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CBSE Class X Sample Question Paper : SCIENCE

8 pages, 70 questions, 13 questions with responses, 16 total responses,    0    0
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ANNEXURE 'G' SYLLABUS SCIENCE SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT-II (2013-14) Class-X Second Term Marks : 90 Units Marks I. Chemical Substances -Nature and Behaviour 23 II. World of Living 30 III. Natural Phenomena 29 IV Natural Resources 08 Total 90 THE QUESTION PAPER WILL INCLUDE VALUE BASED QUESTION(S) OF 3-5 MARKS. Theme : Materials (25 Periods) Unit : Chemical Substances - Nature and Behaviour Carbon compounds : Covalent bonding in carbon compounds. Versatile nature of carbon. Homologous series Nomenclature of carbon compounds containing functional groups (halogens, alcohol, ketones, aldehydes, alkanes and alkynes), difference between saturated hydrocarbons and unsaturated hydrocarbons. Chemical properties of carbon compounds (combustion, oxidation, addition and substitution reaction). Ethanol and Ethanoic acid (only properties and uses), soaps and detergents. Periodic classification of elements : Need for classification, Modern periodic table, gradation in properties, valency, atomic number, metallic and non-metallic properties. Theme : The World of The Living (30 Periods) Unit : World of Living Reproduction : Reproduction in animal and plants (asexual and sexual) reproductive health-need for and methods of family planning. safe sex vs HIV/AIDS. Child bearing and women's health. Heridity and evolution : Heredity; Mendel's contribution- Laws for inheritance of traits: Sex determination: brief introduction; Basic concepts of evolution. Theme : Natural Phenomena (23 Periods) Unit : Reflection of light at curved surfaces, Images formed by spherical mirrors, centre of curvature, principal axis, principal focus, focal length, mirror formula (Derivation not required), magnification. Refraction; laws of refraction, refractive index. Refraction of light by spherical lens, Image formed by spherical lenses, Lens formula (Derivation not required), Magnification. Power of a lens; Functioning of a lens in human eye, defects of vision and their corrections, applications of spherical mirrors and lenses. Refraction of light through a prism, dispersion of light, scattering of light, applications in daily life. 128 Theme : Natural Resources (12 Periods) Unit : Conservation of natural resources Management of natural resources. Conservation and judicious use of natural resources. Forest and wild life, coal and petroleum conservation. Examples of People's participation for conservation of natural resources. The Regional environment : Big dams : advantages and limitations; alternatives if any. Water harvesting. Sustainability of natural resources. Our environment : Eco-system, Environmental problems, Ozone depletion, waste production and their solutions. Biodegradable and non-biodegradable substances. PRACTICALS SECOND TERM 1. To study the following properties of acetic acid (ethanoic acid) : i) odour ii) solubility in water iii) effect on litmus iv) reaction with sodium bicarbonate 2. To study saponification reaction for preparation of soap. 3. To study the comparative cleaning capacity of a sample of soap in soft and hard water. 4. To determine the focal length of i. Concave mirror ii. Convex lens by obtaining the image of a distant object. 5. To trace the path of a ray of light passing through a rectangular glass slab for different angles of incidence. Measure the angle of incidence, angle of refraction, angle of emergence and interpret the result. 6. To study (a) binary fission in Amoeba and (b) budding in yeast with the help of prepared slides. 7. To trace the path of the rays of light through a glass prism. 8. To find the image distance for varying object distances in case of a convex lens and draw corresponding ray diagrams to show the nature of image formed. 9. To study homology and analogy with the help of preserved / available specimens of either animals or plants. 10. To identify the different parts of an embryo of a dicot seed ( Pea, gram or red kidney bean). RECOMMENDED BOOKS : Science - Textbook for class X - NCERT Publication Assessment of Practical Skills in Science - Class X - CBSE Publication Laboratory Manual Science - Class X, NCERT Publication 129 Design of Question Paper Science (086), Summative Assessment-II Class X (2012-13) Types of questions MCQ VSA SA-I SA-II LA Marks per question 1 1 2 3 5 Total Total no of questions 18 3 4 12 5 42 Total marks 18 3 8 36 25 90 The question paper will include value based question(s) to the extent of 3-5 marks. WEIGHTAGE S. No. 1. Name of the unit Weightage Chemical substances Nature and Behaviour 23 2. World of Living 30 3. Natural Phenomena 29 4. Natural resources 8 TOTAL 90 SAMPLE QUESTIONS SCIENCE SA II (March-2014) CLASS-X Very Short Answer type (1 mark) questions 1 vkWDlhdkjd fdUgsa dgrs gSa\ bldk ,d mnkgj.k nhft,A What are oxidizing agents? Give one example. 2 dkf;d izo/kZu ds nks ykHk fyf[k;sA State two advantages of vegetative propagation. 3 ,d gjs ikS/ks dks lw;Z ls 50]000 twy tkZ lkSj izdk k ds :i esa izkIr gksrh gSA ;g blesa ls fdruh tkZ xzg.k djsxk vkSj mls Hkkstu dh tkZ ds :i esa ifjofrZr djsxk\ A green plant receives 50,000J of energy from the sun in the form of sunlight. How much energy will it capture and convert to food energy? Short Answer-I type (2 mark) questions 1 gesa thok eh bZa/kuksa ds vfrfjDr vU; tkZ ds lzksrksa dh vko ;drk D;ksa gksrh gS \ blds dksbZ nks dkj.k fyf[k,A Why do we need to look for alternatives sources of energy other than fossil fuels? Give two reasons. 2 fuEufyf[kr dk dkj.k fyf[k;s& (a) vUrfj{k esa vUrfj{k;kf=;ksa dks vkdk k uhys dh vis{kk dkyk D;ksa fn[kkbZ iM+rk gS\ (b) xzg fVefVekrs ughsa gSaA Give reasons for the following(a) Sky appears dark instead of blue to an astronaut in space. (b) Planets do not twinkle. 3 IySlV sa k fdls dgrs gSa\ blds nks izdk;Z fyf[k;sA What is placenta? Write its two functions. Short Answer-II type (3 mark) questions 1 ladyu vfHkfdz;k dh ifjHkk kk fyf[k;sA bldk ,d vkS|ksfxd vuqiz;ksx fyf[k;sA fuEufyf[kr gkbM kd s kcZu esa ls fduesa ladyu vfHkfdz;k gksxh\ C3H4, C4H10, CH4, C2H4 Define addition reaction. Write its one industrial application. Which of the following hydrocarbons undergo addition reaction? C3H4, C4H10, CH4, C2H4. 2 (a) (b) (a) (b) 3 rRo dk og ewyHkwr xq.k fyf[k;s tks fd vk/kqfud vkorZ dk vk/kkj cukA vk/kqfud vkorZ dk fu;e fyf[k,A Na, Mg rFkk Al ftl vkorZ esa vkrs gSa mls fyf[k,A vkorZ esa budh fLFkfr dh iqf V dhft,A Mention the fundamental property of element which formed the basis of Modern periodic table and state Modern periodic law. Mention the period to which Na, Mg and Al belong to. Justify their position in the periodic table. fdlh iq i dh vuqnS?;Z dkV dk fp= cukb;s vkSj blesa og Hkkx dks ukekafdr dhft, tks& (a) Qy esa fodflr gksrk gSA (b) ijkxd.k mRikfnr djrk gSA (c) fpifpik gksrk gS vkSj ijkxd.k xzg.k djrk gSA (d) jaxhu gksr s k gS vkSj dhVksa dks vkdf kZr djrk gSA Draw the longitudinal section of a flower and label the part which (a) develops into fruit (b) produces pollens (c) is sticky and receives the pollens (d) is colourful and attracts the insects 4 esaMy ds iz;ksx esa xksy vkSj ihys cht okys ikS/ks dk ladj.k >qjhZnkj vkSj gjs cht okys ikS/ks ds lkFk djk;k x;kA izkIr larfr ds lHkh cht xksy Fks ijUrq muesa ls yxHkx vk/ks cht gjs jax ds FksA fuEu ds vkuqokaf kd y{k.k fyf[k,& (a) xksy vkSj ihys cht okys tud ikS/ksA (b) >qjhZnkj vkSj gjs cht okys tud ikS/ksA (c) xksy vkSj gjs cht okys larfr ikS/ksA A Mendelian experiment consisted a cross of round and yellow seed plant with wrinkled and green seed plant. The progeny had all round seeds but almost half of them had green seeds. Write the genetic make up (genotype) of the following(a) parent plant with round and yellow seeds (b) parent plant with wrinkled and green seeds (c) progeny with round and green seeds 5 tho eksa dh vk;q fdl izdkj Kkr dh tk ldrh gS\ nks fof/k;ka fyf[k,A How can the age of fossils be estimated? 6 3cm yEck ,d fiaM ,d 15cm Qksdl nwjh ds vfHklkjh ysl a ls 25cm nwj j[kh gSA izfrfcEc dh fLFkfr] lkbt+ vkSj izd`fr Kkr dhft,A An object 3cm in length is held 25cm away from a converging lens of focal length 15cm. Find (i) the position (ii) size (iii) nature of the image formed. 7 jes k nwj dh oLrqvksa dks Li V ugha ns[k ikrkA og ftl n`f V nks k ls ihfM+r gS mldk uke fyf[k,A ;g nks k fdl izdkj la kksf/kr fd;k tk ldrk gS\ (i) n`f V nks k ls ihfM+r us= vkSj (ii) nks k ls la kksf/kr us= ds }kjk izfrfcEc dh jpuk dk fdj.k fp= cukb;sA Ramesh is not able to see distant objects clearly. Name the eye defect he is suffering from? How can this defect be corrected? Draw the ray diagram to show image formation (i) by the eye with defect (ii) by the corrected eye. 8 lhek d{kk X dh Nk=k gSA mlus viuh iqLrd esa i<+k fd dqN ;kSfxd ftudk iz;ksx jsQzhtjsVj vkSj xU/kgkjd (fMvksMjsUV) esa fd;k tkrk gS] os vkst+ksu ijr ds fy, gkfudkjd gSaA D;ksafd og ok;qeaMy esa vkst+ksu ijr ds egRo dks tkurh Fkh blfy, og fpfUrr gks xbZA mlus viuh v/;kfidk dks vkst+ksu ijr ds {k; ds ckjs esa tkx:drk QSykus esa #fp izdV dhA vc fuEu iz uksa ds m kj nhft,& (a) mu ;kSfxdksa dk iwjk uke fyf[k, tks vkst+ksu ijr dks gkfu igqWapkrs gSaA (b) vkst+ksu ijr dk izdk;Z fyf[k;sA (c) lhek vkst+ksu ijr ds ckjs esa tkx:drk fdl izdkj QSyk ldrh gS\ dksbZ nks fdz;kdyki fyf[k, ftuds }kjk og ,slk dj ldrh gSA Seema is a student of class X. She read in her textbook that certain compounds used as refrigerants and in the deodorants are harmful to the ozone layer. She got concerned as she knew about the importance of the ozone layer in the atmosphere. She also talked to her teacher about her interest in spreading awareness about ozone depletion. Now answer the following questions: (a) Write the full form of the compounds which harm the ozone layer. (b) Mention the function of the ozone layer. (c) How can Seema spread awareness about the ozone layer in her school? Mention any two activities that may help her in doing it. Long Answer -II type (5 mark) questions lkcqu dh lQkbZ dh izf ;k le>kb;s A dBksj ty esa viektZd izHkkoh gksrs gS tcfd lkcqu izHkkoh ugha gksrs A D;ksa \ (a) ,d vory niZ.k }kjk izfrfcEc dh jpuk n kkZus ds fy, fdj.k fp= [khafp, tcfd oLrq j[kh gks & vuUr ij (ii) F vkSj C ds e ; (iii) P vkSj F ds e ; le>kb;s fd ge xkfM+;ksa esa i pn` ; niZ.k ds fy, m ky niZ.k dks iz;ksx ds fy, D;ksa pqurs gSa\ vory niZ.k ds dksbZ nks mi;ksx fyf[k, A (a) (i) (b) (c) 2 (a) (b) (a) (b) (c) 1 Draw the ray diagrams for the image formation by a concave mirror when the object is at infinity (ii) between F and C (iii) between P and F Explain why we prefer to use a convex mirror as a rear view mirror in vehicles? Write any two uses of a concave mirror. (a) 20 cm ds Qksdl nwjh okys m ky niZ.k ls ,d oLrq 15 cm nwj j[kh gS A izfrfcac dh fLFkfr vkSj iz fr Kkr dhft, A viorZukad dh ifjHkk kk fyf[k, A izdk k ok;q ls ghjs esa izos k djrk gS] ftldk viorZukad 2-42 gS A ghjs esa izdk k dk osx Kkr dhft, A fuokZr esa izdk k dk osx 3 108m/s gS A (i) (b) 3 (b) (a) (b) Explain the mechanisms of the cleansing action of soaps. Detergents are effective in hard water but soaps are not. Why? An object is placed at a distance of 15cm from a convex mirror of focal length 20cm. Find the position and nature of the image. Define refractive index. Light enters from air to diamond having refractive index 2.42. Find the speed of light in the diamond. The speed of light in vacuum is 3 108m/s. Practical Based MCQ type (1 mark) questions 1 iz;ksx kkyk esa ,d cksry] ftlesa ,d foy;u gS] Hkwy ls [kqyh jg xbZA jkgqy us tSls gh iz;ksx kkyk esa izos k fd;k mls fljds dh xU/k vkbZA jkgqy us ;g fu d kZ fudkyk fd bl cksry esa gS& (a) lksfM;e gkbM kWDlkbM (b) ,lhfVd vEy (c) gkbM kD s yksfjd vEy (d) lksfM;e ckbZ dkcksZusV A bottle containing a solution was entered the laboratory, he got the contained(a) sodium hydroxide (c) hydrochloric acid 2 left open by mistake in the laboratory. As soon as, Rahul smell of vinegar. Rahul concluded that the bottle surely (b) (d) acetic acid sodium bicarbonate ,d Nk= us lkcqu ds foy;u esa yky fyVel dks Mqcks;kA mlus izs{k.k fd;k fd& (a) bldk jax uhyk gks x;kA (b) ;g yky gh jgkA (c) ;g gjk gks x;kA (d) bldk jax ukjaxh gks x;kA A student dipped a red litmus paper in the soap solution. She observed that(a) it changed to blue (b) it remained red (c) it changed to green (d) it changed to orange 3 ty ds rhu uewuksa esa lkcqu dk foy;u Mkyk x;kA ty dk tks uewuk lcls vf/kd >kx mRiUu djsxk og gS& (a) dsoy A (b) A vkSj B (c) dsoy C (d) B vkSj C The soap solution was added to the given water samples A, B and C. The water sample that will produce the maximum foam is: (a) A only (b) A and B (c) C only (d) B and C 4 pkj Nk=ksa A, B, C rFkk D us ;hLV ds eqdqyu dh LFkk;h LykbM ns[kdj fuEu fp= cuk,& ftl Nk= us fp= lgh ugha cuk;k og gS& (a) (b) (c) (d) A B C D Four students A, B, C and D made the following diagrams after observing permanent slides of budding in yeast. The student who did not draw the diagram correctly is(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D 5 dkap ds fizT+e ls viorZu dk v/;;u djus ds iz;ksx esa] ,d Nk= us fHkUu fHkUu dks.kksa dks 1] 2 vkSj 3 ls n kkZ;k (tSlk fp= esa gS)A fopyu dks.k gksxk& (a) (b) (c) (d) 1 2 3 1800 - 2 In the experiment to study refraction of light through a glass prism, a student marked the different angles as 1, 2 and 3. The angle of deviation is marked as(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 1800 - 2

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