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CBSE Class X Sample Question Paper : ENGLISH COMMUNICATIVE

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SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT II ENGLISH Class X (Code No. 101) (COMMUNICATIVE) MM: 80 Time 3 hrs. The Question paper is divided into four sections: Section A : Reading 20 Marks Section B : Writing 20 Marks Section C : Grammar 20 Marks Section D : Literature 20 Marks General Instructions 1. All questions are compulsory 2. You may attempt any section at a time 3. All questions of that particular section must be attempted in the correct order SECTION - A READING - 20 MARKS 1. Read the poem given below and answer the questions: Wind Subramania Bharati Wind, come softly. Don't break the shutters of the windows. Don't scatter the papers. Don't throw down the books on the shelf. There, look what you did - you threw them all down. You tore the pages of the books. You brought rain again. 6 5 Marks You're very clever at poking fun at weaklings. Frail crumbling houses, crumbling doors, crumbling rafters, crumbling wood, crumbling bodies, crumbling lives, crumbling hearts the wind god winnows and crushes them all. He won't do what you tell him. So, come, let's build strong homes, Let's join the doors firmly. Practise to firm the body. Make the heart steadfast. Do this, and the wind will be friends with us. The wind blows out weak fires. He makes strong fires roar and flourish. His friendship is good. We praise him every day. Wind, come softly. Given below is the summary of the poem. Fill in the blanks with suitable words to complete the summary. Use only one word for each blank. The poet begins by a) ___________to the wind to blow softly and not cause havoc by breaking window shutters, scattering paper or throwing books on the shelf. The poet b) ___________against the wind since it has torn the pages of the books and has brought rain again. The poet feels that the wind is extremely clever as it c) ____________fun of those who are weak. It does not like anything weak. Everything that d) _______easily be it houses, doors, wood or rafters, is e) _____________mercilessly by wind. Besides, it also crushes weak bodies, lives and hearts. The poet f) __________wind to a God who doesn't do what people tell him to .The poet offers a g) ____________to help humanity. He appeals to people to be firm, positive and strong both physically as well as mentally. They must have a h) _____________heart if they want to be friends with wind. If we are strong then wind will not only i) _____________ us but also aid us in achieving success and in flourishing. It is j) __________to be friends with wind. 7 2. Question in lieu of Q2, Q5, Q8 and Q10 with marking scheme and answer key Section A Reading Question 2 : Read the passage carefully and complete the sentences that follow by choosing the correct option for each: (5 marks) Abraham Lincoln writes to the Headmaster of his son's school "He will have to learn, I know, that all men are not just, all men are not true. But teach him also that for every scoundrel, there is a hero and that for every selfish politician, there is a dedicated leader. Steer him away from envy, if you can, teach him the secret of quiet laughter... Teach him, if you can , the wonder of books... but also give him quiet time to ponder over the eternal mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun, and flowers on a green hillside." "In school, teach him that it is far more honorable to fail than to cheat... Teach him to have faith in his own ideas, even if everyone tell him they are wrong... Teach him to be gentle with gentle people, and though with the tough. Try to give my son the strength not to follow the crowd when everyone is getting on the bandwagon. Teach him to listen to all men, but teach him also to filter all he has heard on the screen of truth, and take on the good that comes through it." "Teach him, if you can, how to laugh when he is sad... teach him there is no shame in tears. Teach him to scoff at cynics, and to beware of too much sweetness... Teach him to sell his brawn and brain to the highest bidders, but never to put a tag on his heart and soul. Teach him to close his ears to the howling mob... and to stand and fight if he thinks he's right." "Teach him gently, but do not cuddle him, because only the test of fire makes fine steel. Let him have the courage to be impatient... Let him have the patience to be brave. Teach him always to have sublime faith in himself because then he will always have sublime faith in mankind." 1. Abraham Lincoln writes a letter to his son's headmaster because a. b. he is very apprehensive about his son's welfare. c. he wishes to assert his views on education. d. 2. he wants his son to be educated in the best possible manner. he does not approve of the way the headmaster runs the school. Reading books is important for students, but it is equally important... a. for them to be quiet, and to think and introspect. b. to make them appreciate the mysteries of nature. c. to make sure they listen to their fellow beings. d. to make them dedicated leaders. 8 3. Students must understand the it is honorable to fail then to cheat because a. b. by cheating they lose self-respect. c. they develop the habit of cheating. d. 4. they are being watched by God. they will have to live with failure Everyone is getting on the bandwagon. Here 'getting on the bandwagon' means a. the name of a vehicle. b. joining popular and successful people. c. riding a wagon. d. chasing a wagon. 5. Abraham Lincoln does not want the headmaster to cuddle his son because a. b. he doesn't care for his son. c. the headmaster is very strict. d. 3. he is a ruthless father. he wanted his son to become strong. Read the passage given below and complete the sentences that follow : (5 Marks) Many animals are able to communicate with each other very well-but none of them can talk as we do. That is, animals cannot speak and therfore cannot use words. Birds cry out and make sounds that other birds understand. Smells, movements, and sounds are used for communication by animals. They express joy or anger or fear through these. Human speech is a very complicated process, which no animal can perform. One reason is that in a very special way we use a whole series of organs to produce the sounds we want to make when we utter words. The way our vocal cords are made to vibrate, the way the throat, mouth and nasal cavities are adjusted, the way the lips, teeth, lower jaw, tongue, and palate are moved - just to make vowel and consonant sounds, is something animals can't do. They cannot produce a whole series of words to make a sentence. And there is another, perhaps more important reason why animals can't talk. Words are only labels for objects, actions, feelings expressions and ideas. For example, the word 'bird' is a label for a living, flying object. Other words describe its colour, shape, flying and singing. Still other words would be used to tell what the speaker thinks or feels about the bird or its actions. For human beings, therefore, the use of words means the use of labels or symbols, and then 9 organizing them in a certain way to communicate something. This requires a degree of intelligence and logical thinking that no animals have. So, they can't talk the way people do. 1. While human beings use words to communicate, birds and animals are different since they use ______________________________________________ for communication. 2. Though birds and animals cannot communicate like human beings, they are capable of____________________________________________. 3. The complicated process of human speech requires a very special way of using _________ _________________________. 4. Using words for communication requires intelligence and____________________. 5. Pick out a word form the third paragraph that means 'to move from side to side very quickly and with small movements' 4. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by choosing the answers from given options. (5 Marks) The death of Dr Christiaan Barnard, the famous transplant surgeon, has occurred at a time when many of his modern counterparts are facing difficulties. Many of the early problems, such as tissue rejection, have, to a great extent, now been solved, thanks to the introduction of new drugs. However, there remains a major problem. The people in need of transplant surgery far outnumber the available organs. The shortage of organ donors has caused several doctors to call for urgent improvements to be made to the system by which organs are donated. Many countries, such as Britain, have huge waiting lists of people whose lives could be saved by being given a kidney, lung, heart, or liver transplant. Sadly, many of them die before they reach the top of those lists. Under the present British scheme, people are asked to carry donor cards, and/or put their names on the national donor register. Thus, if they lose their lives suddenly, for example, in a traffic accident, they have given permission in advance of their deaths for their organs to be used. If they have not done so, surgeons are faced with the task of asking the distraught next-of-kin for permission to use the organs of the deceased. Of course, often the relatives are too upset even to think of such a thing until it is too late. Organ transplants have to take place quite soon after the death of the donor. Dying and donating organs is not something most of us like to think about, and only about 14% of people have registered. Now, it has been suggested that, instead of the present register, there should be a register of people who wish to opt out of having their organs removed for transplant surgery. Increasing the number of donors is made more difficult because it is such an emotive issue. Just 10 recently, an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that half of the families in the United States refused, when asked for permission to use the organs of their loved ones. 1. Contemporary doctors face difficulties in transplant surgery because a) tissue rejection has not been solved b) expert doctors like Christian Barnard are not at hand to give advice c) people needing transplant outnumber donors d) introduction of new drugs has led to harmful side effects. 2. Patients often meet an unfortunate end because of a) shortage of donors b) tissue mis-match c) lack of good doctors d) lack of funds 3. Carrying donor cards is helpful in a) asking people to donate organs b) preventing accidental deaths c) locating relatives of donors d) locating donors quickly after death 4. Many do not want to donate organs because a) they are selfish b) they cannot reach the hospital in time c) they are ignorant d) of emotional reasons 5. The word 'distraught' in the third paragraph means .. a) upset b) angry c) selfish d) happy 11 SECTION - B WRITING - 20 MARKS 5. These days more and more children prefer processed and fast foods. This is leading to obesity and other diseases. Study the information given below regarding the advantages and disadvantage of natural and processed foods: (4 Marks) Natural foods fresh and tasty 1. can last long healthy/nutritious 2. packed in bottles/cans 3. cheap 3. may be tasty 1. perishable 1. contain chemicals and additives 2. Disadvantages 1. 2. Advantage Processed foods have to buy daily 2. side effects 3. may cause diseases Using the information given above, write a comparison of the two kinds of food for your school magazine in 80 words. The description should include1. a comparison of the two types of foods 2. what should be the right choice, and 3. reasons for the choice. 6. You have noticed many stray animals on the road during the busy hours of the day. Write a letter to the editor of a leading newspaper about the nuisance created by the stray animals. Sign your name as Kriti/ Krishnan. (120 words) (8 Marks) 12 7. While reading the newspaper, you came across the following news item. Two Dutch women attacked, robbed in New Delhi New Delhi: Two Dutch women on a world tour were brutally attacked and robbed of their money and passports by two men posing as tourist guides, police said. Such incidents deter tourists from visiting the country. Based on the information given above, and using the ideas from the Unit Travel and Tourism and your own, write an article for a national newspaper in about 150 words on the subject offering suggestions for improving tourist facilities. Also give a suitable title. (8 Marks) SECTION - C GRAMMAR - 20 MARKS 8. Choose the most appropriate option from the ones given below to complete the following passage. Write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. ( x8=4 Marks) Three years ago, fresh (a)__________ of school, I (b) _________ the intimidating task of choosing a career (c) __________ college started. My uncle, (d) __________ of the elders of the family, suggested (e) _________ I do a summer job (f) __________ a multinational company followed by a month of social service with an NGO. He said that (g) __________ that I could (h)___________ which carrer to choose. a) (i) from (ii) out (iii) in (iv) when b) (i) in (ii) was (iii) have (iv) had c) (i) for (ii) after (iii) before (iv) as d) (i) are (ii) was (iii) one (iv) who e) (i) when (ii) that (iii) which (iv) as f) in (ii) on (iii) for (iv) at g) (i) before (ii) then (iii) after (iv) in h) (i) made (ii) decision (iii) make (iv) decide (i) 13 9. Here are some notes about the annual function of Golden Jubilee School and College in the diary of the Cultural Secretary of the college. Study the given notes and complete the paragraph that follows by filling up the blanks with the most appropriate option from those given. (4 Marks) Notes in the diary 2 Celebration of annual function of college. 2 The Mayor of the city-Chief Guest 2 Principal and staff welcomed him 2 The Mayor's wife gave away prizes 2 The Principal hosted dinner The annual function of Golden Jubilee School and College a) .. with great pomp and show. The Mayor of the city, b) on the occasion. c) by the Principal and the staff. d) .. the wife of the Chief Guest. A dinner was hosted by the Principal of Golden Jubilee School and College. a) (i) was celebrated (ii) (iii) has been celebrated b) (i) (iv) had celebrated that was the Chief Guest (ii) (iii) who was the Chief Guest c) (i) is being celebrated Being the Chief Guest (iv) who was a Chief Guest was accorded a warm welcome on his arrival (ii) has been accorded a warm welcome on his arrival (iii) will be accorded warm welcome on his arrival (iv) has been accorded a warm welcome on their arrival d) (i) Prize were given to students (ii) (iii) Prize had been given by Prize will be given away by (iv) Prizes were given away by 10. Rearrange the following words/phrases to form meaningful sentences. The first one has been done for you. (4 Marks) is familiar \ properties \ most \ the neem \ medicinal \ to \ people \ for its The neem is familiar to most people for its medicinal properties. a) \ it is \ distinctive curled \ star-shaped \ recognized \ leaves \ by its \ flowers \ and b) are pale \ tinge of rust \ the young \ and green \ with a \ leaves 14 c) New Year s day \ to ward off \ are eaten \ leaves \ the \ on \ sickness d) cupboards \ are dried \ and cockroaches \ they \ put in \ and moths \ to keep out 11. Read the following conversation between a mother and daughter while watching a cricket match. Complete the passage given below. (1x4=4 Marks) Mother : Who do you think will win the match? Daughter : Who is wearing blue? Mother : India Daughter : Who are the men in yellow? Mother : They are the Australians Daughter : They will surely win the match. Mother : Oh! Why do you feel so? Daughter : There are 11 of them against just two Indians. The mother asked her daughter who a) The daughter enquired who the ones in blue were. The mother replied that they were Indians. The girl then wanted b) When the mother said that they were Australians, the daughter emphatically c) . The mother d) . . The daughter replied that there were 11 of them against just two Indians. 12. Complete the following news reports accompanying the following headlines by filling in the blanks. (1x4=4 Marks) a) Drinking and Driving Banned Drinking and driving ____________________. b) Two killed in Accident Two_________________________ between a car and a truck due to the fog on the roads c) Drive against Illegal Constructions launched. The police_________________________ illegally constructed houses in Mumbai d) Cold wave claims 125 lives in country The cold wave in North India ____________________ 125 people. 15 SECTION - D LITERATURE 20 MARKS 13 (A). Read the passages given below and answer the questions that follow by choosing the correct options. (3 Marks) (A) All in a hot and copper sky, The bloody Sun, at noon, Right up above the mast did stand, No bigger than the Moon. a) How is the Sun different now from the Sun earlier? i. The sun is hot now but earlier the sun was glorious ii. The sun is glorious and red now but earlier the sun was hot iii. There is no Sun now only fog and mist iv. The Sun was large earlier but now it is small b) Why are the sailors unable to move at this moment? i. They are stuck in the land of ice and snow ii. They are unable to move because they are surrounded by icebergs iii. There is no breeze to help them sail. iv. The rotting vegetation does not allow them to sail. c) Name a poetic device used in the above lines. i. Repetition ii. Imagery iii. Simile iv. Metaphor OR CAESAR: And you are come in very happy time, To bear my greeting to the senators And tell them that I will not come to-day: CALPURNIA: Say he is sick. a) Whom does Caesar greet in the first line? i. Antony ii. Decius Brutus 16 (3 Marks) iii. Brutus iv. Antony b) What message does Caesar want to send to the senators? i. He will not come to the Senate. ii. He wants to greet the senators. iii. He is afraid to move out of the house. iv. He is sick. c) What makes Caesar change his mind? i. He is feeling better. ii. He wants to rejuvenate Rome and give it new blood. iii. He is afraid of what the Senators will think of him. iv. The information that the Senators plan to crown him. 13 (B). "The doctors were doing all they could, but in our hearts we knew we needed a miracle". (3 Marks) a) Who is the speaker of the above lines? b) Who is being addressed? c) What miracle is the speaker talking about? 14. Answer any four of the following questions. (2x4=8 Marks) a) Why did John excitedly allow his wife to go back to her grandmother? b) What makes the author refrain from killing the snake? c) Why did Patol Babu walk away before he could be paid for his role? d) The crowd in Julius Caesar does not understand the speech of Brutus. Comment. e) Why did the Ancient Mariner stop and tell his tale to the Wedding Guest? 15. Bring out the use of the supernatural in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. (6 Marks) OR Mark Antony in 'Julius Caesar' says, 'Now let it work. Mischief, thou art afoot, Take thou what course thou wilt!' How was Antony successful in instigating the people of Rome against the conspirators? Write your answer in about 150 words. 17 MARKING SCHEME SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT II ENGLISH Class X (Code No. 101) (COMMUNICATIVE) SECTION A - READING 1. Objective : Marking : Local and global comprehension of a poem. 5 marks- mark for each correct answer. a) appealing/ pleading b) complains c) makes d) disintegrates/ breaks e) crushed/ destroyed/ broken/ shattered f) equates/ compares g) solution/ suggestion/ remedy h) resolute / unwavering/strong/ stout i) befriend j) good / advisable 2. Objective : Marking : Local and global comprehension of a text 5 marks - one mark for each correct answer. 1.a) he wanted his son to be educated in the best possible manner. 2.b) to make them appreciate the mysteries of nature. 3.c) by cheating they lose self-respect. 4.d) doing what the masses are doing. 5.c) he wants his son to become strong. 18 3. Objective : Marking To identify the main points in a text. : 5 marks- 1mark for each correct answer. 1. sounds, smells and movements 2. expressing joy or anger or fear. 3. a series of organs to produce sounds. 4. logical thinking. 5. vibrate. 4. Objective : To identify the main points in a text. Marking : 5 marks- 1mark for each correct answer. 1. people needing transplant outnumber donors 2. shortage of donors 3. locating donors quickly after death 4. of emotional reasons 5. upset SECTION - B WRITING 20 MARKS 5. Objective Marking : To use the given verbal input in a short sustained piece of writing involving expanding notes into a piece of writing and transcoding information from a table to a report. 4 marks : Content 2 marks Expression (fluency and accuracy) 2 marks Under content credit should be given for the candidate's creativity in presenting ideas. However, some of the following points may be included. l brief comparison of advantages and disadvantages of natural and processed foods l statement of choice (natural foods vs. processed foods by stating which are better for health) l reasons for choice (stating benefits and harmful effect for health of young growing children) 19 NOTE: Refer to the Writing Assessment Scale. 6. Objective Marking : Writing a letter to the editor using appropriate style and language. (8 Marks) : Content 4 marks Fluency 2 marks Accuracy 2 marks Under content credit should be given for the candidate's creativity in presenting ideas. However, some of the following points may be included. Value Points Nuisance created by stray animals: l A regular feature on many roads l Cause - traffic jam - accidents - unhygienic conditions l Solution - strict action against owners - building of animal shelters - creating public awareness 7. To plan, organize and present ideas coherently in an article. (8 Marks) Marking: Content 4 Marks Fluency 2 Marks Accuracy 2 Marks Content: Under content credit should be given for the candidate's creativity in presenting ideas. However, some of the following points may be included. l Appropriate title 20 l Unsafe conditions for tourists - increasing attacks on foreign tourists - overcharging, cheating & begging. - littering, dirtying tourist spots. l Impact on tourists - will reduce visitors to the country. - will discourage domestic tourism. - will project a bad image of the country. - will lead to decrease in income. l Suggestions - create awareness - strict monitoring and policing for safety. - stringent punishment. - better publicity - improved facilities like hotels, guides etc. 21 SECTION - C GRAMMAR 20 MARKS 8. Objective: To use a variety of grammatical forms / elements appropriately in context. Marking: 4 marks- mark for each correct answer. a. (ii) out b. (iv) had c. (iii) before d. (iii) one e. (ii) that f. (i) in g. (iii) after h. (iv) decide 9. Marking: 4 marks- 1 mark for each correct answer. a) was celebrated b) who was the Chief Guest c) was accorded a warm welcome on his arrival d) Prizes were given away by 10. Objective: To frame grammatical correct, meaningful sentences by reordering jumbled words/phrases. Marking: 4 marks- 1 mark for each correct answer. a. It is recognized by its distinctive curled leaves and star shaped flowers. b. The young leaves are pale and green, wth a ting of rust. c. The leaves are eaten on New Year s Day to ward off sickness. d. They are dried and put in cupboards to keep out moths and cockroaches. 11. Marking: 4 marks-1 mark for each correct answer. a) who she thought would win the match b) to know who the men in yellow were c) replied they would surely win the match d) wanted to know why she felt so 22 12. Marking: 4 marks-1 mark for each correct answer. a) has been banned/ is banned b) people were killed in an accident c) have/ has launched a drive against d) has already claimed the life of SECTION - D LITERATURE 20 MARKS 13. (A) Marking: 3 marks-1 mark for each correct answer. a) (i) The sun is hot now but earlier the sun was glorious b) (iii) There is no breeze to help them sail. c) (ii) Imagery OR a) (ii) Decius Brutus b) (i) He will not come to the Senate. c) (iv) The information that the Senators plan to a crown him (B) Marking: 3 marks-1 mark for each correct answer. a) Mrs Shultz. b) The audience in the press conference. c) The speaker is talking about the miraculous awaking of Sebastian Shultz from a coma that doctors had feared might last forever. 14. Marking: 8 marks-2 marks for each correct answer. 2x4=8 Marks a) John excitedly allowed his wife to go off because he did not wish for her to see Helen, the ghost who was present in his room. He knew that she had been a very sensitive little woman who couldn't even bear to see a mouse. b) The first reason can be attributed to the fear for the snake. Second reason was that he felt honoured that a snake had come to seek his hospitality, as it had come to his water trough. c) Patol Babu walked away before he could be paid because the payment to be made was paltry when measured against the intense satisfaction of a small job done with perfection and dedication. 23 d) The crowd doesn't understand his speech because: 4 He is matter of fact and intellectual. He appeals to the mob's sense of logic and reason He doesn't appeal to their emotions 4 Whatever he says in his speech is disproved by Antony's passionately presented speech in favour of Julius Caesar e) 15. The ancient mariner is terribly weighed down under guilt of the sin that he has committed by killing the benevolent albatross. He is restless and desperate to be relieved of this burden by telling his story to the wedding guest. It would amount to confessing his sin. Use of Supernatural in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. (any six of the following value points) 6 Marks l l l l l l l The very description of the ancient mariner and the look in his eyes, his skinny hands lend the supernatural element to the poem right at the beginning. There is more to his "glittering eye" than mere madness, as he is able to compel the Wedding Guest to listen to his story with the fascination of a three-year-old child. Although he is clearly human, the Ancient Mariner seems to have a touch of the otherworldly in him. The emergence of the Albatross from the mist, and the sailors revering it as a sign of good luck, as though it were a "Christian soul" sent by God to save them. The initial descriptions of the ship and its crew are fairly realistic, but as the ancient mariner undergoes his quest for understanding and redemption, the supernatural world increasingly engulfs him. For much of the poem, the mariner is adrift in the middle of the ocean, symbolically cut off from all human companionship. The mariner kills the albatross whose spirit takes its revenge on all the mariners. They face utter drought in spite of water being everywhere. The ship is becalmed- As idle as a painted ship / Upon a painted ocean. Sailors' senses assaulted with huge icy forms, terrifying sounds, and bewildering echoes. Supernatural beings appear in the poem as symbolic or allegorical figures, representing the forces of nature, life, death, and retribution. OR Mark Antony's Speech All the eight of the following Value Points. l Mark Antony's funeral oration--manages to turn the mob against the conspirators. He uses many rhetorical tricks to persuade the people to go against the conspirators 24 l l l l l l l He dramatically enters with Caesar's body to win the sympathies of the crowd and starts out by addressing the crowd as "Friends" By calling Brutus noble and honourable repeatedly, he conveys a sense of sarcasm Rebuts Brutus' statement that Caesar was ambitious and starts turning the crowd against the conspirators. This has an effect of causing the crowd to believe Brutus is lying and maybe everything he has said may be questionable. Antony then teases the crowd with Caesar's will, which they beg him to read, but he refuses. Antony tells the crowd to "have patience" and expresses his feeling that he will "wrong the honourable men whose daggers have stabbed Caesar" if he is to read the will. The crowd yells out "they were traitors" and have at this time completely turned against the conspirators and are inflamed about Caesar's death. Next, Antony humbles himself by Raying be is "no orator, as Brutus is" hinting that Brutus used trickery in his speech to deceive the crowd. After that Antony deals his final blow by revealing to the crowd Caesar's will, in which "To every Roman citizen he gives, to every several man seventy-five drachmas" as well as land. He thus appeals to their sense of greed. He then asks the crowd, "Here was a Caesar, when comes such another?" which questions the conspirators' ability to lead. The people seem to find it easier to accept Antony, an emotional and sincere speaker, than Brutus who appears arrogant and forceful. Note: 1. 4 marks for content - eight value points to be included - half mark for each value point 2. 2 marks for expression as shown below: l 2 marks-Effective Organisation with very few errors. l 1 mark-Some weaknesses in Organisation; fairly frequent language errors l 0 mark-Poor Organisation; many language errors 25

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