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CBSE Class 12 Board Exam 2017 : English Elective (Series N)

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SET-4 Series GBM Code No. 28 Candidates must write the Code on the Roll No. title page of the answer-book. Please check that this question paper contains 11 printed pages. Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate. Please check that this question paper contains 6 questions. Please write down the Serial Number of the question before attempting it. 15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period. ENGLISH (Elective) (N) Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100 General Instructions : 28 (i) Question Nos. 1 4 are compulsory. (ii) Attempt either question 5 or 6. (iii) Your answers should be to the point. Stick to the given word limit. 1 P.T.O. SECTION A (Reading) 1. (A) Read the passage given below and complete the statements that follow : 1 Elephants are prone to many diseases. In the Ramayana there are references to elephants gripped by fever. They are susceptible to enteric fever, pox and foot-and-mouth disease. They also may get rabies when bitten by rabid dogs. The intense heat of north India does not suit elephants. In February 1962, a party of sadhus camped with their elephant outside a city. They could not provide either covering or shelter for the night and the animal just froze to death. 2 If an elephant catches a chill, he may get pneumonia or pleuropneumonia. When the body of an elephant is heated up through exertion in kheda, it is not wise to let him drink cold water or to bathe him. He may catch pneumonia or get colic pain. However, the practice in South India is just the opposite of this. There they give a newly-captured elephant plenty of water to drink so that he may cool down. 3 When wild elephants invade human habitations, they eat up anything they come across flour, jaggery, even tobacco. Sometimes from overeating or from eating things that do not agree with them, they become ill with digestive disorders. Elephants have been known to have become so sick as to remain sprawled on the ground for days, being unable to move. In the Khara forest in Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh, once a 28 2 20 10 lone bull invaded the huts of the timber workers. It was the summer of 1966. The contractor had kept a provision of 200 kg of tobacco and 40 kg of jaggery to be distributed among the workmen. The tusker ate as much as he could of the tobacco and jaggery and then washed it down with four pitcherfuls of water kept there. Then the tobacco began to do its work. The elephant became giddy and collapsed. He was seized with an attack of diarrhoea. For full 15 days he lay there as if in coma. After the tobacco had all come out with the dung that he had constantly been passing, he was alright again and he walked off into the forest. 4 Frequently the digestive tract of an elephant becomes infested with parasitic organisms. To rid himself of these the animal has recourse to some natural remedies, primarily mineral salts contained in earth and water. An elephant knows where such earth is to be found. These places are known as salt-licks. 5 There is a sickness in which the elephant begins to wear away. He becomes thin and emaciated and water accumulates in the pores of his body. When an elephant is in this state, he is usually allowed to go at large and to graze at will. 6 In May 1967, I saw an elephant-cow in the Terai forests of Uttar Pradesh which had a great bump on her left hind leg. She walked with a limp and was always left behind when the other elephants of the herd had to run from some possible 28 3 P.T.O. danger. The bump could have originated either from a fracture that had now healed or from some abscess or tumour. Elephants are also subject to gout, which gives them a limp. 7 Elephants, when they are first caught in the jungle, often sustain manifold injuries. These may be caused by their falling into pits dug for them or from the ropes which are used to secure them. Some of the cuts are so deep in appearance that an inexperienced person may become shocked to look at them. They are in fact not very serious and heal very quickly. Wounds caused by the ropes are often more serious. Great care has to be taken that ropes do not cut into the tendons and nerves of the elephants and as soon as the animal is secure in the camp, the ropes are loosened. 8 The very strength of a large tusker acts against him in a kheda. The more he struggles, the wider and deeper the injuries that he may sustain. Much force and severity are needed to bring him under control. 9 Wounds caused by ropes on the neck and feet are common. After the elephant has been captured, it is necessary to see that these parts are kept free of ropes. 10 As far as possible an elephant should be kept from falling. He may get injuries on the elbow which may become septic or the tusks or tushes may get broken and cause troublesome wounds in the jaw or on the trunk. Sometimes the friction from the rope causes deep cuts on the neck. And when wounds 28 4 on the legs and feet become septic, the smell is so foul that it is difficult to stand near the animal. Flies begin laying eggs in the open wound and the condition of the animal worsens from day to day. He cannot even lie down; he cannot sleep. When there are signs of gangrene setting in, it is best to set the elephant at liberty. (a) Elephants may get rabies ____________ . (b) An elephant may get pneumonia or 1 ____________ if he catches a chill. 1 (c) He may suffer from digestive disorders if ____________ . 1 (d) Mineral salts found in the earth help an elephant to rid himself of ____________ . 1 (e) An elephant is allowed to graze at will when ______________ . 1 (f) Injuries suffered by elephants when they are first caught are caused by _____________ . 1 (g) To bring a captured elephant under control ______________ . 1 (h) When an injured elephant shows signs of gangrene he ______________ . (i) 1 Find words from the passage which mean the same as the following : 28 (i) severe (Para 1) (ii) attack (Para 3) 1 2=2 5 P.T.O. (B) Read the poem given below and answer the questions that follow : 2 5=10 Hasana s Lover You girls who cast your eyes about To catch a handsome man. Come, hear the tale of Hasana And how her love began. She stepped into the market place And held her head up high: While others smiled with downcast eyes, She stared about the sky. She levelled her eyes about the place But sought no husband there: Rather than marry one of you I d shave off half my hair. I d rather live in prison bonds Or rot inside my grave, Than marry a single one of you, And live and die a slave. Her father whipped her on the back. Her mother groaned aloud. Yet never a man Hasana took Hasana was so proud. 28 6 But pride s a sin, old time will win, And walking through the town, Hasana saw a man so fine He might have worn a crown. He might have sat upon a throne. and ruled the lives of men. And he cast his eyes on Hasana. And she never looked up again. (a) To whom is the poem addressed ? Why do the girls cast their eyes about ? (b) How is she different from other girls ? (c) What did her parents expect from her ? (d) How did they react when she refused to listen to them ? (e) How did Hasana respond when a handsome man cast a glance on her ? SECTION B (Writing Skills and Grammar) 2. (a) (i) (ii) Prepare a speech in 80 120 words on the topic, Cleanliness is essential for a healthy environment. 5 Stray animals are a menace. They are a health hazard and often cause accidents. Write an article in 80 120 words on, The problem of stray animals in cities. You are Jasprit/Jaspal. 28 30 5 7 P.T.O. (b) Choosing a career is indeed a tough task. There are so many options and so many suggestions that one feels confused. Career counsellors advise one to choose the career in which one is interested. Write an article in 150 200 words on, Choice of Career . You are Rohan/Rohini. 10 OR Unruly students should be expelled from school. Write a debate in 150 200 words either for or against the motion. 3. (a) The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one word missing in each line. Write the missing word along with the words that come before and after. Ensure that the word that forms your answer is underlined. 1 5=5 Word before It was very hot day. Word missing Word after was a very He noticed coming vehicle (i) ________ ________ ________ at the bend the road. (ii) ________ ________ ________ It painted yellow, a (iii) ________ ________ ________ (iv) ________ ________ ________ big person and he not dare to stop it. (v) ________ ________ ________ peculiar looking one, probably belonging some 28 8 (b) Read the conversation given below and complete the paragraph that 1 5=5 follows : Mohan : I am a stranger in this town. Could you suggest a reasonably priced hotel ? Old Man : Ashok Hotel will suit you the most. Mohan How can I get there ? : Old Man : Take a rickshaw. Mohan Thank you. : Mohan met an old man and told him that him (ii) (i) . The old man replied that Ashok Hotel When Mohan asked him a rickshaw. Mohan (v) (iv) and asked (iii) . , he replied that he should take . SECTION C (Text for Detailed Study) 4. (A) 30 Choose any two of the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow in 50 60 words each : (a) 4 2=8 I only came to tell you that I dreamed about you last night. she said, you must leave right away and not come back to Vienna for five years. (i) Who is speaking and to whom ? (ii) How do you know that the speaker s advice was followed ? 28 9 P.T.O. (b) When I grow old, I said, And very rich I shall rebuild the fallen walls And make new this ancient house. (i) Who is I ? What promise does I make ? (ii) Does the poet fulfil his promise or not ? How do you know ? (c) No matter where he goes, you must bring him back. Distance is nothing for you. He showed no pity to me. I shall show none to him. (B) (i) What does the speaker ask you to do ? (ii) What is the speaker s attitude to he ? Answer any two of the following questions in 80 120 words each : 5 2=10 (a) What is your opinion of Margolin as a doctor ? (b) What are Milton s arguments against building a monument for Shakespeare ? (c) What, according to Shaw, will happen if we allow a person to have control over us ? (C) 28 Answer any two of the following questions in 120 150 words : 6 2=12 (a) What traits of her character does Tao Ying s request to the Chinese officials reveal ? (b) Why do people respect science and scientists ? (c) What delusion does Captain Hagberd suffer from ? How does it affect his life ? 10 SECTION D (Fiction) 20 Note : Attempt either question no. 5 or 6. 5. (a) (b) 6. (a) Answer the following questions in 80 120 words each : 5 2=10 (i) How did the killing of his family change Raja s life ? (ii) How did the people react when they saw Raja in the market ? Answer any one of the following questions in 150 200 words : (i) Describe Raja s life in the circus. (ii) What kind of man was the Captain ? Answer the questions given below in 80 120 words each : (i) 10 5 2=10 Describe Margayya s serious efforts to seek divine help to make money. (ii) (b) Describe Margayya s relationship with his wife. Answer any one of the following questions in 150 200 words : (i) 10 To what extent is Dr. Pal responsible for Margayya s financial ruin ? (ii) What serious consequences did Margayya have to face after his violent quarrel with Dr. Pal ? 28 11 P.T.O. 4,000

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