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CBSE Class X 2007 : COMMERCE

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Code No. Series : RKM/1 dksM ua- Roll No. 35/1 Candidates must write the Code on the title page of the answer-book. jksy ua- fo|kFkhZ m kj&iqfLrdk esa dksM ua- vo'; fy[ksA Please check that this question paper contains 8 printed pages. Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate. Please check that this question paper contains 5+5+5 questions. Please write down the serial number of the question before attempting it. i;k tk p iz'u&i=k esa i;k tk p i;k iz'u dj ysa fd bl iz'u&i=k esa eqfnzr i`"B 8 gSaA nkfgus gkFk dh vksj fn, x, dksM uEcj dks Nk=k m kj&iqfLrdk ds eq[k&i`"B ij fy[ksaA dj ysa fd bl iz'u&i=k esa 5+5+5 iz'u gSaA dk m kj fy[kuk 'kq: djus ls igys] iz'u dk ekad vo'; fy[ksaA (i) Elements of Business okf.kT; ds r o COMMERCE okf.kT; (ii) Elements of Book-Keeping and Accountancy cgh[kkrk rFkk ys[kkadu ds r o (iii) Typewriting (Theory) English/Hindi Vad.k fl)kUr vaxzsth@fgUnh Time allowed : 3 Hours ] fu/kkZfjr le; % 3 ?k.Vs ] Note : 1. 2. [ Maximum Marks: 100 [ vf/kdre vad % 100 Any one of the following areas can be offered : (i) Elements of Business. (ii) Elements of Book-Keeping and Accountancy, (iii) Typewriting - English or Hindi. For Typewriting - English or Hindi (Max. Time : 2 Hours and Max. Marks : 25). uksV % 1. 2. 35/1 fuEu esa ls dksbZ ,d fo"k; fy;k tk ldrk gS % (i) okf.kT; ds r oA (ii) cgh[kkrk rFkk ys[kkadu ds r oA (iii) Vad.k BkbijkbfVax & vaxzsth vFkok fgUnhA Vad.k VkbijkbfVax & vaxzsth vFkok fgUnh ds fy, vf/kdre le; % 2 ?kaVs rFkk vf/kdre vad % 25 A 1 P.T.O. (i) Elements of Business okf.kT; ds r o 1. (a) (b) (c) (d) Describe the routine to be followed for handling outward mail in an office. State the main advantages of card Index over book-Index. Which system of Filing is suitable for a small trader who receives not more than ten letters per month ? And why ? Name different methods of duplicating and explain any one briefly. 5 5 5 5 v ,d dk;kZy; esa ckgj Hksts tkus okyh Mkd dh O;oLFkk djus ds fy, viukbZ tkus okyh dk;Zfof/k dk o.kZu dhft,A c iqLrd vuq ef.kdk dh vis{kk dkMZ vuq ef.kdk ds eq[; ykHk crkb;sA l ,d NksVs O;kikjh ds fy, tks ,d ekg esa nl i=kksa ls vf/kd izkIr ugha djrk] Qkby cukus dh dkSu lh i)fr mi;qDr jgsxh \ vkSj D;ksa \ n cgq izfrfyfidj.k dh fofHkUu fof/k;ksa ds uke fyf[k, rFkk fdlh ,d dks la{ksi esa le>kb;sA 2. (a) (b) What are the different parts into which a business letter can be divided ? Explain. Write a complaint letter to M/s. Singhania and Sons of Bikaner (Rajasthan) regarding the short supply of cement bags purchased last week. 8 12 v ,d O;kikfjd i=k dks fdu&fdu Hkkxksa esa foHkkftr fd;k tk ldrk gS \ le>kb;sA c eSllZ fla?kkfu;k ,.M lUl] chdkusj jktLFkku dks fiNys lIrkg ; fd, x, lhesaV ds cksjksa dh de vkiwfrZ ds fo"k; esa ,d f'kdk;rh i=k fyf[k,A 3. (a) (b) (c) (d) What is a Bank ? Enumerate the important functions of a Commercial Bank. What are the advantages of opening a current account in a Bank ? In how many ways can money be placed in a Bank and how can it be withdrawn breach case ? Explain. Differentiate between Central Bank and Commercial Bank. 5 5 5 5 v cSad fdls dgrs gSa \ O;kikfjd cSad ds izeq[k dk;ks dk mYys[k dhft,A c cSad esa pkyw [kkrk [kksyus ds D;k ykHk gSa \ l cSad esa fdrus izdkj ls #i;k tek djk;k tk ldrk gS vkSj izR;sd n'kk esa #i;k fdl izdkj fudkyk tk ldrk gS \ le>kb;sA n dsUnzh; cSad vkSj O;kikfjd cSad esa vUrHksZn dhft,A 4. (a) (b) (c) (d) What is meant by a Negotiable Instrument ? What are its characteristics ? Explain. Give any five reasons for dishonour of a cheque. What is meant by crossed cheque ? Explain in brief, the different types of crossing. Differentiate between crossing and endorsement of a cheque. (any five) v ij kE; fofue;&lk/; izi=k ls D;k rkRi;Z gS \ bldh D;k fo'ks"krk;sa gSa \ le>kb;sA c pSd ds vukn`r gksus ds dksbZ ik p dkj.k crkb;sA l ^js[kkafdr pSd* ls D;k vfHkizk; gS \ pSd js[kkafdr djus ds fofHkUu izdkjksa dks la{ksi esa le>kb;sA n pSd ds ^js[kkadu* ,oa ^i`"Bkadu* esa vUrHksZn dhft,A dksbZ ik p 35/1 2 5 5 5 5 5. (a) (b) (c) (d) Distinguish between Hundi and Promissory Note . Explain any two of the following : (i) Parties to a bill, (ii) Noting a bill, (iii) Renewal of a bill. Define Bill of Exchange. Give any three differences between Bill of Exchange and Promissory Note. What is meant by Hundi ? How does it differ from Bill of Exchange ? 5 5 5 5 v ^gq.Mh* ,oa ^izfrKk&i=k* esa vUrj crkb;sA c fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha nks dks le>kb;s % (i) fcy esa i{kdkj (ii) fcy dk vkyksdu (iii) fcy dk uohuhdj.k l fofue;&i=k dh ifjHkk"kk nhft,A fofue;&i=k ,oa izfrKk&i=k esa dksbZ rhu vUrj crkb;sA n ^gq.Mh* ls D;k rkRi;Z gS \ ;g fofue;&i=k ls fdl izdkj fHkUu gksrh gS \ OR / vFkok v Fkok (ii) Elements of Book-Keeping and Accountancy cgh[kkrk rFkk ys[kkadu ds r o 1. From the following Trial Balance of Lai Sons & Co., on 31st March 2006, prepare Trading and Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2006 and the Batancie Sheet as at that date, taking into account the adjustments given below : Trial Balance Debit Balances Amount Credit Balances Rs. Amount Rs. Computers Plant & Machinery Cash in hand Cash at Bank Stock (as on 1-4-2005) Debtors Purchases Carriage outwards Rent General Expenses Returns Inwards Repairs Wages Interest Electricity Charges 37,000 3,80,000 4,500 51,830 8,100 65,300 2,73,685 3,100 41,700 24,000 1,300 1,400 54,755 10,000 2,800 5,20,870 20,600 2,00,000 1,100 6,900 2,10,000 Sales Creditors 10% Loan (taken on 1-4-05) Returns outwards Bills Payable Capital 9,59,470 35/1 9,59,470 3 P.T.O. Adjustments: (i) (ii) (iii) Closing stock was valued at Rs. 15,600. Create a Provision for doubtful debts @ 5%. Depreciation is to be charged as follows : Plant & machinery 10% per annum, and Computers @ 20% p.a. (iv) Rs. 2,000 paid for wages were included in General Expenses. (v) Six month s interest is due on 10% loan. 20 yky lUl ,.M dEiuh ds fnukad 31 ekpZ] 2006 dks uhps fn;s x;s ryiV ls 31 ekpZ] 2006 dks lekIr gksus okys o"kZ dk O;kikj rFkk ykHk&gkfu [kkrk vkSj mlh fnu dk fLFkfr fooj.k rS;kj dhft,% ryiV uke 'ks"k jkf'k tek 'ks"k #- jkf'k #- 37,000 3,80,000 4,500 51,830 8,100 65,300 2,73,685 3,100 41,700 24,000 1,300 1,400 54,755 10,000 2,800 fo ; 5,20,870 ysunkj 20,600 10% _.k (1-4-05 dks izkIr fd;k) 2,00,000 ; okilh 1,100 ns;&i=k 6,900 iw th 2,10,000 9,59,470 dEI;wVj ;a=k o e'khu jksdM+ gLrs jksdM+ cSad esa jgfr;k (1-4-2005 dks) nsunkj ; <qykbZ ck xr fdjk;k lkekU; O;; fo ; okilh ejEer et+nwjh C;kt fo|qr O;; 9,59,470 lek;kstu % (i) vfUre jgfr;s dk ewY;kadu 15]600 #- ij gqvkA (ii) lafnX/k _.kksa ij 5% dh nj ls vk;kstu djf,A (iii) gzkl fuEukuqlkj yxkb, % ;U=k o e'khu ij 10% okf"kZd rFkk dEI;wVj ij 20% okf"kZdA (iv) et+nwjh ds fy, fn;s x;s 2]000 #i;s lkekU; O;;ksa esa lfEefyr gSaA 10% _.k ij 6 ekg dk C;kt 'ks"k gSA 35/1 4 2. (a) (i) Give any four reasons causing differences between Cash-Book Balance (Bank Column) and Pass Book Balance. (ii) State how the Cash-Book is both Journal and a Ledger. (b) From the following particulars, ascertain the Bank balance as per Pass-Book of Mr. Hashu as at 31st March, 2006. (i) Credit balance as per Cash Book on 31st March, 2006 was Rs. 15,000. (ii) Interest charged by Bank upto 31st March, 2006 Rs. 500 is recorded in Pass-Book only. (iii) Bank charges Rs. 125 were not recorded in the Cash Book. (iv) Cheques paid into Bank Rs. 6,250 on 28-3-2006 have not yet been credited by the Bank. (v) Cheques issued for Rs. 15,000 have not yet been presented for payment. (vi) Dividend collected directly by Bank Rs. 4,500, has not been recorded in the Cash Book. v (i) (ii) 4 4 12 jksdM+&cgh 'ks"k cSad [kkrk rFkk ikl cqd 'ks"k ds vUrj iM+us ds dksbZ pkj dkj.k crkb;sA crkb, fd fdl izdkj jksdM+&cgh jkstukepk ,oa [kkrk cgh nksuksa gksrh gS \ c fuEufyf[kr ysunsuksa ds vk/kkj ij fnukad 31 ekpZ] 2006 dks fe- gk'kw dh ikl&cqd dk cSad 'ks"k Kkr dhft, % (i) 31&3&2006 dks jksdM+ cgh dk tek 'ks"k 15]000 #i;s FkkA (ii) 31&3&2006 rd cSad }kjk izHkkfjr C;kt 500 #i;s dsoy ikl&cqd esa vafdr gSA (iii) cSad O;; 125 #i;s jksdM+ cgh esa ugha fy[ks x;s gSaA (iv) 28&3&2006 dks cSad esa 6]250 #i;s ds Hksts x, pSd cSad us tek ugha fd;s gSaA (v) 15]000 #i;s ds fuxZfer pSd] cSad esa Hkqxrku ds fy, izLrqr ugha fd;s x;s gSaA (vi) cSad }kjk 4]500 #i;s dk ykHkka'k tks izkIr fd;k x;k Fkk] jksdM+ cgh esa ugha fy[kk x;k gS A 3. (a) (b) 35/1 Explain briefly the following : (i) Days of Grace (ii) Date of Maturity (iii) Notiag of a Bill (iv) Renewal of a Bill and (v) Endorsement of a Bill. 10 On 1st Jan, 2006, Rakhi accepted a bill drawn by Preeti for two months for Rs. 10,000 in payment of debt. On due date the bill is dishonoured and Preeti had to pay Rs. 500 as noting charges. On 4th March, 2006, Rakhi requested Preeti to draw a new bill for the amount due. Preeti agreed to draw a new bill for 73 days but she charged 18% p.a. interest in cash. This bill is duly met on its maturity. Pass journal entries in the books of both the parties. 10 5 P.T.O. v fuEufyf[kr dks la{ksi esa le>kb;s % (i) vuqxzg fnol (ii) ifjiDork Hkqxrku frfFk (iii) fcy dh fudjkbZ (iv) fcy dk uohuhdj.k rFkk (v) fcy dk cspku c 1 tuojh] 2006 dks izhfr }kjk fyf[kr 10]000 #i;s okyk fcy jk[kh us nks ekg dh vof/k ds fy, Lohdkj fd;k] ftlds fy, og FkhA Hkqxrku frfFk ij fcy vukn`r gks x;k rFkk izhfr us 500 #i;s uksfVax O;; ds fn;sA 4 ekpZ] 2006 dks jk[kh us dqy cdk;k jkf'k ds fy, izhfr ls u;k fcy fy[kus dk vuqjks/k fd;kA izhfr 73 fnu ds fy, u;k fcy fy[kus ds fy, lger gks xbZA ysfdu mlus 18% okf"kZd dh nj ls udn C;kt olwy fd;kA ifjiDork frfFk dks u;s fcy dk Hkqxrku gks x;kA nksuksa i{kksa dh iqLrdksa esa jkstukeps esa izfof"V;k dhft,A 4. (a) (b) Explain the meaning of errors of commission and errors of principles and give at least two examples of each type of the errors. 8 Rectify the following errors found in the books of Brijwasi & Sons : (i) Purchase of computer for personal use costing Rs. 30,000 has been posted to Computer Account. (ii) Total of Purchase book has been cast short by Rs. 4,500. (iii) Depreciation on furniture Rs. 1,200 has not been posted to Depreciation Account. (iv) Wage of Rs. 2,000 paid for installation of new machinery has been charged to Wages Account. (v) Amount of Rs. 2,500 paid to Hari Nath was wrongly debited to Shri Nath as Rs. 5,200. (vi) Goods purchased for Rs. 2,380 were posted as Rs. 2,830 to Purchases Account. 12 v ys[k v'kqf);ksa rFkk lS)kfUrd v'kqf);ksa ds vFkZ crkb;s rFkk izR;sd izdkj dh v'kqf);ksa ds de ls de nks&nks mnkgj.k nhft,A c fcztoklh ,.M lUl dh iqLrdksa esa ikbZ xbZ fuEu v'kqf);ksa dks Bhd dhft, % (i) 30]000 #i;s ds dEI;wVj dk O;fDrxr mi;ksx ds fy, ;] dEI;wVj [kkrs esa fy[kk x;kA (ii) ; cgh dk ;ksx 4]500 #i;s ls de yxk;k x;kA (iii) QuhZpj ij 1]200 #i;s dk dkVk x;k gzkl] gzkl [kkrs esa ugha fy[kk x;kA (iv) u;h e'khu ds LFkkiu O;; 2]000 #i;s] etnwjh [kkrs esa fy[ks x;sA (v) 2]500 #i;s dk Hkqxrku tks gjhukFk dks fd;k x;k Fkk] Hkwy ls JhukFk ds [kkrs esa 5]200 #i;s fy[kk x;kA (vi) 2]380 #i;s dk eky dk ;] k; [kkrs esa 2]830 #i;s fy[kk x;kA 35/1 6 5. (a) Explain briefly any four reasons for charging depreciation of Fixed Assets. (b) Pathik Transport Company purchased a Truck on 1st July, 2003 for Rs. 3,20,000 and spent Rs. 10,000 towards carriage and inward charges. The estimated life of the Truck is 10 years, and its scrap value is estimated to be Rs. 30,000. Prepare Truck Account for first three years. The company charged depreciation on fixed instalment method and closed the books on 31st December every year. 8 12 v LFkk;h lEif k;ksa ij gzkl yxkus ds fdUgha pkj dkj.kksa dks la{ksi esa le>kb;sA c ifFkd V kUliksVZ dEiuh us 1 tqykbZ] 2003 dks 3]20]000 #i;s ewY; dk ,d V d [kjhnk] rFkk 10]000 #i;s HkkM+s ,oa vkxr O;;ksa ds :i esa [kpZ fd;sA V d dk vuqekfur thou dky 10 o"kZ gS rFkk bldk vo'ks"k ewY; 30]000 #i;s vkadk x;k gSA igys rhu o"kks ds fy, V d [kkrk cukb;sA dEiuh LFkk;h fdLr i)fr ls izkjfEHkd ewY; ij gzkl yxkrh gS rFkk izfro"kZ 31 fnlEcj dks viuh iqLrdsa cUn djrh gSA OR/vFkok (iii) Typewriting (Theory) English/Hindi Vad.k fl)kUr vaxzsth@fgUnh 1. Explain the functions of any five of the following parts of a Typewriter : (i) Tabular Set Key (ii) Back Space Key (iii) 5 Paper Bail (iv) Carriage Return Lever (v) Variable Line Spacer (vi) Feed Rolls (vii) Tabular Clear Key VkbijkbVj ds fuEufyf[kr Hkkxksa esa ls fdUgha ik p ds dk;Z le>kb, % i k (i) VScwysVj lSV dq th (ii) ihNs gVko cVu (iii) dkx+t nkck NM+ (iv) dSfjt okilh yhoj (v) iafDr vUrjd dy (vi) ?kqekus okyh NM+ (vii) VScwysVj Dyh;j dq th 35/1 7 P.T.O. 2. How many spaces will you leave before and after while typing the following Punctuation marks ? (i) Colon (ii) Sign of exclamation (iii) 5 Hyphen (iv) Sign of Interrogation (v) Dash vki Vkbi djrs le; fuEufyf[kr fojke fpg~uksa ds igys vkSj ckn esa fdrus LFkku NksM+saxs \ (i) folxZ (ii) foLe; cks/kd fpg~u (iii) ;kstd (iv) iz'u okpd fpg~u (v) funsZ'kd fpg~u 3. Give proof correction signs for the following : (i) Let it stand as it is. (ii) Insert full stop, (iii) Do not begin a new paragraph, (iv) Omit. (v) Insert space here. 5 fuEufyf[kr ds fy, izwQ la'kks/ku fpg~u cukb, % (i) dVs 'kCnksa dks cuk jgus nsaA (ii) iw.kZ fojke yxkvksA (iii) u;k iSjkxzkQ izkjEHk u djsaA (iv) feVkvksA (v) ;gk LFkku NksM+saA 4. Write step by step procedure of cutting stencil on a typewriter and making correction thereon. 5 VkbijkbVj ij LVsafly dkVus rFkk ml ij =kqfV;ksa dks lq/kkjus dh fof/k dks ekuqlkj fyf[k;sA 5. Explain the method of fixing left, right, top and bottom margins on a typewriter. OR How would you increase your speed in Typewriting ? Explain. Vkbi djus ds fy, dkx+t ij ck, ] nk, ] ij rFkk uhps gkf'k;k yxkus dh fof/k le>kdj fyf[k;sA vFkok VkbijkbfVax esa vki viuh xfr dSls c<+k;saxs \ le>kb;sA 35/1 8 5

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