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Series HRS Code No. Candidates must write the Code on the Roll No. 53 title page of the answer-book. Please check that this question paper contains 8 printed pages. Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate. Please check that this question paper contains 6 questions. Please write down the Serial Number of the question before attempting it. 15 minutes time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period. SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT II FOUNDATION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 90 SECTION A 1. Fill in the blanks : 10 (a) (b) ____________ is a program that appears harmless but actually performs malicious functions. (c) ____________ is a code attached to an electronic message to provide it unique identity. (d) XML attribute value should always be enclosed in __________ . (e) The tag to start a table is __________ . (f) ____________ tag is used to connect web pages. (g) HR tag is used for ___________ . (h) <img> tag is used for ___________ images. (i) _____________ tag is used to bring the text to new line. (j) 53 ____________ is the general term to refer to infectious software such as virus, worm, spyware, etc. An XML document can have only one ___________ element. 1 P.T.O. 2. State True or False : 10 (a) (b) HTML is about displaying information while XML is about describing information. (c) The default alignment of image is right. (d) DTD is a set of rules that defines what tags appear in an HTML document. (e) Spyware is software that spies on a user s activities on computer and reports it. (f) Backup is duplication of data for restoring purpose at a later time. (g) XML is case sensitive. (h) Alt attribute with <img> tag is used for alternate image. (i) Cellpadding attribute is used with <td> tag. (j) 3. <P> tag has no closing tag. There must be only one <body> tag in each web page. Answer the following questions : (a) What does an anti-virus software do ? 2 (b) Write one point of difference between online backup and off line backup. 2 (c) Write the HTML code to create a link for school.jpg located at c:\. 2 (d) Write the full forms of : 2 (i) XML (ii) DTD (iii) <vlink> (iv) <BR> (e) (f) 53 Write the html code to create a table with border of 2px in your web page. 2 Name the attributes of <A> tag which are used for internal linking in a web page. 2 2 4. Answer the following questions : (a) Draw the XML tree for the code given below : 5 <employees> <employee sex="male"> <name> <first> Harry</first> <last> Potter</last> </name> </employee> <employee sex="female"> <name> <first>Linda</first> <last> Ray</last> </name> </employee> </employees> (b) Observe the following table and write the HTML code to generate it : 5 question marks 2 1 2 5 Note: 1st row has pink background. (c) (i) Give any two shortcomings of online purchase. 2 (ii) What is encryption of data ? (iii) Name one antivirus software/tool. (d) 53 2 1 Identify which of the following is a tag or an attribute : (i) link (ii) table (iii) align (iv) href (v) br 5 3 P.T.O. 5. Do as directed : (a) Observe the following web page and write HTML code to generate it. Note the following points while generating the web page : Background colour of page is yellow Link colour is black and visited link colour is green Font style for the page is arial Heading of the page is maroon Image used is elephant.png Table border is 2px Use links as : For Borneo Elephant as three.html 53 For Sumatran Elephant as two.html For Sri Lankan Elephant as one.html For African Elephant as four.html email id for bottom message is 4 10 (b) XML document structure can be divided in which two parts ? What is meant by valid XML document (write three points) ? Write the code to create an XML document to present following data : Name Job Department Cubicle Srishti Programmer Engineering 5E Aditi Designer Marketing 10 19T SECTION B 6. Multiple choice questions (Choose most appropriate option) : (i) 18 Which of the following is not a valid value for align attribute of <img> ? (a) top (b) middle (c) bottom (d) center (ii) Which tag is used to add columns to tables ? (a) <colspan> (b) <td> (c) <tr> (d) All of the above (iii) Which tag tells where a link starts ? (a) <l> (b) <star> (c) <a> (d) None of the above 53 5 P.T.O. (iv) Which one of the following is the list type that will create a bulleted list ? (a) Unordered (b) Ordered (c) Def inition (d) All of the above (v) Choose the correct syntax to create an email link (a) <A href = ""> (b) <A href = ""> (c) <mail = ""> (d) <A mail = ""> (vi) In order to add border to a table, border attribute is specified in which tag ? (a) <TH> (b) <table> (c) <TD> (d) <TR> (vii) Which of the following XML fragments are well formed ? (a) <element attribute = value> (b) <element attribute = "value"> (c) <element attribute = !value> (d) <element attribute = 'value'> (viii) XML document can be viewed in (a) word processor (b) web browser (c) notepad (d) All of the above 53 6 (ix) How is an empty element defined in XML ? (a) <name></name> (b) <name/> (c) <name /> (d) All of the above (x) DTD definition is used along with XML to specify (a) the presentation of XML document (b) the links with other documents (c) the structure of XML document (d) None of the above (xi) The tags that require a starting as well as ending tag are called (a) Pair element (b) Empty element (c) Container element (d) Twin element (xii) Which of the following will give largest size of text ? (a) <h3> (b) <h6> (c) <h2> (d) <h4> (xiii) rowspan=n can be added to only which tag ? (a) <hr> (b) <table> (c) <td> (d) <tr> 53 7 P.T.O. (xiv) The programmers that break into secure systems for malicious purpose are (a) crackers (b) hackers (c) breakers (d) burglars (xv) A good way to safeguard access to your computers is to ___________ protect it. (a) deadbolt (b) copyright (c) safemode (d) password (xvi) The electronic equivalent of junk mail is known as (a) adware (b) cyber fraud (c) spam (d) packets (xvii) Attribute for choosing type of font is (a) Character (b) Face (c) Font (d) Type (xviii) The document structure elements of HTML page is (a) HTML (b) BODY (c) HEAD (d) All of the above 53 8 1,09,000

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Additional Info : Solved CBSE Class 10 Board exam paper study guide - CBSE 2014 : FOUNDATION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - C.B.S.E. Free Online Question Paper
Tags : foundation of information technology, 2014, cbse class 10, c.b.s.e. class X, central board of secondary education, solved cbse class 10 board exam papers, free sample question papers, online model answers, students, teachers, cbse schools, india, cbse class X examination results, INDIA - OUTSIDE DELHI, cbse class x, cbse 10, cbse 10th standard, cbse papers, cbse sample papers, cbse books, portal for cbse india, cbse question bank, central board of secondary education, cbse question papers with answers, prelims preliminary exams, pre board exam papers, cbse model test papers, solved board question papers of cbse last year, previous years solved question papers, free online cbse solved question paper, cbse syllabus, india cbse board sample questions papers, last 10 years cbse papers, cbse question papers 2017, cbse guess sample questions papers, cbse important questions, specimen / mock papers 2018.  

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