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CBSE Class 10 Pre Board 2020 : Social Science - Prelim 1 (Delhi Public School (DPS), Jammu)

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DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL JAMMU ASSIGNMENT CLASS X PREBOARD 1 SUBJECT: SOCIAL SCIENCE 1. Which One of the following crops is grown during the zaid season? a. Groundnut b. Muskmelon c. Soyabean d. Musturd 2. Which of the following is non-material benefit which increases welfare of a population? a. Availability of more motorcycles and cars b. Provision of more rented houses c. Security and freedom measures improved by the government d. All of the above 3. Which of the following reserved seats for dalits. a. The Poona Pact b. The Gandhi-Irwin Pact c. The Lucknow Pact d. None of these 4. In Belgium, how were the tensions between the linguistic communities controlled. a. By an agreement made between the majority and minority groups b. By accepting a federal style of government c. By making amendments to the constitution of Belgium d. By the minority group accepting he dominance of the majority groups 5. What was the Napoleonic Code usually known as? 6. Madhav has no regular work. Sometimes he earns a little with some parttime work. He also has no investment capability to use own skills to earn money. Which sector is Madhav engaged in? 7. Complete the following table with correct information which regard to classification of industry on the basis of raw material used Industries Examples Agro-based industries (A)-? Mineral based industry (B)-? 8. Study the picture and answer the following questions that follows: Which of the following aspect best signifies this image a. Roundtable conference at London b. Constituent Assembly of India c. The Frankfurt Parliament in the Church of St. Paul d. The Supreme Court of India 9. Mention the basic idea behind the power sharing of Indian federalism. 10. A vessel dumped 500 tones of liquid toxic wastes into open-air dumps ina city and its surrounding sea. This happened in a city called Abidjan in Ivory Coast, a country in Africa. The fumesfrom the highly toxic waste caused nausea, skin, rashes, fainting, diarrhea, etc. After a month seven persons were dead, twenty in a hospital and twenty-six thousand treated for symptoms of poisoning. A multinational company dealing in petroleum and metals has contracted a local company of the Ivory Coast to dispose the toxic waste from its ship. Analyse the above information and tell what should be developmental goal for this country. a. Economic development b. Human development c. Resources development d. Pollution free environment development 11. The task of a supervisor for checking the loans activities of informal lenders is quite difficulties because . . 12. Find the incorrect option: a. flow resources can be used and replenished at the same time b. flow resources do not remain in one location and moves about because of natural actions in a physical environment. c. Flow resources are also known as developed resources d. Running water, solar radiation, wind etc are the examples of flow resources 13. Describe three major features of federalism. 14. Discuss the composition of Zila Parishad. 15. Read the sources given below and answer the questions that follows: Source A: The Aristocracy and the New Middle Age Socially and politically, a landed aristocracy was the dominant class on the continent. The members of this class were united by a common way of life that cut across regional divisions. The owned estates in the countryside and also town houses. They spoke French for purpose of diplomacy and in high society. Their families were often connected by ties of marriage. This powerful aristocracy was, however numerically a small group. The majority of population was made up of the peasantry. To the west the bulk of the land was farmed by tenants and small owners, while in eastern and central Europe and the pattern of land holding was characterized by vast estates which were cultivated by serfs. Source B: What did liberal nationalism stand for? Idea of national unity in early nineteenth century Europe was closed allied to the ideology of liberalism. The term Liberalism derives from the Latin root liber meaning free. For new middle classes liberalism stood for freedom for the individual and equality of all before the law. Politically it emphasized the concept of government by consent. Since the French Revolution Liberalism had stood or the end of autocracy and clerical privileges, a constitution and representative government through parliament. Questions: a. State any two features of aristocrate people of Europe continent. b. How was Liberalism taken differently by different people in Europe?

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