH$mar Xr{OE : (i) dmZ n{VH$ Zm_ (ii) IoVr H$aZo H$s AZwHy$bV_ G$Vw (iii) ~mamZr p W{V _| IoVr H$aZo H$s g ^mdZmE (iv) 2+8 H$sQ> Ed_ ~r_m[a`m| H$s {Z` U {d{Y`m Among the field crops, name any two cereal crops and two oil-seed crops grown in Northern India. Also give the following details about a crop of each group : (i) (ii) Optimum season of cultivation (iii) Chances of growing as rain-fed crop (iv) 3. Botanical name Control measures of insect-pests and diseases {Z Z{b{IV `oH$ _| [a $ WmZ ^[aE : 10 (i) (ii) `{X EH$ hr IoV _| EH$ df _| VrZ \$gb| CJmB OmVr h , Vmo CgH$s \$gbrH$aU-gKZVm ___________ {VeV hmoJr & (iii) 70 XbhZr` \$gb _ Xm Cd aVm _| gwYma bmVr h `m|{H$ BZH$s O S>m| H$s Jm R>m| _| Cnp WV amB Omo{~`_ ~ Q>r[a`m mam ___________ {H $`m O _ boVr h & _ Xm-jaU H$m AW h Ob mam AWdm dm`w mam Cg IoV H$s _ Xm H$m ___________ hmo OmZm & 3 P.T.O. (iv) ___________ H$ma H$s _ XmAm| H$mo gwYmaZo Ho$ {bE {O g_ S>mbZo H$s {g \$m[ae H$s OmVr h & (v) `y[a`m ___________ H$ma H$m Cd aH$ hmoVm h `m|{H$ `h ZmBQ >moOZ Ho$ Eo_mBS> $n go g ~ Y aIVm h & (vi) nm Ym| H$s ~ T>dma (d { ) Ho$ {bE Amd `H$ nm Ym| Ho$ 16 nmofH$-V dm| _| go ___________ V d gy _ nmofH$-V dm| H$s loUr _| AmVo h `m|{H$ nm Ym| H$mo BZH$s Amd `H$Vm H$_ _m m _| hmoVr h & (vii) \$gbm| _| nmE OmZo dmbo hm{ZH$maH$ H$s S>o-_H$mo S>m| H$m O {dH$ {d{Y mam {Z` U H$aZo H$m AW h ___________ H$m `moJ & (viii) `{X EH$ {H$gmZ EH$ ho Q>o`a Joh Ho$ IoV _| 4 go_r JhamB VH$ qgMmB H$a ahm h , Vmo BgH$m AW h , dh ___________ brQ>a Ob H$m `moJ H$a ahm h & (ix) Mmao H$s \$gb| gm_m `V (x) nygm g WmZ (AmB .E.Ama.AmB .) ___________ {d{Y mam ~moB OmVr h & ___________ m V _| p WV h & Fill in the blanks in each of the following : (i) Legume crop improves the soil fertility as ___________ takes place by Rhizobium bacteria present in its root-nodules. (ii) If three crops are grown in the same field during a year, then the cropping intensity will be ___________ percent. (iii) Soil-erosion means ___________ of field soil by water or wind. (iv) Gypsum is recommended to reclaim ___________ type of soils. (v) Urea is ______________ kind of fertilizer as it belong to amide form of N. 70 4 (vi) Among the 16 plant nutrients essential for plant growth, ___________ are micro-nutrients as their requirement by plant is in much smaller quantity. (vii) Biological control of crop-pests means use of ___________ . (viii) If a farmer is irrigating one hectare wheat crop up to 4 cm depth, it means, he is using ___________ litres of water. (ix) (x) 4. Forage crops are generally sown by ___________ method. Pusa Institute (I.A.R.I.) is situated in __________ State. {Z Z{b{IV _| A Va n > H$s{OE : 10 (i) [abo \$gbrH$aU Ed_ A V \$gbrH$aU (ii) {_ >r nbQ>Zo dmbo hb mam Ed_ {S> H$-hb mam IoV H$s OwVmB (iii) {ZamB -Jw S>mB H$s {H $`mE Ed_ A Hw$aU go nyd IanVdma {Z` U (iv) \$gb-C nmXH$Vm Ed_ \$gb-C nmXZ (v) Mmdb H$s \$gb _| grYo ~wdmB Ed_ amonmB Differentiate between the following : (i) (ii) Ploughing of field with Mould-board plough and Disc-plough (iii) Interculture operations and pre-emergence weed-control (iv) Crop-productivity and crop-production (v) 70 Relay cropping and Intercropping Direct sowing and Transplanting in rice crop 5 P.T.O. 5. (i) (ii) (i) CZ Mma _hrZm| Ho$ Zm_ ~VmBE {OZ_| ~m Oma _| nH$m Am_ EH$ \$b Ho$ $n _| Cnb Y hmoVm h & {deof $n go C ma ^maV _| `oH$ _mh _| Cnb Y Am_ H$s gdm {YH$ bmoH${ ` {H$ _ Ho$ ~mao _| ^r C oI H$s{OE & 2+3 Am_ _| \y$b AmZo go boH$a CgH$s \$gb H$s H$Q>mB VH$ Am_ Ho$ ~JrMo _| `moJ _| bmB OmZo dmbr g `-{H $`mAm| na {d Vma go {b{IE & 5 Name four months during which ripe mango as a fruit is available in the market. Also mention the most popular variety of mango available in each month, particularly in North India. (ii) 6. Write in detail about the horticultural practices followed in the mango-orchard during flowering to mango-harvesting stages. {Z Z{b{IV na g {j {Q> n{U`m {b{IE : 10 (i) ~mJdmZr \$gbm| _| \$gb-{d{dYrH$aU (ii) gOmdQ>r nm Ym| mam ~mJdmZr (iii) A_ $X Ho$ ~JrMo _| A V \$gb (iv) _Q>a _| ~rO-C nmXZ (v) bVmXma g Or Write short notes on the following : (i) (ii) Ornamental gardening (iii) Intercropping in guava orchard (iv) Seed-multiplication in peas (v) 70 Crop diversification with horticultural crops Climbing vegetables 6 (i) Oobr Ed_ O _ ~ZmZo H$s {H $`m Ed_ CZH$s {S> ~m~ Xr g{d Vma {b{IE & (ii) 7. ^maV Ho$ {H$g ^mJ _| Ho$ r` Amby AZwg YmZ g WmZ p WV h ? Amby H$s nm M {H$ _m| Ho$ Zm_ (CnO Ho$ gmW) {b{IE Omo C ma ^maV _| CJmB OmVr h & 5 (i) 70 Write in detail about preparation of Jellies and Jams and their packing. (ii) 2+3 In which part of India is Central Potato Research Institute situated ? Name five varieties (with yield) of potato cultivated in North India. 7 P.T.O. 600

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Additional Info : CBSE Class XII Board Solved Question Paper 2014 Agriculture
Tags : CBSE Board 2015, Specimen Question Paper 2014 Agriculture, language, literature, solved sample mock guess question paper, cbse class XII syllabus, cbse class 12 previous years model papers, cbse, cbse papers, cbse sample papers, cbse books, portal for cbse india, cbse question bank, central board of secondary education, cbse question papers with answers, prelims preliminary exams, pre board exam papers, cbse model test papers, solved board question papers of cbse last year, previous years solved question papers, free online cbse solved question paper, cbse syllabus, india cbse board sample questions papers, last 10 years cbse papers, cbse question papers 2017, cbse guess sample questions papers, cbse important questions, specimen / mock papers 2018.  

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