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CBSE Class 10 Pre Board 2020 : Social Science - Prelim 1 (Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV) Agra)

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KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN, AGRA REGION PRE BOARD EXAM 2019-20 SUB: (SOCIAL SCIENCE) SET - D Class- Xth TIME ALLOTED : 3 HOURS MM:80 General Instructions: (i) The question paper is divided into four sections. Section A, section B, Section C and Section D. (ii) The question paper has 35 questions in all. (iii) All question are compulsory. (iv) Questions from serial number (1) to (20) are objective types question. Each question carries one mark. (v) Questions from serial number (21) to (28) are 3 Marks questions. Answers of these questions should not exceed 80 words each. (vi) Questions from serial number (29) to (34) are 5 marks questions. Answers of these questions should not exceed 100 words each. (vii) Question number 35 in a map Question. 3 marks from History of 3 marks from Geography. (viii) Internal choice has been provided in some question. You have to attempt only one of the alternatives. lkekU; funsZ k% (i) i= dks pkj [kaMks esa foHkkftr fd;k x;k gSA (ii) [kaM v ] [kaM c ] [kaM l vkSj [kaM n A i= esa dqy 35 gSaA (iii) lHkh vfuok;Z gSaA (iv) (v) 1 ls 20 rd oLrqfu"B izdkj s gSa vkSj izR;sd ,d vad dk gSA la[;k 21 ls 28 rhu vad ds gSa vkSj 'kCnksa dh lhek 80 'kCnksa ls vf/kd u gksA (vi) la[;k 29 ls 34 ik p vad ds gSa vkSj izR;sd mRrj 100 'kCnksa ls vf/kd u gksA (vii) la[;k 18 ekufp= vk/kkfjr gSaA 3 vad dk gS vkSj bfrgkl ls gS Hkh 3 vad dk gS vkSj Hkwxksy ls gSA SSC Pre Board Exam 2019-20 Set D [Type here] 1|Page dqN sa esa vkarfjd fodYi iznku fd;k x;k gS] vki bu fodYiksa esa ls dksbZ ,d fodYi t:j djsAa (viii) SECTION (A) [kaM v (Question 1-20) Choose and write the correct option in each of the following question: (10x1=10) izR;sd fuEufyf[kr esa lgh fodYi pqusa vkSj fy[ksa % Q1. Who said when France sneezes the rest of the Europe catches cold ? (i) Duke Metternich (ii) Giuseppe Mazzini (iii) Count camalodecavour (iv) All the above fdlus dc dgk fd ^^ tc Qzkal Nhadrk gS rks ckdh ;wjksi dks lnhZ A 1- M;wd 2- T;wLis 3- dk aV dseyks 4- mi;qZDr lHkh Q2. IMR stands for (i) Infant mortality rate (ii) International money ratio (ii) Indian mortality rate (iv) None of the above IMR vFkkZr & 1- e`R;q nj 2- eqnzk vuqikr 3- Hkkjrh; e`R;q nj 4- buesa ls dksbZ ugha Q3. MGNREGA guarantees job to poor for (i) 120days (ii) 100 days (iii) 90 days (iv) None of these eujsxk xjhcksa ds fy, ukSdjh dh xkjaVh nsrk gS % SSC Pre Board Exam 2019-20 Set D [Type here] 2|Page 1- 120 fnu 2- 100 fnu 3- 90 fnu 4- buesa ls dksbZ ugha Q4. Organised credit is also called(i) Informal credit (ii) Formal Credit (iii) Cooperative credit (iv) None of these laxfBr _.k Hkh dgk tkrk gS& 1- vukSipkfjd _.k 2- vkSipkfjd _.k 3- la;qDr _.k 4- buesa ls dksbZ ugha Q5.Under liberalization there has been removal of :(i) Licence (ii) Restrictions (ii) Free trade (iv) Both (1) & (2) mnkjhdj.k ds rgr ogk ls gVk fn;k x;k gSA 1- ykblsl a 2- izfrca/k 3- eqDr O;kikj 4- 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa Q6.Who was Martin Luther? (i) A Painter (ii) Religious reformer (iii) A Poet (iv) All the above ekfVZu ywFkj dkSu Fkk\ 1- ,d fp=dkj 2- /kkfeZd lq/kkjd 3- ,d dfo 4- mi;qZDr lHkh Q7.Which one of the following type of resource in Ironore? (i) Renewable (ii) Biotic (iii) Flow (iv) Non- renewable SSC Pre Board Exam 2019-20 Set D [Type here] 3|Page fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lk lalk/ku ykSg v;Ld gS \ 1-; 2- tSfod 3 - 4 Q8.Countries like Nepal and Bhutan are called (i) Coastal countries (ii) Land locked countries (iii) Gulf Countries (iv) None of these usiky vkSj HkwVku tSls dgs tkrs gSa %& 1- rfV; 2- Hkwfe ls f?kjk gqvk 3- [kkM+h ds 4- buesa ls dksbZ ugha Q9.The coming together federation is called :(i) India (ii) Spain (iii) China (iv) All of these vkus okys la?k dks dgk tkrk gS\ 1- Hkkjr 2- LiSu 3- phu 4- ;s lHkh Q10. Gender division is mainly :(i) Private (ii) Public (iii) Both (i) and (ii) (iv) None of these fyax foHkktu eq[; :i ls gS %& SSC Pre Board Exam 2019-20 Set D [Type here] 4|Page 1- futh 2- turk 3- 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa 4- bu esa ls dksbZ ugha Fill in the blanks :- fjDr LFkku dh iwfrZ djksa (1x 5 = 5) Q11. RABI crops are grown in season. Qlysa -------------- ekSle esa mxkbZ tkrh gSA Q12. The first weekly magazine in India was Hkkjr esa igyh lkIrkfgd if=dk --------------- FkhA Q13. Every political party in India has to register within the .. Hkkjr esa gj ny dks --------------- esa iaftd`r djuk gksrk gSA Q14. ATM is an example of .. sector. , Vh ,e ,d -------------{ks= dk mnkgj.k gSA Q15. .. monitors the liberalisation of trade at international level. + + mnkjhdj.k Lrj ij O;kikj is utj j[krh gSA State weather the following statement are True or False (1 x 5 = 5) Q16. Printing was first developed in Germany. NikbZ dk fodkl igys teZuh esa gqvkA Q17. HDI is compared on the basis of education only. ,p Mh vkbZ dh rqyuk dsoy ds vk/kkj ij dh tkrh gSA Q18. Life expectancy is the age at the time of death. thou e`R;q ds le; dh vk;q gSA Q19. The main source of income for banks is interest on loans. cSadks ds fy, vk; dk eq[; L=ksr _.k ij C;kt gSA SSC Pre Board Exam 2019-20 Set D [Type here] 5|Page Q20. Political parties and candidates hardly use caste sentiments. jktuhfrd ny vkSj 'kk;n gh tkfrxr Hkkoukvksa dk iz;ksx djrs gSaA SECTION (B) [kaM c (Question numbers 21 to 28 carry 3 marks each) ( 8 x 3 = 24) Q21. Why did Gandhi ji launched the civil disobedience movement ? write down the limitation of this movement. OR Evaluate the contribution of folklore, songs, popular prints in shaping the nationalism during freedom struggle. Xkk /kh th us lfou; voKk vkanksyu D;ksa pyk;k\ bl vkanksyu dh D;k dfe;k Fkha\ vFkok laxzke ds nkSjku jk"V okn dks vkdkj nsus okys yksdxhr] xhr] yksdfiz; fizaV vkfn ds ;ksxnku dk ewY;kadu djsaA Q22. How did food travel from one country to another ? Give some examples. OR How did the Fly Shuttle help in improving the handloom production ? dSls ,d ls nwljs esa dk pyu gqvk\ dqN mnkgj.k nsAa vFkok gS.Mywe mRiknu dks csgrj cukus ds fy, mM+ku 'kVy dk D;k ;ksxnku jgkA Q23. Who was Mercier? What were his views about books? OR Printing brought a revolution in the society . Comment. eflZ;j dkSu Fkk\ iqLrdksa ds ckjs esa mlds D;k fopkj Fks\ SSC Pre Board Exam 2019-20 Set D [Type here] 6|Page vFkok ^^NikbZ us lekt esa ,d dzkafr yk nh**A fopkj izdV djsAa Q24. What are the Hazards of mining? Explain. [kuu ds [krjs D;k gSa\ le>kb;sA Q25. What is the role of Judiciary in a federal system? OR Distinguish between coming together federation and holding together federation with examples. ,d la?kh; iz.kkyh esa U;k;ikfydk dh Hkwfedk ij izdk k Mkfy,A vFkok ^^la?kksa ds ,d lkFk vkus** vkSj ^^ la?kksa dks ,d lkFk j[kuk** esa mnkgj.k lfgr varj Li"V dhft,A Q26. Describe the role of political parties in Indian Democracy. Hkkjrh; yksdra= esa jktuhfrd nyksa dh Hkwfedk dk o.kZu djsAa Q27. Explain how public sector contributes to the economic development of a Nation? O;k[;k dhft, fd fdlh ns k ds vkfFkZd fodkl esa lkoZtfud {ks=d dSls ;ksxnku djrk gS\ Q28. What are the differences between formal and informal sources of credit? OR What are the advantages of SHG s? ds vkSipkfjd vkSj vuksipkfjd L=ksra ks ds chp varj Li"V dhft,A vFkok Lo;a lgk;rk lewgksa ds Qk;ns D;k gSaA SECTION (C) [k.M l (6x5=30) Q29. Explain the Nation building process of Germany. OR SSC Pre Board Exam 2019-20 Set D [Type here] 7|Page What was the Balkan issue? How it led to world war I? teZuh dh fuekZ.k izfdz;k dh O;k[;k dhft,A vFkok ckYdu dk e` k D;k Fkk\ ftlds dkj.k izFke ;q) gqvk\ Q30. What are resources? Classify resources on the basis of development with examples. lalk/ku D;k gSa\ mnkgj.k lalk/kuksa dk oxhZdj.k fodkl ds vk/kkj ij dhft,A Q31. Suggest any five measures to control industrial pollution in India. Hkkjr esa vkS|ksfxd izn"w k.k dks fu;af=r djus ds fy, dksbZ Hkh ik p mik; lq>k,A Q32. Why power sharing is desirable? What are the different forms of power sharing? Explain. OR What factors led to the civil war in Sri Lanka s? okaNuh; D;ksa gS\ ds fofHkUu :i D;k gSaA le>k;sA vFkok fdu dkjdksa ds dkj.k Jh yadk esa x`g ;q) gq,\ Q33. Which values make democracy better than any other form of government? Explain. dkSu ls ewY; yksdra= dks ljdkj ds fdlh vU; :i ls csgrj eukrs gSa\ le>k,A Q34. Describe the impact of Globalisation on Indian economy. OR Evaluate the measures to make Globalisation more fair. Hkkjrh; vFkZO;oLFkk ij ds izHkko dk o.kZu djsAa vFkok oSJohdj.k dks vf/kd fu"i{k cukus ds mik;ksa dk ewY;kadu djsAa SSC Pre Board Exam 2019-20 Set D [Type here] 8|Page SECTION (D) [k.M n (Question on Map ) Q35. Locate and label the following in the given outline map of India (1x6=6) 1. Meerut esjB 2. Champaran pikaju 3. One Cotton Producing State dikl mRiknu dk ,d jkT; 4. Salem lyse (e) Paradwip Port ikjk}hi iRru (f) Raja Samsi Air Port jktk SSC Pre Board Exam 2019-20 Set D [Type here] 9|Page Question for visually impaired: (1x6=6) Match the following : PLACE FAMOUS FOR/ in which state {ks= izfl) @ fdl jkT; fLFkr 1. Meerut (a) Name the state fdl jkT; fLFkr 2. 3. One Cotton Producing State (b) Trading port O;kikfjd iRru esjB Champaran pikaju 4. dikl mRiknu dk ,d jkT; Salem lyse Paradwip Port ikjk}hi iRru 5. 6. Raja Samsi Air Port (c) Steel Plant fLVy IykaV (d) Maharashtra egkjk"V (e) Satyagraha lR;kxzg (f) First Freedom struggle izFke Lora=rk jktk lkelh gokbZM~k laxzke END OF PAPER SSC Pre Board Exam 2019-20 Set D [Type here] 10 | P a g e

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