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H$moS> Z . Series OSR/2 61/2/1 Code No. amob Z . narjmWu H$moS >H$mo C ma-nwp VH$m Ho$ _wI-n >na Ad ` {bIo & Roll No. Candidates must write the Code on the title page of the answer-book. H $n`m Om M H$a b| {H$ Bg Z-n _o _w{ V n > 18 + 1 _mZ{M h & Z-n _| Xm{hZo hmW H$s Amoa {XE JE H$moS >Z ~a H$mo N>m C ma-nwp VH$m Ho$ _wI-n > > na {bI| & H $n`m Om M H$a b| {H$ Bg Z-n _| >17 Z h & H $n`m Z H$m C ma {bIZm ew $ H$aZo go nhbo, Z H$m H $_m H$ Ad ` {bI| & Bg Z-n H$mo n T>Zo Ho$ {bE 15 {_ZQ >H$m g_` {X`m J`m h & Z-n H$m {dVaU nydm _| 10.15 ~Oo {H$`m OmEJm & 10.15 ~Oo go 10.30 ~Oo VH$ N>m Ho$db Z-n H$mo n T>|Jo Am a Bg Ad{Y Ho$ Xm amZ do C ma-nwp VH$m na H$moB C ma Zht {bI|Jo & Please check that this question paper contains 18 printed pages and 1 Map. Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate. Please check that this question paper contains 17 questions. Please write down the Serial Number of the question before attempting it. 15 minutes time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period. B{Vhmg HISTORY {ZYm [aV g_` : 3 K Q>o A{YH$V_ A H$ : 80 Time allowed : 3 hours 61/2/1 Maximum Marks : 80 1 P.T.O. gm_m ` {ZX}e : (i) g^r Zm| Ho$ C ma Xr{OE & Hw$N> Zm| _| Am V[aH$ {dH$ n {XE JE h & `oH$ Z Ho$ A H$ CgHo$ gm_Zo A {H$V h & (ii) Xmo A H$m| dmbo Zm| Ho$ C ma (I S> H$ Z g `m 1 go 3) hmoZo Mm{hE & (iii) nm M A H$m| dmbo Zm| Ho$ C ma (I S> I AZw^mJ I go IV Z g `m 4 go 11) 100 e Xm| go A{YH$ Zht hmoZo Mm{hE & I S> I _| AZw^mJ IV _y `naH$ Z h & (iv) Xg A H$m| dmbo Zm| Ho$ C ma (I S> J Z g `m 12 Ed 13) Zht hmoZo Mm{hE & (v) I S> K dmbo Z VrZ moVm| na AmYm[aV h & (Am V[aH$ {dH$ n ^r {XE JE h ) (I S> K Z g . 14, 15, 16) (vi) C ma-nwp VH$m Ho$ gmW _mZ{M H$mo g b Z H$s{OE (I S> L>> Z g . 17.1 Am a 17.2) & 30 e Xm| go A{YH$ Zht 500 e Xm| go A{YH$ General Instructions : (i) Answer all the questions. Some questions have internal choice. Marks are indicated against each question. (ii) Answer to questions carrying 2 marks (Part A Question No. 1 to 3) should not exceed 30 words each. (iii) Answer to questions carrying 5 marks (Part B Section I to IV Question No. 4 11) should not exceed 100 words each. Part B, Section IV is a value based question. (iv) Answer to questions carrying 10 marks (Part C Question No. 12 and 13) should not exceed 500 words each. (v) Part D questions are based on 3 sources. (Internal choices are also given) (Part D Question No. 14, 15, 16) (vi) 61/2/1 Attach the map with the answer-book (Part E Question No. 17.1 and 17.2). 2 I S H$ PART A ZrMo {XE g^r Zm| Ho$ C ma Xr{OE : Answer all the questions given below : 1. B{VhmgH$mam| Zo _m ` gm_ m ` Ho$ B{Vhmg H$s aMZm Ho$ {bE {d{^ H$ma Ho$ moVm| H$m Cn`moJ {H$`m h & Eogo {H$ ht Xmo moVm| H$m C oI H$s{OE & 2 Historians have used a variety of sources to reconstruct the history of the Mauryan Empire. State any two such sources. 2. Y_ Ho$ B{VhmgH$mam| Zo ^{ $ na nam H$mo H $go ~m Q>m h ? C oI H$s{OE & 2 State how historians of religion have classified Bhakti tradition. 3. nyd -Am n{Zdo{eH$ H$mbrZ ^maV Ho$ H$ ~m| H$s {H$ ht Xmo {deofVmAm| H$m C oI H$s{OE & 2 Mention any two characteristics of the towns of pre-colonial period India. I S I PART B AZw^mJ I SECTION I {Z Z{b{IV _| go {H$ ht Xmo Zm| Ho$ C ma Xr{OE : Answer any two of the following questions : 4. h S> nm g `Vm Ho$ bmoJm| Zo {d d-^a _| H$hm VH$ `mnm[aH$ g ~ Ym| H$m {d Vma {H$`m ? n Q> H$s{OE & 5 To what extent had the Harappa people established trade relations with the world ? Explain. 61/2/1 3 P.T.O. 5. _hm^maV H$s _w ` H$Wm nm[adm[aH$ g ~ Ym| H$m {d bofU H$aVr h & _mUm| g{hV Bg H$WZ H$mo `m`g JV R>hamBE & 5 The central story of Mahabharata analyzes the familial relationship. Justify the statement with evidences. 6. O Z Aqhgm Ho$ {g m V Zo g nyU ^maVr` qMVZ na nam H$mo ^m{dV {H$`m h & _hmdra Ho$ g XoemZwgma Bg H$WZ H$s nwp Q> H$s{OE & 5 The principle of ahimsa, emphasized within Jainism, has left its mark on Indian thinking as a whole. Support the statement with the messages of Mahavira. AZw^mJ II SECTION II {Z Z{b{IV _| go {H$gr EH$ Z H$m C ma Xr{OE : Answer any one of the following questions : 7. amOH$s` Ho$ H$s g aMZmAm| Zo {dO`ZJa am ` H$s {V R>m H$mo {H$g H$ma ~ T>m`m {d bofU H$s{OE & ? 5 Analyse how the buildings of the Royal Centre of Vijayanagara city helped in increasing the prestige of Vijayanagara kingdom ? 8. 16dt 17dt eVmp X`m| Ho$ Xm amZ _wJb gm_ m ` Ho$ A VJ V H ${f g_mO _| _{hbmAm| H$s ^y{_H$m n Q H$s{OE & Explain the role of women in agrarian society during the 16th 17th centuries of Mughal Empire. 61/2/1 4 5 AZw^mJ III SECTION III {Z Z{b{IV _| go {H$gr EH$ Z H$m C ma Xr{OE : Answer any one of the following questions : 9. `o {Jbmg \$b (M ar) EH$ {XZ h_mao hr _w h _| AmH$a {JaoJm & Bg H$WZ Ho$ g X^ _| bmS> S>bhm Or H$s$ AdY Ho$ A{YJ hU H$s Zr{V H$mo g{d Vma g_PmBE & 5 A cherry that will drop into our mouth one day. In the context of this statement, elaborate Dalhousie s policy of Awadh annexation. 10. ~ ~B X H$Z _| {H$g amO d Umbr H$mo bmJy {H$`m J`m ? Bg Umbr Zo {H$gmZm| H$mo H$ O _| {H$g H$ma \ $gm {X`m ? n Q> H$s{OE & 5 Which revenue system was implemented in the Bombay Deccan ? How did this system trap the peasants in debt ? Explain. AZw^mJ IV SECTION IV (_y ` 11. (11.1) (11.2) AmYm[aV Z / Value Based Question) ^maV Ho$ {d^mOZ Ho$ g_` Jm YrOr Ho$ H$m`m o _| Y_ {ZanojVm H$s ^mdZm {H$g H$ma {XImB n S>Vr h ? Xmo CXmhaU Xr{OE & 2 g_H$mbrZ ^maV _| gm Xm{`H$Vm H$s g_ `mAm| H$mo gwbPmZo _| Y_ {ZanojVm Ho$ _y ` mg {JH$ H $go h ? n Q> H$s{OE & 3 (11.1) How was the spirit of secularism reflected in the acts of Gandhiji during the partition of India ? Cite two examples. (11.2) How are the values of secularism relevant to resolve communal problems in contemporary India ? Explain. 61/2/1 5 P.T.O. I S J (XrK C mar` Z) PART C (Long Answer Questions) 12. AH$~a Ho$ gwbh-E-Hw$b Ho$ AmXe H$mo ~w emgZ H$s AmYma{ebm ~Vm`m J`m h & {d bofU H$s{OE & _wJb H$mb _| B{Vd mmo H$s aMZm {H$g H$ma hmoVr Wr ? n Q> H$s{OE & 5+5=10 AWdm AH$~a Ho$ emgZH$mb Ho$ moV Ho$ $n _| AmBZ-E-AH$~ar Ho$ _h d d gr_mAm| H$mo n Q> H$s{OE & 10 Analyze the ideal of Sulh-i-kul of Akbar as the cornerstone of enlightened rule. How were chronicles produced during the Mughal era ? Explain. OR Explain the importance and limitations of Ain-i-Akbari as a source of Akbar s reign. 13. Agh`moJ Am XmobZ, ^maV Am a Jm YrOr Ho$ OrdZ Ho$ EH$ `wJ H$m hr Zm_ h & A_arH$s OrdZr-boIH$ bwB { \$ea Ho$ Bg H$WZ H$mo n Q> H$s{OE & 10 AWdm 1947 _| ^maV Ho$ {d^mOZ Ho$ {bE C maXm`r H$maUm o H$s `m `m H$s{OE & Non-Cooperation Movement became the name of an epoch in the life of India and of Gandhiji. Explain this statement of American biographer Louis Fischer. OR Explain the factors responsible for the partition of India during 1947. 61/2/1 6 10 I S K ( moV AmYm[aV Z) PART D (Source Based Questions) 14. {Z Z{b{IV AZw N>oX H$mo `mZnyd H$ n{ T>E VWm CgHo$ ZrMo {XE JE Zm| Ho$ C ma {b{IE : gr_mAm| H$m _h d _Zw _ {V Ama {^H$ ^maV H$m g~go {g {d{YJ W h & Bgo g H $V ^mfm _| X gar eVm Xr B .ny. Am a X gar eVm Xr B . Ho$ ~rM {bIm J`m Wm & Bg J W _| amOm H$mo `h gbmh Xr JB h : My {H$ gr_mAm| H$s AZ{^kVm Ho$ H$maU {d d _| ~ma-~ma {ddmX n Xm hmoVo h Bg{bE Cgo gr_mAm| H$s nhMmZ Ho$ {bE Jw {ZemZ O_rZ _| Jm S> H$a aIZo Mm{hE O go {H$ n Wa, h{ >`m , Jm` Ho$ ~mb, ^ygr, amI, InQ>o, Jm` Ho$ gyIo Jmo~a, B Q>, H$mo`bm, H $H$ S> Am a aoV & Cgo gr_mAm| na Bgr H$ma Ho$ Am a V d ^y{_ _ o Nw>nm H$a Jm S>Zo Mm{hE Omo g_` Ho$ gmW Z > Z hm| & (14.1) X gar eVm Xr B .ny. Am a X gar eVm Xr B . Ho$ ~rM {d d _| bJmVma C n 3 {ddmXm| H$m C oI H$s{OE & (14.2) BZ {ddmXm| H$mo gwbPmZo Ho$ {bE amOm H$mo `m gbmh Xr JB h ? 3 (14.3) {ddmXm| H$mo gwbPmZo Ho$ {bE `o gbmh| {H$g H$ma Cn`moJr Wt ? 2 AWdm 61/2/1 7 P.T.O. _mVm H$s gbmh _hm^maV _| C oI {_bVm h {H$ O~ H$m adm| Am a nm S>dm| Ho$ ~rM `w Ad ` ^mdr hmo J`m Vmo Jm Ymar Zo AnZo `o R> nw X `m}YZ go `w Z H$aZo H$s {dZVr H$s : em {V H$s g {Y H$aHo$ Vw_ AnZo {nVm, _oam VWm AnZo ew^o Nw>H$m| H$m g _mZ H$amoJo... {ddoH$s nw f Omo AnZr B { `m| na {Z` U aIVm h dhr AnZo am ` H$s aIdmbr H$aVm h & bmbM Am a H $moY AmX_r H$mo bm^ go X a IXo S>H$a bo OmVo h ; BZ XmoZm| e wAm| H$mo nam{OV H$a amOm g_ V n dr H$mo OrV gH$Vm h ... ho nw Vw_ {ddoH$s Am a dra nm S>dm| Ho$ gmW gmZ X Bg n dr H$m ^moJ H$amoJo... `w _| Hw$N> ^r ew^ Zht hmoVm, Zm Y_ Am a AW H$s m{ hmoVr h Am a Zm hr g Vm H$s; `w Ho$ A V _| g\$bVm {_bo `h ^r O $ar Zht... AnZo _Z H$mo `w _| {b _V H$amo... X `m oYZ Zo _m H$s gbmh Zht _mZr, dh `w _| b S>m Am a hma J`m & (14.1) AZw N>oX Ho$ AZwgma EH$ amOm n dr H$mo {H$g H$ma OrV gH$Vm h ? (14.2) n[adm[aH$ PJ S>m| Ho$ g ~ Y _| `w na Jm Ymar Ho$ {dMmamo H$m C oI H$s{OE & 3 (14.3) Jm Ymar H$s AnZo ~oQ>o go H$s JB {dZVr H$mo n Q> H$s{OE & 3 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow : The Importance of Boundaries The Manusmrti is one of the best-known legal texts of early India, written in Sanskrit and compiled between c. second century BCE and c. second century CE. This is what the text advises the king to do : Seeing that in the world controversies constantly arise due to the ignorance of boundaries, he should ... have ... concealed boundary markers buried stones, bones, cow s hair, chaff, ashes, 61/2/1 8 2 potsherds, dried cow dung, bricks, coal, pebbles and sand. He should also have other similar substances that would not decay in the soil buried as hidden markers at the intersection of boundaries. (14.1) Mention the controversies that constantly arose in the world during second century BCE and second century CE. (14.2) What advices were given to the king to solve these controversies ? (14.3) How were these advices useful to solve the controversies ? OR A mother s advice The Mahabharata describes how, when war between the Kauravas and the Pandavas became almost inevitable, Gandhari made one last appeal to her eldest son Duryodhana : By making peace you honour your father and me, as well as your well-wishers ... it is the wise man in control of his senses who guards his kingdom. Greed and anger drag a man away from his profits; by defeating these two enemies a king conquers the earth ... You will happily enjoy the earth, my son, along with the wise and heroic Pandavas ... There is no good in a war, no law (dharma) and profit (artha), let alone happiness : nor is there (necessarily) victory in the end don t set your mind on war ... Duryodhana did not listen to this advice and fought and lost the war. (14.1) (14.2) Mention the views of Gandhari on war arising out of family feud. (14.3) 61/2/1 How can a king conquer the earth as described in the extract ? Explain about Gandhari s appeal to her son. 9 P.T.O. 15. {Z Z{b{IV AZw N>oX H$mo `mZnyd H$ n{ T>E Am a CgHo$ ZrMo {XE JE Zm| Ho$ C ma Xr{OE : hm Om|/Obme`mo H$m {Z_m U {H$g H$ma hmoVm Wm ? H $ UXod am` mam ~ZdmE JE Obme` Ho$ {df` _| nog {bIVm h : amOm Zo EH$ Obme` ~Zdm`m ... Xmo nhm{ S>`m| Ho$ _wI-{d~a na {Oggo XmoZm| _| go {H$gr nhm S>r go AmZo dmbm gmam Ob dhm BH$ >m hmo, BgHo$ Abmdm Ob 9 _rb (bJ^J 15 {H$_r) go ^r A{YH$ H$s X ar go nmBnm| go AmVm h Omo ~mhar m Ibm Ho$ {ZMbo {h go Ho$ gmW-gmW ~ZmE JE Wo & `h Ob EH$ Prb go bm`m OmVm h Omo N>bH$md go IwX EH$ N>moQ>r ZXr _| {_bVr h & Obme` _| VrZ {demb V ^ ~Zo h {OZ na Iy~gyaVr go {M CHo$ao JE h ; `o D$nar ^mJ _| Hw$N> nmBnm| go Ow S>o h E h {OZgo `o AnZo ~JrMm| VWm YmZ Ho$ IoVmo H$s qgMmB Ho$ nmZr bmVo h & Bg Obme` H$mo ~ZmZo Ho$ {bE Bg amOm Zoo EH$ nyar nhm S>r H$mo Vw S>dm {X`m ... Obme` _| _ Zo BVZo bmoJm| H$mo H$m` H$aVo XoIm {H$ dhm n h go ~rg h Oma AmX_r Wo, Mt{Q>`m| H$s Vah ... (15.1) nog Zo H $ UXod am` mam ~ZmE JE hm Om| H$m dU Z {H$g H$ma {H$`m h ? (15.2) amOm Zo Obme` `m| ~ZdmE ? {H$ ht VrZ H$maUm| H$m C oI H$s{OE & 3 (15.3) {dO`ZJa gm_ m ` _| nog Zo {OZ qgMmB Ho$ gmYZm| H$mo XoIm, CZH$m C oI H$s{OE & 2 AWdm dU `d Wm Ab-{~ $Zr dU `d Wm H$m Bg H$ma C oI H$aVm h : g~go D$ Mr Om{V ~ m Um| H$s h {OZHo$ {df` _| qhX Amo Ho$ J W h_ o ~VmVo h {H$ do ~ Z Ho$$ {ga go C n h E Wo Am a `m|{H$ ~ , H ${V Zm_H$ e{ $ H$m hr X gam Zm_ h , Am a {ga ... eara H$m g~go D$nar ^mJ h , Bg{bE ~ m U nyar Om{V Ho$ g~go MwqZXm ^mJ h & Bgr H$maU go qhX C h| _mZd Om{V _| g~go C m_ _mZVo h & 61/2/1 10 3 AJbr Om{V j{ `m| H$s h {OZH$m g OZ, Eogm H$hm OmVm h , ~ Z Ho$ H $Ym| Am a hmWm| go h Am Wm & CZH$m XOm ~ Um| go A{YH$ ZrMo Zht h & CZHo$ n MmV d ` AmVo h {OZH$m CX ^d ~ m H$s O KmAm| go h Am Wm & ey , {OZH$m g OZ CZHo$ MaUm| go h Am Wm & A {V_ Xmo dJm o Ho$ ~rM A{YH$ A Va Zht h & bo{H$Z BZ dJm o Ho$ ~rM {^ Vm hmoZo na ^r `o EH$ gmW EH$ hr eham| Am a Jm dm| _| ahVo h , g_mZ Kam| Am a Amdmgm| _| {_b-Owb H$a & (15.1) Ab-{~ $Zr mam d{U V dU `d Wm H$m {ddaU Xr{OE & 3 (15.2) CgZo Bg `d Wm H$mo gm_m{OH$ X fU `m| H$hm Wm ? 3 (15.3) `h `d Wm H ${V Ho$ {Z`_m| Ho$ {d `m| Wr ? H$maU Xr{OE & 2 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow : How tanks were built About a tank constructed by Krishnadeva Raya, Paes wrote : The king made a tank ... at the mouth of two hills so that all the water which comes from either one side or the other collects there; and, besides this, water comes to it from more than three leagues (approximately 15 kilometres) by pipes which run along the lower parts of the range outside. This water is brought from a lake which itself overflows into a little river. The tank has three large pillars handsomely carved with figures; these connect above with 61/2/1 11 P.T.O. certain pipes by which they get water when they have to irrigate their gardens and rice-fields. In order to make this tank the said king broke down a hill ... In the tank I saw so many people at work that there must have been fifteen or twenty thousand men, looking like ants ... (15.1) How has Paes described the tanks built by Krishnadeva Raya ? (15.2) Why did the king construct the tanks ? State any three reasons. (15.3) Mention the distinctive ways of irrigation Paes has observed in the Vijayanagara Empire. OR The system of varnas This is Al-Biruni s account of the system of varnas : The highest caste are the Brahmana, of whom the books of the Hindus tell us that they were created from the head of Brahman. And as the Brahman is only another name for the force called nature, and the head is the highest part of the ... body, the Brahmana are the choice part of the whole genus. Therefore the Hindus consider them as the very best of mankind. 61/2/1 12 The next caste are the Kshatriya, who were created, as they say, from the shoulders and hands of Brahman. Their degree is not much below that of the Brahmana. After them follow the Vaishya, who were created from the thigh of Brahman. The Shudra, who were created from his feet ... Between the latter two classes there is no very great distance. Much, however, as these classes differ from each other, they live together in the same towns and villages, mixed together in the same houses and lodgings. (15.1) (15.2) Why did he call it as a social pollution ? (15.3) 16. Give an account of the system of varnas described by Al-Biruni. Why is this system contrary to the law of nature ? Give reasons. {Z Z{b{IV AZw N>oX H$mo `mZnyd H$ n{ T>E Am a CgHo$ ZrMo {XE JE Zm| Ho$ C ma Xr{OE : Or Zht, Agbr A ng `H$ Bg Xoe H$s OZVm h Odmhabmb Zoh $ mam VwV {H$E JE C o ` Vmd H$m dmJV H$aVo h E EZ.Or. a Jm Zo H$hm Wm : _hmoX`, A ng `H$m| Ho$ ~mao _| ~h V ~mV| hmo ahr h & Agbr A ng `H$ H$m Z h ? VWmH${WV nm{H$ VmZr m Vm| _| ahZo dmbo qhX , {gI Am a `hm VH$ _wgb_mZ ^r A ng `H$ Zht h & Or Zht, Agbr A ng `H$ Vmo Bg Xoe H$s OZVm h & `h OZVm BVZr X~r-Hw$Mbr Am a BVZr C nr{ SV h {H$ A^r VH$ gmYmaU ZmJ[aH$ Ho$ A{YH$mam| H$m bm^ ^r Zht CR>m nm ahr h & p W{V `m h ? Amn Am{Xdmgr BbmH$m| _| OmBE & CZHo$ AnZo H$mZyZm|, CZHo$ OZOmVr` H$mZyZm|, CZH$s O_rZ H$mo CZgo Zht N>rZm Om gH$Vm & bo{H$Z h_mao 61/2/1 13 P.T.O. `mnmar dhm OmVo h , Am a VWmH${WV _w $ ~m Oma Ho$ Zm_ na CZH$s O_rZ N>rZ boVo h & ^bo hr H$mZyZ O_rZ H$s Bg ~oXIbr Ho$ {Ibm \$$ hmo, `mnmar BZ Am{Xdm{g`m| H$mo Vah-Vah Ho$ ~ YZm| _| OH$ S>H$a Jwbm_ ~Zm boVo h Am a nr T>r-Xa-nr T>r XmgVm Ho$ ZH $ _| T>Ho$b XoVo h & AmBE A~ Am_ Jm d dmbm| H$mo XoI boVo h & dhm gyXImoa n gm boH$a OmVm h Am a Jm d dmbm| H$mo AnZr Oo~ _| S>mb boVm h & dhm O_tXma h Am a _mbJwOma d A ` bmoJ h Omo BZ Jar~ Xohm{V`m| H$m emofU H$aVo h & BZ bmoJm| _| _yb^yV {ejm VH$ Zht h & Agbr A ng `H$ `hr bmoJ h {O h| gwajm Am a gwajm H$m Am dmgZ {_bZm Mm{hE & C h| Amd `H$ gwajm XmZ H$aZo Ho$ {bE Ho$db Bg Vmd go H$m_ MbZo dmbm Zht h ... & g {dYmZ g^m ~hg, I S> 2 (16.1) EZ.Or. a Jm Ho$ AZwgma A ng `H$ H$m Z h ? 2 (16.2) `o A ng `H$ g_wXm` {H$g H$ma `mnm[a`m| mam emo{fV hmo aho Wo (16.3) Eogo A ng `H$ g_wXm`m| H$mo {H$g H$ma gwajm XmZ H$s Om gH$Vr h ? AnZo gwPmd Xr{OE & ? AWdm dZm| H$s ~Q>mB Am a Wm`r H ${f Ho$ ~mao _| {ZMbr amO_hb H$s nhm{ S>`m| _| EH$ Jm d go JwOaVo h E, ~wH$mZZ Zo {bIm : Bg Xoe H$m ` ~h V hr ~{ T>`m h ; `hm H$s IoVr {deof $n go Kw_mdXma g H$ar Km{Q>`m| _| YmZ H$s \$gb, {~Iao h E no S>m| Ho$ gmW gm \$ H$s JB O_rZ, Am a M >mZr nhm{ S>`m g^r AnZo Amn _| nyU h , H$_r h Vmo ~g Bg jo _| Hw$N> J{V H$r Am a {d V V VWm C V IoVr H$s, {OZHo$ {bE `h Xoe A ` V g doXZerb h & `hm bH$ S>r H$s OJh Q>ga Am a bmI Ho$ {bE 61/2/1 14 4 2 Amd `H$VmZwgma ~ S>o-~ S>o ~mJmZ bJmE Om gH$Vo h ; ~m H$s O Jb H$mo ^r gm \$ {H$`m Om gH$Vm h , Am a Omo ^mJ Bg `moOZ Ho$ {bE Cn`w $ Z hmo dhm nZB Vm S> Am a _h Am Ho$ no S> bJmE Om gH$Vo h & (16.1) ~wH$mZZ Ho$ _V Ho$ AZwgma amO_hb H$s nhm{ S>`m| H$mo {H$g H$ma C nmXH$ ~Zm`m Om gH$Vm h ? C oI H$s{OE & (16.2) ~wH$mZZ H$s p Q> Am a {dH$mg na mW{_H$VmE {H$g H$ma WmZr` {Zdm{g`m| go {^ Wt (16.3) 3 ? 3 n Q> H$s{OE & amO_hb H$s nhm{ S>`m| Ho$ {Zdm{g`m| Zo ~wH$mZZ Ho$ C nmXZ go g ~p YV {dMmam| H$mo {H$g H$ma _hgyg {H$`m h ? 2 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow : The real minorities are the masses of this country Welcoming the Objectives Resolution introduced by Jawaharlal Nehru, N.G. Ranga said : Sir, there is a lot of talk about minorities. Who are the real minorities ? Not the Hindus in the so-called Pakistan provinces, not the Sikhs, not even the Muslims. No, the real minorities are the masses of this country. These people are so depressed and oppressed and suppressed till now that they are not able to take advantage of the ordinary civil rights. What is the position ? You go to the tribal areas. 61/2/1 15 P.T.O. According to law, their own traditional law, their tribal law, their lands cannot be alienated. Yet our merchants go there, and in the so-called free market they are able to snatch their lands. Thus, even though the law goes against this snatching away of their lands, still the merchants are able to turn the tribal people into veritable slaves by various kinds of bonds, and make them hereditary bondslaves. Let us go to the ordinary villagers. There goes the money-lender with his money and he is able to get the villagers in this pocket. There is the landlord himself, the zamindar, and the malguzar and there are the various other people who are able to exploit these poor villagers. There is no elementary education even among these people. These are the real minorities that need protection and assurances of protection. In order to give them the necessary protection, we will need much more than this Resolution ... CAD, VOL. II (16.1) Who come under minorities, according to N.G. Ranga ? (16.2) How were these communities being exploited by the merchants ? (16.3) How can these minority communities be protected ? Give your suggestions. OR 61/2/1 16 On clearance and settled cultivation Passing through one village in the lower Rajmahal hills, Buchanan wrote : The view of the country is exceedingly fine, the cultivation, especially the narrow valleys of rice winding in all directions, the cleared lands with scattered trees, and the rocky hills are in perfection; all that is wanted is some appearance of progress in the area and a vastly extended and improved cultivation, of which the country is highly susceptible. Plantations of Asan and Palas, for Tessar (Tassar silk worms) and Lac, should occupy the place of woods to as great an extent as the demand will admit; the remainder might be all cleared, and the greater part cultivated, while what is not fit for the purpose, might rear Plamira (palmyra) and Mowa (mahua). (16.1) Mention about Buchanan s opinion of how the land of Rajmahal hills could be made more productive. (16.2) How were Buchanan s vision and priorities on development different from the local inhabitants ? Explain. (16.3) Explain how the inhabitants of the Rajmahal hills felt about Buchanan s ideas of production. 61/2/1 17 P.T.O. I S> L> PART E (_mZ{M 17. (17.1) (17.2) (17.1) Z / Map Question) ^maV Ho$ {XE h E amOZr{VH$ aoIm-_mZ{M (n > A {H$V H$s{OE VWm CZHo$ Zm_ {b{IE : (H$) A_amdVr Vyn (I) ZmJo da na) na {Z Z{b{IV H$mo ^maV Ho$ {XE JE Bgr amOZr{VH$ aoIm-_mZ{M (n > 19 na) na ^maVr` am Q >r` Am XmobZ Ho$ _h dnyU Ho$ 1, 2 Am a 3 A {H$V {H$E JE h & C h| nhMm{ZE VWm CZHo$ Zm_ ItMr JB aoImAm| na {b{IE & 2 3 On the given political outline map of India (on page 19), locate and label the following : (a) Amravati Stupa (b) (17.2) 19 Nageshwar On the same outline map of India (on page 19), three places related to the Indian National Movement have been marked as 1, 2 and 3. Identify them and write their correct names on the lines drawn near them. ZmoQ> : {Z Z{b{IV Z Ho$db { >~m{YV narjm{W `m| Ho$ {bE ( . g . 17) Ho$ WmZ na h : Note : The following questions are for Visually Impaired Candidates only in lieu of Q. No. 17 : (17.1) 2 (17.2) ^maVr` am Q >r` Am XmobZ go Ow S>o {H$ ht VrZ _h dnyU WmZm| H$m C oI H$s{OE & 3 (17.1) Mention any two mature Harappan sites. (17.2) 61/2/1 {H$ ht Xmo {dH${gV h S> nm nwam Wbm| H$m C oI H$s{OE &$ Mention name any three important places related with Indian National Movement. 18 Z g . 61/2/1 17.1 Am a 17.2 For question no. 17.1 & 17.2 Ho$ {bE 19 P.T.O.

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