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CBSE Class 10 Pre Board 2020 : Computer Applications - Prelim 2 (Delhi Public School (DPS), Jammu)

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DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL JAMMU PREBOARD II ASSIGNEMNT (2019-20) SUBJECT COMPUTER CLASS X Answer the following Questions Q1.What is the main difference between a computer worm and a Trojan horse ? Q2.How is the online backup system different from the offline backup system ? Q3.What is boot virus? Q4. Explain the impacts of ICT on society ? Q5.Write the steps to prevent a virus from entering into a computer. Q6.What is the role of hacker? What do you understand by ethical hacking? Q7.What are the points to be kept in mind while using name attribute ? Q8. Write the difference between cellspacing and cell padding? Q9. What do you understand by colspan and rowspan ? Q10. Write the HTML code to set the background color of cells ? Q11 What do you mean by nesting lists. Explain with example? Q12. How can you start a list with a specific number ? Q13. What do you understand by alternate text? Q14. Write short notes on any two web browsers ? Q15. Write the syntax to change the background color of a webpage . Q16.What is the difference between <B> and <BR> tag? Q17. Difference between hypertext and hyperlink. Q18.Explain the term a link and v link ? Q19.What are comments and how do you give them in HTML? Q20. Write any four characterstics of HTML? Q21. Difference between <UL> AND <OL>tags. Q22.How can you add space around the top and bottom of an image? Q23.Explain any two major services offered by internet ? Q24.Explain the two addressing mechanism used for websites on the internet along with example . Q25. Explain the role of ARPANET in the development of internet ?


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