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Central Board of Secondary Education Foundation of Information Technology Subject Code: 0165 Design of Question Paper 2012 Examinations Class X (Term I) Time : 3 hours Max. Marks: 80 Weightage of marks over different dimensions of the question paper shall be as follows: A. Weightage to different topics/content units S.No Topics 1 Basics of Information Technology 2 Information Processing Tools 3 IT Applications Total B. Marks 25 30 25 80 Weightage to different forms of questions S.No Forms of Questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Fill in the blanks True/False Short answer questions Type I (SA I) Short answer questions Type II(SA II) Long answer questions (LA I) Long answer questions (LA II) Multiple Choice Questions Marks for each question 01 01 02 05 10 15 01 Total No. of Questions 10 10 02 03 01 01 16 43 Total Marks 10 10 4 15 10 15 16 80 TIME : 3 Hrs Sample Question Paper FOUNDATION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Class-X (TERM I) MM : 80 SECTION A 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 Fill in the blanks: Web sites are located on _________ A ___________ is used to browse the web. When you visit a web-site, the first page that opens is called ___________ of the site. is an example of an ____________. A ____________ is an organised collection of data. A database consists of one or more ___________ which store the data. A record in a table is also known as a ___________. An HTML tag may also contain one or more __________. <B> tag is an ___________ element. __________ tag is used to insert an image in an HTML document. [10] [10] 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 State true or false: Internet is a service available on WWW. HTTP is a protocol. ARPANet was set up by NASA. When data is downloaded from the net, data is transferred from the user s computer to the web server. Using a web browser we can only view but cannot create web pages. Cc component of an email message has the same role as the bcc component. Data may be entered in a table using forms. A table in a database may have multiple primary keys. FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. All HTML tags are container elements. 3. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow: [10] 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 XYZ Chemicals Ltd. has advertised for some vacancies in its office. Eligible candidates have to apply online for these posts. After the last date for receiving the applications, the company shortlists some candidates and informs them through email. The candidates have to appear at company s office for an online test and interview through video conferencing on a specified date. After video conferencing the selected candidates are again informed through email. 1. How are the following features/services beneficial for the applicants and the company: a. Inviting applications online b. Informing the candidates through email. (8) c. Conducting online test d. Holding the interview through video conferencing. 2. How is it possible for the candidates to send the following through email: a. bio-data which they have created using a word-processor. b. Photograph which they have scanned and saved as a .jpg file. (2) 4. Answer the following questions: [2x8] 4.1 Shravan Joshi is a student of Political Science and is a keen researcher of political issues related to various countries and states. He wants to share his research and his own opinion on these issues on day-to-day basis with everyone on World Wide Web. He is also interested in collecting views of others to enhance his research and knowledge related to his area of interest. He belongs to a poor family and cannot afford his own website. Also being a non-technical person he cannot create a dynamic website to deal with day-to-day inputs. a. Suggest an easy way for Shravan to achieve the same. b. Name two popularly used free services that can help Shravan in this regard. 4.2 As life gets busier, it becomes difficult for everyone to keep track with school and college friends, old colleagues, old neighbours and favourite teachers. It is important to keep in touch with all your near and dear ones. At times, people sitting miles away doing similar kind of activity or solving similar kind of problem can help you achieve gaols faster by sharing their experiences. Similarly, people belonging to different socio-economic background can change your perspective and enhance your understanding of various cultures. a. Suggest the real time tools that are suitable for the above mentioned activities. b. What is the generic name used for such tools? 4.3 Laleema Chakradhar wants to learn how to create simple web pages. For this purpose which language should she learn? Which softwares will she need to learn and practice this language? 4.4 Identify domain name(s) and URL(s) from the following list: a. b. c. d. e. f. 4.5 Suggest any two benefits of having computerised employee payroll system. 4.6 Differentiate between container and empty elements of HTML. 4.7 Which of the following is an example of a database: a. Cross n Knot game b. Employee payroll management c. Numeric Calculator d. Customer Management System 4.8 Identify the errors and write the corrected HTML statements: a. <BODY BACKGROUND = Red > b. <FONT TYPE = Arial > 5. Do as directed: [12] (6) 5.1 Ms. Poonam is the class teacher of III-C in a school. She is computer savvy and wants to keep information about her students in a database. She needs this information for the following purposes: She has to contact the parents frequently through phone calls or email. She has to keep comments about the students. These comments help her during PTMs. Suggest any six fields and their data types to keep the relevant information. 5.2 Look at the following fields which are used to keep voters ID card data in a table: CardNo, VoterName, Address, FatherName, DOB a. Suggest the data type for each of these columns. b. Suggest the column name(s) which can be used as its primary key. 6. (5) (1) The management of a medical store, GetWellSoon Medicos, decides to computerise its inventory. a. Suggest any two tables which must be present in the database. You also have to suggest fields of the tables along with their datatypes. b. Mention any two benefits that the management will have by computerising the inventory. [6] SECTION B 7. Multiple Choice Questions (Choose the most appropriate option) [1x16] 7.1 Emplyee payroll management is an example of: a. Business computing b. Web site management c. Both (a) and (b) d. Neither of (a) and (b) 7.2 Which of the following services is not provided by an Internet Service Provider (ISP): a. An internet connection b. Web Browser c. Modem d. Technical Help 7.3 In the <HR> tag, HR stands for: 7.4 Each computer on a network has a a. b. c. d. Horizontal Row Horizontal Rule Horizontal Record None of the above _______ IP address: a. common b. null c. unique d. backup 7.5 A bot is used by a. A web site b. A web Browser c. A web Page d. A search engine 7.6 A modem converts a. Analog information into digital b. Digital information into analog c. neither of the above d. both a and b. 7.7 In a web page, a table is created using: a. <Create Table> tag b. <TR> tag. c. <Table> tag d. <TD> tag 7.8 A domain name ending with .edu belongs to: a. An educational institution b. A commercial unit c. A defence institution d. An NGO 7.9 Which of the following is not an attribute of 7.10 Which of the following is not an attribute <BODY> tag: a. COLOR of <FONT> tag: a. COLOR b. c. d. BGCOLOR BACKGROUND ALINK 7.11 <LI> is used to create items of an: a. b. c. d. Ordered list Unordered list Neither of (a) and (b) Both (a) and (b) b. c. d. BGCOLOR SIZE FACE 7.12 An ordered list: a. b. c. d. Can be nested in an unordered list Can be nested in another ordered list Starts with <LIST> tag Ends with </LI> tag 7.13 Out of the following which is the most appropriate data field in context of employee table if only one of them is required: a. Age is years b. Date of Birth c. Age in Days d. Age in months 7.14 What is the most suitable data type for a 7.15 A table in a database: 7.16 Which of the following is not true for a a. b. c. d. Must have a primary key May have a primary key Has multiple primary keys May have multiple primary keys telephone_number field in a table: a. text b. number c. memo d. date database table: a. It may contain multiple records b. It may contain multiple tables c. It may contain multiple columns d. It may cotain multiple candidate keys. TIME : 3 Hrs Marking Scheme FOUNDATION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Class-X (TERM I) MM : 80 SECTION A 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 Fill in the blanks: Web servers Web Browser Home Page IP Address Database Tables Row Attributes Empty <IMG> [10] 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 State true or false: False True False False True False True False True False [10] 3. 1. a. Applicant Time is saved Comapny Money is saved [2x4] b. Applicant Information can be received anywhere at any convenient time. Company Surety that all candidates receive the information. c. Applicant Result is available instantly.. Company Suitable candidates are selected in short time. b. Applicant Feels comfortable and confident. Company Transporation time and cost is saved. 2. Relevant files can be sent as attachments in email. 4. Answer the following questions: [2] [2x8] 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 a. Shravan should develop a blog. b. Twitter and Google Blogger a. Facebook and twitter. b. Social networking She should learn HTML Any text editor and any web browser. (b) and (f) are domain names. (c) and (d) are URLs (a) Any relevant information is available instantly. (b) Calculation mistakes are avoided. Container elements are those that require both opening and closing tags like <HTML>, <BODY> and <FONT> whereas empty elements are those that do not require any closing tag like <HR> and <BR>. Numeric Calculator a. <BODY BGCOLOR = Red > b. <FONT FACE = Arial > 5. 5.1 S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 5.2 a. Field Adm_Number Name F_Name Phone E_mail Comments DataType Number Text Text Text Text Memo [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [2] [2] [1] [1] [12] [6] [5] S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Field CardNo VoterName Address FatherName DOB DataType Text Text Text Text Date b. CardNo is the only field that can be used as the primary key. a. Table: Medicine Field DataType Code Text Name Text CostPrice Number SellingPrice Number Bal_Qty Number Table: Supplier Field DataType S_Code Text S_Name Text S_Address Text [1] [2] [2] S_Phone Text b. (i) Stock checking can be done easily. (ii) Intand information about shortage of any medicine can be obtained. [2] SECTION B 7. Multiple Choice Questions (Choose the most appropriate option) 7.1 (a) 7.2 (b) 7.3 (b) 7.4 (c) 7.5 (d) 7.6 (d) 7.7 (c) 7.8 (a) 7.9 (a) 7.10 (b) 7.11 (d) 7.12 (a) 7.13 (b) 7.14 (a) 7.15 (b) 7.16 (b) [16]

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